RETURN DATE FOR SUBMISSION Not later than 12 noon on 21st August 2009 Issued 31st July 2009
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31st July 2009 Dear Sirs INVITATION TO TENDER TITLE OF TENDER: Supply and Implementation of a Hosted Expenses Management System. NWDA REF: NWDA00287a You are hereby invited by the Northwest Development Agency (“the Agency”) to submit a tender for the above solution. Tender Timetable Tenderers’ clarification questions to be submitted by The return date for this tender is 12 noon Tenderer presentations / system demonstrations / site visits / reference checks Target commencement date, implementation
14th August 2009 21st August 2009 Anticipated w/c 31st August 2009 01st October 2009
Documentation This Invitation to Tender comprises the following documents: • The Invitation to Tender • Appendix 1 – Statement of Requirements (3 parts: Mandatory / High / Medium) • Appendix 2 – Tender Response Questionnaire • Appendix 3 – Pricing Schedule • Agency’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract for the Provision of a WebHosted Expenses Management System. You are required to return four (4) original hardcopy responses, one (1) marked “original”, three (3) marked “copy” plus one (1) electronic version on CD or DVD, clearly marked as such. Please note memory sticks are not accepted. Please ensure all documents on the CD or DVD have your organisation’s name in the filename and the question reference as per the applicable tender response questionnaire instructions.
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Tenders must be returned using the enclosed return label and in accordance with the ‘Instructions and Information for Tenderers’: TENDER BOARD Northwest Development Agency Renaissance House Centre Park Warrington WA1 1QN Whilst Tenderers are preparing their responses, questions will inevitably arise. All queries must be referred in writing to the following e-mail address: Queries via telephone will not be accepted. In order to allow the Agency time to offer appropriate answers, Tenderers must submit any queries in writing to by the date specified in the Tender Timetable above. If the Agency considers any question or request for clarification to be of material significance, both the query and the response will be posted on the Agency’s website at in an anonymous form. It is the responsibility of the interested party to check this website periodically before the tender return date to check for any updates and to incorporate these updates into its tender submission. We look forward to receiving your tender response. Yours faithfully
Heather Walker Business Travel Manager
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Submission Instructions
Tenders must be submitted in accordance with these instructions and any further instructions contained in other documentation issued by the Agency.
Alterations: The Tenderer may not alter this document. Any proposed alteration is to be given in a separate letter accompanying the tender.
Non-compliant or incomplete tenders: Tenders may be rejected if any of the requested information is not supplied with the tender or if the submission fails to comply with the format and presentation guidance given.
The address label attached must be used for the return of the tender. Envelopes/packages should be plain and must not show any reference to the Tenderer’s identity. Please place the Tender Number label on the front of the return envelope. Tenderers should note that this also applies to any tenders sent via courier. Tenders without the label or in envelopes which in any way identify the Tenderer, may be rejected.
The date and time for return of tenders is shown on the Invitation Letter and the address label. Tenders will be received up to the time and date stated. It is the Tenderers’ responsibility to ensure that their tender is received on time. The Agency does not undertake to consider tenders received after that time unless there is sufficient evidence to pre-suppose its due delivery.
The Agency does not acknowledge receipt of tender documents and accepts no responsibility for loss or non-receipt of applications.
Suppliers proposing to submit a tender should advise the Agency via quoting contract reference NWDA00287a.
Tenderers shall ensure that they are fully familiar with the nature and extent of the obligations to be performed by them if their submission is accepted.
Whilst reasonable care has been taken in preparing this Invitation, the information within it does not purport to be exhaustive or to have been independently verified. The Agency does not accept liability or responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information or opinions stated in this document. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be given by the Agency or its representatives, employees or agents or advisors with respect to the ITT or the information on which it is based.
1.1.10 Each Tenderer shall be deemed to have satisfied themselves before submitting a proposal as to the accuracy and sufficiency of the price stated in its proposal, which shall (unless otherwise provided) cover all obligations under the contract.
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Each Tenderer will also be deemed to have obtained for itself all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and any other circumstances, which might reasonably affect its submission. 1.1.11 The Agency shall not be under any liability in respect of any expenses or losses that may be incurred by the Tenderer in the preparation and submission of its proposal and any further costs incurred prior to the appointment of a successful Tenderer(s) for such services under the contract. 1.1.13 The Agency expressly reserves the right not to award any contract as a result of this procurement process and it shall not be liable for any costs incurred by Tenderers. The Agency also reserves the right to accept all or any part of a tender. 1.1.14 All responses to this Invitation to Tender must be in English. 1.1.15 Tenderers should note that during this tender process they should not contact any of the Agency’s respective Board Members, Executive Directors, employees or advisers or any third parties connected to the Agency or any advisers to this procurement, outside of the process outlined within this section and elsewhere within this document. 1.2
Anti-Collusion Instructions
Confidentiality of tenders: The Tenderer, whether an individual supplier or a member of a consortium bid, must not inform anyone else of their tendered price. The only exception is if the Tenderer is required to obtain an insurance quotation to calculate the tender price then the Tenderer may give details of their bid to the insurance company or brokers, if requested.
The Tenderer must not try to obtain any information about any other party’s tender or proposed tender before the contract is awarded.
The Tenderer must not arrange with any other party the submission of a tender, except in the circumstances where sub-contracting and/or joint ventures are applicable. Use of subcontractors is permitted but must be clearly identified within the tender submission. All terms and conditions of this contract apply to any sub contractors used.
Prices & Payment
Prices shown must be exclusive of VAT.
Trading names/invoicing: Where invoices will be rendered by, or payments made to, an entity whose title differs in any respect from the title in which the tender is submitted, full details must be provided in a letter accompanying the tender. Successful Tenderers who fail to provide this will experience non payment of their invoices.
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Queries on the Invitation to Tender
Except where the Agency considers that questions are not material to the procurement process and the fullest understanding of its objectives, such questions and their subsequent replies will be disseminated to all Tenderers. Tenderers should note in relation to all responses to questions in connection with this Invitation to Tender that the Agency makes no guarantee that such information in response to questions will be made available and are not warranting its accuracy.
The Agency reserves the right, at its discretion, to request clarification in writing, or further relevant information, from any Tenderer post submission of the tender response by such Tenderer.
Eligibility of prospective Contractors: Any change that is considered material by the Agency as to the identity or control of a Tenderer, or in the eligibility of a Tenderer, happening before or after the Tenderer has submitted its response to the Invitation to Tender, will lead to its disqualification. Where the Tenderer is a consortium, the lead consortium member must remain the same as when originally shortlisted. The full consortium membership must be disclosed and set at the time of submission of the Invitation to Tender response and there must be no material changes in the consortium after the tender submission. The Agency must be advised of any change in the consortium membership or in the principal relationships between members of the consortium. Any change which is considered material will lead to the Tenderer’s disqualification.
Freedom of Information Legislation
The Agency may be obliged to disclose information provided by Tenderers in response to this Invitation to Tender under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, all subordinate legislation made under this and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (“the Freedom of Information Legislation”).
Tenderers should be aware that the information they provide could be disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Legislation. The Agency will proceed on the basis of disclosure unless an appropriate exemption applies. Tenderers should be aware that despite the availability of some exemptions, information may still be disclosed if the public interest in its disclosure outweighs the public interest in maintaining the exemption. No response to this Tender should be covered by a general statement regarding its overall confidentiality; instead any specific areas of confidential information should be highlighted in accordance with paragraph 3 below. The Agency accepts no liability (including for negligence) for loss as a result of any information disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information legislation.
Tenderers should highlight information in their responses which they consider to be commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, and should state the precise reasons why they consider this.
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The Agency will use reasonable endeavours to consult with Tenderers over the release of information which is highlighted by them as commercially sensitive or confidential.
Terms and Conditions
The software and all related services supplied under this contract will be supplied under the Agency’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract for the Provision of a Web-Hosted Expenses Management System. Tenderers must note that any bids tabling proposed amendments may be rejected by the Agency without further consideration.
1.7 Contract Duration 1.7.1
It is envisaged that the contract will be for a minimum of three (3) years with the option to extend up to a further 12 months subject to satisfactory performance and pricing.
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2. 2.1
INVITATION TO TENDER Overview of North West Development Agency
The Northwest Development Agency (“the Agency”) is one of nine regional development agencies established by the government to develop the English regions.
The Agency leads the economic development and regeneration of England's Northwest, covering the 5 sub-regions of Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Cumbria and Cheshire and is responsible for: • Supporting business growth and encouraging investment • Matching skills provision to employer needs • Creating the conditions for economic growth • Connecting the region through effective transport and communication infrastructure • Promoting the region's outstanding quality of life
With a budget of £1.5 billion between 2007 and 2010, the Agency is responsible for directly influencing £1.2 billion of other public and private sector investment into the region to support the delivery of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES).
The RES sets out a clear and measurable vision for the region, outlines the policies to deliver this vision and details the actions required. It will continue to address the key issues that affect the economic performance of the Northwest.
For further details of the Agency’s role and activities visit
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Overview of the Agency’s Technical Infrastructure
Network The Agency has regional offices around the North West and also a high number of remote workers, therefore there are varying connection speeds for Agency staff. With all systems there is a requirement to make sure that the systems run at a usable speed over the different connection speeds such as: • GPRS (48kbps) • 3G (384kbps) • Broadband (1-2mbps) Remote workers use SecuRemote software via a VPN. All staff (3G / GPRS / remote workers) should be able to use the proposed expenses management system with no loss in performance that would cause the user to unsuccessfully complete an expense claim. WAN There is an 8mbps Pipe from the WAN to the Head Office, the Disaster Recovery site has an 8mbps pipe to the WAN and other Regional Offices have a 2mbps pipe. LAN The Head Office and our Disaster Recovery site currently have a 1gbps LAN; one office is serviced by a 4gbps dedicated fibre from the Head Office and all other offices have a 100mbps LAN. The proposed expenses management system must be compatible with the Agency’s network detailed above.
Hardware Servers The Agency’s servers are mostly DELL ranging from 1750’s to 2950’s and soon moving towards a Blade SAN. Servers run Windows Server 2000 / Windows Server 2003 and we are looking at installing all new applications on Windows Server 2008 64-bit. Any database servers run Microsoft SQL 2005 SP2. The minimum server specification at NWDA is: • Processor type & speed – 2 x Intel Xeon Quad Core 3GHZ • Memory – 4GB • Disk space – 2 x 73 GB Raid 1 (OS) and 4 x 300GB Raid 5 (SAS drives) • Service Packs – patched up to date at date of installation • Patches – Critical patches applied
Desktop / Laptop Specification The Agency desktops are standardised on HP and the laptops are DELL latitidue series. They all run Microsoft Windows XP SP2 with: • Office 2003 • Internet Explorer 7
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• • • •
Flash 9.0.47 MS Java Virtual machine for X86 MS .Net 1.1 Adobe 7
The Agency’s current client desktop specification is: • Processor type & speed – Pentium 4 3000MHZ • Memory – 512 • Disk space – 40GB • Service Packs – Windows XP SP2 2.2.4
Deployment • All clients and Servers are required to have a Centennial Discovery TM client installed which audits the Agency’s software. • All desktops are locked down to end users; they do not have local administrator rights to their machines. • Software is deployed to the client machines using the ICommand deployment tool which uses MSI or .exe files. • Any additional software required to enable the Agency to run the proposed expenses management system must be readily available with Microsoft Windows XP (at no extra cost) and must not require installation by nonadministrative users. • Proposed expenses management systems that require additional software to be installed onto all clients by an administrator such as activeX components, will need to be carefully considered.
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Overview of the Agency’s Core Systems The Agency’s core systems currently comprise: • • • • • • • • • •
Aptos™ core financials Topaz™ payroll Snowdrop™ HR management Artemis PMS™ project management MCIS ™ central government bespoke project management system Data warehouse OpenText eDocs EDRMS Microsoft SharePoint™ portal software Microsoft Active Directory™ Microsoft Exchange™
Artemis PMS™ and MCIS™ are identified here for completeness, but we have not identified any requirement for any level of integration between those systems and the expenses management system. There are currently no data imports to, or exports from, Snowdrop™. Data is imported and exported between other core systems as appropriate. Scheduling is mainly manual. 2.4
Objectives and Background
Objectives The Agency is seeking tenders for the provision and implementation of a Hosted Expenses Management System. The primary objectives of the Agency in implementing the system are: • • • • •
Improved financial control and management reporting Reduced cycle time & manual intervention Increased control over frequency and timing of expense reimbursements Creation of a more stable architecture and infrastructure Increased user satisfaction
Background The Agency is seeking to procure both software and services. Services will include training, implementation support, software customisation, postimplementation maintenance and support. The Agency will source its own hardware if required. The Agency currently employs in the region of 500 staff; and processes c300 expense claims per month of which c5 are in foreign currency. The new expenses management system must be able to cope with any potential growth in staffing numbers and transaction volumes.
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The Agency operates separate processes for expenses paid on corporate Barclaycard, expenses paid from claimants’ own funds (standard claims), and subsequent repayments and Agency reclaims. All current processes are essentially manual using hard-copy documents and stand-alone spreadsheets. Authorised standard claims are input to the Topaz™ payroll system for payment in a supplementary pay run. Topaz™ creates the corresponding nominal journal for upload to the Aptos™ core financial system. Other nominal journals are created manually. 2.5
General Requirements The Agency seeks a solution which will provide the following key areas of functionality: • • • • • • • • •
Ability to process Barclaycard claims, standard claims, repayments and reclaims Ability to process upload from Barclaycard EMIT™ system (or equivalent system) Automatic population of specified fields on forms Maintenance of ongoing account and running balance for each employee who initiates a transaction Set up and application of a wide range of business rules Automated (configurable) workflow Automated creation of nominal journals Integration with other core systems Extensive and flexible management information capabilities including onscreen drill-down
In general, the proposed expenses management system must be capable of adapting to future changes in the Agency’s core-systems infrastructure and architecture, organisation structure, roles and responsibilities, policies and procedures. It should invest sufficient control in the Agency’s System Administrator to formulate, fully test and implement changes without recourse to the software provider except in exceptional and highly complex circumstances. 2.5.2
Detailed Requirements The Agency’s detailed requirements are set out in the specification herein and Appendix 1: Statement of Requirements. Tenderers are required to respond to the Agency’s requirements by: • Confirming their compliance with the General and Detailed Requirements detailed herein And completing: • All Supplier Response sections of Appendix 1 (Statement of Requirements) • Tender Response Questionnaire (Appendix 2)
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Pricing Schedules (Appendix 3)
In Appendix 1, the requirements are presented under the following headings: • Technical Infrastructure • Integration • Data Import / Export • Access Rights and Security • User Interface & Alerts • Business Rules • Workflow • Accounting / Audit / Multicurrency • Data • Forms and Transactions • Reports / Management Information • Software Licensing The requirements have been prioritised (Mandatory / High / Medium) to indicate criticality to the Agency. They are listed by priority indicator. Tenderers should note that a proposal will not be taken further if any one mandatory requirement cannot be met by the current software release or within an imminent release (up to 30th September 2009). Tenderers should be aware of the following: • Where indicated, responses will be included in the Agency’s evaluation. • Failure to respond to any questions could disqualify the tender response from further consideration. Software Licensing The proposed expenses management system licensing structure must be flexible to meet the current and future needs of the Agency i.e. able to facilitate any potential growth in staffing numbers and transaction volumes. The Agency will consider the software licensing options proposed, including the licence term and associated costs. If the Tenderer intends to use 3 rd party software in the delivery of this contract, the Tenderer will: • have software support contract(s) in place with 3 rd party software providers and • have appropriate redistribution licences with the 3rd party software providers.
Page 13 of 29 Software Testing and Upgrades The successful Tenderer will have a policy in place governing how enhancements or additions to software are determined, prioritised and implemented. The successful Tenderer will follow a robust and established process for system testing. As a minimum the successful Tenderer will: create test strategies, test packs and user cases; carry out end-to-end testing; carry out full testing cycle (including testing all possible configuration settings); operate a robust, well established system for logging and tracking bugs and issues. The successful Tenderer will follow a robust and established process for system upgrades. New versions of the proposed expenses management system will be backwards compatible to 3 releases; point and major releases scheduled to a maximum of one per quarter (and bundled where possible). The successful Tenderer will have a designated test area that is a copy of the live environment to enable the Agency to test possible amendments or enhancements to the expenses management system. Integration The Agency has a number of core systems (as listed in 2.3 above) with which it may require the proposed expenses management system to integrate with. The Agency has a Data Warehouse that is used to draw all management information from all the core systems for reporting purposes. The proposed expenses management system will be able to export pre-defined formatted files, possibly through a web service or at a minimum CSV file that will enable the Agency to import this data into our Data Warehouse and Aptos™. This export file or web service will require a secure delivery route (as a minimum, a high level of encryption on any file transferred). The successful Tenderer will use an encryption solution that is approved by CESG (Communications-Electronics Security Department). For further details please visit the following website: Service and Support The successful Tenderer will provide an expenses management system that is reliable and available to all Agency staff with maximum availability. The Agency requires the successful Tenderer to provide a robust and reliable level of after sales care and support. The successful Tenderer will have a documented Service Level Agreement to ensure that any issues are resolved in a timely manner. This shall include: call logging and prioritisation; target response and resolution timescales assigned by priority e.g. emergency calls to the support desk require a response within 5
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minutes; end user tracking of progress of call; routine reporting to the Agency on actual performance against target service levels. The successful Tenderer will have documented Escalation Processes in place which provides clear lines of referral from first point of contact to relevant technical experts The Agency will provide the first line of support to users, at this point, our support desk will either resolve the user’s issue or require additional help through the successful Tenderer’s support desk. The successful Tenderer’s support desk must be contactable during the Agency’s core hours (Monday to Friday 08.30 – 17.30). However, assistance may be required outside these core hours; therefore the successful Tenderer will operate an “out of hours” level of support. The successful Tenderer’s support desk will be resourced with technically competent personnel (not just a call handler). The successful Tenderer must be prepared to lodge the source code (documents, materials and any other relevant information) of the Expenses Management System with NCC Escrow International Limited. The successful Tenderer should be actively engaged in “user” or “industry” groups to help define product strategy. The successful Tenderer may have or be working towards the following certifications / industry associations; however, Tenderers are advised that these are not mandatory requirements. The successful Tenderer will however need to provide evidence that they have established and robust processes and procedures in place. • Information Security Standard ISO 27001 (or equivalent standard) • IT Service Management Standard ISO 20000 (or equivalent standard) • Staff ISEB /ITIL trained in Service Management (or equivalent standard) In the event that the successful Tenderer intends to use 3rd-Party resource at any point to provide support and maintenance services, the Agency requires the Tenderer to ensure that the individuals so engaged provide a level and quality of service at least as good as provided by its own staff. The successful Tenderer must ensure that any training / familiarisation needs of the individuals engaged are identified and fulfilled in advance of their deployment on this project, that they do not cause or exacerbate any delays to implementation, and that any costs incurred in that training and familiarisation - including time and expenses of recipients and deliverers - are borne exclusively by the Tenderer and not passed on to the Agency, directly or indirectly.
Page 15 of 29 Software Implementation The successful Tenderer will have a robust and proven implementation strategy in place, taking into account for example: client’s working hours; implementation into the Test environment before the Operational environment; training requirements for both end users and administrators; level of support post Go Live during stabilisation (over and above standard helpdesk support). The successful Tenderer will have a track record of implementing the proposed expenses management system on time and in budget, deploying its own team and working closely with the client's own implementation team. The Agency requires the successful Tenderer to have in place established and robust complaints-handling and escalation processes to support its customerrelationship handling during implementation. Data Backup and Disaster Recovery The successful Tenderer will have a documented and tested backup procedure in place. Back ups of information and software will be taken on a regular basis, according to a defined cycle and stored offsite. The Agency requires a minimum guarantee of no data loss. The successful Tenderer will have a fully documented and tested disaster recovery plan in place that will enable the Agency to experience 99.9% uptime (internet connectivity and Network Uptime) at all times. The disaster recovery site should be at a different location to the main data centre. Security Policy The Agency is required to adhere to the HMG Security Policy Framework (SPF) as set out by the Cabinet Office and has a requirement for all of its suppliers to adhere to key areas of the framework. A copy of the HMG Security Policy Framework can be downloaded from the following link: The successful Tenderer will have a comprehensive documented security policy covering: governance, risk management, asset control, personal security, information security, physical security that is communicated to all individuals with access to the proposed services to be provided to the Agency. The successful Tenderer will have a completed risk assessment document that covers all areas of the business, including: fire, accidents and other emergencies, visitors and contractors, access (internal and external), office and kitchen equipment, services, hazardous substances, manual handling, display screen equipment, personal safety outside the office, home working, working abroad. The successful Tenderer will have a documented security policy in place that is: referenced in the overall business plan; communicated to all staff and readily available for all staff to review.
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The successful Tenderer will provide staff with the necessary training and guidelines on Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and any subordinate legislation made under the Act from time to time. The successful Tenderer will also provide assistance to the Agency and co-operate with us to enable us to comply with our information disclosure obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and any subordinate legislation made under such Act from time to time. The successful Tenderer will follow a protective marking system such as:
• • • • •
All staff that handle marked data will have signed a confidentiality agreement. The successful Tenderer will have a comprehensive documented procedure in place that covers any breach of security in relation to the information and data obtained in the supply of the proposed expenses management system. Clear guidance must be communicated to all staff that deliberate or accidental compromise of protectively marked material may lead to disciplinary and or criminal proceedings. The successful Tenderer will undertake annual Risk Assessments to identify their current state and map it back to the desired state. This is important because each year regulations are changed and new vulnerabilities and ways to attack are developed. The successful Tenderer will undertake regular audits and have a tested forensic readiness policy. The successful Tenderer will securely store all information and equipment. The successful Tenderer will restrict physical access to buildings that house critical IT facilities to authorised individuals only. Users will be authenticated before access is granted to target systems and they will be subject to a rigorous “sign on” process (driven by a strong password policy) to gain access on to the network. The successful Tenderer will have an antivirus protection software deployed covering servers and workstations (including laptops) and will keep such antivirus protection software up to date. In addition the successful Tenderer will undertake intrusion detection testing to the proposed expenses management system to test its vulnerability. The successful Tenderer will have documented policies on all security operation procedures including a documented process for reporting security concerns. Such documentation is communicated to all staff. The successful Tenderer will control access to their site(s) using safeguards that will prevent unauthorised access and will have processes in place for dealing
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with and intercepting unauthorised visitors and / or intruders. The successful Tenderers’ offices will have as few points of exit and entry as the functions of the site and safety will allow. Where these exist, physical security controls, such as window bars, grilles, shutters, security doors etc, should be installed. Windows, doors, locks and entry controls must meet appropriate security standards. In rooms holding protectively marked material or sensitive assets the successful Tenderer will have the following processes in place: • Automatic Access Control System (AACS) • Pass or ID system • Visitor control • Pass activated doors, turnstiles etc. • Entry and exiting searching • CCTV The successful Tenderer may have a Business Continuity Management System that is certified to BS 25999 (or equivalent standard). Tenderers are advised that such certification is not mandatory; however the successful Tenderer will need to demonstrate that their Business Continuity Management System will be effective when a disruption occurs. Project Management The Agency’s preferred project management methodology is PRINCE2. The successful Tenderer should follow a proven project management methodology: project managed to clearly defined phases and stages; project team assigned with clearly defined roles and responsibilities; clear differentiation between roles and responsibilities of the supplier team and client team; actively managed project plan; actively managed risk and issues log; routine highlight and exception reporting. The proposed Project Manager will be PRINCE2 accredited to Practitioner Level (or equivalent standard). Quality Assurance The successful Tenderer will have in place established and robust quality assurance processes including complaints handling and escalation processes. Exit Strategy The successful Tenderer will be required to work with the Agency to ensure the orderly transition of the services from the successful Tenderer to the Agency and/or any replacement service provider in the event of termination or expiry of the contract. and Administration The Agency’s minimum requirements include provision of training to enable timely and effective implementation and utilisation of the proposed expenses management system. It is envisaged that different levels of training will be
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delivered to meet the needs of the different Agency roles e.g. System Administrator, End User. Tenderers should note that there are two training departments within the Agency, and a fully-functional training suite at its Wavertree site. Facilities and resources can be made available to the successful Tenderer to support the delivery of training, but the preparation and delivery of course content will be the responsibility of the successful Tenderer. The successful Tenderer will also be expected to liaise with our internal training teams to ensure that plans for training on the expenses management system do not conflict with the Agency’s internal training plans in terms of facilities, resources and attendees. It is not envisaged that implementation or post implementation will require dedicated full time resource to administer. Post implementation, the system should be capable of being administered in-house on a part-time basis by a suitably-qualified member of Agency staff with referral to the successful Tenderer's technical support team only to resolve exceptional and complex issues. Duty of Care A significant proportion of expense reimbursements are for business mileage. As an employer, the Agency has a duty of care to its employees to ensure - so far as is reasonably practicable - their health, safety and welfare while at work. Vehicle ownership does not alter the Duty of Care the Agency has in regard to vehicles used for business - the Agency has a responsibility to ensure that all vehicles used for business (even those owned by employees), are fit for purpose, roadworthy and insured correctly. The Agency requires the proposed expenses management system to support the administration and management of the Agency's Duty of Care obligations with regard to employees driving on Agency business by automating and managing the recording and verification of employee vehicle and driver licence details. Vehicle details required: • Vehicle Registration Number • Date of registration • Make / Model • Engine size • CO2 emissions • Fuel type • N-cap rating Driver documents: • Driver’s licence • MOT certificate (applicable if the car is more than 3 years old) • Copy of the vehicle insurance certificate (we require proof that personal vehicles have the relevant insurance to drive on Agency business).
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The MOT and insurance documents should relate to the vehicle details held in the expenses management system against the employee’s unique payroll number. If any one of the (relevant) documents listed above is out of date, the user should not be able to progress mileage reimbursement claims. Corporate Social Responsibility The Agency requires the successful Tenderer to comply with all legislation regarding equality of gender, disability, age, race, religion and belief and sexual orientation. The successful Tenderer will have the necessary policies in place to ensure their compliance. In addition, the successful Tenderer will comply with all Health and Safety legislation and is required to have procedures in place for ensuring the safety of its staff and other personnel. Sustainability The Agency has a statutory purpose to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in the region. The successful Tenderer will have in place policies to minimise the environmental and sustainable impacts of its business operations through monitoring and reduction targets. The Agency is committed to reducing our environmental footprint, with an emphasis on reducing our contribution to climate change, through the ongoing measurement and continual improvement of our environmental performance. The Agency has committed to put in place an annual review and assessment of its carbon footprint and the Executive Management Board has agreed to a 5% year on year reduction in this footprint. One of the main contributors to the Agency’s carbon footprint is employees travelling on Agency business by car. Currently the collation and calculation of the carbon footprint attributable to Agency car travel is undertaken manually (using the DEFRA methodology for calculating the carbon footprint). It is envisaged that the proposed expenses management system will be able to automatically calculate the carbon emissions for each journey for which a mileage reimbursement is claimed.
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Award Criteria The Agency will award this Tender on the basis of the “most economically advantageous tender”, based on the following weightings: High Level Criteria Quality Price Total
Evaluation Criteria
Question Reference
Evaluation Criteria
Form of Tender
Confirm read Non Technical Specification and understand Terms and Conditions of Contract
Weighting 80% 20% 100%
Criteria Weighting
Scoring Checklist
In – Comply with Form of Tender Out – Do not comply with Form of Tender For information purposes only
FI In/Out
Section A Section B Section C Section D
Organisation Identity Organisation Information Prime Contractor / Subcontracting Compliance with EU & UK Procurement Legislation
Section E
Financial and Economic Capacity
Tenderers must note that any bids tabling proposed amendments may be rejected by the Agency without further consideration. For information purposes only For information purposes only For information purposes only In – Comply with Regulations Out – Do not comply with Regulations Detailed financial checks will be carried out. The information requested will be assessed on a risk based opinion as to whether an organisation has sufficient financial standing and capacity and deemed credit worthy on the Agency’s credit checking system. The contract value should be no
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greater than 25% of the Prime Contractor turnover.
Section F
Section G
In/Out 3%
The Tenderer must have sufficient cash to meet its immediate working capital needs. To assess this, the Current Ratio (current assets divided by current liabilities) obtained from the audited accounts must be 1 or more. The information requested will be assessed by the Agency. The opinion will be In/Out. The basic rationale behind this section is to enable the Agency to assess the level of relevant expertise and experience possessed by a Tenderer. The Agency will check that the organisation has provided references that are specific and relevant to the requirements as specified in these tender documents.
Section H I Appendix 1
Disputes Technical Capability Statement of Requirements - Mandatory
Appendix 1
Statement of Requirements – High • Integration • Data Import & Export • Access Rights & Security • User Interface & Alerts • Business Rules • Workflow • Accounting, Audit, Multicurrency
FI In/Out
The Agency may elect to contact any of the given companies for a reference at any stage of the tendering process. Your permission to do so will be assumed unless you explicitly state any objections. This may include site visits to Referees’ premises. For information purposes only. Tenderers should note that a proposal will not be taken further if any one mandatory requirement cannot be met by the current software release or within an imminent release (up to 30th September 2009).
42% 3% 5% 3% 5% 4% 3% 5%
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Appendix 1
• Data • Forms & Transactions • Reports & Management Information • Software Licensing Statement of Requirements - Medium • Integration • Data Import & Export • Workflow • Data • Reports & Management Information
4% 5% 4% 1% 5% 0.5% 1% 2% 1% 0.5%
Technical Specification
Software Licensing
Software Testing and Upgrades
Service and Support
Software Implementation
Data Backup and Disaster Recovery
Security Policy
Project Management
Quality Assurance
Q13 Q14
Exit Strategy Training and Administration
1% 2%
Duty of Care
Each sub question is worth 20% of the total possible weighting of 3% (5 sub questions in total) The basic rationale behind this section is to enable the Agency to assess the available licensing options the tenderer has to offer. Each sub question is worth 50% of the total possible weighting of 2% (2 sub questions in total) Each sub question is worth 33% of the total possible weighting of 1% (3 sub questions in total) Sub question Q7.1 forms 55% of the weighting while the rest of the questions make up 15% each of the weighting (4 sub questions in total) The basic rationale behind this section is to enable the Agency to assess the software implementation capabilities of the tenderer Each sub question is worth 50% of the total possible weighting of 2% (2 sub questions in total) Each sub question is worth 8.3% of the total possible weighting of 5% (12 sub questions in total) Equal weighting will be given to each area of the question asked (20% given to all 5 parts of the question Each sub question is worth 50% to the total possible weighting of 1.5% (2 sub questions in total) Each sub question is worth 50% of the total possible weighting of 2% (2 sub questions in total) The question will form the full
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Q16 Q17
Business Travel Management CSR
System Demonstration
Appendix 3
Pricing Schedules Software & Licensing Support & Maintenance Customisation Implementation Support
FI 0.5%
In / Out
weighting 100% of the possible 2% For information purposes only All Tenderers that employ 5 or more staff are legally required to have a written Health and Safety Policy which should be compliant with the current Health and Safety at Work Act. If the Tenderer does not have a Health and Safety system, there may be doubts about its commitment and ability to meet standard Health and Safety requirements. Tenderers should demonstrate a clear commitment to equal opportunities across the strands: gender, disability, age, race, religion, belief and sexual orientation (including policy enforcement and monitoring). The Agency has a statutory purpose to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in the region. The successful Tenderer will have in place policies to minimise the environmental and sustainable impacts of its business operations through monitoring and reduction targets. In – the proposed Expenses Management System works in accordance with the requirements detailed within these tender documents. Out – the proposed Expenses Management System does not work in accordance with the requirements detailed in these tender documents.
10% 5% 3% 2% 100%
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3.3 Scoring Methodology Tender responses will be evaluated using the following pre-determined evaluation criteria: FI – is for information only and will have no impact In/Out (Mandatory) – perceived as mission critical requirements and thus will not attract a score or weighting but will determine whether a Tenderer remains in the process. Appendix 1 - Statement of Requirement – Mandatory These requirements are perceived as mission critical requirements and thus will not attract a score or weighting but will determine whether a Tenderer remains in the process. Appendix 1 – Statement of Requirement – High and Medium Will be scored as follows: Score 1 2 3
Scoring Principle The requirement needs bespoke development and/or workaround The requirement is in a planned future release The requirement is standard in the current release
Appendix 2 – Tender Response Questionnaire Q3-Q15 inclusive, Q17 and Q18 will be scored as follows: Score 0 0 5 9 10
Scoring Principle Unanswered – The question has not been answered or has been answered but the response does not answer the specific question Unacceptable – The response does not appear to meet the requirement Reservations – The response partially meets the requirements, or requires further clarification Fully Meets – The response appears to meet the requirement Usefully Exceeds – The response exceeds the requirements, appearing to offer improved value for money
The overall evaluation process will be conducted in a fair and equitable manner, so that the Agency is able to consider the value for money of each proposal. This means that different clarification/information may be sought from different Tenderers. The Agency will take up references and reserves the right to pay due heed to the Tenderer’s performance elsewhere and any past experience from the Agency or its staff.
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Tenderers may be required to make presentations on elements of their submission to a wide range of Agency staff and any such presentations will form part of the evaluation process. The evaluation criteria described in this Invitation to Tender document will be used to inform the final decision as to which Tenderers will be awarded a Contract. The Agency reserves the right to take into account any other relevant considerations that, in its absolute discretion, it may deem are appropriate.
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4.1 Please complete the attached Appendices, following the instructions provided within each Appendix. • Appendix 1 – Statement of Requirements (Mandatory / High / Medium) • Appendix 2 – Tender Response Questionnaire • Appendix 3 – Pricing Schedule (see completion instructions in Section 5 below). 4.2
Tenderers must ensure that their Tender response is submitted in the format described in this document. Tenderers must follow the numbering system provided. All submissions must be bound appropriately and any appendices must be clearly indexed or labelled.
The Pricing Schedules contain the Tenderer’s tendered rates.
All prices quoted shall be fixed and firm and shall apply for the first 12 months of the Contract.
Following that period, any requests for price changes must be accompanied by a written summary and supported by evidence to justify the proposed price change. Evidence must include cost breakdowns showing separately any increases or decreases in materials, labour and overhead costs and shall be agreed no later than 3 months prior to the effective date. Please note however any agreed price changes shall not exceed the current rate of inflation.
The prices in the Pricing Schedule shall include for all services shown or described in the Contract as a whole and for all services not described but apparent as being necessary for the complete and proper execution of the provision of the Services.
No quantity or continuity of work is guaranteed to the successful Contractor and this should be taken into account when completing the Pricing Schedule. Unless expressly stated to the contrary, any quantities given in this ITT are for information only.
Each item in the Pricing Schedule must be fully priced, with insertions for each item. If any item is unpriced (whether by leaving the rate and/or amount space blank or by entering “included” or otherwise), that item shall be deemed to be free of charge.
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Applications for payment shall be made in accordance with the procedures described in the Agency’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract.
All prices quoted shall be exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).
The day rate indicated in the Pricing Schedule is for an 8 hour working day, during a normal working week (Monday to Friday). Tenderers must provide the hourly rates for out of hours working.
The successful Tenderer will not charge the Agency for travelling time in addition to daily fees. Any travelling time at the start or end of the working day is at the Contractor’s cost.
Tenderers must complete the Pricing Schedules with details of all applicable personnel to this contract as requested (including, for example: role, position/ job title, skill set, daily rate). Tenderers must ensure that all relevant personnel are detailed, as no other rates offered during the contract will be applicable.
Figures inserted into the Pricing Schedules must be single figures and not a range of figures. A range of fees per job title will not be accepted. Where a range of fees is submitted, the Agency will evaluate this offer on the basis of the highest fee quoted within the range, thus attracting the lowest possible score.
Expenses Business Mileage: • Business mileage will be reimbursed at a rate of £0.40 per mile. • Business mileage will only be paid from the Contractor’s nearest office to the Agency’s Head Office or place of arranged meeting, and must be agreed in advance. Accommodation: • Any requirement for accommodation must be agreed with the Agency prior to occurrence, otherwise the Agency reserves the right not to reimburse the Contractor. • Accommodation will be reimbursed by the Agency upon production of an authenticated VAT receipt. • Accommodation costs must be kept to a minimum through the use of budget hotels (e.g. travel lodges), where available. Accommodation will be on a bed and breakfast basis and will be refunded up to a maximum of £70 per night. Meals: • Lunch will not be provided by the Agency or reimbursed to the Contractor. • When residing in a hotel the cost of a reasonable breakfast (if not booked on a bed and breakfast basis) and/or evening meal taken in the hotel will be met. Costs including light meals and beverages will be reimbursed, up to a maximum of £18 per day whether the meals are purchased at the hotel or out of the hotel. Reimbursement is subject to provision of supporting receipts.
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No other expenses will be reimbursed. The successful Tenderer shall be responsible for making its own travel and accommodation arrangements.
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