Improving Your Resource Efficiency Helping you Eco-Innovate
Eco-Innovation – real business benefits 9th February 2011
St Helens Chamber - 8.30AM - 11.00AM This breakfast workshop will develop your understanding of Eco-Innovation and the business benefits you can gain through developing products and services suitable for a low carbon economy and move your business ahead of the rest. This session will explore some strategies for kick-starting eco-innovation and will introduce the fully funded support available to SMEs through the NW Eco-Innovation programme.
Benefits • Find out how your business can exploit the market for sustainable products and low-carbon solutions. • Opportunity to speak to Eco-Innovation project managers to discuss and identify business opportunities and the tailored support available to your business. • Complete an eco-innovation assessment of your company. • Sign up to receive support through the funded Eco-Innovation programme.
Agenda 08.30 08.45 09.00 10.00 10.15
10.45 11.00
Registration and coffee Welcome and introductions Innovating for a sustainable future (C-Tech Innovation) NW Eco-Innovation Programme – what it is and what it does (C-Tech Innovation) 1-2-1 Eco-Innovation clinics and discussions Sign up to the programme Refreshments Q&A and Next Steps Close
To register for this FREE event visit: Supported by