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Lake District Economic Futures Policy Statement

March 2005





Consultant’s Vision



Sustaining and Conserving a World Class Landscape



Ensuring a First Class Visitor Experience and Amenities



Supporting a Vibrant Economy



Sustainable and Diverse Communities for Young and Old



Delivering Change



Introduction i

In December 2003, the Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA) appointed Regeneris Consulting (with Land Use Consultants and Transport for Leisure) to undertake the Lake District Economic Futures study.


This study sought to identify the key issues for the economic future of the National Park and the wider Lake District area, and provide detailed recommendations for policy change to successfully address the challenges that the area will face in the next 20 years. It sets a strategic long-term vision that achieves a sustainable balance between economic prosperity, social well-being, tourism and the countryside.


The Lake District Economic Futures Study was undertaken in 2 parts: •

Stage 1 report – this baseline report set out a detailed review of the evidence base regarding the Lake District’s existing and future trends in terms of the economy, transport, tourism, housing and the environment. It consisted of: - collating and critically evaluating existing literature and data; - substantiating the key issues with independent evidence and facts; - situating this within national and global trends; and - identifying examples of National Park best practice both within the UK and internationally.

This was complemented with two workshop events to engage key stakeholders from both the public and private sectors. •


Stage 2 report – this report consisted of: - summarising the key issues and challenges facing the Lake District; - setting out a suggested vision for the area which is intended to help provide a structure for policy-making; and - providing a menu of policy changes to help address the challenges and achieve the vision for a sustainable Lake District.


The steering group for the study comprised a range of partners including Cumbria County Council, the Lake District National Park Authority, Cumbria Tourist Board, Rural Regeneration Cumbria, Voluntary Action Cumbria and the National Trust.


This policy statement draws out the consultant’s recommendations contained within the Stage 2 report. It substantiates these with an evidence base including the Stage 1 baseline report. It then sets out the NWDA’s response to each of the consultant’s recommendations.

Purpose of policy statement vi

The purpose of this policy statement is to set out the Agency’s position on the consultant’s recommendations. The policy statement can be used by the NWDA and partners as one of a number of resources to inform regional, sub-regional and local policy development. The study will be an important evidence base to inform the development of Regional Spatial Strategy and any sub-regional component in Cumbria.

Area of study vii

The Lake District National Park has a defined boundary in administrative and spatial planning terms, as identified on the map below. However the National Park has a wider economic sphere of influence that extends to include Penrith, Kendal, the Furness Peninsula and the West Cumbria coast. Given the significance of interactions that extend beyond the administrative boundary of the National Park, the study considered the importance of the Lake District’s hinterland within its analysis and policy recommendations. Figure 1 – Definitions of the Lake District

Source: Lake District Economic Futures Study – Stage 1 Report, Regeneris Consulting (2004, p3).


Key issues viii

The key issues facing the Lake District identified in the study include the following: • •

• •



The Lake District’s economy performs well on many indicators, but relies heavily on tourism. Agriculture accounts for 8% of employment, although it is a less important source of income. The economic value of agricultural production could be reduced further as a result of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. Whilst tourism will always remain important, economic diversification beyond tourism is needed. Capitalising on the opportunity of the knowledge economy would enable the Lake District to develop high wage employment and raise its GVA per capita. The tourism economy of the Lake District has developed primarily as a result of the area’s exceptional landscape quality. For tourism to remain a strong component of the Lake District’s economy, effective environmental management and increased funding is required. Wage rates are relatively low, particularly in relation to house prices. The Lake District reflects Cumbria’s poor performance in GVA per capita, despite its low levels of unemployment. The problems of major economic restructuring faced by Barrow and West Cumbria will undermine the availability of high value and skilled employment for residents of the wider Lake District area. Tourism in the Lake District faces a range of threats and challenges. These relate to transport and product quality issues in terms of increased ease of travel to competing destinations via low cost airlines; accessibility issues in terms of increasing congestion on the M6 and the impact of tolling; the need to significantly raise the quality standard of the tourism offer including the honeypot towns; and a lack of nationally significant cultural attractions. There is a need for a clear policy on improving the quality of the tourism product in a way that supports the creation of higher added value and therefore drives improvements in GVA. Although affordable housing remains a key social issue, it does not currently appear to be a significant cause of recruiting difficulties. It may become an issue in the future. The bulk of self-employed home based businesses are in agriculture, tourism and personal services, however there is some evidence of the emergence of small knowledge based business.

Achieving a step-change in quality emerges as a central theme for the Lake District’s future. This means securing an outstanding natural environment, a superb food and accommodation offer, a pristine public realm, increased standards of customer care, sharply improved urban design standards understanding and building on the distinctiveness of each of the towns, and premium local produce and retail.

Consultant’s Vision The vision for the Lake District set out in the study consists of 5 key strands:

Sustaining and Conserving a World Class Landscape

Ensuring a First Class Visitor Experience and Amenities

Delivering Change

Supporting a Vibrant Economy

Sustainable and Diverse Communities for Young and Old

Each of these strands is considered separately below, setting out the relevant evidence base and the vision for each strand, together with the relevant recommendations and NWDA response for each.



Sustaining and Conserving a World Class Landscape

Overview 1.1

In economic terms, the quality of the Lake District’s landscape is the ‘golden egg’ that indirectly supports much of the area’s wealth creation in terms of tourism income and its multiplier effects. The landscape and associated literary and creative traditions are of world-class quality. Looking to the future, it is essential that nothing materially impacts in an adverse way on the quality of the landscape. It is important that there are resources available and land-use and visitor management regimes in place to ensure the maintenance and enhancement of this precious resource in order to support the sustainable economic future of the Lake District.

Key Data and Trends 1.2

The agricultural sector continues to make a significant and valuable contribution to the Lake District’s employment base. The 2001 census revealed that 1600 residents of the Lake District National Park were directly employed in agriculture, which constitutes 8% of all those in employment (Stage 1, para 5.6)1. In 2002, income generated by agricultural holdings was £59m, of which 57% derives from the sale of agricultural products, 16% from commodity-based production subsidies from the CAP, and 27% from area-based CAP payments.


The role of agriculture in terms of environmental management of the landscape is central in maintaining the tourism product of the Lake District. Over 55% of the National Park’s area was registered as agricultural land in 2002 (Stage 1, para 5.2). Therefore changes to the agricultural sector could have a significant impact on the landscape - the key tourism asset that underpins the Lake District’s tourism economy.


Research suggests that the decoupling of EU support is likely to lead to a significant drop in agricultural production (Stage 1, para 5.32). The consultants refer to growing concerns that this could result in abandonment. This would lead to the encroachment of scrub and forest which would in turn impact on tourism through changing the Lake District’s pastoral vistas and limiting the opportunities for hill walking (Stage 1, para 5.19).

Consultant’s Vision 1.5



The Lake District will maintain and enhance its outstanding landscape as the key asset that underpins the economy of the National Park. It will successfully respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy through supporting innovative and high quality farm diversification and expanding on environmental management best practice.

In addition, agricultural income generates multiplier effects throughout the economy. The NWDA is supporting agriculture in the Lake District through initiatives such as Farm Connect.

Consultant’s Recommendation 1

Lake District World Heritage Site bid


From a visitor / economic development perspective, the benefits of World Heritage Site designation are likely to be very limited. It might however encourage more co-ordinated environmental and visitor management.


The boundaries of any World Heritage Site could be consistent with the zoning ideas (see Figure 2, and Recommendation 8.1 below).


There is no case for including the main towns as they are not part of the cultural landscape and do not merit designation in their own right.

Evidence Base The Lake District has a high profile as a visitor destination both within the UK and internationally. World Heritage Site designation of the National Park may therefore bring limited added value in terms of increased visitor numbers (Stage 2, para 4.6). In any case, given the existing negative impacts from high visitor numbers in peak season, the aspiration is to enhance the quality of the product rather than the quantity of the visits. The strict controls on development that World Heritage Site designation would bring, could act to constrain the ability of the tourism sector to meet changing trends. For example it could prevent the development of new top quality hotels to raise the quality standard, and would prevent diversification of the Lake District economy as a whole (Stage 1, para 3.3). The boundaries of the World Heritage Site would also need detailed consideration as for instance there seems to be no case for including the main towns within the site area (Stage 2, para 4.6).

NWDA Response Noted. NWDA will continue to work with the Lake District World Heritage Site Steering Group to advocate that any WHS designation is pursued only where it has true cultural landscape significance and helps to positively address the issues faced in the communities and economy of the Lake District. NWDA’s position is guided by a separate study (ERM, November 2004 – considered by the Rural Sub Group of the NWDA Board) that recommends very careful consideration of the World Heritage Site boundary (whether as a whole, or a cluster of sites) and its buffer zones. This approach would imply the exclusion of the Lake District’s principal settlements from the designation area and buffer zones. NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of Regional Spatial Strategy and the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas, and any World Heritage Site nomination document and management plan.


Figure 2 – Illustrative zones in and around the Lake District

Source: Lake District Economic Futures Study – Stage 2 Report, Regeneris Consulting (2004, p19).


Consultant’s Recommendation 2

Diversification of farmer’s income


Support should be given to facilitate farm diversification through the re-use of agricultural buildings into income generating uses. These could include both quality tourism accommodation together with non-tourism uses such as residential/workspace mixed use development.


Extension of the Fells/Lake District brand and added value schemes to help farmers get an improved market for their produce.

Evidence Base Re-use of agricultural buildings In terms of diversification, the provision of on-farm accommodation has been a popular farm option in the past however Cumbria Tourist Board data show that this market is now approaching saturation (Stage 1, para 5.11). In developing on-farm accommodation as a means of diversification, farmers are therefore being encouraged to focus on raising the overall standard of accommodation and developing activities that add value to enterprise such as guided walks or bird watching. The saturation of the on-farm accommodation market does however suggest that alternate uses should be permitted in the conversion of agricultural buildings. As identified in the ‘Supporting A Vibrant Economy Section’ below, and particularly Recommendation 11.1, the diversification of the Lake District economy is being constrained by a lack of small affordable workspace. The conversion of agricultural buildings into small mixed use residential/workspace would support the development of high value enterprise in the knowledge based sectors. Extension of Fellbred/Lake District brand A small but increasing number of farm businesses are involved in adding value to farm production through processing and marketing programmes, notably Cumbria Fellbred. The NWDA-funded Distinctly Cumbrian initiative is also identifying opportunities for adding value to, and branding, land based products in Cumbria. These schemes have been successful in enabling farmers to reach a wider market and achieve a higher price for their produce, and as such should be expanded.

NWDA Response Recommendation 2.1 – agreed. NWDA to inform local policy through its input to the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas, particularly with regard to securing a supportive planning policy framework for farm diversification through the re-use of agricultural buildings. NWDA Rural Workspace Audit and Rural Workspace Strategy provide the principal guidance for NWDA investment in rural workspace (see Recommendation 11).


Recommendation 2.2 - refer to partners leading existing initiatives such as Rural Regeneration Cumbria, Lake District Renaissance, the English Food and Farming Partnership, Distinctly Cumbrian, Made in Cumbria and North West Fine Foods. Priority should continue to be given to schemes that display an innovative approach to diversification and will raise the quality of the product. The continuation of regional rural skills action through schemes such as the REACT initiative will be a central part in ensuring innovation and diversification.

Consultant’s Recommendation 3

Retaining and developing environmental management skills


Provision of training farms for incoming farmers in farming and environmental management techniques on the fells and commons.


Develop further environmental management educational specialisms in education providers (e.g. Myerscough College, Newton Rigg and Uplands Centre) to ensure knowledge transfer.


Develop practical training courses in fell management techniques, building on the work of Voluntary Action Cumbria and LEADER+.

Evidence Base Provision of training farms Although there is little hard data on the age profile of farmers within the Lake District, anecdotal evidence suggests that the age profile is increasing and the number of younger farmers succeeding to family businesses is declining (Stage 1, para 5.6). With the trend towards farm amalgamations, it is not likely that a shortage of farmers will, on its own, be a limiting factor in the land management economy. However, a shortage of appropriate skills together with low incomes is likely to threaten the future of the land management economy (Stage 1, para 5.6). The provision of training farms within the area would address skills shortages in farming and environmental management. Develop further environmental management specialisms in education providers / Develop practical training courses in fell management Environmental management techniques will become increasingly important as part of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and the associated decoupling of support from production. The development of environmental and fell management specialisms in training and education will address skills issues within the Lake District area and ensure that land managers are able to meet the challenges posed by the shift in direction of agricultural support (Stage 2, para 4.7).


NWDA Response Disagree with Recommendation 3.1 on training farms. Current initiatives such as Fresh Start and other best practice such as REACT will continue to offer the best way forward. Refer Recommendations 3.2 and 3.3 to partners working with the Rural Regeneration Cumbria initiative, such as the Lake District National Park Authority and LEADER+.

Consultant’s Recommendation 4

Funding the environment


Simplify and co-ordinate a Lakes Environmental Funding Stream into which most environmental funding sources and any voluntary and additional revenue from visitors/businesses could be channelled.


Adopt an integrated cross-agency approach to environmental management and advice to land managers.

Evidence Base There are a wide range of bodies and different funding schemes which directly support or enhance the environment (Stage 2, para 4.4). These include: • CAP funded support; • direct support from bodies such as English Nature for farming practices which support biodiversity; • the National Park Authority helps to draw down funds from DEFRA and other sources to undertake environmental management; • the National Trust as major landowner plays a key role in maintaining the landscape and a range of visitor facilities; and • the Friends of the Lake District also help support some environmental renewal. Given this range, there is a need to simplify and better co-ordinate both the funding streams which support environmental management, and the activities of the agencies involved. There is the potential to create a unified approach to environmental management in the Lake District and a move towards a collective fund to conserve and enhance the environment (possibly building on the Millenium Trust concept in the Yorkshire Dales). The Lake District Tourism and Conservation Partnership currently run a voluntary scheme which could be usefully extended to provide a funding stream through which environmental funding sources and voluntary/additional revenue could be channelled (Stage 2, para 4.10).


NWDA Response Refer recommendation to Rural Regeneration Cumbria. Explore the opportunity for an integrated approach to environmental funding by building on existing scheme run by the Lake District Tourism and Conservation Partnership, in partnership with regional agencies.



Ensuring a First Class Visitor Experience and Amenities

Overview 2.1

Stemming from the quality of its landscape, the Lake District has become firmly established as one of the UK’s premier National Parks. It is a destination for a wide variety of activities including outdoor pursuits, visitor attractions, accommodation, food and drink, and the urban centres themselves. The challenge is to maintain and enhance the tourism offer and ensure that the area adapts to cater to changing tourism trends. The implication of this element of the vision is the need to ‘up the game’ in many respects through improving the quality of the visitor experience.

Key Data and Trends 2.2

Tourism is of immense importance to the Lake District economy. In 2002, the Lake District received over 8.1 million visitors (including day visitors) staying for a total of 14.8 million tourist days. This generated over £534 million in tourism expenditure, and supported over 21,800 jobs (Stage 1, para 3.4). Tourism within the National Park in 2002 accounted for 54% of Cumbria’s total tourism expenditure. Tourism within the Lake District is therefore central to the tourism economy of Cumbria as a whole.


72% of visits to the Lake District are day visits and 28% are staying visits. In terms of economic value, day visits generate 25% of total expenditure, where staying visits generate 75% (Stage 1, Table 3.1). Staying visits are therefore particularly significant in terms of tourism spend within the area. The vast majority of visitors to the Lake District (92%) are from within the UK (Stage 1, para 3.12). Overseas visitors account for 8% of visits to the Lake District. This is an important group as they tend to spend more and stay for longer periods of time than UK visitors (Stage 1, para 3.16). It has been demonstrated that enhancing the quality of the tourism product improves the profitability of tourism businesses. Raising the quality standard is therefore a key means of improving the Lake District’s GVA.


The Lake District is a high profile destination both within the UK and internationally. Reflecting this, the Regional Tourism Strategy identifies it as one of only four initial ‘attack brands’ for the North West that will be used to attract visitors to the region. The Strategy recognises that investment in the Lake District tourism product is required to enable the area to meet changing tourism trends. The emphasis is firmly on improving the quality of the product and on achieving real excellence and high quality through outstanding cuisine, hotels, B&Bs, youth hostels, pubs, holiday parks and visitor attractions, and with a public realm to match this high quality.


Consultant’s Vision 2.5

It is essential that the Lake District capitalises on changing tourism trends to enhance the profitability of the tourism sector. It will strengthen the quality of its accommodation and food and drink offer and this will be complemented with significant enhancement to the range and quality of the retail offer together with the townscape quality of the area’s principal towns. The development of a cultural attraction of national significance, coupled with a small number of other new attractions, offers the opportunity to raise the profile of the Lake District as a visitor destination.


An ‘Activity Zoning’ approach offers a major opportunity to gear the area towards sustainable tourism-related economic growth. This would identify more explicitly certain zones for certain types of activity and management approaches, and facilitate this through the development of a supportive planning policy framework. It would build on the approach widely used in European National Parks and introduced to a certain extent in the Peak District National Park.

Consultant’s Recommendation 5

Need for high quality design-led renaissance


Establish design guidance policy for the urban Lake District settlements and commission masterplans. Develop clear messages about the need for high quality design and materials, including high quality modern design.

Evidence Base The Lake District is unique among other National Parks in England in that few others have settlements on the scale of the towns in the Lake District. The majority of visits to the Lake District revolve around town-based activities including shopping, and visiting restaurants and pubs (Stage 1, para 3.38). Similarly, ‘Visiting Towns’ was identified as the most common activity undertaken by visitors to the Cumbria in the 2002 tourism survey. The principal towns of Keswick, Ambleside and Windermere act as ‘honeypots’, attracting visitors to take advantage of their retail, accommodation, food and drink and cultural offer (Stage 1, para 3.35). As they are such a major component of the Lake District visitor experience, it is important that the towns display exceptionally high standards in terms of urban design and quality of the public realm.


Investment in the public realm can support enhancement of the hospitality and retail offer through stimulating private sector investment. Visitor surveys have revealed poor perceptions of the Lake District’s retail offer in terms of both variety and quality of provision (Stage 1, Figure 3.10). Given that shopping is identified as one of the principal activities undertaken by visitors to the Lake District (Stage 1, Figure 3.9), enhancing the quality of the retail offer is of key importance. Public realm improvements to the National Park’s town centres will therefore support the enhancement of the quality and range of the retail offer. The NWDA’s Market Towns Initiative includes a number of the key towns within and around the Lake District National Park - Ambleside, Windermere, Keswick, Ulverston, Cockermouth, Millom and Egremont. A Healthcheck and Action Plan has been completed for all of the identified Market Towns, with partners drawing up scheme bids to take forward the Action Plan. The South Lakes Development Trust has been established to co-ordinate activity in Windermere, Bowness and Ambleside. Proposed schemes include public realm works within both Windermere and Ambleside, with a draft masterplan for Windermere and Bowness having been developed by a partnership led by Cumbria Tourist Board. For Keswick, a preliminary expenditure bid is being prepared that will incorporate a masterplanning exercise, and examine the potential for speciality tourism markets. A preliminary expenditure bid is being prepared for Cockermouth to incorporate a mini-masterplanning exercise and a town design statement. The Ulverston and Low Furness Market Towns Partnership are taking forward their Action Plan recommendations, and the partnerships for Millom and for Egremont are drawing up masterplans for the towns and associated scheme bids.

NWDA Response Agreed. This fits well with the Lake District Renaissance project being led by Cumbria Tourist Board. In taking forward these recommendations, strategic fit with the Market Towns Initiative is vital. We need to understand the towns’ interdependencies, what makes them distinctive, and how their quality can best be developed and enhanced for the future. The Market Towns Initiative is currently developing a comprehensive urban design programme. NWDA to discuss further and consider a design conference as the first step in a wider programme. NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of the Regional Spatial Strategy and the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas.


Consultant’s Recommendation 6

Improve quality of accommodation provision


Investigate the potential for public funding to support improvements to the accommodation provision. This will require investigation of EU State Aid legislation regarding subsidies to private businesses.

Evidence Base Of the 2.3 million staying visits to the Lake District in 2002, 56% of these visitors stayed in serviced accommodation (Stage 1, para 3.21). The typical period of stay for visitors in serviced accommodation was 2 nights. In terms of revenue per visitor, those in serviced accommodation brought an average of £78.10 to the local economy per day, which is by far the highest of the accommodation types (Stage 1, para 3.23). There are approximately 65,500 tourism bed spaces available within the Lake District (Stage 1, para 3.30). Although little data is available, anecdotal evidence suggests that the Lake District has the highest levels of bed space provision of the UK National Parks. Therefore the quantity of accommodation provision is not a significant issue. In terms of quality, the Lake District already has a range of quality hotels (Stage 1, para 3.44). This provides a good base from which to further enhance the quality of the National Park’s accommodation offer to meet changing visitor requirements. Raising the quality benchmark of tourism in the Lake District will also require supporting and growing excellence in skills development and training. Tourism trends suggest that the ABC1 socio-economic group will represent an increasingly dominant share of the population and that discretionary income will increase in future. Both of these trends combine to suggest a requirement for a higher quality tourism product (Stage 1, para 3.51). The property market for hotels has strengthened over the last 15 years with quality premises being in high demand. Due to significant house price growth, there has been a trend to convert hotel and guesthouse accommodation into residential dwellings (Stage 1, para 7.32). A bid for ERDF Objective 2, Priority 1 funds to support improvements to accommodation stock has been discussed in detail with Government Office for the North West. Provision has been made for funding to support the project. A project expression of interest has been submitted by the NWDA on behalf of the five sub-regional tourist boards. The scheme will provide grants to businesses for capital works and for training in productivity, for design guidance and to implement environmental good practice. Funding support will be within the de minimis state aid block exemption limits.


NWDA Response Disagree with Recommendation 6.1 – public funding should not be used to support improvements to the accommodation provision. Work to create a framework for the analysis of tourism demand (including the demand for accommodation) is being taken forward by the NWDA. This work will inform future actions by Cumbria Tourist Board, Cumbria Strategic Partnership, Cumbria Vision and Rural Regeneration Cumbria in the context of a Lake District Tourism Strategy.

Consultant’s Recommendation 7

Encourage increased use of public transport by visitors


Investigate the opportunity for shuttle bus links from key entry stations to the principal visitor ‘honeypots’ and centres of accommodation.


Encourage hotels to provide minibuses to collect and transport visitors.


Consider the potential to limit urban parking and raise parking charges for non-residents.


Expand on the opportunities for non-car based journeys as part of the visitor experience.


Consider the opportunity for vehicle entry charging in the long term.

Evidence Base 90% of visitors travel to the Lake District by car (Stage 1, para 4.2). In terms of getting around the area, 80% of visitors are recorded as using the car in peak season (Stage 1, para 4.10). This contributes to high levels of congestion and a shortage of parking, especially within the main towns of the Lake District. Congestion detracts from the overall quality of the visitor experience and impacts negatively on environmental quality within the area’s towns. Shuttle bus links Shuttle bus links offer the opportunity to both reduce congestion within the park and relieve pressure for parking within the town centres. The optimum location for the park and ride sites would however need to be carefully considered. Given the dispersed nature of destinations within the National Park, there could be difficulty in implementing this scheme successfully (Stage 2, para 5.26).


Encourage hotels to provide minibuses The provision of minibuses to collect and transport visitors could encourage travel to the Lake District by train and relieve congestion within the National Park. Limit urban parking If implemented without associated improvements in public transport access, limiting urban parking could undermine tourism in the Lake District towns. Supported by investment in shuttle bus links and other bus routes, it could however encourage a modal shift amongst visitors to the area. Expand on opportunities for non-car based journeys In terms of public transport access, the Lake District offers good bus services for visitors to the area. The Stagecoach network serving the main corridors and some minor routes is extremely well used (Stage 1, para 4.15) with growth rates of 5-7% per annum. The opportunities for non-car based journeys should therefore be encouraged to expand to both relieve road congestion and enhance the visitor experience. Vehicle entry charging The introduction of a vehicle entry charge similar to the London congestion charge could offer a means of encouraging visitors to use public transport to travel around the National Park. Such proposals are impractical in the short term, however they are worthy of consideration in the longer term (Stage 2, para 5.28).

NWDA Response Agree. NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of Regional Spatial Strategy / Regional Transport Strategy and the preparation of the Cumbria Local Transport Plan. In relation to Recommendations 7.1 and 7.2 on page 18, NWDA to discuss need for further study with CTB.


Consultant’s Recommendation 8

Implement ‘Activity Zoning’


Build consensus on the role of geographic Activity Zones as the basis for informing economic policy, planning and visitor management.


Develop a visitor management and brand strategy based on Activity Zoning, exploring public sector funding where eligible to kick start activity.


Support appropriate development within each zone through planning policy, interpretation and implementation.

Evidence Base The current spatial approach to planning in the National Park is essentially homogeneous, driven by a policy approach that does not differentiate between different areas of the Lake District. Sensitive tourism-led economic development could be better encouraged if the Lake District and surrounding areas were to adopt an ‘Activity Zoning’ tourism and economic development policy approach (Stage 2, para 5.6). This would identify more explicitly certain zones for certain types of activity and management approaches. This would build on the approach widely used in European National Parks and introduced to a certain extent in the Peak District National Park. The preliminary concept zones suggested by the consultants include intensive recreation/urban improvement zones, employment zones for Lake District residents, expansion/recreation development zones, high energy zones, forestry zones and eco/quiet zones (Stage 2, para 5.9). Activity Zoning would require public sector intervention in terms of zone branding and tailored visitor management and specialist business support for each zone. In addition, it would need to be facilitated by a supportive planning policy framework which encourages sensitive development in certain locations (Stage 2, para 5.7). Zoning could also be extended to the wider Lake District outside the National Park boundary where tourism is a key economic development aspiration or where there is a desire to develop niche activity that cannot be reconciled inside the National Park (see Recommendation 15, with particular reference to Derwent Forest and Low Furness). Figure 2 overleaf sets out the consultant’s initial thinking about the potential location of zones (the boundaries shown are illustrative only). Rural Renaissance - the Regional Rural Recovery Strategy highlights the need to ensure a diverse and dynamic rural economy and the NWDA will continue to work towards that aim.


Figure 2 – Illustrative zones in and around the Lake District

Source: Lake District Economic Futures Study – Stage 2 Report, Regeneris Consulting (2004, p19).


NWDA Response Agreed. NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of Regional Spatial Strategy and the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas. Activity zoning concept requires further work in the context of relevant Local Development Documents, the Lake District National Park Management Plan, and the Destination Management Plan for the county. Emerging proposals for Derwent Forest as a major tourism draw fit very well with the activity zoning concept (see Recommendation 15).

Consultant’s Recommendation 9

Development of new attractions and facilities

Develop new attractions and facilities to complement the Activity Zoning approach: 9.1

Commercial attractions built around activity in the ‘recreation development zones’ surrounding the National Park and accessible to residents of areas to the south and west of the Lake District;


Small scale high energy sports facilities in the National Park in appropriate locations and designed in a sensitive manner. This would be linked to the idea of the ‘high energy zone’; and


One or more nationally significant cultural visitor attractions built around some of the cultural themes of the Lake District. These could be in interesting new or re-used buildings in the Windermere/Bowness area, or in alternative suitable locations if on a larger scale.

Evidence Base Whilst Cumbria has a range of cultural associations (related to art, literature and the emergence of environmentalism), there are no nationally significant cultural attractions. For the most part the Lake District relies on the attraction of its landscape, and a range of urban attractions which have little or no cultural association with the area (Stage 2, para 5.17).


There is a case for the development of new attractions to help position the area in an increasingly competitive market. The objective of developing new attractions is to diversify the visitor base, attract more high-spending and overseas visitors (Stage 2, para 5.16), and where possible encourage additional tourism activity in areas surrounding the National Park. The wealth of the Lake District’s cultural and literary heritage offers an excellent opportunity for the development of a cultural visitor attraction of national significance.

NWDA Response Agreed. NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of Regional Spatial Strategy and the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas. Several new and promising ideas are emerging from partner discussions in relation to cultural attractions within the Lake District area. NWDA will discuss Recommendation 9.3 with key partners including the Wordsworth Trust, Culture Northwest, the Arts Council, the National Trust, Cumbria Tourist Board and Rural Regeneration Cumbria to determine the best way forward. Bringing together the cultural sector within the Lake District could support any future bid for World Heritage Site designation.

Consultant’s Recommendation 10 Increased rail capacity 10.1

Lobby Government and the Strategic Rail Authority for investment in the West Coast Main Line together with the development of a passing point on the Windermere branch.

10.2 Lobby First North Western to improve services for tourists on the Coastal Line and increase flexibility for cycle transit. 10.3 Explore entrepreneurial opportunities to develop the Coastal Line for tourism access, such as cycle carriage and ‘Steam Specials’ from Carnforth to Whitehaven.


Evidence Base West Coast Main Line Improvements to the West Coast Main Line will result in a substantial reduction to journey times and an increase in the frequency of services. Journey time improvements will be greatest between London and Manchester, with minimal change between Manchester and Carlisle. This will however have a significant impact on access to the Lake District from London and the South East, with journey times reduced from 3 hours 41 minutes to 3 hours 7 minutes on the fast London-Carlisle service (Stage 1, para 4.32). To benefit from these time savings, it is crucial that high speed trains from the south continue to stop at Oxenholme and Penrith. Partners should also lobby Government and the SRA for investment in the WCML north of the Midlands to reduce journey times from the North West’s population core in the Mersey Belt corridor. Coastal Line Improvements to the Cumbrian coastal rail line could enhance public transport access to West Cumbria. The current service is poor due to a limited number of services (particularly north of Barrow) running on a single line. For example, the direct service between Barrow and Workington takes over one and a half hours (Stage 1, para 4.9). The Coastal Line offers the potential to be a tourism asset in its own right and could support tourism development outside of the National Park along the West Cumbria Coast (Stage 2, para 8.5). The Strategic Rail Authority have recently identified the line as a Community Railway in order to provide a sustainable future for the line. The SRA/Network Rail will lead on the development of a strategy for the line together with local partners.

NWDA Response Agreed. Investment in WCML already underway. NWDA to take forward Recommendations 10.2 and 10.3 through its input to the review of the Cumbria Local Transport Plan. Refer Coastal Line tourism issue to Cumbria Tourist Board and the Strategic Rail Authority/Network Rail in taking forward the Community Railway initiative.



Supporting a Vibrant Economy

Overview 3.1

A vibrant economy offers a wide range of job opportunities for young and old. It is able to offer well paid employment to help sustain communities and ensure local people can afford to access housing. Given that the Lake District’s dominant employment sectors of tourism and agriculture are relatively low-wage there is a need to develop high value employment in and around the Lake District. The introduction of fiscal policy measures offers the opportunity to raise revenue from businesses within the National Park. This would be reinvested to enhance the quality of the world-class landscape on which many of the businesses indirectly depend.

Key Data and Trends



The 2001 census revealed that of the Lake District’s 20,670 resident population in employment, 37% were employed in the retail, hotel and catering sectors. Agriculture is another significant source of employment at 8% of the population in employment within the National Park (Stage 1, para 7.2). In terms of employment within the National Park, data reveals that over 50% of jobs within the area are in the retail, hotel and catering sectors (Stage 1, para 7.6). This implies that a significant proportion of the employees in these sectors live outside the Lake District and commute in to the National Park to work.


Average earnings across Cumbria run at 12.3% below the national average with Eden having a particularly low rate at 18.9% below. This reflects the typically low wage employment in the area’s dominant sectors of tourism and agriculture (Stage 1, para 7.10). The Annual Labour Force survey reveals that nationally over the 10 years to 2003, earnings for full time employees in agriculture have averaged at 30% below the all-industry level. In the retail, hotels and catering sectors, earnings have averaged at 22% below the allindustry level (Stage 1, para 7.11).


In terms of future economic and employment trends, the prospects are poor for major employers to the south and west of the Lake District. Total employment at Sellafield is expected to fall from 12,000 to 4,000 by 2018, with reductions in employment at GlaxoSmithKline (Ulverston) and BAE Systems (Barrow). These are current sources of high value employment for skilled workers within the Lake District. Nationally, forecasts are for strong employment growth in the knowledge based sectors. However the Lake District currently has a very low share of these sectors. Given these trends, it is likely that the disparity between average earnings within the Lake District and the regional and national averages will widen still further unless measures are implemented to address this (Stage 1, para 7.44).

Consultant’s Vision 3.5

The Lake District will capitalise on its world-class landscape and liveability to support the growth of high value employment in the knowledge based, creative and digital industries. Growth in these sectors will offset any future loss of high value employment in West Cumbria and the Furness area. Sustainable growth will be facilitated by a supportive planning policy framework which encourages the conversion of former agricultural buildings to high quality live/work space. In addition, the Kendal/M6 area offers significant potential to develop a knowledge economy cluster. One option for maintaining and enhancing the outstanding quality of the landscape that is so pivotal to the area’s economic success could be the introduction of a National Park levy.

Consultant’s Recommendation 11 Encourage the conversion of buildings for mixed workspace/ residential development within the National Park 11.1

Support the conversion of redundant buildings into workspace/residential use (for IT/creative/niche uses) via planning policy.

Evidence Base Within the National Park itself, there is little demand for larger commercial sites. There is however a buoyant demand for smaller business units (Stage 1, para 7.30). A recent audit of rural workspace carried out for the NWDA revealed that where the focus in recent years has been on light industrial space, there is much more limited provision of office space. The limited availability of office space is particularly apparent in the area to the south west of Kendal and the high-value zone between Kendal and the M6. The creation of live/work space would support the development of entrepreneurial activity in the creative and digital industries, which are both identified as growth clusters in the NWDA’s cluster development programme. This will however require monitoring to avoid conversions being used solely for residential use.

NWDA Response Agreed. NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of Regional Spatial Strategy and the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas.


NWDA Rural Workspace Audit and Rural Workspace Strategy provide the principal guidance for NWDA investment in rural workspace. NWDA to discuss further with key partners to ensure a joined-up approach.

Consultant’s Recommendation 12 Encourage existing and new businesses in outdoor pursuits, management/training and ICT based activities 12.1

Secure a supportive planning policy framework for associated extension/conversion/ expansion within the National Park and surrounding areas.


Support limited development of small industrial units (as in the Blencathra Business Centre).


Market the area as a niche business location and the availability of business support.

Evidence Base The Lake District could strengthen its tourism product through the sensitive development of facilities to support the outdoor pursuits offer. The most likely location for this development would be in the suggested ‘recreation development zones’ identified just outside the National Park boundary (see Recommendation 15). Alternately, there could be scope for limited development within the National Park itself. In terms of supporting management/training and ICT based activities, there is a need to secure a supportive planning framework for the limited development of small industrial units, such as the Blencathra Business Centre (Stage 2, para 6.11). Marketing of the area as a niche business location together with the availability of business support would complement this.

NWDA Response Agreed. NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of Regional Spatial Strategy and the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas.


Consultant’s Recommendation 13 Support increases in ICT-based knowledge activity 13.1

Develop economic policy and strategy targeting knowledge based business start-ups and home working.


Undertake stronger marketing of those areas with ADSL / broadband connectivity.


Provide specialist ICT / creative space in the Kendal area through planning policy and implementation.

Evidence Base Research suggests that teleworking is a growing trend in the UK economy, with an estimated 1.78 million teleworkers recorded in 2002. The majority of teleworkers are in the high wage professional, management and associate professional employment groups (Stage 1, para 7.19). Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology research indicates that advances in ICT technology are the key determinant to the development of teleworking in the UK. (Stage 1, para 7.23). Data suggests that the extent of teleworking within the Lake District is currently very limited. Although the area has a high proportion of people working from home, this is largely constituted from people working in the traditional sectors of agriculture and tourism. National research suggests that there will however be strong growth in teleworking in rural areas, with up to 25% of the workforce teleworking by 2020 (Stage 1, para 7.44). The Lake District already has a significant ADSL / broadband connectivity and this will be enhanced through the roll-out of provision across Cumbria over the next 6-12 months in the key areas of population in and around the Lake District. The NWDA-supported Project ACCESS seeks to add coverage across Cumbria to include 90% of the population (Stage 1, para 7.34). Project Access includes the establishment of a 12 person marketing team to undertake demand stimulation activities for broadband across Cumbria. The development of economic policy targeting knowledge based business start-ups and homeworking would support the development of teleworking and the associated growth in high value employment in the Lake District. Similarly, a supportive planning policy framework is required to facilitate the development of specialist ICT / creative space in the Kendal area (Stage 2, para 6.11).


NWDA Response Agreed. Refer Recommendation 13.1 to Rural Regeneration Cumbria. Recommendation 13.2 is being taken forward through Project Access. Recommendation 13.3 - NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of Regional Spatial Strategy and the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas.

Consultant’s Recommendation 14 Provide additional mixed-use business space in the Kendal area 14.1

Secure increased strategic employment land allocation in the Structure Plan and Local Plan. The suggested area of search should lie between J36 of the M6 and Kendal Town Centre.

Evidence Base Within the Kendal-Penrith M6 corridor the commercial property market is buoyant, with evidence of relatively high levels of demand from indigenous interests for freehold sites. In terms of land supply, there is however limited commercial land available. Whilst the development proposed at J36 of the M6 has the potential to alleviate the pressure for commercial sites in the South Lakeland area, the concept appears to be focused on rural regeneration and tourism rather than commercial development (Stage 1, para 7.28). The development of a high quality business location geared towards the knowledge economy offers the opportunity to provide high value employment within the wider Lake District area. Nationally, forecasts are for strong employment growth in the knowledge based sectors. However the Lake District currently has a very low share of these sectors. Given that the Lake District’s dominant employment sectors of tourism and agriculture are relatively low-wage there is a need to develop high value employment in and around the National Park. The future large-scale loss of high value employment at Sellafield, GlaxoSmithKline and BAE Systems will significantly undermine the Lake District’s economic base (Stage 1, para 7.44). The establishment of high value employment in the knowledge based industries and established and target growth sectors will be necessary to offset this loss. The Kendal area offers the best opportunity for the development of the knowledge based industries due to its excellent strategic transport connections. This location would also facilitate business collaboration with the research facilities of Lancaster University. An area of search for a strategic employment location in or around the Kendal area would be a suitable starting point for further consideration (Stage 2, para 6.14).


NWDA Response Agreed. The consultant’s analysis clearly demonstrates Kendal’s potential and significance in diversifying the Lake District’s economic base. NWDA to pursue in context of Regional Spatial Strategy and open discussions with Rural Regeneration Cumbria and South Lakeland District Council regarding an assessment of alternative sites and locations within an area of search. Structure Plan and Local Plans to be replaced by Regional Spatial Strategy and Local Development Documents. NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of Regional Spatial Strategy and the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas.

Consultant’s Recommendation 15 Support the establishment of two ‘recreation development zones’ 15.1

Secure public sector investment to lever in private investment in recreation facilities within Low Furness and around Derwent Forest in West Cumbria.


Encourage the development of recreation in these zones through planning policy and wider master plans for the areas.

Evidence Base As part of the Activity Zoning approach, this could be extended to the wider Lake District area outside of the National Park boundary where tourism development is a key economic aspiration or where there is a desire to develop niche activity that cannot be reconciled within the National Park. Consideration should be given to the establishment of two ‘recreation development zones’ which would in effect be country/regional parks where there would be investment in visitor facilities and where further commercial development was more positively encouraged (Stage 2, para 5.10). There are clear opportunities to achieve this in the following locations (see Figure 2, page 21): • the West Cumbria area, around Derwent Forest and close to Cockermouth and Maryport. • the Low Furness area, around the Duddon Estuary to the south of the National Park, using Ulverston as the key centre. In addition to securing a supportive planning policy framework, there would be a need to prepare a detailed strategy / master plan for the areas to secure private sector buy-in to the vision. Public investment may be required to kick-start private investment in recreation facilities.


NWDA Response Agreed, subject to the outcome of the work referred to above on tourism demand, with proposals to be taken forward as part of the Destination Management Planning process co-ordinated and led by Cumbria Tourist Board. Recommendation 15.1 - refer implementation to Rural Regeneration Cumbria regarding Low Furness, and West Lakes Renaissance regarding West Cumbria / Derwent Forest. Emerging proposals for Derwent Forest fit very well with the Recreation Development Zone concept. Recommendation 15.2 - NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of Regional Spatial Strategy and the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas.

Consultant’s Recommendation 16 Examine the potential for developing a National Park levy 16.1

A National Park levy offers the opportunity to raise funds through non-domestic rates. This could be retained locally and re-invested in maintaining the quality of the environment.

Evidence Base Given that the majority of businesses (particularly tourism-related businesses) within the National Park benefit directly from the quality of the environment and landscape, there is a case for fiscal policy to facilitate re-investment in the environmental quality of the Lake District. The potential exists to raise a National Park levy through national non-domestic rates, following the model of Business Improvement Districts (Stage 2, para 6.18). Any such measure would require policy change at a national level and there may be a case for certain exemptions including the public sector and agricultural business sectors.

NWDA Response Noted. NWDA to investigate further whether this could be achieved within the existing Business Improvement Districts legislation, or whether national policy change would be required.



Sustainable and Diverse Communities for Young and Old

Overview 4.1

The existence of sustainable and diverse communities is important for both economic and social reasons. This strand of the vision does not seek to discourage in-migration. Instead it seeks to direct attention to the need for well paid local employment opportunities, better public transport access to employment, and the provision of affordable housing. The agricultural community still provides important ‘social glue’ in many parts of the Lake District and so sustaining the presence of farming families is also important.

Key Data and Trends 4.2

The population of the Lake District has above average proportions of population in the 4564 and 65+ age categories, with concomitant smaller proportions of younger people in the 0-17 and 18-44 age categories. To set this in context, if the Lake District was categorised as a local authority it would have the highest proportion of its population in the 45-64 category ranked out of the 376 local authority areas in England and Wales, and would rank 26th highest in terms of population aged 65+. This confirms that the Lake District is a prime location for might be termed early retirees (Stage 1, para 6.3)


In terms of skills and employment within the Lake District area, data shows two key features of the local economy. Firstly, there exists a relatively high proportion of the population in managerial/professional jobs (partly as a result of the importance of small firms and partly due to out-commuting). Secondly, there is a high proportion of those in low-wage employment. The combination of these two features suggests a two-tier economy and labour market with implications for housing and other issues (Stage 1, para 6.23).


Housing affordability is a major issue in the Lake District. Data for the 4th quarter of 2003 suggests that the average house price within the Lake District was £204,000. The data shows that house prices have grown relative to average earnings to such an extent that a significant proportion of households are unable to afford the average price of a terraced house. For example, in the 4th quarter of 2003 the average price of a terraced house in South Lakeland District was over £131,000, with Eden District recording over £113,000. The extent of the affordability issue is highlighted in Table 6.4 below which details average change in house prices by district over the last 5 years.


Source: Lake District Economic Futures – Stage 1 Report, Regeneris Consulting, (2004, p65).


Whilst research commissioned by Cumbria Strategic Partnership found that there was little evidence to suggest that a lack of affordable housing in rural Cumbria is threatening the area’s economy, the study recognised that housing affordability is a particular problem for tourism businesses which do not provide staff accommodation (Stage 1, para 6.33).

Vision 4.6


Measures will ensure that the Lake District continues to be a place that sustains a vibrant and diverse local community. The creation of a social housing fund will secure the establishment of a pool of high quality social housing. This will support sustainable economic growth through securing a balanced workforce locally. Investment in public transport will also support sustainable and socially inclusive economic growth and reduce car-based commuting.

Consultant’s Recommendation 17 Influence the market for affordable housing 17.1

Build consensus around, and assess the practicalities of, fiscal intervention through taxation via a levy on planning approvals and/or additional local stamp duty within the National Park to develop a social housing fund. Use the fund to purchase existing stock in key locations (as and when it comes onto the market) and to help fund new development.


Slight alteration to Planning Policies to encourage mixed use development and larger scale residential conversions delivering high proportions of social housing.

Evidence Base Fiscal intervention to provide social housing fund In order to provide the affordable housing units required, it will be necessary to raise funds in addition to the limited funding available via the Housing Corporation and Registered Social Landlords. There are two options that could be considered: • a levy on planning approvals within the National Park based on a fixed percentage of the increase in market value; and/or • a higher sales transaction tax (i.e. a local additional stamp duty, possibly at the rate of an additional 1% for the purchase of any property over £100,000). This would require national financial policy and legislation to administer however there is a precedent in the lower levels of stamp duty payable in Enterprise Areas (Stage 2, para 7.11). This fund could be used to support new build and acquisition of existing dwellings for use as social housing. All social housing should have ownership clauses to avoid potential loss of the stock through right-to-buy (Stage 2, para 7.5). New social housing development should be directed to brownfield sites within the Lake District’s town centres. This will ensure that development is both sustainable and contributes to the enhancement of townscape quality within the urban centres. Alteration to planning policy The approach of the Joint Structure Plan is supported as the development of non-social housing units in the National Park should not be encouraged. However, there is a case for two exceptions to this: • where such a development, in converting an existing building, could fund a substantial number of affordable housing units; and • as part of a mixed use scheme which enabled new industrial and office space to be created to house several businesses (Stage 2, para 7.6).


NWDA Response Recommendation 17.1 – noted. A matter for Government to consider in the context of future fiscal policy. Recommendation 17.2 – agreed. NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of Regional Spatial Strategy and the preparation of Local Development Documents for the Lake District National Park and surrounding areas.

Consultant’s Recommendation 18 Concentrate the social housing role under one organisation 18.1

Consider the potential to transfer social housing powers and responsibilities in the National Park to the Lake District National Park Authority in the event of local government reorganisation.


Inform the Boundary Committee recommendations to ODPM / implementation of unitary local government in Cumbria.

Evidence Base Local government re-organisation offers the opportunity to simplify funding and organisational structures within the National Park. In the context of affordable housing, there may be a case for the Lake District National Park Authority to take on the social housing responsibilities of the District Councils in the event of unitary local government. This would serve to link social sustainability more closely with environmental sustainability and also housing provision with the current regulatory function (Stage 2, para 7.13). The Lake District could trial such an approach which could then be rolled out in other National Parks.

NWDA Response Recommendation 18.1 – Disagree. Recommendation not accepted. Recommendation 18.2 – Noted. Local Government Reorganisation currently deferred.


Consultant’s Recommendation 19 Enhance transport access to employment and services 19.1

Building on public transport improvements for visitors, develop bus and train services suited to helping people access jobs both within and outside of the National Park, and local services in the main market towns.

Evidence Base The frequency and scheduling of bus services within the Lake District prevents public transport being used to access employment within and around the National Park. Whilst there is a frequent service between Ambleside and Kendal and along the A66 corridor, much of the National Park is poorly served by bus and there are very few services which could be relied upon to commute to work (Stage 1, para 4.13). Two rail schemes in the Cumbria Local Transport Plan offer the opportunity to increase commuting within the Lake District; the Windermere Train and Bus Station Improvements and the Windermere Branch Line Upgrade to Twin Track. A feasibility study undertaken into the Windermere Branch Line recommended a programme to double the frequency of the existing service through the introduction of passing loops and signals on the existing line. It is expected that if these go ahead, passenger numbers could increase by 500-1000 per day (Stage 1, para 4.37).

NWDA Response Noted. NWDA to inform regional and local policy through its input to the review of the Cumbria LTP.



Delivering Change

Overview 5.1

There is no clear delivery vehicle to take forward the recommendations of this study and develop an economic development strategy for the Lake District National Park area. There exist a range of opportunities to address this through establishing a body to champion the sustainable economic future of the Lake District. As part of local government reorganisation there is also an opportunity to enhance transparency in local democracy and therefore make decision-making more accountable.

Consultant’s Recommendation 20 Development of a single body to champion the economic future of the Lake District 20.1

Establish a sub group of Cumbria Vision to promote the economic development strategy for the Lake District.

Evidence Base Currently a number of agencies and stakeholders are responsible for developing and regenerating the economy of the Lake District. There is no single body with an economic development remit specifically for the Lake District, as stakeholders either have a narrower remit or a wider geographic responsibility. This is reflected in the absence of an economic development strategy for the Lake District (Stage 2, para 9.2). Cumbria Vision or the Cumbria Strategic Partnership could be suitable vehicles for promoting the economic development agenda for the Lake District. To be effective however, there may be a need to more tightly define the area of focus to avoid balancing wider geographic interests. A sub group of Cumbria Vision or the Cumbria Strategic Partnership could be established to focus specifically on economic development in the Lake District (Stage 2, para 9.4).

NWDA Response Refer recommendation to Cumbria Vision.


Consultant’s Recommendation 21 Enhance community representation and democratic accountability 21.1

Use local government reorganisation as the basis for enhancing the transparency of Lake District governance.

Evidence Base Workshops revealed a perception that the nomination of members to the Lake District National Park Authority from existing local authorities is somewhat opaque. Given that the members of the National Park are making decisions that materially affect the lives of residents and their economic and social well being there is an opportunity as part of local government reorganisation to improve transparency. This could be achieved through ensuring that local authority nominated members of the National Park Authority represent wards inside the National Park boundaries (Stage 2, para 9.6).

NWDA Response Noted. Local Government Reorganisation currently deferred.


The Northwest Regional Development Agency manages all operations from its Headquarters at: PO Box 37 Renaissance House Centre Park Warrington WA1 1XB Tel: +44 (0)1925 400 100 Fax: +44 (0)1925 400 400 e-mail:

In addition, there are five area offices for the implementation of local activities as follows: Greater Manchester Giants Basin Potato Wharf Castlefield Manchester M3 4NB Tel: +44 (0)161 817 7400 Fax: +44 (0)161 831 7051

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Merseyside Station House Mercury Court Tithebarn Street Liverpool L2 2QP Tel: +44 (0)1925 400 100 Fax: +44 (0)151 236 3731

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