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Merseyside Area Profile Fact File (Excluding Halton) (May 2010)

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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This report is published by the Regional Intelligence Unit as part of its continuing commitment to inform the sustainable economic development of the Northwest of England. It has been produced by the NWDA Research Team and whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the material contained herein the NWDA or the RIU cannot accept any responsibility for decisions based on the material that follows. Please note that all data provided by Office for National Statistics is Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. All analysis is prepared by NWDA Research Team or the referenced consultants/supplier.

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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Area map .......…………………………………………………


Business ……………………………………………………… Economy ………………………………………………….. Businesses ………………………………………………..

5 5 5

Skills & Education ………………………………………….. Education ………………………………………………….

5 5

People & Jobs ……………………………………………….. Population ………………………………………………… Migration ………………………………………………….. Labour Market ……………………………………………. Wages …………………………………………………….. Health ……………………………………………………...

6 6 7 7 8 8

Infrastructure ………………………………………………… 9 Area ……………………………………………………….. 9 Housing …………………………………………………… 9 Transport ………………………………………………….. 10 Regeneration ……………………………………………... 10 Quality of Life ………………………………………………... 10 Image ……………………………………………………… 10 Deprivation ……………………………………………….. 10 Crime ……………………………………………………… 11 Household Income ………………………………………. 11 Interesting Facts …………………………………………….


Data Sources …………………………………………………


Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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Business Economy In 2007 Merseyside had an economy worth £19.1 billion and during the same period the Northwest Economy was worth £116.5 billion. (Regional Accounts, ONS, December 2009) In 2007 Merseyside had a Gross Value Added of £14,155 per head and during the same period the Northwest value was £16,967. (Source: Regional Accounts, ONS, December 2009) Businesses Count of Active Births of New Enterprises (2008) Enterprises (2008) Knowsley 2,665 385 Liverpool 11,965 1,530 Sefton 7,775 900 St Helens 4,295 505 Wirral 8,355 990 Merseyside 35,055 4,310 North West 235,315 27,650 Source: Business Demography 2008, ONS

Deaths of Enterprises (2008) 250 1,165 710 435 780 3,340 23,150

In 2008 industry in Merseyside was distributed, based on the number of companies in each industry, according to the following classifications. Industry

Agriculture & fishing Energy & water Manufacturing Construction Distribution, hotels & restaurants Transport and communications Banking, finance & insurance, etc Public administration, education & health Other services Total Source: Annual Business Inquiry 2008

Merseyside Number of % Companies 140 0.4 34 0.1 2,468 6.2 4,073 10.2 11,657 29.2 1,625 4.1 11,551 29.0 4,879 12.2 3,465 8.7 39,892 100.0

North West Number of % Companies 2,008 0.8 446 0.2 17,236 6.7 25,590 10.0 74,931 29.3 11,397 4.5 79,650 31.2 24,326 9.5 19,793 7.8 255,377 100.0

Skills & Education Education The following table lists the qualifications of the working age population in 2008.

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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NVQ 2 Only

NVQ 1+

NVQ 1 Only

No Quals


NVQ3 Only



Knowsley 14.5 31.9 14.8 55.0 Liverpool 21.9 39.3 15.7 61.3 Sefton 27.5 46.6 17.0 66.3 St Helens 21.2 38.3 14.5 60.6 Wirral 30.2 49.6 17.1 71.1 Merseyside 23.9 42.0 16.0 63.6 North West 25.6 44.2 16.2 64.2 Source: Annual Population Survey Jan – Dec 2008

20.5 20.3 17.6 19.8 19.3 19.5 17.7

71.2 73.5 79.3 74.2 85.1 77.0 78.1

16.3 12.2 13.0 13.6 14.0 13.4 13.9

23.7 19.5 16.4 18.9 10.9 17.4 14.7

During 2009 within Merseyside there were 409 primary schools, 90 secondary schools and 44 special schools. (Source: Schools, Pupils and Their Characteristics: January 2009, DCSF) The following table lists the achievement of pupils, at the end of Key Stage 4, of 5+ A*-C grades at GCSE and equivalents in 2008/9. Merseyside North West Males 69.7% 67.2% Females 76.5% 74.8% Total 73.1% 70.9% Source: 2008/9 GCSE and Equivalent Results of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4, DCSF People & Jobs Population Area

All Ages Children (0-15) Working Age (16- Older People (65M/60F (000s) (000s) 64M/59F) (000s) and Over) (000s) Knowsley 150.8 30.3 93.5 27.0 Liverpool 434.9 75.3 285.0 74.6 Sefton 275.1 48.8 161.8 64.6 St Helens 177.5 33.5 108.5 35.6 Wirral 309.5 58.9 182.3 68.2 Merseyside 1,347.9 246.8 831.1 270.0 North West 6,875.7 1,300.1 4,238.4 1,337.2 Source: 2008 Mid Year Population Estimates for Selected Age Groups, ONS Over the period 1998-2008 Merseyside had a population decrease of 2.8% compared to the Northwest which increased by 1.2%. (Source: Mid Year Population Estimates for 1998 and 2008, NOMIS) In 2008 there was an average population density of 2,090 people per square kilometre in Merseyside compared to a figure of 395 for England and 487 for the Northwest. (Regional Trends 41, June 2009)

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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All Ethnic Groups as a % of Population Knowsley 2.8 Liverpool 8.5 Sefton 2.7 St Helens 2.2 Wirral 3.0 Merseyside 4.6 North West 7.9 Source: 2007 Experimental Population Estimates by Ethnic Group, ONS Migration Area NINo Registrations Knowsley 1,430 Liverpool 28,790 Sefton 6,950 St Helens 2,620 Wirral 5,010 Merseyside 44,800 North West 291,560 Source: National Insurance Number Registrations September 2009, Department for Work and Pensions Between 1 January 2002 and September 2009 Merseyside received 44,800 National Insurance number registrations which represents 15.4% of the Northwest total. The majority, 22.9%, of registrations came from Polish nationals. The table below shows internal migration for 2008. Area

Migration Migration Migration Inflow (000’s) Outflow (000’s) Balance (000’s) Knowsley 4.7 5.2 -0.5 Liverpool 15.3 17.9 -2.6 Sefton 7.2 7.4 -0.2 St Helens 4.4 4.4 0.0 Wirral 6.5 6.5 0.0 Merseyside 38.1 41.4 -3.3 North West 95.2 103.2 -8.0 Source: Mid 2007 – mid 2008 internal migration within the United Kingdom 2008, ONS Labour Market In 2008 72.9% were economically active in Merseyside compared to 76.6% in the Northwest. (Annual Population Survey Jul 08 – Jun 09, NOMIS) In Merseyside the population that were of working age (16 to pension age) was 76.0% compared to 76.6% in the Northwest. (Source: Annual Population Survey Jul 08 – Jun 09, NOMIS)

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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547,700 people (66.5%) of working age were in employment within Merseyside of which 488,300 (59.3%) were employees and 56,700 (6.9%) were self-employed compared to 2,999,300 (70.8%) in the Northwest of which 2,642,900 (62.4%) were employees and 340,600 (8.0%) were self-employed. (Source: Annual Population Survey Jul 08 – Jun 09, NOMIS) In Merseyside the unemployment rate of the working age population was 8.7% compared to 7.8% in the Northwest. (Source: Annual Population Survey Jul 08 – Jun 09, NOMIS) In February 2010 the Claimant Count within Merseyside was 52,556 (6.3%) compared to 204,157 (4.8%) in the Northwest (Source: Claimant Count with Rates and Proportions, NOMIS) In Merseyside there were 75,020 Income Support Claimants in August 2009 compared to 1,648,240 in England and 279,160 in the Northwest. (Source: Department for Work and Pensions Income Support Claimants, NOMIS). Wages The Northwest had a gross median weekly pay of £373.4 in 2009. Authorities of Knowsley, Liverpool and Sefton fell below the regional level.

Within Merseyside the Local


Weekly Pay (Gross Median (£) for all employee jobs) Knowsley 366.2 Liverpool 364.8 Sefton 365.9 St Helens 385.9 Wirral 391.6 Merseyside 373.6 North West 373.8 Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2009 Health The table below shows the number of deaths and Standard Mortality Ratio (SMRs) for 2008:Male Female Number Standard Number Standard of Deaths Mortality Ratio of Deaths Mortality Ratio Knowsley 700 123 781 123 Liverpool 2,177 129 2,415 130 Sefton 1,500 108 1,760 107 St Helens 882 120 960 115 Wirral 1,642 109 1,985 109 Merseyside 6,901 117 7,901 116 North West 33,389 112 37,351 112 Source: Deaths by Local Authority area of usual residence, numbers and standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) 2008, ONS Area

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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Infrastructure Area Area Size (sq km) % of Region Knowsley 86 0.6 Liverpool 112 0.8 Sefton 153 1.1 St Helens 136 1.0 Wirral 157 1.1 Merseyside 645 4.6 North West 14,106 100.0 Source: Regional Trends 41 – June 2009, ONS

Population Density (people per sq km) 1,744 3,888 1,797 1,302 1,971 2,090 487

There are 29,240 hectares of green belt land in Merseyside which equates to 1.8% of the overall area and in the Northwest there are 262,730 hectares which is 16.0%. Housing In February 2010 the average overall house price for Merseyside was £112,993 down by 6.1% on the previous year and for the Northwest it was £121,842 which was an increase of 4.7% on the previous year. (Source: House Price Index March 2010, Land Registry) The average house price can often be distorted by a few very expensive property sales. Lower quartile house prices are an indication of the cheapest housing within an area. The lower quartile house price is often used as a ratio against lower quartile earnings to indicate the ability of those on the lowest incomes to afford the cheapest housing in an area Area

Lower Quartile Lower Quartile House Number of House Prices Price to Lower Quartile Households (£)1 Earnings Ratio2 (000s)3 Knowsley 87,875 4.35 63 Liverpool 80,500 3.99 192 Sefton 118,090 6.39 118 St Helens 82,625 4.19 75 Wirral 105,000 5.78 136 Merseyside 95,000 4.80 584 North West 98,000 5.02 2,931 Sources: 1) Lower Quartile House Prices Quarter 4 2009, DCLG, 2) Ratio of Lower Quartile House Price to Lower Quartile Earnings 2009, DCLG and 3) Projections of Households 2006, DCLG The number of Lone Parent Households with Dependent Children in Merseyside was 2,173 compared with 8,562 across the Northwest. (Source: Census 2001)

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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Transport The table below shows the average time it takes residents to travel to work:Area

Average travel to work time (minutes) Knowsley 24 Liverpool 20 Sefton 24 St Helens 17 Wirral 21 Merseyside 21.3 North West 19.4 Source: Average Travel to Work Time 2002-2003, Labour Force Survey, Local Knowledge Regeneration Merseyside has 97 wards within Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral that are eligible for Tier Two Grants for Business Investment support and the remainder is eligible for Tier Three (SFI) Grants for Business Investment support. The entire geographical area of the Northwest is eligible under the new Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2013. Merseyside will have transitional status, until the end of 2010, with an allocation of transitional funding. There will be separate ERDF and ESF programmes in the region. The Local Authorities of Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral are eligible for the Working Neighbourhoods Fund. (Source: DCLG) Quality of Life Image Merseyside’s top 5 visitor attractions in 2008 were:Attraction Visitor Numbers Tate Liverpool, Liverpool 1,088,504 Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool 1,020,712 Liverpool Museum, Liverpool 787,767 International Slavery Museum, Liverpool 414,480 The Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool 396,356 Source: 2008 Annual Visitor Attractions Survey. Enjoy England Deprivation Merseyside has 320 Super Output Areas that feature in the ten percent most deprived Super Output Areas in England and Merseyside has 420 in the most deprived 20 percent. (Source: Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007, DCLG)

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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Crime The table below shows crime rates and perceptions of crime:-

Total Recorded Crime: rate per 1,000 population Burglaries (all): rate per 10,000 households Theft or unauthorised taking of a vehicle: rate per 10,000 population Theft from a vehicle: rate per 10,000 population Violence (all BCS): rate per 10,000 adults High level of perceived anti-social behaviour (%)3 Source: 2008/9 British Crime Survey, The Home Office

Merseyside (Police Force Area) 87 305 28 61 255 20

North West 91 343 30 75 508 18

Household Income The table below shows statistics for Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI) which put simply is the amount of money individuals have for saving or spending, and includes wages, property and pension income, and social benefits, less rent and taxes on wealth. GDHI covers the income received by households and non-profit institutions serving households.

Gross Disposable Household Income Index (UK = 100) Gross Disposable Household Income per head (GDHI) (£) Average annual % change in GDHI per head Source: 2007 Regional Household Income, ONS p – provisional

Merseyside 88p £12,604p 2.0p

North West 91p £13,038p 2.0%p

Interesting Facts Knowsley Knowsley Safari Park was opened to the public in July 1971 when the ‘safari park’ concept of having visitors in cages (cars) and the animals roaming free, based on the drive-through game reserves of East Africa, was unique. Source: www.knowsley.com Liverpool Royal Liver building, Liverpool's best known landmark, has a clock which is the biggest in Britain beating Big Ben in width by 2 feet 6 inches. Source: www.aboutbritain.com Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral is the largest cathedral in Britain and the fifth largest in the world. Source: www.liverpool.gov.uk Liverpool has Europe's longest established Chinese community and Europe's largest Chinese Arch which stands 14 metres over the entrance to Chinatown. Source: www.liverpool.gov.uk The world's first School of Tropical Medicine was opened in Liverpool in 1898 and discovered that Malaria could be passed by a Mosquito bite. Source: www.liverpool.gov.uk

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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The five Grade I buildings at Albert Dock in Liverpool covers 1.25 million sq ft making the complex the largest set of Grade 1 Listed Buildings in the UK. Source: www.en.wikipedia.org/ Sefton Aintree Racecourse is the home of The Grand National the most celebrated and most talked about horse race in the world. Source: www.aboutbritain.com Royal Birkdale Golf Club in the town of Southport, is one of the clubs in the Open Championship rotation. The club has hosted The Open eight times since 1954. Birkdale is the only course in the championship rotation that has never had a champion from the UK. Source: www.en.wikipedia.org/ The Royal Seaforth Dock, now known locally as Bootle Docks or the Freeport, was the first to have port assisted radar operations in the UK to improve the safety of shipping entering the new port. The Royal Seaforth Dock opened in 1972 and by 1984 had become Britain's first fully active Freeport. Source: www.merseyreporter.com Southport Flower Show is the largest independent flower show in the UK. It was originally started in 1924 by the local council, but since 1986 it has been operated by Southport Flower Show company, which is a registered charity. Source: www.en.wikipedia.org/ St Helens Stephenson's Sankey Viaduct (also known as the Nine Arches Viaduct), built by George Stephenson in 1930, was the first viaduct on the world's first passenger railway line and crosses the UK's first industrial canal. Source: www.visitsthelens.com St Helens is renowned for glass making and today visitors can visit the Tank House, a pioneering glass making building, now an integral part of the award winning World of Glass Visitor Centre. Source: www.aboutbritain.com In 1859 Beechams opened the world’s first medicine factory in St Helens. britain.co.uk/

Source: www.information-

Wirral Birkenhead Park was the first publicly funded park designed by Joseph Paxton and opened in 1847. The design for the park was the inspiration for Central Park in New York. Source: www.aboutbritain.com Port Sunlight is a model village which was purpose built by William Hesketh Lever (later Lord Leverhulme) starting in 1888 for the employees of Lever Brothers soap factory (now part of Unilever). The name is derived from Lever's most popular brand of cleaning agent, Sunlight. It contains 900 Grade II listed buildings. Source: www.en.wikipedia.org/ Famous people born in Merseyside include:Name Jeremiah Horrocks

Famous For

Where Born Astronomer who was the only person to predict, and Toxteth, one of only two people to observe and record the Liverpool transit of Venus of 1639. Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

When Born 1618

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Name John Rylands

William E Gladstone John Brunner

John Milne

Frank Hornby

Sebastian de Ferranti

Rodney Robert Porter

Robert Alexander Kennedy Runcie Ringo Starr

John Lennon

Paul McCartney

George Harrison

Famous For

Where When Born Born Weaver, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, at one St Helens 7.2.1801 time the owner of the largest textile manufacturing concern in the UK Liberal Party statesman and four times Prime Liverpool 29.12.1809 Minister 8.2.1842 Founded Brunner Mond & Company in 1873. Built Everton, factory at Winnington to produce soda ash and Liverpool became one of the wealthiest chemical companies in the late nineteenth century. Introduced shorter working hours, sickness and injury insurance, and holidays with pay for his employees. Elected MP for Northwich in 1885 and stood until 1910. Geologist and mining engineer who invented the Liverpool 1850 seismograph which are instruments that measure and record motions of the ground, including those of seismic waves generated by earthquakes, nuclear explosions, and other seismic sources. 15.5.1863 Inventor, businessman and politician. He was a Liverpool visionary in toy development and manufacture and produced three of the most popular lines of toys in the twentieth century: Meccano, Hornby Model Railways and Dinky Toys. He also founded the British toy company Meccano Ltd in 1908. Innovator in the development of electrical Liverpool 9.4.1864 engineering. Patented the Ferranti dynamo at the age of 16. Formulated idea of large-scale generation and distribution of electricity. 8.10.1917 Biochemist who shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine Newton-leor Physiology in 1972 for determining the exact Willows, St chemical structure of an antibody and using an Helens enzyme called papain, he broke the blood's immunoglobin into pieces, making them easier to study Baron Runcie of Cuddesdon was a prelate and Crosby, 2.10.1921 Archbishop of Canterbury Sefton 7.7.1940 Born Richard Starkey. Musician, singer, songwriter Liverpool and actor, best known as the drummer for The Beatles and narrated the television series Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends Songwriter, peace campaigner and founder member Liverpool 9.10.1940 of The Beatles. He was shot dead in new York in 1980. Rock singer, bass guitarist, songwriter, composer, Liverpool 18.6.1942 multi-instrumentalist, entrepreneur, record producer, film producer and animal-rights activist and gained worldwide fame as a member of The Beatles Lead guitarist, vocalist and songwriter with The Liverpool 25.2.1943 Beatles. He also co-founded the producer company Handmade Films. Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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Famous For

Where Born Cilla Black (born Made singing debut at Cavern Club in Liverpool and Liverpool Priscilla White) had several number 1 singles before turning to television and presenting programmes such as Blind Date and Surprise Surprise. Awarded OBE in 1997. Chris Boardman Racing cyclist who has won an individual pursuit Wirral Olympic gold medal, broken the world hour record three times and has worn the yellow jersey on three separate occasions at the Tour de France. Sources: www.information-britain.co.uk and www.en.wikipedia.org/

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

When Born 27.5.1943


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Data Sources  GVA £ million Source: 2007 from December 2008 ONS Regional Accounts  GVA per head £ Source: 2007 from December 2008 ONS Regional Accounts  Count of active enterprises Source: 2008 Count of Active Enterprises, Business Demography, ONS  Count of births of new enterprises Source: 2008 Count of Births of New Enterprises, Business Demography, ONS  Count of deaths of enterprises Source: 2008 Count of Deaths of Enterprises, Business Demography, ONS  % of companies in broad industry groups Source: Annual Business Inquiry 2008, ONS  Working age population qualification levels (%) Source: January – December 2008 Annual Population Survey from ONS  Number of primary, secondary and special schools Source: Schools, Pupils and Their Characteristics: January 2009, DCSF  Pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 achieving 5+ A*-C grades at GCSE and equivalents (%) Source: 2008/9 GCSE and Equivalent Results of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families  Population (000s) Source: 2008 Mid Year Population Estimates from ONS  Population % under 16 Source: 2008 Mid Year Population Estimates from ONS  Population % of working age Source: 2008 Mid Year Population Estimates from ONS  Population % of pension age or over Source: 2008 Mid Year Population Estimates from ONS  Population change 1998-2008 Source: 1998 and 2008 Mid Year Population Estimates from ONS  Population density Source: 2008 taken from Regional Trends 41 from ONS  All ethnic groups as a % of population Source: Mid 2007 Population Estimates by Ethnic group (experimental statistics) from ONS Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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 National Insurance Number Registrations (number and % of Northwest total) Source: National Insurance Number Registrations September 2009 (cumulative from 1 January 2002) from DWP  Country with highest number of National Insurance Number Registrations and % of area total Source: National Insurance Number Registrations September 2009 (cumulative from 1 January 2002) from DWP  Migration inflow into the region, outflow from the region and balance (000’s) Source: Mid 2007 – mid 2008 Internal Migration within the United Kingdom from ONS  Economic activity rate (%) Source: July 2008-June 2009 Annual Population Survey from ONS  Population % of working age Source: July 2008-June 2009 Annual Population Survey from ONS  In employment (000’s and %) Source: July 2008-June 2009 Annual Population Survey from ONS  Employees (000’s and %) Source: July 2008-June 2009 Annual Population Survey from ONS  Self employed (000’s and %) Source: July 2008-June 2009 Annual Population Survey from ONS  Unemployment rate (%) Source: July 2008-June 2009 Annual Population Survey from ONS  Claimant count (000’s and % of working age population) Source: February 2010 Claimant Count with Rates and Proportions from ONS  Income Support claimant count (000’s and % of working age population) Source: August 2009 Income Support Claimants from DWP  Median gross weekly pay (£) Source: 2009 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) from ONS  Mortality Rate - number of deaths (Standardised Mortality Ratio) Source: 2008 Deaths by Local Authority Area of Usual Residence, Numbers and Standardised Mortality Ratios (SMRs) from ONS  Size of the region (Sq km) and % of overall total Source: 2008 taken from Regional Trends 41 from ONS  Population density Source: 2008 taken from Regional Trends 41 from ONS  Green belt land area % (000’s hectares) Source: 2008/9 Local Planning Authority Green Belt Statistics from the Department for Communities and Local Government Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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 Average overall house price (£) Source: February 2010 House Price Index from Land Registry  Average overall house price change 2009 - 2010 (%) Source: February 2010 House Price Index from Land Registry  Lower quartile house prices Source: Quarter 4 2009 Lower Quartile House Prices from the Department for Communities and Local Government  Lower quartile house price to lower quartile earnings ratio Source: 2009 Ratio of Lower Quartile House Price to Lower Quartile Earnings from the Department for Communities and Local Government  Number of households (000’s) Source: 2006 Projections of Households from the Department for Communities and Local Government  Number of lone parent households with dependent children and % of regional total Source: 2001 Census from ONS  Average travel to work time (minutes) Source: 2002 – 2003 Average Travel to Work Time from Local Knowledge (taken from the Labour Force Survey)  Number of wards eligible for Tier Two and Tier Three Grants for Business Investment support Source: The European Programme Team, Northwest Development Agency  Eligibility for Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective Source: The European Programme Team, Northwest Development Agency  Eligibility for Working Neighbourhood Fund Source: Working Neighbourhood Fund (WNF) Revised Allocations from the Department for Communities and Local Government  Visitor attractions Source: 2008 Annual Visitor Attractions Survey. Enjoy England  Number of SOA’s in 10% most deprived Source: 2007 Indices of Multiple Deprivation from the Department for Communities and Local Government  Total recorded crime: rate per 1,000 population Source: 2008/9 British Crime Survey from The Home Office  Burglaries (all): rate per 10,000 households Source: 2008/9 British Crime Survey from The Home Office  Theft or unauthorised taking of a vehicle: rate per 10,000 population Source: 2008/9 British Crime Survey from The Home Office  Theft from a vehicle: rate per 10,000 population Source: 2008/9 British Crime Survey from The Home Office Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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 Violence (all BCS): rate per 10,000 adults Source: 2007/8 British Crime Survey from The Home Office  High level of perceived anti-social behaviour (%) Source: 2008/9 British Crime Survey from The Home Office  Gross disposable household income index (UK = 100) Source: 2007 Regional Household Income from ONS  Gross disposable household income per head (GDHI) (£) Source: 2007 Regional Household Income from ONS  Average annual % change in GDHI per head Source: 2006 – 2007 Regional Household Income from ONS  Interesting facts and famous people Source: www.information-britain.co.uk, www.en.wikipedia.org/, www.aboutbritain.com, www.merseyreporter.com, www.knowsley.com, www.liverpool.gov.uk, and www.visitsthelens.com

Email: nwriu@nwda.co.uk Tel: 01925 400291 NWDA Research Team, Renaissance House, Warrington Website: www.nwriu.co.uk

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