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Closing NWDA Business Functions – Expressing an Interest in the transfer of value to interested parties


Introduction NWDA has led the sustainable economic development of the Northwest since being created in 1999. Over that time NWDA has supported many projects and initiatives within the region, helping local partners deliver on their ambitions while simultaneously setting the agenda for sustainable economic development and regeneration in the region through production of a Regional Economic Strategy. The Government announced the abolition of Regional Development Agencies in June 2010 and indicated that Local Enterprise Partnerships were to be established. The Government has also set out its priorities to support private sector employment growth as part of a rebalancing of the economy. Subsequent to the announcement that RDAs would close by the end of March 2012, Government has outlined its policies in more detail in a White paper titled ‘Local Growth: Realising Every Place’s Potential’ published in October 2010, the establishment of a Regional Growth Fund (RGF) and in guidance to RDAs on their closure.

NWDA Assets & Liabilities Each RDA has a series of assets and liabilities obtained over their operational life. Government has issued guidance to the RDAs on how they should treat their asset and liabilities and the importance of meeting the conditions of Managing Public Money 1 . The guidance was based on a series of principles agreed by the National Transition Board (NTB) responsible for RDA closure. The NWDA Asset & Liabilities Plan provided to Government in January covered how we would deal with our physical assets and liabilities, our venture capital projects, and how we will deal with our operational estate and interests in companies. The document has been made available on the NWDA web-site. The assets/liabilities included are subject to decisions and ongoing guidance from Government. In addition to these NWDA has a series of ‘softer’ assets within our theme based activity areas such as Enterprise Policy and Research etc.. These still have to be considered in light of the need to meet Managing Public Money conditions and NWDA is seeking to identify any recipient bodies able to receive our ‘soft’ assets and liabilities so that any value is retained. Any transfer must still take account of the principles set out by the NTB and importantly, any recipient body of a perceived asset must also accept any associated liabilities. However, over time NWDA has commissioned research, established influencing mechanisms (strategies/forums), and undertaken other work that might now be perceived as having value. Much of this is in the public domain and has been previously provided to stakeholders of partners free of charge.

Purpose of this document This document is published by NWDA to identify stakeholder or other partner bodies who would potentially have an interest in receiving any element of NWDAs softer assets and liabilities with the purpose of retaining any value for the benefit of the North West. Where there are multiple bodies seeking to act as a recipient body then there may be further discussions to establish which offers the best value to the public purse. However, this initial stage will identify those partner bodies that are capable of meeting a set of criteria drawn from the NTB principles. Where there are multiple bodies with the potential to be a recipient of any


Managing Public Money – produced by Her Majesty’s Treasury. Can be found at: http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/psr_mpm_index.htm



asset then there will be a need for specific selection criteria to be applied to select the final recipient organisation. The document outlines what may be considered assets and liabilities by each theme/business area where NWDA has had a role over the last decade or so. Partners are asked to express any interest they may have in taking on such assets and liabilities or, in any other specific asset that they are aware of from their interactions with the Agency and that is not included in the NWDA Asset and Liabilities Plan. As an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body, NWDA is subject to guidance from Government on our closure and transition. In a number of theme/business areas NWDA has already been guided on future delivery and the transfer of any responsibilities. Although we are seeking to work with our partners and stakeholders requirements placed upon NWDA may restrict what we can do. In no way will NWDA make any payment to applicants to take on any of the business units and we are not undertaking a procurement process for the delivery of any outsourced service.

Theme/Business Areas Covered The following areas of NWDA activity are considered within this report. These relate to functional areas of NWDA activity and we are interested in any organisation that might want a discussion about any particular assets within that function. However, assets vary by functional area and the nature of activity that was undertaken. Functional Area Regional Policy Area Business Support

Policy: European Policy


Regional Intelligence


Business Link


Business Relations: Inward Investment and Investor Development


Business Relations: Sectors

5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

Policy and Investment Area


Life Science

Digital and Creative Industries

Advanced Manufacturing

Energy & Environmental Technology

Science & Innovation


Enterprise: Finance


Enterprise: Business Angels


Enterprise: Wider Policy Area


Skills & Employment


Energy and Environment


Rural Expertise


General considerations NWDA Research In delivering our programmes NWDA has produced a considerable amount of research and intelligence. This has in the main been published on the NWDA website, Regional Intelligence Unit web-site or been available through the various policy or thematic groups that the NWDA has worked with. NWDA will be putting this portfolio of materials into a single on-



line location which will be accessible to all partners/stakeholders to download material. This on-line site may then be transferred to the national archive. Many of the assets described here fall within NWDA theme areas and relate to this type of research and associated publications. Any organisation will be able to download such material from the single web-site location. Any organisation that might wish to host such a facility beyond the life of NWDA should complete an expression of interest form as per the process described in this document.

Non-research assets. NWDA has undertaken a considerable amount of investment within the Northwest and has had a number of contracts and frameworks with bodies in the region. In developing these NWDA has often worked with partners to establish the frameworks and contracts and some may be perceived by partners as having a value. If this is the case the process communicated in this document should be used by any interested party to express their interest.

Liabilities The principles set by the NTB require NWDA to seek to package any associated liabilities with any assets transferred. Alongside ‘soft’ assets are a host of potential soft liabilities such as: •

A potential requirement to provide continued public access to any transferred asset (e.g. research) to other bodies

A potential requirement to maintain a secretariat function and maintain any ‘group’ where NWDA’s involvement might end or transfer

Such will depend on the asset but any body expressing an interest needs to be aware of the requirement for NWDA to seek to package liabilities with assets.

COSOP and TUPE With transfers of function from a public sector organisation, rules around COSOP (Cabinet Office Statement of Practice on Staff Transfers) and TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)) potentially apply. In essence, a continuation of service requires a continuation of employment by a recipient body. Staff involved in delivering the function within the RDA will have a right to transfer to any new provider. This could apply to any area where there is a continuation of undertakings. Any prospective transfers of RDA employees would need to comply with the Government Actuaries Department’s Fair Deal for Staff Pensions.


Timelines and process

Timelines and process Timelines & Process This document was published on the NWDA website on May 13th 2011. Interested parties are asked to complete an expression of interest form specifically identifying which element of NWDA activity you may have an interest in and how your organisation would seek to utilise any transferred assets and liabilities. Expressions of interest must be received by email using the form on the same page of the NWDA website as this document and must be sent to ValueTransferEnquiries@nwda.co.uk by noon on the 27th May 2011. Any EoI submitted later than this date and time will not be eligible for consideration. A separate EoI form should be submitted for each individual element or potential asset that you would wish to express an interest in. Expressions of interest will be assessed against the criteria detailed below. The intention of NWDA is to assess the ability of any interested party to be the recipient body of NWDA assets and liabilities based on the principles of Assets and Liabilities set out by the National Transition Board (NTB) governing the RDA closure and transition process. We expect that any recipient of assets must also be a recipient of liabilities or responsibilities to ensure public value is achieved and to comply with the principles. Where multiple bodies express an interest in the same element of NWDA activity a subsequent stage of discussion may be entered into and specific selection criteria relating to the individual asset may be applied. To ensure public value it may therefore be necessary to discuss a payment to the NWDA from the recipient body for the assets/liabilities that are wanted.

Assessment Questions All RDAs were provided with a set of principles to guide their considerations of how to deal with their assets and liabilities given the requirement to close by March 2012. The principles have been used to determine a set of assessment questions which NWDA will use to assess the ability of any receiving body to take NWDA assets. These are included on the EoI form. The questions are:1. Please indicate the specific business area/asset that you are expressing an interest in (if more than one, please complete a separate form for each). 2. Please explain your specific experience and understanding of the particular business unit performed by the NWDA, and in what way you would utilise any assets/liabilities to further the purpose for which they were established? 3. How would you invest in the asset to improve and increase its utilisation and 'worth'? 4. To what extent would you utilise the asset to support the economic development/regeneration of local communities and the demands of local areas in the Northwest? 5. Please acknowledge that by being the recipient of any asset you accept that you would be willing to take on any associated liabilities and responsibilities? 6. Please describe your capacity to both act as a recipient body for NWDA assets, but also to be able to utilise the asset to meet the original purpose for which it was established


Timelines and process

7. Do you plan to commercially utilise the asset going forward. If yes, please explain how and how that will support the continued use of the asset to deliver on its intended original purpose? 8. Please answer the following: •

Are you aware of any conflicts of interest between yourself or your organisation that might restrict your ability to be a recipient of an asset from NWDA?

Are you or anyone within your organisation, related to anyone currently employed by NWDA or previously employed at NWDA during the last 12 months?

Those expressing an interest will be assessed against whether they have a good understanding of the asset and the purpose for which it was originally established, whether they would be able to utilise the asset for the benefit of the North West and whether they would have the capacity to manage the asset.

Applicants must be aware The NWDA reserves the right to: 

alter the timetable at any stage; and

amend, add to or withdraw all or any part of this EoI document.

While reasonable care has been taken in preparing this EoI document, the information within it does not purport to be exhaustive or to have been independently verified. The NWDA does not accept liability or responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information or opinions stated in this document. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is or will be given by the NWDA or any of their representatives, employees, agents or advisers with respect to the EoI document or the information on which it is based. NWDA shall have no liability for any cost or expense applicants may incur as a direct or indirect consequence of submitting an EoI form or any further or other work connected with the value transfer process. Applicants must be prepared to accept all liabilities that may arise as a consequence of the application of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981, as amended (“TUPE”). The NWDA is committed to open government and to meeting its legal responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) or the Environmental Information Regulations (the EIR) (together the Freedom of Information Legislation). Accordingly, all information submitted may need to be disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Legislation. Successful applicants will be required to execute a data & asset transfer agreement with NWDA. In reading the descriptions that follow applicants must be aware that it will be necessary for NWDA to package any liabilities with any assets where appropriate. In some cases no specific liabilities have been identified however, the general principles and the potential of requirements such as TUPE and COSOP could still apply.


Themes/Business Areas

Business Area:

Policy: European Policy



NWDA’s previous work in this business area The unit in the NWDA is responsible for management of a European policy and influencing function working in conjunction with local authorities and socio-economic partners in the North West. The area of work was accountable via the NW Regional European Partnership (NWREP) which consisted of local authorities, regional bodies and socioeconomic partners, to the Boards of 4NW and the NWDA which will both not exist. There are three sub groups which cover the main regional priority areas: the European Cooperation Group (ECG), the Framework 8 Panel and the CAP/Rural Group. The unit is split between the NWDA HQ and the Brussels office, providing secretariat functions and access in the NW combined with a presence in Brussels. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area The key asset of the NWDA European policy unit is the influence within and knowledge of EU institutions and other European partner organisations. This knowledge is primarily tacit knowledge held by Agency staff although research and consultation responses are published and in the public domain. Possible requirements of any receiving body/organisation Any recipient body would need to continue providing European policy advice while a continuation of function would result in potential COSOP/TUPE implications. Local Authority partners in the North West have already considered whether they would want to continue funding the function but do not consider they have the resources in the current financial environment.


Themes/Business Areas

Business Area: Sub- Areas:

Regional Intelligence



Undertaken research Databases and contacts

NWDA’s previous work in this business area The RIU function is provided by the NWDA Research Team. They collect, analyse, and disseminate data and research on behalf of regional partners to present an accurate and continuously updated picture of the socio-economic and environmental position of the Northwest. The function is performed on behalf of the region and includes provision of intelligence to Government although this requirement from the NWDA is to be discontinued. The key elements covered: 

Delivery of NWDA research function

Collation of published data and research from a wide range of sources and management of extranet and external dissemination functions

Delivering strategic research, through managing the regional research programme budget (which was closed in summer 2010)

Delivery of the Regional Economic Forecasting Panel (REFP) which provides economic forecasting by a panel of experts based on their analysis of supplied economic data

Research and data enquiry handling and delivery service

Representing the region at a national level as regards research and data needs

NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area NWDAs main assets are the back catalogue of research (although this exists in the public domain published on the RIU web-site), the web-site brand and content and the reputation of the unit. Possible requirements of any receiving body/organisation A recipient body might be expected to maintain a number of the functions previously undertaken by the RIU to be in receipt of any assets. Many data sources or systems are operated under licence. The recipient body would have to hold licenced systems that allowed them to be a recipient. Any continuation of function could be subject to COSOP/TUPE and a recipient body would have to consider this in their expression of interest.


Themes/Business Areas

Business Area: Sub- Areas:

Business Link Northwest



Customer Relations Management System


Databases and contacts


Specialist Brokerage


Universal Service


NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDA established Business Link Northwest to provide broker business support services to Northwest businesses. The service provided is due to end by November 2011 as Government establishes a replacement national service. Business Link Northwest has employed a series of specialist advisors providing a brokerage service on innovation and also finance. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area NWDA assets in this area include the customer relationship management system of BusinessLink Northwest and intelligence drawn from such as well as the protocols etc. relating to the services provided. NWDA’s potential liabilities in the area Management of the CRM has costs including agreements with suppliers of information and data. Possible requirements of any receiving body/organisation A recipient body would have to meet client confidentiality and data protection obligations with regard data held in the Business Link CRM. Any continuation of function could be subject to TUPE and a recipient body would have to consider this in their expression of interest.

Business Area:

Sectors: Life Sciences

Sub- Areas:



4.1 4.1.1

NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDA has supported the development of the life sciences sector within the Northwest including account management and interface with businesses, research and strategic steering of sector growth and support to projects. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area NWDA has produced a number of strategies and documents relating to the activities of BioNow that all exist in the public domain already. The team have a series of key business contacts and networks. NWDA has supported a number of physical infrastructure projects however these are covered by NWDAs Asset and Liabilities Plan and are not part of this package. NWDA’s potential liabilities in the area Continuation of websites etc. would have a cost associated. 9

Themes/Business Areas

Possible requirements of any receiving body/organisation Any recipient body would need to meet data protection criteria relating to company names and information held by the BioNow team. They would also be required to demonstrate an ability to provide the service and their sources of funding to do so. The continuation of the function may result in TUPE/COSOP implications for any organisation expressing an interest.


Themes/Business Areas

Business Area:

Sectors: Digital & Creative

Sub- Areas:


Research & Strategic Intelligence

4.2 4.2.1

NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDA has supported the development of the digital and creative sector within the Northwest primarily through the development of projects that support business growth. These have included nationally significant projects such as MediaCity etc. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area NWDAs research and intelligence has been made available to external bodies but can be considered an asset. NWDA interests in any physical assets are covered by NWDAs Asset and Liabilities plan and are not part of this package.

Business Area:

Sectors: Advanced Manufacturing

Sub- Areas:



Manufacturing Forum


Manufacturing Websites


Research Intelligence etc.


NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDAs manufacturing team has worked with key businesses and the wider sector in the Northwest producing a manufacturing strategy, supporting Cluster Organisations in key growth sectors (e.g. Chemicals, Aerospace etc.) and has delivered a number of significant projects. Amongst the most significant of these is the Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS) which Government will continue via a nationally determined structure and contract arrangement. Government sector engagement will continue through the establishment of BIS Local service. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area NWDA produced a manufacturing strategy and action plan and established a Manufacturing Forum to promote the sector in the Northwest. NWDA financial support to the secretariat is due to end. The NWDA has an interest in two websites which are www.ThisIsManufacturing.co.uk (fully operational and maintained until March 2012) and www.ManufacturersGuide.co.uk which is at an advanced stage of development and could be launched as part of this is manufacturing website to provide a capability guide on Northwest manufacturers. There may also be some IP associated with NWDA projects. NWDA’s potential liabilities in the area The Manufacturing Forum and websites have associated costs to run them. Possible requirements of any receiving body/organisation Any recipient body of the Forum would need to retain the interest of current forum members who may choose not to continue. A recipient body of the web-sites currently operating would have to maintain the sites and meet the associated costs.


Themes/Business Areas

Business Area:

Sectors: Energy & Environment



NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDA supported developed a series of projects supporting businesses within the Northwest and account managed a number of strategic businesses in the Energy and Environment Sector. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area Strategic intelligence, research and promotional brochures have been produced by NWDA previously to promote the sector although this is in the public domain. ‘Cluster’ support was provided by an external body to NWDA.

Business Area:

International & Trade



NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDA developed and implemented of the Northwest Internationalisation Strategy and Action Plan including the development and delivery key trade and inward investment projects. The Northwest International Trade Programme runs to 2013 under contract to ChamberLink. NWDA has provided the secretariat for the Northwest International Business Forum (NWIBF) and separate International Stakeholder Group (NWISF). The NWIBF group of private sector representatives has met regularly to oversee the development and implementation of the Northwest Internationalisation Strategy and Action Plan. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area The Northwest Internationalisation Strategy and Action Plan and related strategic intelligence and contacts represents and asset as does the international trade forums. NWDA’s potential liabilities in the area Provision of the secretariat of the Northwest International Business Forum (NWIBF) and separate International Stakeholder Group (NWISF) has a cost which was previously covered by the NWDA. The ongoing contracted financial commitment to March 2013 for the trade project “Developing Your Trade Potential”. Continuation of the project would require replacement financial input by an alternative body to NWDA. Possible requirements of any receiving body/organisation Potentially demonstrating an ability to continue the international trade project without the currently provided resource (which continues under a current contract). Any recipient body of research / strategic intelligence (which is already in the public domain) may be required to maintain provision to other bodies. Any organisation wishing to take on the NWDA forums would need to provide the secretariat support.


Themes/Business Areas

Business Area: Sub- Areas:

Science & Innovation


NW Science Strategy

6 6.1

NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDA was responsible for influencing and setting the agenda for science and innovation in the region, driving the knowledge economy. This included provision of support to the Northwest Science Council although that group has discontinued. The Agency supported a series of Science and Innovation projects including investment in capital projects as well as support to businesses. The NWDA was also instrumental in developing the innovation advisory service within Business Link. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area The NWDA interests in its capital investments transfer as part of the NWDA Asset & Liabilities Plan while some initiatives are transferring to the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) as part of national policy. NWDAs project investment in science and innovation has largely ended already.

Business Area: Sub- Areas:

Enterprise: Business Finance


Web-based system

7 7.1

NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDA has developed the Business Finance Strategy for the region to underpin all aspects of enterprise and innovation and managed a series of financial products and services targeted at identified areas of market failure, intervening only where the private sector cannot or will not. This includes national products delegated by BIS as part of a portfolio of Solutions for Business including Grant for Business Investment and Grant for Research & Development and NWDA investments in Loan and Equity funds for the region and intermediation support through the Business Link Access to Finance. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area Interests in NWDA Venture Capital and Loan funds are covered by the NWDA Asset and Liabilities plan and are not part of this package. Some of the products provided or managed by NWDA have ceased, been transferred or will be transferred to other parts of Government. The key remaining asset is the on-line application tool developed and used by NWDA in the Northwest to support applications for business funding; a web-based system that manages client enquiries. NWDA’s potential liabilities in the area The NWDA website system operation costs are met by NWDA currently which will not be continued. Possible requirements of any receiving body/organisation Recipient body would need to operate the system in accordance with the licence agreement.


Themes/Business Areas

Business Area: Sub- Areas:

Enterprise: Business Finance


North West Business Angels

8 8.1

NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDA delivers North West Business Angels (NWBA) which connects young and growing companies seeking investment with investors actively looking for investment opportunities in the Northwest. NWBA is one of UK’s longest established and most successful business angel networks. Business angels are recognised as playing a vital role in economic development. The supply of business angel finance is crucial for a dynamic enterprise economy providing early stage finance and management support alongside or prior to fund investment. NWBA is helping to support entrepreneurs in addressing the finance gap by improving awareness and availability of informal equity in the region and recruiting business angels. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area NWDA is responsible for managing the NW Business Angel service for investors and entrepreneurs looking for investment. The NWDA is responsible for the management of enquiries and arranging investor events. The investment readiness activity with the entrepreneurs is currently undertaken by the Business Link Access to Finance team. The assets of NWBA service is the contacts and investor network developed and managed by NWDA in the Northwest including the web-based system (www.nwbusinessangels.co.uk) for dealing with investor and client enquiries. It must be noted that NWDA funding for NWBA will end with the transfer of the service and there is no further public funding from Government to support NWDA initiatives. NWDA’s potential liabilities in the area Continuation of NWBA service managed by NWDA and the website/system are all operated at a cost met by NWDA currently which will not be continued. Possible requirements of any receiving body/organisation Any receiving body would need to be able to demonstrate their ability to continue the service and develop it further; improving availability and access to informal equity, ranging from £10,000 to £500,000, increasing the number of active business angels in the region to increase supply of finance and use the NWBA network to improve collaboration between business angels and venture capital funds. Continuation of service could also result in TUPE considerations.


Themes/Business Areas

Business Area: Sub- Areas:

Enterprise: Wider Policy Area



Start-Up Support


High Growth Business Support


Networks and Forums


NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDA delivered a series of projects on behalf of the region as well as supporting research, strategy, policy formulation and a series of network groups. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area Research and intelligence associated with NWDAs work as well as the frameworks and IPR associated with individual projects can be considered assets. This is particularly the case with regard the NWDA Intensive Start Up Support (ISUS) project and High Growth project. The NWDA also supported a number of networks and forums for Women’s Enterprise, BME and Social Enterprise. It must be noted that NWDA funding from these initiatives has either ended or will end e.g High Growth August 2011 and ISUS December 2011 and there is no further public funding from Government to support NWDA initiatives. Possible requirements of any receiving body/organisation Any recipient body would need to be able to demonstrate their ability to provide replacement resource to undertake and continue projects. Continuation of service could also result in TUPE/COSOP considerations.


Themes/Business Areas

Business Area:

Skills & Employment



NWDA’s previous work in this business area NWDA had a responsibility for influencing and investing in the region’s current and future workforce, creating a more appropriate and highly skilled workforce and tackling levels of inactivity in the region. This was done via strategic work facilitating the regional skills and employment board and preparing regional skills strategies/research. The Agency made project investments in a series of enterprise skills projects, investment in the higher level skills partnership, capital investments in education facilities, the leadership and management programme in the region, and NWDA mentoring activity. The Agency also supported 50:50 Vision seeking to increase the economic participation and contribution of older people within the Northwest economy. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area NWDA interest in any capital facility is included within the NWDA Asset & Liabilities Plan and are not covered within this bundle. NWDA’s strategic intelligence including research is an asset but is also largely in the public domain. The LEAD programme was developed with Universities within the Northwest and NWDA has an interest in the Intellectual Property associated with the project while there may also be knowledge assets associated with the Mentoring and FE Hubs projects. Possible requirements of any receiving body/organisation Any receiving body may be asked to support a continued strategy and influencing function (depending on national Government policy) while receipt of any other asset may have associated upkeep costs.


Themes/Business Areas

Business Area:

Energy & Environment

Sub- Areas:



Land Regeneration


Climate Change


Sustainable Consumption & Production


NWDA’s previous work in this business area The NWDA team have designed interventions and delivered key projects supporting the transition to a lower carbon economy. The NWDA also supported a series of regional groups and strategies as well as implementing governance structures for project delivery. The NWDA also represented all RDAs in a lead role capacity with the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC). NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area The Governance structures and implementation structures associated with NWDA funded projects represent assets despite NWDA funding being withdrawn. Region wide forums and strategies may also be seen as assets alongside the research and intelligence activity undertaken by NWDA although most is in the public domain. These include the Climate Change Action Plan, the Low Carbon Environmental Goods and Services Strategy and Action Plan; and the Sustainable Consumption and Production Action Plan. The following websites act as repositories for the above information: http://www.climatechangenorthwest.co.uk/ http://rpx.org.uk/stories/286-parklife_home_page

Business Area:

Rural Expertise



NWDA’s previous work in this business area Management of the Rural Development Programme in England delegated from Defra and channelled to local areas via Local Area Action Groups. Responsibility for inputting and commenting on rural policy from a sub-national perspective commissioning studies etc. and inputting to strategy development. NWDA’s ‘assets’ in this area Management of RDPE reverts to Defra with transfer of responsibilities and staff. NWDA produced research and policy can be considered an asset as do the protocols around partnership working and strategy.


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