PRE- QUALIFICATION CLARIFICATION No 001 TENDER TITLE: INNOVATION VOUCHER SCHEME TENDER REF: NWDA00269 Please find below questions raised and answers provided in relation to the above. Please confirm in your Questionnaire response that you have incorporated these questions and responses. Question 1:
Do you have a definition / examples of knowledge transfer activities that you anticipate will be funded as a result of this scheme.
There are a wide number of activities covered by the Voucher Scheme; some examples of possible voucher use are,
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Access to research equipment and expertise Analysis of business performance Assistance on prototype development CAD design Develop new business model Developing a CRM system Evaluation of performance Feasibility studies Investigating potential new markets
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Management systems and procedures Marketing strategies Methodology for the calculation of carbon footprint New web based marketing tools On-line booking system Product development Software development Staff development analysis Wastes management advice Website development
Activities specifically excluded from the scheme include the following:-
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standard training courses; software purchases, aid that would promote/ subsidies the cost of exports, internships for students of knowledge institutions, design and production of advertising materials, and sales activities.
Question 2:
Please confirm the understanding that the description is wide and does not just focus on research and development, but includes business consultancy, training etc?
Response: Activities are wide and diverse, and can include consultancy and bespoke training. Examples of Best Practise Case Studies can be downloaded from
Procurement Department Date of issue: 05 August 2008
RES003 V1/SC Issued: June 2007