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Northwest Regional Economic Strategy - 2006


Introduction As part of the implementation of the RES, the Advisory Group committed to produce a baseline report, against which progress in implementing the RES can be gauged. Ultimately success in implementing the RES will be measured against the 8 headline targets set out in full in the RES and summarised below: GVA Growth:

Achieve GVA growth above the England average

Job Creation:

Create 150,000 new jobs, 80,000 in knowledge occupations

Firm Formation:

Raise the firm formation rate to 21,000 per annum

No Qualifications:

Reduce the number of working age people with no qualifications to 80,000

Graduate Qualifications:

Increase the number of working age people with graduate qualifications by 120,000

Employment Rate:

Increase the number of people in the workforce by 83,000


Reduce the number of areas in the worst 5% nationally

CO2 Emissions:

Reduce CO2 emissions per £ of GVA

This baseline report sets out, for each factor, the objectives agreed in the RES, and the key data which we will use to know if appropriate progress is being made. The report sets a baseline for each dataset and then either a target for 2009, or a direction of travel. By looking at these more detailed monitoring indicators, on an annual basis against each RES factor, we will be able to understand how progress in each factor is contributing to the 8 headline targets. We will also be able to assess where the region is having the impact it requires and where further effort is required. Under each factor this report then gives a number of key milestones. These will be used to assess, annually (or six-monthly for Transformational Actions), how the region is progressing with the implementation of each RES action. This may be different from the impact on the appropriate monitoring indicators for each factor, and will be a more up to date assessment of progress, rather than relying on historical data. A monitoring report will be produced in May of each year, outlining the current progress of the region, by updating the data and milestones in this report. It will also look at expected progress in the following year and draw some conclusions about areas which require more focus. An initial assessment of how the headline targets each contribute to GVA Growth has been undertaken and further work will be carried out about the impact of individual monitoring indicators and RES actions on GVA, as the RES is implemented. If you have any comments on this report please do not hesitate to contact Simon Nokes, at NWDA on RES Advisory Group November 2006

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Improve the formation, survival and growth rates of enterprises 2. Improve availability of business finance 3. Influence government policy on small business regulation The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

38,000 fewer businesses than England average 35 business starts per 10,000 people (17,640 per annum). 85.5% of national rate 750 net new VAT businesses per annum Firm Formation rate for women, BME groups and deprived communities to be established via a study 92.4% 12 month firm survival rate (92% England), 80.5% 24 month firm survival rate (80.5% England) and 67.3% 36 month firm survival rate (67.3% England) 11.4% self employment rate (12.6% nationally) 5569 Business Link intensive assists per year with average GVA change of £3890 % of people think setting up a business is a good career choice (baseline to be established) % of people expect to start a business in the next 3 years (baseline to be established) 7% of NW HE students participate in enterprise activities (comparable to the national level); NW HEIs had 78 graduate business start-ups (14% of England total) in 2003/04, and 41 surviving at least 3 years (20% of England total); NW HEIs had 13% of England total of HEI owned spin-offs in 2003/04, and 11% of England total of those surviving to 3 years 8.27% NW share of National Small Firm Loans Guarantee disbursement (185 loans made under the new scheme) The annualised and accumulated impact of regulation posed on NW business in 2006 was equal to £1.18bn

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Reduce business stock gap from 38,000 fewer businesses than England average to 35,000 42 business starts per 10,000 people (21,000 per annum) Improvements in: net VAT registrations, firm formation rate for key groups above, survival rates and self employment rates 9567 Business Link intensive assists per year with average GVA change of £4190 Improvements in perception of setting up a business as a career choice and % of people expecting to start up in the next 3 years Grow HE student participation in enterprise activities, NW HEIs share of graduate business start-ups and NW share of HEI owned spin-offs VAT registrations / deregistrations (monitor) Increase NW % share from SFLG Impact of regulation on NW business (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation Firm Formation

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RES Actions linked to Enterprise: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 1 Transform Business Link (NWDA/LSC)

Q1/2 06/7 • •

2 Promote Enterprise as a career choice (NWDA)

• • •

Workstreams in place Submission to agree formation of new company HR/legal/KP and financial input to BL project team Skills brokerage operational

Q3 06/7

Knowledge platform built • Transfer staff • to new company • New service • operational • Ensure BL targets met • Ensure skills brokerage targets met Finalise structure of NW Enterprise Forum Undertake research for enterprise culture initiative Build on the NCGE report by exploring opportunities with HEIs to promote and support enterprise as a graduate career choice •

Commence TUPE process Build knowledge platform Confirm new BL structure and location

Q4 06/7 •

• •

3 Business Start for high growth/ key groups / underperforming places (Business Link) 4 Review Business Support needs of priority sectors/ high growth co’s / M co’s / rural co’s



New Business Link launched Intensive assists increase by 20% on 06/07 delivery plan

Intensive Assist increase by 25% on 07/08 delivery plan

Establish NW Enterprise Forum Undertake enterprise culture pilot projects Develop and implement schemes to promote graduate careers in enterprise New business start up service operational

Procure contractor for regional start up services Explore opportunities to align initiatives with HE schemes and facilitate graduate access to the service

Undertake review of existing business support arrangements in line with the Government’s Business Support Simplification Project Explore opportunities for complementing and enhancing HE schemes in priority sectors, including alumni support

Review and simplify regional products and services

Ongoing delivery of regional funds Develop Business Investment scheme successor fund

Review market gaps and procure small loans provision Create new funds to address equity gaps

Ongoing delivery of regional funds Delivery of small loans fund

Monitor impact via national surveys

• •

(Business Link)

5 Target existing investment funds

• •


6 Address key business finance gaps (NWDA) 7 Highlight the impact of regulation


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Chamber survey on local impact of regulation

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Develop key internationally competitive sectors 2. Develop sectors with large and widespread employment The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

90,000 fewer people work in knowledge sectors than the England average (36.4% of all employment compared to 41.8% in England) Priority sectors account for 55% of GVA (% in each priority sector to be established) Business services account for 40% of GVA gap Large/widespread employment sectors account for 52% of employment

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Same % of employment in knowledge sectors as the England average Increased % of GVA in priority sectors compared to England and increased growth rate in GVA of those sectors Reduction in GVA gap in Business Services sector Create 150,000 net new jobs by 2009 GVA, employment and job creation by sector (monitor) GVA, GVA/head, GVA per hour worked and average (median) wage (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation

RES Actions linked to Regional Sectors: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Output 8 Cluster programmes in priority sectors

Q1/2 06/7 •

(Cluster Orgs/NWDA)

9 Media Enterprise Zone linked to BBC (NWDA)

Complete Food & Drink Strategy/revie w organisational structure Undertake study of Business & Professional Services sector Undertake study of Digital & Creative Industries (D&CI) sector Develop partnership relationships with BBC

Q3 06/7 •

Q4 06/7

Set up Food NW Shadow Board Complete Financial and Professional Services sector (FPS) Strategy and Action Plan Complete D&CI Strategy and Action Plan

Preferred location identified by BBC BBC to sign property lease agreements

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Establish Food NW Finalise delivery arrangements for FPS Action Plan Finalise delivery arrangements for D&CI Action Plan

Provisional timetable finalised once lease agreement signed

• • •

Food NW coordinating delivery of Action Plan FPS Action Plan being delivered D&CI Action Plan being delivered Undertake next phase of sector strategy reviews

Ongoing planning for Media Zone – timetable/ key events to be agreed once lease signed

08/9 •

Identify emerging clusters in preparation for new RES

Milestones/Output 10 Implement Regional Tourism Strategy (Regional Tourism Forum)

Q1/2 06/7 • •

• • •

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

Formulate Business Tourism Strategy to make NW the premier English region for Business Tourism Launch visitor Information Strategy and Visitor Information improvement project to enhance the region’s communication with customers Mid term review of Regional Tourism Strategy completed Review of the composition and function of the Regional Tourism Forum Implement review of Tourist Board programmes

07/8 •

11 Skills / Procurement Initiatives in large employment sectors (SRPs/SSPAs)

Review SSPA Action Plans, align to National Sector Skills Agreements (SSAs) and contribute to Regional Statement of Skills Priorities

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• •

Complete major study to evaluate the scale/ nature of tourism day visit activity in the NW Visitor Information improvement projects - 1st phase Update Tourism SSPA action plan to maximise the potential of people working in the sector Regional Visitor Economy Forum formed and vision agreed. Regional Tourism Management Group established Ongoing work of SSPAs Lancashire “Procurement and Skills” initiative commenced

08/9 •

Visitor Information improvement projects - 2nd phase Update Tourism SSPA action plan to maximise the potential of people working in the sector

Lancashire “Procuremen t and Skills” initiative concluded

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Develop high added value activity through innovation 2. Support knowledge transfer The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

58% innovation active companies Baseline for innovation rates to be established by end 2006, based on EU CORDIS Strategic Innovation Indicators. Likely to include new product introductions and numbers trained in innovation (Further measures to capture innovative ideas being generated by the whole workforce in companies to be considered depending on the exact COORDS indicators) 274 patent applications granted in 2004 5139 businesses in the NW have Investors In People (IIP) 2607 HEI engagements with SMEs 557 FTE staff in NW HEIs dedicated to business and community engagement; £114.5m HEI income to support business interaction; NW HEIs have a 8% share of research contracts with SMEs (comparable to the UK average)

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Increased in innovation active companies and innovation rates Increase in patent applications granted and number of NW companies with IIP 3200 HEI engagements with SMEs 700 FTE staff in NW HEIs dedicated to business and community engagement; £131m HEI income to support business interaction; NW HEIs research contracts with SMEs to exceed the UK average Number of new firms working with the HEI knowledge base (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation Firm Formation

RES Actions linked to Innovation: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 12 Process and product/service innovation (NWDA)

Q1/2 06/7 •

Defence base KT product contracted New strategic approach focused on service sector and training key managers approved

Q3 06/7 •

Q4 06/7

European Framework FP7 contracted Regional position/ policy paper finalised

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Procurement complete

07/8 •

New specialist innovation advisors and range of innovation products in place in conjunction with new Business Link

08/9 •

More innovation products developed

Milestones/Outputs 13 Business / HEI knowledge transfer (NWUA)

Q1/2 06/7 •

Commenceme nt of HEFCE funded HEBusiness Engagement Programme with focus on skills and cluster engagement

Q3 06/7 •

Q4 06/7

Secure funding to support expansion of the HEBusiness Engagement Programme Secure funding to do exploratory work in innovation platforms in non-science disciplines

6 detailed Knowledge Transfer plans agreed with partners Expansion of HE-Business Programme Innovation platform pilot projects start Explore opportunities to increase HEI capacity for business interaction Explore ways to enhance knowledge transfer via skills initiatives Establish the two Northern Way CPEs

07/8 •

14 Investigate HEIF type incentives to businesses (NWDA)

Design programme to provide incentives to businesses to collaborate with HEIs, focused on non-science sectors

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Continued operation of HEBusiness Engagement Project Continuation of innovation platform pilot projects Develop/ deliver regional schemes to enhance HE capacity for business interaction Develop and deliver regional skills schemes to support KT Explore opportunities to facilitate HE employer engagement to expand the HLSP Maximise opportunities to assist business innovation through the NW Operating Programme for Competitiveness 2007-2013 New programme for involving industry with HEI available

08/9 •

Completion and review of HEBusiness Engagement Programme Completion and report on innovation platform pilots Maximise opportunities to assist businesses to innovate through the NW Operating Programme for Competitiveness 2007-2013

Evaluation of approach and influence government policy

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Exploit the science base and R&D The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

2.0% R&D spend (private and public) as a % of GVA 1.6% R&D spend (Business) as a % of GVA 0.1% R&D spend (Government) as a % of GVA 0.4% R&D spend (HE) as a % of GVA 12.7% of UK business R&D is in Northwest 3% of government non HEI R&D

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Increase in R&D spend as % of GVA Maintain share of private R&D spend 5% of Government non HEI R&D funding

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation Firm Formation

RES Actions linked to Science / R&D: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 15 Implement the Northwest Science Strategy

Q1/2 06/7 • •

(NW Science Council)

Complete NWSC Establish “major projects bidding fund”

Q3 06/7 •

Q4 06/7

NWDA consider bid capability fund Establish N8 Research Centres Statement of nuclear science capability Develop NW hub to improve coordination of STEM (also Action 39)

• •

NHS Research centres decision HECTOR supercomputer decision (Daresbury) Launch NWSC

07/8 • •

16 Support major research concentrations (NWDA)

Launch Daresbury Science & Innovation Centre

• •

LSP innovation centres opened 4GLS prototype in operation

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National Microsystems Packaging Centre defined MKC strategy published

4GLS Decision Achieve the 55 actions in the Science Strategy Maximise exploitation of science/ R&D base through NW Operating Programme for Competitiveness 20072013 Maximise opportunities to support SME engagement with European Framework Programme 7 Lancaster Science Park begun

08/9 •

Achieve the 55 actions in the Science Strategy

Work continues on Lancaster Science Park

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Maximise opportunities from globalisation and emerging markets 2. Realise opportunities from international trade 3. Realise opportunities from inward investment The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

7,147 exporters £19.6bn value of exports Foreign Direct Investment accounts for 16% of the Northwest economy. In 2005/6 there were 112 Foreign Direct Investment projects which created/safeguarded 6,800 jobs 7% of all FDI projects are R&D intensive and 7% are from emerging markets 25,000 international students studying at the region’s HEIs In 2006 458 businesses have relocated outside the region and 493 businesses have moved into the Northwest

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

10,000 exporters £22bn value of exports Increase in number of FDI projects to 150 per year with increase in % of region’s GVA accounted for by FDI - 17% of all FDI projects to be R&D intensive, 25% to be for projects with average salary more than 35K and 17% to be from emerging markets 30,000 international students studying at the region’s HEIs Job creation by sector (monitor) Business relocations (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation

RES Actions linked to International Competitiveness: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 17 Raise companies awareness about global opportunities / risks (International

Q1/2 06/7 •

Development of Internationalisation Strategy

Q3 06/7 •

Consultation with key partners

Q4 06/7 •

Internationalisation Strategy completed

07/8 •

Business Forum)

18 Business support to improve exporting performance (UKTI)

19 Focus inward investment and aftercare activity

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UKTI to develop new delivery structure for trade services in the region by March 2007 with Chamberlink (acting on behalf of the Northwest Chambers of Commerce)

Review Overseas Offices Key account management of 380 foreign owned companies


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Implement new Ongoing Internationalimplementisation Strategy ation of New Top level Internationalnational targets isation agree by UKTI Strategy – covering trade & investment Implement new delivery structure Implement new national 5 Year UKTI strategy “Prosperity in a Changing World” Implementation of new Inward Investment Strategy Action Plan as part of Internationalisation Strategy

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Support ICT usage and digital content development 2. Develop ICT infrastructure The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

At the end of 2005 125,707 or 62.1% of workplaces in the Northwest had broadband. 74% of businesses use computer systems 69% of businesses use Internet (79% in UK) and 48% use broadband (54% in UK) 9% homeworkers (11% in UK) and 7% teleworkers (8% in UK) - rankings for the density of homeworking across the UK regions shows that the NW is currently ranked 9 th out of 11 regions Less than 100% availability of 512kbps broadband service

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

88% of businesses use computer systems (to be confirmed) 82% of businesses use Internet and 80% use broadband (to be confirmed) 11% homeworkers and 8% teleworkers - NW will have made it into the top 5 density listings for homeworking regions (to be confirmed) 95% availability of 2Mbps broadband service £1billion investment by BT in 21CN (Monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation Firm Formation CO2 emissions

RES Actions linked to ICT: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 20 Support companies ICT usage (Digital

Q1/2 06/7 • •

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7


Effective delivery of Intelligent Business Events project to 500+ businesses Effective roll out of Closing the ICT Knowledge Gap

Further milestones to be set

Homeworking in England’s Northwest - 18 month programme of work to encourage homeworking. To be benchmarked in Summer 2006 Facilitation of NW Flexible Working Steering Group to promote the region’s competitiveness and quality of life through encouraging and supporting flexible and home working Roll out of BT 21CN

Ongoing implementation of homeworking in England’s Northwest

Development Agencies)

21 Encourage homeworking and mobile working


22 Grow ICT infrastructure

(Telecoms Providers)

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RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Develop resource efficiency, sustainable procurement and corporate social responsibility The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

30m tonnes of waste produced annually (11.1m tonnes of construction, demolition and excavation waste, 3.8m tonnes of commercial & 4.5m tonnes of industrial waste) 26,000 Kt CO2 emissions (2004) from industry, commercial and public sector 3% of regional energy demand (2003) is produced from renewables and waste Total Energy Consumption 2003: 37 kilo tonnes of oil equivalent (Ktoe) or 215320 GWh CSR measure to be established via Chamber of Commerce Survey

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Reduction in construction, commercial and industrial waste sent to landfill sites Reduction in CO2 emissions (from industry) by unit (£) of GVA (target to be set) Increase in % of energy from renewables Reduction in Ecological Footprint (target to be set) Reduction in Energy consumption CSR measure to be established via Chamber of Commerce Survey Carbon emissions per head of population (monitor) Ecological Footprint (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth CO2 Emissions

RES Actions linked to Sustainable Consumption and Production: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 23 Improve BREW support to business (NWDA)

Q1/2 06/7 •

24 Develop / implement Regional Climate Change Action Plan (NWDA)

25 Embed corporate social responsibility

Contract signed with NW Waste Treatment Centre of Excellence

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

7 co-ordination projects developed and delivered. • Develop Resource Efficient Tourism and Sustainable procurement programmes. • Agree Year 3 programme with Defra Consultation • Climate Change • Undertake Plan – June Action Plan to be preliminary Events held launched research Sept • Commence • Devise and delivery of Action implement Plan with delivery vehicle partners (partnership) • Establish monitoring arrangements 490 businesses assisted with corporate social responsibility •

All BREW partners using toolkit

(Sustainability Northwest)

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07/8 •

Deliver Year 3 programme and assess whether Year 4 funding will be forthcoming Implement regional waste coordination forum Ongoing implementation of BREW strategic projects Implement year 2 delivery programmes Monitor progress and identify changes required to Action Plan if outputs not being achieved. 850 businesses assisted with corporate social responsibility

08/9 •

To be confirmed if BREW funding forthcoming

Implement Year 3 delivery programmes

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Tackle lack of basic skills/qualifications The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

120,000 more people more with no qualifications than the England average 2 districts have more than 29% of the population with no qualifications 41.6% of 16 – 19 year olds do not have NVQ level 2 qualifications An estimated 1,299,800 adults in the working age population without a first level 2 Number of adults without numeracy skills and without literacy skills in the North West (to be confirmed)

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

By 2009, reduce number of people without qualifications by 80,000 All districts to have less than 29% of the population with no qualifications Reduce % of 16-19 year olds who do not have NVQ Level 2 (150,700 16-19 year olds to be educated to NVQ level 2) Number of adults to have secured a first level 2 between 2006 and 2009 to be confirmed Reduction in the number of adults without numeracy and without literacy skills

Relevant RES Targets

No qualifications Employment Rate

RES Actions linked to Basic Skills: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 26 Deliver basic skills

Q1/2 06/7 •


Basic skills volumes (learners & achievement) SfL Transfer Wider access to LSC provision for the economically inactive

Q3 06/7 •

Pilot new LSC/JCP Employability programme Continue to achieve Basic skills volumes on current programmes

Q4 06/7 •

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Achieve volumes on Mainstream programmes

07/8 •

Launch Employability programme nationally New ESF programme aimed at tackling harder-to-help starts

08/9 •

Achieve Basic Skills volumes on Mainstream programmes Ensure ESF programme targets key customers

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Meet skills needs of sectors and growth opportunities 2. Invest in Workforce Development The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

62.0% of the working age population with at least Level 2 qualifications (67.9% in rural areas); 39,100 adult learners studying a full Level 2 with 32% achievement (to be confirmed) 42.4% of the working age population with at least Level 3 qualifications (48.6% in rural areas); 31,386 adult learners studying a full level 3 with 44.8% achievement (to be confirmed) 24.2% of the working age population with at least Level 4 qualifications (28.7% in rural areas) 80,000 fewer people with degree level qualifications, than the England average (26.9% of those in the labour market, compared to 28.3% in England) 55% WBL Apprenticeships Success rate & 49% for WBL Apprenticeships Framework (to be confirmed) 4,410 students engaged in Foundation degrees – 36% which match skills shortage areas 16% of employers with Skills Gaps 0.9% density of skills shortage vacancies 1.3% density of hard to fill vacancies 64% of employers investing in training % of employers adopting workforce development tools (baseline to be established by RSP)

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Increase in number and achievement of adult learners studying full Level 2 and 3 qualifications Increase in the % of working age population with at least Level 2, 3 and 4 qualifications By 2009, increase the number of people in the workforce with level 4+ qualifications by 120,000 60% WBL Apprenticeship and Framework success rates (to be confirmed) 8,500 students engaged in Foundation degrees and increase % in skills shortage areas Reduction in % of employers with Skills Gaps as well as density of skills shortage and hard to fill vacancies Increase in the % of employers providing training and adopting workforce development tools Job creation by sector (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation No qualifications Graduate Qualifications

Page 12

RES Actions linked to Sector Skills and Workforce Development: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 27 Deliver skills required by priority sectors (Sector Skills

Q1/2 06/7 •


Develop and submit the Higher Level Skills Pathfinder Project (NWUA)

Q3 06/7 •

National Nuclear Skills Academy approved Launch and start up of the HLSP with focus on four priority sectors

Q4 06/7 •

• •

28 Deliver skills for key growth opportunities

(SRPs) •

29 Skills for workers moving from declining sectors to growth sectors

Skills Partnership in place for Omega SRS Develop an Apprenticeship Prog. for NW airports


Appointment of HLSP staff including HE Specialist Advisors in 4 priority sectors Commencement of HLSP project Other National Skills Academies (NSA) of strategic importance to the NW approved Grow Your Future Workforce phase 2 started. Regional arm of Financial Services National Skills Academy (NSA) approved

Ongoing delivery via LSC Commissioning Plan Kingsway Skills Strategy Action Plan approved and delivery started Develop a Creative and Cultural skills action plan embracing the needs of the Capital of Culture

Ongoing delivery via LSC Commissioning Plan

Skills programmes in place through Cheshire & Warrington Rural Enterprise Ongoing delivery via LSC Commissioning Plan

• •


Media Enterprise Zone skills strategy developed and agreed Regional arm of Manuf. Services NSA approved Implementation of Sector Skills Agreements Building work started on the Nuclear Academy NW in West Cumbria Operation of HLSP Maximise opportunities to deliver sector skills priorities through the NW Operating Programme for Competitiveness 2007-2013 Skills Partnership in place for Basford SRS Implement Lancashire Skills Strategy to capitalise on development of ports / airports and strategic employment sites NEM developments supported by the NSA for Construction

Delivery of Airport Apprenticeship programme

In Lancashire develop sub regional skills strategy and progress projects via SRAP

In Lancashire develop sub regional skills strategy and progress projects via SRAP

Ensure skills developed for Media Enterprise Zone Continued operation of HLSP and review its performance Phase 2 NSAs to be operational in the NW. Nuclear Academy NW operational


30 Skilled workforce in rural areas (SRPs)

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Milestones/Outputs 31 Intermediate / Higher Level skills in current workforce & linkages to workless people

Q1/2 06/7 •

HLSP (as in 27 above)

Q3 06/7 •

Higher level skills Pathfinder approved

Q4 06/7 •

• •


Development via NWUA of Higher Level Skills Strategy Delivery of HE Skills Pathfinder Development and approval of “Invest in Workforce” project Commence delivery of the L3 pilot

07/8 • •

32 Support roll out of Train to Gain (LSC)

Take up and outcome of Train to Gain and alignment with Higher Level Skills Pathfinder

33 Develop Language skills / IT skills and Business Improvement Techniques (LSC)

3,150 ITQ starts through Train to Gain 4,960 BIT starts within Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies 10,539 modern foreign language learners (63% achievement) Explore opportunities with HEIs to respond to the Dearing Languages Review Explore opportunities with HEIs to utilise international students to address language skills issues and meet regional skills shortages Ongoing delivery via LSC Commissioning Plan

• • • •

34 Provision to overcome skills disparities in key groups (RSP)

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Evaluation of HE Skills Pathfinder Implementation of Higher Level Skills Strategy Maximise opportunities to deliver higher level workforce skills through NW Operating Prog. for Competitiveness 2007-13 Implementation of “Invest in Workforce” Project

Develop and implement international student pilot schemes

HLSP (as in 27 above) Implementation of “Invest in Workforce” Project

Review international student pilot schemes

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Develop leadership, management and enterprise skills The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

Management and Leadership Indicators (Baseline to be established by RSP) 14% of workforce employed as managers and senior officials in NW (15.3% in England) Take up of leadership and management programmes by SME managers (baseline to be established) Enterprise Skills – Baseline to be established by National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE) by end of 06

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Improvement in Management and Leadership Indicators Increase % of workforce employed as managers and senior officials in NW, with 600 managers/leaders having developed management/leadership skills and 150 having participated in work-based training activity to improve their effectiveness 15% increase in take up of leadership and management programmes by SME managers Improvement in Enterprise Skills – measured by NCGE study

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation Firm Formation

RES Actions linked to Leadership and Management: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Output 35 Develop Management/ Leadership & CSR skills (Skills for Business / NWDA)

Q1/2 06/7 •

Establish Northern Leadership Academy 58 people assisted in Skills Dev. 58 Businesses assisted with management/ leadership skills Agree contract with Business Link for delivery of Coaching to 20 high growth SMEs Agree contract arrangements with NW Enterprise Agency for Business Volunteer Mentoring for 500 companies

Q3 06/7 •

• •

Develop NW Leadership & Management Action Establish a NW L&M Advisory Board Agreed Business Plan for the NLA up to March 2008 NLA - 102 people assisted in Skills Development NLA - 102 Businesses assisted with leadership/ mng skills 10 High Growth SMEs undertaking coaching 250 SMEs on BVM prog’s BVM interim evaluation

Q4 06/7 •

Page 15

Complete NW Leadership and Management Action Plan NLA – 104 people assisted in Skills Development NLA - 104 Businesses assisted with management/ leadership skills A further 10 high growth SMEs undertaking coaching A further 250 SMEs participating in BVM programme

07/8 •

Delivery of NW Leadership and Management Action Plan including Coaching and Mentoring Programmes delivered to high growth SMEs and supporting firstline supervisory managers Explore rollout of SSDA national programmes in NW e.g. action learning sets

08/9 •

Delivery and Evaluation of NW Leadership and Management Action Plan including Coaching and Mentoring Programmes delivered to high growth SMEs and supporting first-line supervisory managers

Milestones/Output 36 Develop Enterprise Skills (LAs/ AOC/ NWUA/ Business Link)

Q1/2 06/7

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

FE Colleges: • 12 colleges participating in pilot • 36 enterprise champions recruited (3 from each college) • 4 days CPD in enterprise education for each enterprise champion • At least 12 curriculum pilots in a range of vocational courses HEIs: Explore current enterprise skills activities within HEIs to identify the opportunities for regional enhancement (NWUA) Also see Action 2

Page 16



FE Colleges: • At least 350 students engaged in enterprise learning • 60 colleges received copies of enterprise college toolkit • 60 colleges received copies of enterprise in FE policy guide HEIs: • Develop and implement regional enterprise pilot schemes • Further support and develop Infolab 21’s Graduate Academy

HEIs: • Operation and monitoring of regional enterprise pilot schemes General: Support implementation of successful LEGI bids

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Develop education infrastructure, and skills of the future workforce The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

56% of pupils at the end of Key stage 4 have achieved 5+ A-C grades at GCSE or equivalent Approximately half of school leavers at 16 lack a Level 2 qualification 8.5% of young people not in education or training 268 average points score per candidate at A/AS level 71% of 19 year olds educated to at least Level 2 49% of 19 year olds educated to at least Level 3 28% of 19 year olds educated to at least Level 4 177,150 FTE HE students 21% of all students at HE level studying science, engineering and technology

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Increase % of 15 yr olds achieving 5 A-C grades Reduce % of school leavers with no Level 2 qualification, and the % of young people not in education or training Increase average points score per candidate at A/AS level and % of 19 year olds educated to at least Level 2, 3 and 4 Increase number of FTE HE students (especially in Cumbria and East Lancs) Increase in % of students studying science, engineering and technology to HE level, especially from state schools

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth No Qualifications Graduate Qualifications

RES Actions linked to Education Infrastructure: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs

Q1/2 06/7



Q4 06/7

Key Stage 4 Engagement programme Introduced Learning pilot commenced Launched NEET Tool Kit

37 Develop educational attainment (LSC /

38 Develop University for Cumbria and HE opportunities in East Lancs

Q3 06/7

Review of FE/HE needs in Burnley completed

U4C Business Plan prepared

Renew 06/07 September Guarantee

• •

U4C Business plan approved Proposals for University Centre in Burnley submitted to HEFCE

Page 17



Delivery of enhanced September Guarantee Deliver 14-19 Area prospectuses across Region Substantial progress re integration of Connexions services into Children’s Trust • U4C launched • Burnley FE/HE proposals agreed and being implemented

Introduction of first four specialist diplomas for 14-16 year olds

FE/HE centre in Burnley developed

Milestones/Outputs 39 Increase the number studying science, engineering and technology (AOC/

Q1/2 06/7

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

• Undertake mapping of current initiatives to encourage access to initiatives and identify gaps in provision to inform the need for further complementary initiatives • Develop NW hub to improve co-ordination of STEM (also Action 15)


40 Support Post 16 learning providers Kitemark (LSC)

• Testing/piloting Kitemark • New Standard launched • Phased introduction of the Standard with providers

Page 18



• Develop/implemen t regional intervention schemes, once need established via mapping/gap analysis • First accreditation of Standard

• Delivery of regional intervention schemes

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Tackle barriers to work 2. Link workless people and vacancies to improve employment rates The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

Number of businesses signed up to minimum standard agreement on diversity practice (baseline to be established) 219,300 Ofsted registered childcare places. 83,000 fewer people working, than the England average (73.4% employment rate compared to 74.7% in England) 4 districts have an employment rate less than 68% 43.9% employment rate amongst disabled people (50.9% in England); 54.7% amongst non-white working age people (58.7% in England); 33.9% for over 50’s (38% in England). (% for lone parents and ex-offenders not regularly updateable) 10.2% of the working age population on Incapacity Benefit (400,000 people), compared to 7.5% in England 2.5% and 7.6% of working age population on JSA and Income Support respectively (compared to 2.6% and 6.0% in England)

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Increase number of businesses agreeing minimum standard of diversity practice, and increase good practice among NW businesses promoted through employment relations forum NW Increase number of Ofsted registered childcare places By 2009, increase the number of people in the workforce by 83,000 to meet the England average employment rate All districts to have an employment rate greater than 68% Increase employment rate of disabled people, BME groups and over 50’s (target to be set). (% for lone parents and ex-offenders not regularly updateable) Reduce % of working age population on Incapacity Benefit, JSA and Income Support

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth No Qualifications Employment Rate

RES Actions linked to Job Linkages: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 41 Employment practices that value diversity

Q1/2 06/7 • •

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

ACAS Northwest Core Business Support Services Diversity in Business Forum established


42 Develop childcare initiatives (LAs)

• •

JCP Childcare Partnership Managers in every District Implement Surestart initiatives

Page 19

07/8 •

Minimum standard practice in diversity developed and promoted

08/9 •

Diversity activity mainstreamed within Employment Relations forum NW. Childcare places available for all children under 3

Milestones/Outputs 43 Employability activities in deprived areas

Q1/2 06/7 • •


44 Employability activities with key groups (JCP/LSC)

45 Job brokerage

• •


46 Innovative approaches to engage people (Vol Sector/JCP)

• •

Deliver core JCP programmes 3 City Strategy (CES) bids successful for Blackburn & Darwen, Greater Manchester and Greater Merseyside

Deliver core JCP programmes 3 City Strategy (CES)bids successful for Blackburn & Darwen, Greater Manchester and Greater Merseyside National Employment Panel announced Job Developer roles in key pilot areas – Liverpool and Manchester – working to increase employment prospects for exoffenders

Q3 06/7 •

Develop CES business plans by end of quarter Roll-out started in Greater Mersey DAF funding allocated by JCP to Districts to support CES & improve employment rates in the regions most deprived wards Develop CES business plans by end of quarter

Q4 06/7 •

Commence 1st Job Developer pilot in Liverpool

Outputs from Deprived Areas Fund (to be confirmed) Establish clear operational delivery for CES areas


Outputs from Deprived Areas Fund (to be confirmed) Establish clear operational delivery for CES areas

Launch of 2nd Job Developer in Manchester

Pathways to Work programme fully rolled out in 5 of 7 Jobcentre Plus areas engaging voluntary and community sector as well as government agencies. Private sector lead on Pathways in 2 Jobcentre Plus districts

Page 20


Delivery and evaluation of CES in 3 areas October 2007 roll out of Pathways to work will commence in Greater Manchester East & West. DAF 07/08 funds available April 07 Delivery and evaluation of CES in 3 areas

In April 2008, providers will complete the rollout of the Pathways

Evaluation of Job Developer pilots Brokerage scheme in place to support Golden Square development, Warrington

Brokerage schemes in place to support Northgate development, Chester and Crewe Town Centre

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Stimulate economic activity in areas remote from growth 2. Develop local employment and business start-up opportunities in areas remote from growth and areas with low employment rates 3. Support and sustain conditions for growth in areas with strong economic drivers The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

579 NW super output areas in the worst 5% deprived, nationally 4 DEFRA lagging districts (worst performing 20%) £326.70 mean taxpayer income earned by rural districts (£333 in NW), with 30.7% earning below 2/3rds of English median (£355) 366 Businesses per 10,000 population in rural areas, with 12.6% Knowledge Intensive Business Services

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

By 2009, reduce the number of areas in the worst 5% deprived, nationally For each area – remote from growth or with strong economic drivers – by district: Population change (by age), average (median) wage levels, skills levels, jobs created, employment rate & structure, number of companies, business start up & survival rates, investment levels, floorspace created, commercial & domestic property prices, crime rates (monitor) No DEFRA lagging districts Increase mean taxpayer income earned by rural districts and reduced % earning below 2/3rds of English median 366 Businesses per 10,000 population in rural areas, with 13.5% Knowledge Intensive Business Services Private investment (via URC’s; HMRs; NWDA etc) (monitor where possible)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation Firm Formation Deprivation

RES Actions linked to Local Employment: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 47 Integrated plan for East Lancs (LEP)

Q1/2 06/7 •

Q3 06/7

Chief Exec’s body established to deliver the East Lancs Transformational Agenda

Q4 06/7

07/8 •

Page 21

Support adv. manuf. including portfolio of employment sites, specifically Michelin Technology Park Address specific skills/ training needs via SRAP to encourage higher value activity Support the Elevate HMR programme

08/9 •

East Lancs Rapid Transit scheme will improve accessibility within the area Support the Elevate HMR programme

Milestones/Outputs 48 Blackpool Masterplan (Re

Q1/2 06/7 •

Central Seafront commenced

Land assembly ongoing

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7 •

Casino Licence decision

Land assembly underway for casino site

Review Barrow Masterplan in light of the RES/ SRAP

West Cumbria Masterplan launched Sub-Regional Rural Recover Partnerships developed Projects progressed via SRP Action Plans

Work on Innovation Park commences (1500 jobs) Acquisitions programme for Marina Village Presentation of Masterplan to Ministers

SRP priorities endorsed


49 Barrow Masterplan (CV)

51 Diversify economic base in lagging rural areas

Land assembly ongoing

West Cumbria Masterplan out to consultation

50 Integrated plan for West Cumbria (CV) • •


(Rural Development Partnerships)

52 Encourage employment creation in / near deprived areas

Develop new Business Start up Programme

URC business plans approved

(LAs / URCs)

53 Business Start in / near deprived areas (Business Link)

Develop new Business Start up Programme

Page 22

Rural Development Programme for England first full year Develop proposals for Weston Docks, Liverpool Develop proposals for Northshore, Liverpool Deliver proposals under Manchester Knowledge Capital Oldham/ Rochdale economic programme commissioned Implement any successful LEGI bids Implement Regional Business Start Up / Support Programme


Post Rural Renaissance Partnership Activity


Q1/2 06/7

54 Build on strengths of Liverpool, Manchester and Preston (SRPs)

Q3 06/7 •

CRDPs updated

Q4 06/7 •

• •

City Employment Strategies submitted for L’pool, GM and Blackburn Mann Island projects started Proposals for Liverpool PLC developed Develop proposals for Oxford Road Corridor MediaZone: licence fee agreed & start on site

07/8 • •

• • •

55 Capitalise on private investment in Crewe, Chester, Warrington, Lancaster, Carlisle


Understand impact and scale of public £ required in these places to realise objectives in SRP action plans £200 m Town Centre redevelopment started in Warrington – job brokerage developed

• •

• •

56 Rural growth as part of RRDF (SRPs)

Regional Rural Delivery Framework developed

Development of RDPE Programme

Page 23

NWDA Rural Policy developed

Implement SRP Action Plans Deliver proposals under Manchester Knowledge Capital Maximise opportunities through BBC relocation Kings Waterfront completed Mann Island projects ongoing Key projects in Lancs include the Tithebarn development, creation of a Commercial Quarter & restoring quality public realm, incl. Riverworks Support Preston City Vision Board Implement SRP Action plans Redevelop Luneside, develop the Lancaster Canal Corridor & exploit tourism potential of Lancaster Castle Develop Bailrigg Science Park Support Lancaster & Morecambe Vision Board £250m Northgate development in Chester started, linked to job brokerage and public realm improvements through Chester Culture Park. Development starts at Omega, Warrington Carlisle Renaissance programme launched Rural Development Programme for England first full year

08/9 •

• •

Implement SRP Action Plans Mann Island completed Key projects in Lancs include the Tithebarn development , creation of a Commercial Quarter & restoring quality public realm, incl. Riverworks Support Preston City Vision Board

Implement SRP Action plans £200m Crewe Town Centre redevelopme nt, linked to £80m investment at MMU Cheshire. Job brokerage schemes in place Ongoing development s near Lancaster as 07/8

Post Rural Renaissance programme

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Improve the health of (potential) workers and reduce the number of incapacity benefit claimants The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

Life expectancy in the Northwest in 2004 is 75 compared to the England average of 80 28% of the Northwest population smoke compared to 26% of the England average Proportion of adults who are obese in the NW = 13.7% 20% of adults in the NW has a CIS-R score of 12 and over (significant neurotic symptoms) 16.9% Prevalence of Cardiovascular disease among men over 35 in the NW, 16.1% for women 400,000 IB claimants (10.7% of working age population) 9.1 days lost per employee through sickness absence in public sector, 6.4 in private sector 1.2m people taking 3 x 30 minute moderate activities per week

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Improvement in Key Health Stats – eg Life Expectancy at Birth, Smoking Prevalence, Obesity compared to England, Mental Health Rate, Heart Disease rate Reduction in level of IB claimants Reduction in days lost in public sector to 6.1 1.3m people taking moderate activities per week

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Employment Rate Deprivation

RES Actions linked to Health: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 57 Reduce causes of ill-health and reduce level of IB claimants

Q1/2 06/7

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7



Improved access to health services (esp. in areas of deprivation) via re-configuration of services and development of community hospital services Pathways to Work Pilots Launched

Produce NW Healthy Workplace Strategy

Deliver North West on the Move strategy - 1% increase in participation year on year whilst widening access and reducing inequality in participation amongst priority groups


58 Healthy workplaces

Implement strategy

(Workplace Health Direct)

59 Promote Access to sport & physical activity (Sport England)

Page 24

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Retain and attract people to the region 2. Respond to an older workforce and fewer young people The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

25,124 ESOL enrolments 31,300 NI registrations in the NW in 2004/5 in respect of non-UK nationals 11,000 net in-migration; 1,000 in-migration from other English regions Graduates from NW universities: 73% of students originating from NW retained, 24% of graduates originating from outside NW retained; NW students: 37.9% of graduates studying outside NW return to work 25,000 international students studying in the region Current forecasts suggest a 2.5% drop in the number of young people (0-14 year olds) in the region compared to a 1.3% drop for England (2006 – 9) 34% employment rate of over 50’s (38% in England)

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Increase in ESOL enrolments, NI registrations and net in-migration Increase in in-migration from other English regions Net in-migration by broad age group (monitor) Increase in graduate retention / return 30,000 international students studying in the region Slower decline in the number of young people in the region compared to current forecasts Increase in % employment rate of over 50% (target to be set) Population Tails (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Graduate Qualification Employment Rate

RES Actions linked to Population Change: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 60 Transitional Programmes for migrant workers (LSC)

Q1/2 06/7 • • • •

61 Promote quality employment opportunities

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

Deliver contracted ESOL volumes Set up Migrant workers NW - Launch conference Feb 07 Web-based information centre for MW established MWNW partnership expanded

07/8 •

Identify key messages through consultation with major NW employers

5050 Vision Business Plan


Minimum standard for employment for migrants promoted and signed up to Employers engaged in promoting employment to local workless Develop effective promotion campaign

5050 business plan delivered


62 Promote the benefits of older workers (5050 Vision)

Page 25

Increased resources for employers and migrants through web-portal Ongoing engagement with business and employees to maximise potential of migration for NW Increased awareness of range and diversity of quality employment opportunities in NW 5050 activity mainstreamed

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Improve and better manage the road and rail infrastructure 2. Develop airports and ports 3. Link areas of opportunity and need The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

Average vehicle delay on key routes (to be confirmed) Highest trunk road congestion outside London - 5 seconds lost per vehicle km 23% of all journeys to work are non car trips (2005) Non car trips per annum - 58m rail journeys, 472m bus journeys, 19.5m Metrolink journeys 55% non car morning peak modal split to Manchester (baseline for other areas to be established) 39% non car morning peak modal split to other key GM regional centres (baseline for other areas to be established) 22.5m passengers using Manchester Airport, 4.4m using Liverpool John Lennon Airport and 0.35m using Blackpool Airport (baseline for number of in-bound passengers to be established) 33.8m tonnes handled via Port of Liverpool & 3.7m tonnes via Heysham 90% of people in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance in Greater Manchester within 30 mins access by public transport to a category A interchange or to a City Centre by 0800 (similar baseline for other areas to be established)

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Reduced average vehicle delay on the 10% slowest journeys Reduced trunk road congestion Increase proportion of journeys to work by non car trips Increase in non car trips (target set for 65m rail journeys and 19.7m Metrolink journeys) Increased non car morning peak modal split to key centres 25m passengers using Manchester Airport, 5.6 using Liverpool John Lennon Airport and 2m using Blackpool Airport; Increased % of in-bound passengers Increased tonnage handled via Port of Liverpool & Heysham Increased public transport access to key centres by those on Jobseekers Allowance (to be confirmed)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth CO2 Emissions

RES Actions linked to Transport: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 63 Capacity /demand management on GM / C&W motorways (Highways Agency)

Q1/2 06/7 •

Motorway Access Management introduced 200 Traffic Officers in place M6 Carlisle to Guardsmill Extension starts

Q3 06/7 •

A5117/A550 Deeside Park Junction Improvements start

Q4 06/7 •

Page 26

M60 Jn18-12 Study TPI submission to DfT by HA M6 widening targeted programme improvement submission

07/8 •

M62 Jn 6 improvements start

08/9 •

Start improvements to J15-13 4th lane M60


Q1/2 06/7

Q3 06/7

64 Improve road access to Liverpool City Centre (TMP)

65 Develop the second Mersey Crossing (TMP) 66 Tackle congestion by increased public transport and reducing peak traffic (PTEs /

Agree Traffic Model Spec with DfT

Liverpool South Parkway station opened

Edge Lane work commences

Employers) •

Q4 06/7

Edge Lane / Eastern approaches work commences Procurement Strategy Approved

PFI schemes announced

Await DfT approval for the Leigh – Salford – Manchester and M60 JETTS QBC Approval of TIF ‘pump priming’ bid

Completion of committed Northern Orbital and SEMMMS QBC’s

67 Deliver improvements to Manchester Rail Hub (GMPTE)

Edge Lane West work commences

07/8 •

• •

Publication of the final North West Route Utilisation Strategy

A590 High and Low Newton Bypass work commences

69 Enhance public transport between L’pool/ M’chester/ Lancs/ Leeds/ Sheffield (PTEs)

Completion of introduction of new Trans Pennine Express fleet Northern Way Transport Connectivity Priorities to be established by early 2007

70 Complete West Coast Mainline upgrade (Network

Continuing implementation of infrastructure upgrades as part of WCML Progress Report 2006

Publication of Eddington Transport Study will make recommendations about any future for a high speed line

Opening of Liverpool South Parkway Railway Station.

68 Enhance Road access to Barrow (DfT)


71 Develop proposals for new high speed rail line to London (Network

Edge Lane Central work complete Edge Lane West work complete Make Planning Application Implement Leigh – Salford – Manchester QBC Submit C-TIF bid July 2007 Increase rail capacity through rolling stock leasing subject to funding being available Further investigation of NW RUS short/medium term proposal to consider changes to routeing of services through central Manchester


Public Inquiry

Begin implementation of TIF schemes subject to approval of bid

Implement Manchester Airport 3rd Rail Platform • Further investige NW RUS short/medium term proposal to consider changes to routeing of services through central Manchester • Completion of A590 High and Low Newton Bypass New cross country franchise let Dec 2007 Further investigation of NW RUS short/medium term proposal to improve service provision on Manchester – Sheffield/Leeds (including longer trains) Implementation of Dec 2008 timetable revision •


72 Grow Manchester and Liverpool Airports (Airport Owners)

Implementation of Air Services Development Alternative Measures Programme: Invitation of project applications

• •

Page 27

Publication of Airport Masterplans PFI schemes announced Progress report on Air Transport White Paper

Implement Manchester Airport 3rd Rail Platform


Q1/2 06/7

73 Grow Port of Liverpool (Port

Q3 06/7 •


Outcome of DfT Ports Policy Review

Q4 06/7 •

Publication of Network Rail Freight Route Utilisation Strategy

07/8 •

Public consultation into options to improve road access into the Port of Liverpool Ports Policy review published

08/9 •

74 Grow Blackpool Airport (Airport

• •

Owners) •

Publication of Airport Masterplan Implementation of Air Services Development Measures Alternative Programme: Invitation of project applications Progress report on Air Transport White Paper

75 Support more international routes to region’s airports (SRPs)

Deliver Liverpool John Lennon Masterplan

76 Grow Port of Heysham (Port

Owners) •

77 Develop Metrolink & mass transit in L’pool/Mersey Belt & links to Deeside


78 Improve public transport between East Lancs and Preston/ Manchester (LEP)

79 Develop innovative transport solutions to link people and jobs (SRPs)

Lancashire County Council have approved Planning Application for the Northern Route of the Heysham – M6 route PFI schemes announced Commenceme • Continuing nt of Metrolink development of phase 1 and 2 project renewals development project for phases 3a and 3b

Publication of the final North West Route Utilisation Strategy The East Lancashire Rapid Transit project will develop better public transport connectivity and an integrated transport network within East Lancashire Policy framework developed by C.Lans City Region to ensure it is better connected to the other northern city regions Develop projects via SRAP to ensure Lancashire employment sites are accessible by local people

Page 28

Implement Masterplan – expansion and refurbishment for increased patronage • Develop Aviation & Training Centre to support higher value activity/ jobs Develop plans for Blackpool airport in line with SRP/URC action plan Deliver Liverpool John Lennon Masterplan • Ports Policy review published

Network Rail start Merseyside route utilisation strategy Complete Metrolink Phase 1 track upgrades

Measures introduced in Warrington through LAA

Implementation of improved Access to the Port of Liverpool (Olive Mount Chord and Gauge Enhancement) Completion of new In River Post Panamax Container Terminal, subject to statutory approval Implement Masterplan – expansion and refurbishment for increased patronage Develop Aviation & Training Centre to support higher value activity/ jobs

Entry into service of additional vehicles for Metrolink Phase 1 and 2 Start construction of Metrolink Phase 3a East Lancs Rapid Transit construction starts

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Deliver high quality employment sites and premises 2. Secure new uses for brownfield land The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

In 2004/5 835,896 sqm of floorspace was developed in the Northwest for industrial and/or other commercial use. 78/7% was located in the region’s Regeneration Priority Areas 8420 hectares of brownfield land – 24% of the England total 5.6% vacant and derelict land and buildings (as % of all developed land) 77% of new dwellings built on PDL

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Sqm floorspace developed and % in Regeneration Priority Areas (monitor) Percentage of employment land in regeneration priority areas and on PDL/Total amount of employment land available for employment use & and on PDL (monitor) Reduce hectares of brownfield land and % of land vacant or derelict Increase % of new dwellings on PDL

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation Deprivation

RES Actions linked to Land Use: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 80 Deliver Strategic Regional Sites

Q1/2 06/7 •

(NWDA) •

81 Pursue reserve sites for major investment (NWDA)

82 Develop portfolio of sub-region employment sites

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

Ditton Rail • Ditton Rail Freight Freight concept financial approval approval Bailrigg • Whitebirk concept concept approval approval Annual • Planning Strategic application Sites submitted for monitoring Parkside report intermodal produced freight terminal Secure policy framework in RSS

CPO to progress Ditton

Commence research to agree appropriate sites in each sub region


Page 29



Annual Strategic Sites monitoring report produced

Annual Strategic Sites monitoring report produced

Final version of RSS issued by Secretary of State setting out policy framework

RSS policy framework begun to be implemented by Local Planning Authorities through Local Development Framework process

Agree appropriate sites & strategy in each sub region

Milestones/Outputs 83 Invest in quality business accommodation / workspace

Q1/2 06/7 •

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

Develop new Workspace Strategy in Greater Manchester / Merseyside through SRPs

(English Partnerships)

(HMRs/URCs/Rural Development Partnerships)

84 Develop new uses for brownfield land


Market Derwent Forest to the private sector Review Cumbria Land Reclamation Strategy in line with sub regional priorities and West Cumbria Masterplan

Page 30

Implement projects in SRAPs in line with Workspace Strategy In Lancs deliver rural workspace via LRRAP Development of EP’s Preston East site Deliver REMADE programme of land restoration across Lancashire Deliver REVIVE programmes across Cheshire & Warrington Secure private sector partner for Derwent Forest


RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Create a high quality and diverse housing stock 2. Reduce areas of housing market failure The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

Current dwelling stock for the NW = 3,007,000 or 13.7% of the England dwelling stock Ratio of house prices to earnings in the Northwest is 5.2 compared to a ratio of 7.0 for England, ranking the Northwest 8th of the English regions % gap between house values in Pathfinder areas and the regional average (to be confirmed) 55,443 local authority and 29,314 low demand dwellings (18% and 10% respectively) 5.4% of the dwelling stock is deemed unfit, compared with 4.7% nationally (2004/5) The proportion of vacant dwellings in the region in 2004/05 was 4.2%

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Increase in current dwelling stock Improve access to Affordable Housing Reduce gap between house values in Pathfinder areas and the regional average by a third Reduction in incidence and impact of low demand housing Reduction in the % of housing stock deemed unfit (monitor by tenure type & area) Reduction in the % of vacant dwellings split by tenure

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation Graduate Qualifications Deprivation

RES Actions linked to Housing: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 85 Ensure housing in locations which support regeneration and knowledge based growth (LAs)

Q1/2 06/7 •

Draft RSS consultation on district level housing provision and policy framework

Q3 06/7 •

Q4 06/7

Draft RSS Examination in Public considers district level housing provision and policy framework

Page 31

07/8 •

Final version of RSS issued by Secretary of State setting out district level housing provision and policy framework

08/9 •

RSS district level housing provision and policy framework begun to be implemented by Local Planning Authorities through Local Development Framework process

Milestones/Outputs 86 Secure affordable housing in key locations (Regional Housing Board)

Q1/2 06/7 • • •

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

Secure policy framework in RSS NW housing market review published and updated on six monthly basis RHS Action Plan to be published at the beginning of December to lead development and implementation of RHS

07/8 •

87 Set HMR in strong economic context (HMRs)

Develop proposals for Elevate and Oldham/ Rochdale economic programmes

Develop proposals for Elevate and Oldham/ Rochdale economic programmes

Page 32

RHB/ RPB to commission research to establish regional/subregional targets for affordable housing to inform RHS and RSS RHB to advise Ministers on allocation of Regional Housing Pot for the next 2/3 years, incl. National Affordable Housing programme Annual scheme update submitted for NW HMR Pathfinders Elevate economic programme commissioned Liverpool PLC developed and linked to HMR priorities Oldham/Rochdal e economic programme commissioned

08/9 •

• •

Develop and implementation of RHS Review RHS Action Plan Annual scheme update submitted for NW HMR Pathfinders

Elevate economic programme commissioned Liverpool PLC developed and linked to HMR priorities Oldham/Rochdale economic programme commissioned

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Ensure planning supports sustainable growth 2. Ensure appropriate utilities infrastructure The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

87% of planning applications granted. Of those granted 85% granted within 8 weeks 3,044 business planning applications in 2005/6 In 2005/06, 78.3% of outstanding planning permissions were on previously developed land; 84.1% of new dwellings granted planning permission was on previously developed land 50% objections from local planning authorities to utilities infrastructure

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Increase in % of planning applications granted within 8 weeks Increase in business planning applications Sustain the proportion of outstanding planning permissions and new dwellings granted permission on previously developed land % objections from local planning authorities to utilities infrastructure (monitor) Investment in utilities infrastructure (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth

RES Actions linked to Planning: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs

Q1/2 06/7

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7


88 Ensure a positive physical planning framework (LAs)

Ensure RSS and RES are aligned

89 Deliver plans which support growth in Lake District (CV)

90 Ensure forward planning and investment in utilities (Utilities

Strategic partners committed to delivery of new vision for Lake District (published by new Lake District National Park Partnership).Key first steps include public realm improvements in main market towns and raising quality of accommodation & tourist offer Develop and establish contact between LAs and utility operators


Page 33

Implement Employment Land Strategies undertaken in East and West Lancs to ensure a sustainable approach to future land planning Ongoing plans to be developed as part of the CV Sub Region Action Plan Exchange information for feeding into respective utility and LA programmes


Programmes and plans in place that are deliverable

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Develop appropriate energy policies and supplies The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

Energy efficiency/intensity – energy consumption per unit of GVA = 1.28 GWh/£m GVA 929 employees in renewable energy sector with annual turnover of £104m 3% of regional energy demand is produced from renewables, which equates to 9% of renewable energy in England coming from the NW Total Energy Consumption 2003: 37 kilo tonnes of oil equivalent (Ktoe) or 215320 GWh

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

3% pa improvement in regional energy intensity Growth rate in renewable energy sector (employees & turnover) over 10%pa At least 10% of the region’s electricity supply from renewable sources by 2010 - 1231 MW installed capacity/ 3500 GWh generated from renewables Reduction in Energy consumption from non renewable sources

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth CO2 emissions

RES Actions linked to Energy: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 91 Implement Northwest Energy Strategy (NW

Q1/2 06/7 • • •

Q3 06/7

Deliver Carbon Trust programmes Deliver Energy Savings Trust programmes Deliver Enworks programme

Energy Council)

Page 34

Q4 06/7

07/8 •

Ongoing delivery of programmes and monitoring of Strategy

08/9 •

Ongoing delivery of programmes and monitoring of Strategy

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Encourage and make better use of, public and private investment in the region The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

Appropriate Baselines to be established

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Appropriate Targets to be established GVA and GVA/head growth (monitor) Structural Funds Outputs (monitor) RDPE Outputs (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth

RES Actions linked to Investment: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 92 Influence EU programmes to support RES (NWDA / NWRA)

Q1/2 06/7 • • •

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

Alignment of ERDF/ESF 2007-2013 with RES Rural Development Programme (RDPE) alignment with RES priorities Contract with RTC North to deliver Frameworks NW to assist SME’s to access 7th Framework R&D programme and Competitiveness & Innovation Programme

07/8 •

93 Align investment and service delivery at all spatial levels

• • •

SRP Action Plans produced and endorsed Northern Way delivery reviewed CRDPs updated


94 Explore mechanism to stimulate private sector investment

Develop joint project with Treasury and other RDAs, in advance of CSR & Budget 2007, to identify financial / regulatory changes required to stimulate private investment


Page 35

Examine links with External Relations (European) budget for Internationalisation Participate in Regions for Economic Change territorial cooperation


RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Promote the image of the region 2. Maximise cultural and major event opportunities 3. Develop the quality of the visitor experience The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

87% residents viewed the region as a good place to live 45% of businesses believe the region is a good place to operate 21% of UK businesses think that the Northwest is better than the other regions in the UK as a business location Visitor economy is worth £10.9bn to the region, supporting 200,000 FTE jobs 29m staying tourists and 240m day visitors (STEAM) 11% share of domestic visitor trips and 11.3% share of spend (UKTS) 7.8% share of overseas visits and 6.3% share of overseas visitor spend (IPS) 47% of domestic trips out of season 86% participating in Arts (regional rank 5th)

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Improved perceptions of the region as a good place to live and do business Increase in the size of the visitor economy by 1% (GVA and number of jobs) Increase in number and % share of visitors, visitor nights and spend (domestic and international) % of domestic trips out of season (monitor) Increase participation in the Arts Number of major events and their economic impact (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Job Creation

RES Actions linked to Culture and Image: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 95 Implement marketing programmes (NWDA)

Q1/2 06/7 •

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

For Visitors: Run themed and destination campaigns to generate increased visitor spend and visitor numbers. For Business and Investment: Identify key regional competitive messages, develop regional inward investment web site, publish a Northwest Business Supplement in national broadsheet

07/8 •

Page 36

For Visitors: Focus themed marketing on Culture and the Natural Environment. Develop a new regional tourism marketing strategy to deliver the new tourism strategy and promote attack brands For Business: Implement a sector marketing campaign to promote key sectors in national and international market places

08/9 •

For Visitors: Maximise impact of Capital of Culture on image of the region and visitor numbers. For Business: Implement a sector marketing campaign to promote key sectors in national and international market places


Q1/2 06/7

96 Support Liverpool 2008 (Liverpool

Q4 06/7

National Marketing Campaign to promote Liverpool as a “must see” destination • Maximise visitors from outside region to key events (eg Turner Prize) Ongoing programme of development throughout period •

Culture Company)

97 Develop the Cultural Offer

Q3 06/7 2008 programme unveiled

07/8 •

(Culture Northwest) •

98 Secure major events (NWDA)

Baseline data to be set by March 2007

99 Develop opportunities linked to London 2012 (NWDA)

100Develop plans to exploit growth of sport (NWDA) 101Improve tourism product of attack brands / signature projects (Tourist

Establish NW Business Forum (2012 Games) Complete research into business opportunities from the Games Draft regional plan to be completed by December and finalised following consultation by March 2007 Develop a Sport Sector Strategy and Action Plan

Hadrian’s Wall • Chester Culture • Blackpool Heritage Park Board Casino Board formed formed and decision Lowther Park vision agreed • Prioritised Steering • Manchester implementGroup Conference ation plan for established Quarter Chester Chester Super improved public Culture Park Zoo - Risk realm and Analysis orientation produced project Lake District commences Vision published Plans for Southport included as part of the Sub Regional Action Plan

Business Tourism strategy and framework agreed to increase business visitors and their spend in the region

Visitor Information Strategy published Visitor Information Improvement project launched

Tourism Connect project - Cumbria Profit through Productivity commenced May 2006 160 businesses to be supported through to June 2008 Welcome to Excellence (National Skills Training Programme) delivered Quarter 4 - agree working relationship and protocols with Business Link

• •

Boards) •

102Capitalise on Southport as a classic resort

• •

• •


103Implement Business Tourism Strategy (Regional


National Marketing Campaign to promote Liverpool as a “must see” destination Maximise visitor numbers from outside of the region to key events Manchester International Festival Capital of Culture Cheshire Year of Gardens 2008 (linked to Capital of Culture) Establish business support programme Development of Cultural Olympiad Implement strategy

Publication of Chester Super Zoo Business Plan & detailed implementation plan Liverpool Cruise Terminal opens Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool (ACCL) opens

Improve public realm – Lord St improvement project Monitor progress with Strategy implementation

Capital of Culture Cheshire Year of Gardens

Lowther Park initial phase completed Hadrian’s Wall annual Delivery Plan agreed Manchester Conference Quarter improved public realm and orientation project completed

Monitor progress with Strategy implementation

Monitor progress with Strategy implementation and projects Profit through Productivity completed with 160 tourism SME’s Tourism Connect project completion

Tourism Forum)

104Implement Visitor Information Strategy (Regional

Tourism Forum)

105Support business development for tourism businesses (Tourist Boards)

• •

• •

Page 37

Monitor progress with Strategy implementation and projects Delivery of business signposting in partnership with Business Link

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Support cleaner, safer, greener communities 2. Develop community cohesion 3. Develop high quality local services 4. Reduce health inequalities and social exclusion The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

579 NW super output areas in the worst 5% deprived, nationally 5 local authorities in the region fall more than 25% outside the regional average with regard to incapacity benefit claimants. 4 local authorities in the region fall more than 25% outside the regional average with regard to housing affordability. 3 local authorities in the region fall more than 25% outside the regional average with regard to NVQ Level 3+ Crime statistics (burglaries: regional rank – 6th 743 per 10,000 population, vehicle crime: regional rank 7th 1530 per 10,000 population, violent crime regional rank 9th 613 per 10,000 population , 7847 hate crime (racist incidents) in 2004/5 Feelings of insecurity – males 7th (4%) females 6th (16%) 10 local authorities with comprehensive ‘four star rating’ 12% of households below 60% of the median income level 43.9% employment rate amongst disabled people; 54.7% amongst non-white working age people; 33.9% for over 50’s

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

By 2009, reduce the number of areas in the worst 5% deprived, nationally No local authority area to be more than 25% below the regional average in at least 2 of the following indicators: Incapacity Benefit claimants, Housing Affordability, NVQ Level 3+ Reduction in crime incl. hate crime Increase in feelings of security Increase in the number of local authorities with comprehensive ‘four star rating’ Reduction in % of households below 60% of the median income level Improvement in economic participation rates for key groups (target to be set)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Employment rate Deprivation

RES Actions linked to Community: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 106Develop support to cleaner, safer, greener communities (GONW/ Regional Alcohol Forum/ LAs)

Q1/2 06/7 •

• •

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

NW Reducing Reoffending Plan – Progress through engagement with other agencies and develop policies on key themes (“Pathways”) Develop NW Alcohol Strategy – Q4 North West Liveability Foundation Pilot commenced

07/8 •

Page 38

Re-offending Plan: Develop, review & integrate strategies Publish NW Alcohol Strategy Cleaner, Safer, Greener issues included in LAA Delivery Plans

08/9 •

Re-offending Plan: Health Pathway – implement researched regional pilot with dangerous offenders

Milestones/Outputs 107Implement the Sustainable Communities Plan (GONW / RENEW Northwest)

Q1/2 06/7 •

108Promote role of voluntary sector in tackling social exclusion (Voluntary Sector)

109Capacity building of voluntary sector and social enterprise to deliver public services (NW

• • •

• • •

Improvement Network)

110Use Local Area Agreements to improve access to public services

• •

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7


Programme of capacity building events by RENEW, GONW and other partners in place by end of Q3. Programme and monitoring evaluation methodology established – Q3 Regional Masterclasses and good practice workshops – Q1/2 – 1380 attendees; Q3 – 500 attendees; Q4 – 500 attendees Regeneration Leadership Training Q1/2 – 100 days; Q3 – 60 days

2000 Practitioners attended Masterclass

2000 Practitioners attended Masterclass

Development of VCS Strategy by end of Q4 Creation of VCS Co-ordinating Committee by end of Q4 Preparation of Regional Infrastructure Development Plans Templates – Q1/2; submit to GONW and grant offers issued – Q3/4 LAAs – GONW Partnership Directors ensure VCS engagement in consultation on service delivery across all 4 blocks – Q4

Development of VCS Strategy by end of Q4 Creation of VCS Co-ordinating Committee by end of Q4 Preparation of Regional Infrastructure Development Plans Templates – Q1/2; submit above to GONW and grant offers issued – Q3/4 Regular GO liaison to influence Capacity Builders’ forward plans – Q4

VCS Strategy Action plan agreed by end of q1 07/08 Regional Infrastructure Development Plans submitted, approved and monitored VCS Strategy Action plan agreed by end of Q1 Regular GO liaison to influence Capacity Builders’ forward plans

Undertake 6 monthly reviews of 2 pilot LAAs and 9 R2 LAAs – Q3 11 R3 LAAs in place by April 07

Establish implementation plan for ED strategy

June/July 2007 Annual Review – opportunity to renegotiate targets with depts & Nov 07 – 6 month reviews Outputs against plan reported and progress measured at annual review Celebrate event to promote the economic impact of diversity

VCS Steering Grp to monitor delivery and oversee review process 08/09 Regional Infrastructure Development Plans submitted, approved and monitored Regular GO liaison to influence Capacity Builders’ forward plans Increased number of VCS organisations delivering public services by raising skills levels of the VCS workforce June/July 2008 Annual Reviews and November 2008 – 6 monthly reviews

(Local Authorities)

111Deliver the Regional Equality and Diversity Strategy (GONW/

112Deliver the Investment for Health strategic plan (Dept. of Health)



Regional strategic coordination group set up Initiate projects to deliver strategy

Agree delivery arrangement s / influence partner projects

Review progress on Investment for Health Strategic Plan and update implementation plan in light of new NHS structure and Government Agenda re Health

Page 39

Outputs against plan reported and progress measured at annual review

RES Factor:


Action on this RES Factor is designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Realise and nurture the natural and built heritage assets 2. Improve the physical environment The data below shows, for the factor, what the region is hoping to achieve and how progress will be monitored. This will be updated annually Where are we now?

£1.36b GVA of the natural environment sector, supporting 64,000 jobs The Lake District is estimated to have received 8.2 million visitors in 2005 96,171 hectares of woodland – 6.8% of land cover in NW England Agriculture contributes 3% of rural GVA and employees 39,347 579 super output areas in the worst 5% deprived, nationally Quality public realm measure – to be established as part of Liveability Foundation Pilot 53% of region’s flood management systems meet performance specifications to protect locations to an appropriate standard Flood warning service to 77,000 properties

Where do we want to be (2009) / what will we monitor?

Increase in the GVA and jobs of the natural environment sector Lake District visitors (monitor) Increase in woodland cover by 1200 hectares Maintain agriculture’s employment and contribution to rural GVA at 3% By 2009, reduce the number of areas in the worst 5% deprived, nationally Quality public realm measure - to be established as part of Liveability Foundation Pilot Hectares of derelict land reclaimed (monitor) 100% of region’s flood management systems meet performance specifications to protect locations to an appropriate standard Flood warning service to 97,800 properties Air Quality and Water Quality (monitor) Condition of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (monitor) “At Risk” Historic Environment Assets (monitor) Access to Greenspace (monitor)

Relevant RES Targets

GVA Growth Deprivation

RES Actions linked to Environment: Progress with the specific RES actions designed to achieve these objectives will be monitored quarterly for transformational actions (those shaded) and annually for all other actions. The key milestones/outputs we are expecting to achieve are outlined below. Milestones/Outputs 113Develop economic benefit of the natural environment (Natural Economy NW)

Q1/2 06/7 •

Natural Economy Northwest set up as 3 year programme

Q3 06/7 •

Natural Benefits for Business Conference held Business advisers training programme in Cumbria started

Q4 06/7 •

Natural environment & socio economic deprivation regional map produced

07/8 • •

• •

Page 40

Natural Economy Northwest launch Training prog. launched & best practice published Natural Tourism Challenge Fund launched Wetland, Coastal, Green Infra. & Natural Tourism projects developed 6 SITA projects initiated In Lancs, deliver Green Grid strategic green infra.

08/9 •

• •

More wetland, coastal, Green Infra., Natural Tourism & SITA projects developed Natural Economy Awards held Increased business advice on benefits from natural env. Green Infra. approach used to integrate env. and economic delivery Natural environment projects show clear economic benefits


Q1/2 06/7

114Implement Lake District Futures Policy (CV)

115Use heritage environment to deliver growth

Plans for Lake District included as part of the Sub Regional Action Plan

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

Partners committed to delivery of new vision for Lake District. First steps include public realm improvement in main market towns and raising quality of accomm. & tourist offer Merseyside Heritage Investment Strategy completed •

07/8 •

Ongoing plans to be developed as part of the CV Sub Region Action Plan

Roll out of Heritage Investment Strategy process across region Chester Culture Park implementation Develop the Lancaster Canal Corridor and further exploit the tourism potential of Lancaster Castle Weaver Valley implementation Develop strategic connecting ‘green infrastructure’ incl. further development of the East Lancashire and Ribble Estuary Regional Parks Newlands programme delivered Regional Forestry Framework Champion in place RDPE Forestry Activity Regional Food and Drink Strategy, RDPE and SSFF Objectives aligned “Food Northwest” established

(SRPs) •

116Create Regional Parks (Regional Park

Finalise support arrangements for individual regional park proposals


117Implement Regional Forestry Framework (Forestry Commission)

• • •

Newlands Programme delivered Regional Forestry Framework Action Plan in place Identification of RPDE Forestry Activity

118Promote sustainable farming and food production (GONW)

• • •

SSFF Champion in place Review of SFF Delivery Document Regional Food and Drink Strategy produced

Page 41


Chester Culture Park implementation

Weaver Valley implementation Develop strategic connecting ‘green infrastructure’ incl. further development of the East Lancashire and Ribble Estuary Regional Parks Newlands programme delivered RDPE Forestry Activity

Delivery alignment of Regional Food and Drink Strategy, RDPE; and SSFF

Milestones/Outputs 119Invest in quality public realm, green space and environmental quality (SRPs/

Q1/2 06/7 •

Tourist Boards/ HMRs/ URCs)

120Understand economic case for, and promote, good design

(RENEW Northwest)

121”Future proof” physical developments

Blackpool Central Seafront commenced Liverpool City Centre Movement Strategy underway

Q3 06/7

Q4 06/7

Review and formulate framework for sustainable tourism activity with BREW partners • North West Liveability Foundation Pilot commenced • Develop proposals for public sector investment in Oxford Road corridor • Mann Island (L’pool) projects started Research study into the economic case for, and value of, good design, including developing an assessment framework Data collection to set standards in design and initial take up amongst regional partners •

Public realm improvement implemented in Crewe town centre

Develop “future proofing” policy and good practice guide

Flood defence prioritised programme to improve the standard of protection in specified locations

07/8 •

• •

Develop mechanism for measuring the economic impact of investment in public realm Delivery of key projects in SRAPs, including through all URCs Public realm improvements in Chester (Culture Park) and Cheshire market towns (Weaver Valley) Improve public realm to establish Southport as a Classic Resort Mann Island (L’pool) projects ongoing

08/9 •

Mann Island (L’pool) projects completed

Flood defence prioritised programme to improve protection in agreed locations

Disseminate study findings Conduct Design review


122Protect areas from flooding (Environment Agency)

Page 42

Flood defence prioritised programme to improve protection in agreed locations

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