Site Name
Strategic Regional Sites Alderley Park
Ashton Moss
Bailrigg, Lancaster
Alderley Park presents a nationally significant opportunity to provide for the region’s life science cluster, bringing substantial benefits for the Manchester City Region and the wider regional economy. The strategic regional site will: •
Build on Alderley Park’s existing role as an international research, development and commercial centre; and
Accommodate the need to replace, redevelop and expand buildings for AstraZeneca to remain a competitive and successful company.
Ashton Moss is intended to deliver additional employment in east Greater Manchester in a location well related to future Metrolink extension proposals. The Bailrigg site presents the opportunity to create a premier employment site in Lancashire for knowledge-based industries and university spin-out. The strategic regional site will: •
Facilitate university related business development and clustering;
Provide a high quality setting for move-on businesses which still require a link back to the university;
Capitalise on Lancaster University’s reputation as one of the leading higher education players nationally in the field of computing and ICT.
Site Name
Barton (Port Salford)
Barton is intended to create a modern inter-modal (water, rail and road) exchange, logistics and strategic rail freight facility. The strategic regional site will:
Basford, Crewe
Accommodate strategic distribution development (port and rail related) in response to regional policy imperatives, need and demand;
Accommodate businesses that will utilise the railway for freight transport.
Basford is intended to reposition and diversify Crewe’s narrow traditional economic base and help tackle its pockets of high deprivation, by attracting investment and providing space for indigenous companies to grow. The site will: •
• •
Birkenhead Docks, Wirral
Central Bolton
Provide a high quality, well planned, flagship scheme for South Cheshire, which will enhance the image of the area at a key gateway to the region; Capitalise on rail access and road access from the A500; Take advantage of Crewe’s railway and engineering background.
Birkenhead Docks presents the opportunity to: •
Promote a mix of uses including housing, knowledge based and portrelated development in a highly accessible and exceptional quality waterside environment;
Provide for significant inward investment opportunities;
Restructure areas adjacent to the dock estate;
Assist in facilitating the economic restructuring of parts of the inner area surrounding Merseyside’s regional centre;
Bring back into use derelict and under used land.
Central Bolton provides the opportunity to reposition and diversify the
Site Name
Purpose economic base of Bolton and deliver a strategic business location within North Greater Manchester by:
Carlisle City Centre (Caldew Riverside/Rickergate)
Central Chester
Central Park, Manchester
Building upon the successful establishment and ongoing expansion of the University;
Promoting knowledge-based activity and collaboration between business and education
Capitalising on road and rail infrastructure; and
Creating a high quality physical environment to attract knowledge based industries.
Carlisle City centre provides the opportunity to: •
Act as a focus for economic growth in Cumbria, west Northumberland and south west Scotland;
Provide sites for the proposed University of Cumbria; and
Strengthen Carlisle’s image and role as a tourist destination.
Central Chester provides the opportunity to: •
Continue Chester’s success as a driver for the regional and subregional economy.
Promote further knowledge-based activity in a highly attractive and accessible setting; and
Capitalise on Chester’s national and in some cases international role in financial services and its positive image centred on leisure, culture and heritage;
Central Park forms a key part of the transformation of east Manchester by attracting investment including knowledge-based industries, to grow in a priority regeneration area. The site will: •
Provide a flagship site in the Regeneration Framework for New East Manchester, building on Manchester’s key economic strengths and
Site Name
Purpose capitalise on planned Metrolink improvements; •
Daresbury, Runcorn
Accommodate training and incubator facilities and spin-off businesses associated with the higher education sector in order to raise the employment base of the area.
Daresbury is intended to secure new science based investment in research and development, business services and manufacturing, building on the existing nationally important concentration of science and research, including Daresbury Laboratory and the Cockroft Institute. To support science based job growth and investment, a mix of uses will be pursued including leisure, hotel, retail and housing, in an attractive rural setting close to areas of regeneration need.
Dunningsbridge, Sefton (Port of Liverpool Economic Corridor)
Estuary, Liverpool
Ditton is intended to create a modern inter- modal (rail and road) exchange, logistics and strategic rail freight facility. The strategic regional site will: •
Accommodate strategic distribution development (rail related) in response to regional policy imperatives and need and demand;
Accommodate businesses that will utilise the railway for the transportation of freight.
The Dunningsbridge (Port of Liverpool Economic Corridor) provides the opportunity to: •
Provide nationally significant freight handling and logistics facilities associated with the Port of Liverpool to assist the regeneration of South Sefton/North Liverpool; and
Accommodate related manufacturing and process industries.
Estuary presents the opportunity to create a high quality sub regional business park on a prominent site within south Liverpool in an area of regeneration need. The site will: •
Accommodate new development in knowledge based industries, with particular emphasis on the life sciences (biotechnology and pharmaceuticals) building on a track record of attracting inward
Site Name
Purpose investment;
Freckleton Street Area, Blackburn
Kingmoor, Carlisle
Provide space for growing indigenous companies who wish to expand in a quality environment as well as inward investment; and
Capitalise on the proximity of Liverpool Airport and the good access to the road and rail communications network.
The Freckleton Street area of Blackburn town centre will: •
Capitalise upon the existing and expanding FE/HE academic presence in order to create closer links between education, skills and enterprise;
Capitalise upon its road and rail infrastructure to promote accessible knowledge based activity in order to diversify and upgrade the local economy in an area of regeneration need;and
Provide a high quality environment for investment and job growth.
Kingmoor Park will support the regeneration of Cumbria by providing space for indigenous industries to grow and by attracting inward investment in an area of regeneration need. The site will: • •
Kingsway, Rochdale
Provide quality jobs for the sub-region; Act as a focus for high quality indigenous growth and investment, encouraging high quality users.
Kingsway will: •
Act as a regional flagship site for inward investment taking advantage of proposed Metrolink access;
Attract modern industry and businesses, and provide opportunities for indigenous businesses who wish to expand in a quality environment, particularly in knowledge based and manufacturing and process industries;
Create job opportunities for the local population which are accessible by sustainable transport modes; and
Site Name
Purpose •
Liverpool North Docks
Liverpool Pall Mall
Liverpool Science Park (Edge Lane)
Accommodate an element of strategic distribution development.
Lillyhall will support the regeneration of Cumbria by providing space for indigenous industries to grow and by attracting inward investment in an area of regeneration need. The site will:•
Provide quality jobs for the sub region;
Act as a focus for high quality indigenous growth and investment particularly related to the nuclear industry.
Liverpool North Docks is intended to create a nationally outstanding urban environment which secures a diverse range of economic activity within a mixed use framework including housing, offices, inward investment, port related and process industries. The development will: •
Support rather than compete with Liverpool City Centre;
Strengthen public transport linkages with the city centre and North Liverpool;
Assist in facilitating the economic restructuring of parts of the inner area surrounding Merseyside’s regional centre;
Secure the restoration of the built heritage;
Bring back into use derelict and under used land.
Pall Mall is intended to create a thriving extension to Liverpool’s office quarter which will strengthen, underpin and benefit from the wider revival of the regional centre. The development will: •
Take advantage of high quality rail and road access
Accommodate nationally significant inward investment in the office sector (public and private).
Liverpool Science Park (Edge Lane) provides the opportunity for additional job growth by completing the final phase of the existing technology park development. The site will:
Site Name
Purpose •
Liverpool University Edge (Liverpool Knowledge Quarter)
Omega, Warrington
Parkside, St Helens
Provide grow on space for indigenous high tech companies in an area of regeneration need.
Liverpool University Edge will become a new regional focus for knowledge related jobs and people. It will have a supportive relationship with the growth and development of the two Universities, the School of Tropical Medicine and the teaching hospital. The strategic regional site will:•
Transform the quality of the urban environment and improve its pedestrian connectivity to Lime Street Station;
Foster the growth of university and NHS teaching hospital research functions;
Stimulate the growth of university/business linkages;
Attract high level research in both the private sector and government;
Be supported by skills and innovation programmes.
Omega is intended to provide a flagship site to attract inward investment. The strategic regional site will:•
Act as a regional flagship for inward investment by providing a site which has the environment, space and flexibility to provide a unique offer within the region;
Accommodate nationally and regionally significant new development in the region, with particular emphasis on manufacturing and process industry inward investment.
Parkside is intended to create a modern inter- modal (rail and road) exchange, logistics and strategic rail freight facility. The strategic regional site will: •
Accommodate strategic distribution development (rail related) in response to regional policy imperatives, need and demand; and
Site Name
Purpose •
Central Preston
Salford Quays/Irwell Corridor Area
Salmesbury, Lancashire
Piccadilly Basin/Oxford Road area, Manchester
Accommodate businesses that will utilise the railway for the transportation of freight..
Central Preston provides the opportunity to support Preston’s growth as the third urban centre of the region, through: •
Promoting knowledge-based development at the heart of the economic driver for the Central Lancashire City Region;
Bringing forward inward investment (particularly B1 uses) of some scale;
Development related to the expansion of the University of Central Lancashire
The Salford Quays/Irwell Corridor area provides the opportunity to expand and integrate the area with the regional centre of Manchester through a mixed use framework. The development will: •
Take advantage of outstanding regional rail and Metrolink access;
Build outwards from the strengths of Manchester City Centre and Salford Quays (including Media City);
Strengthen public transport connections between Salford Quays, the regional rail network and Manchester City Centre;
Bring back into use derelict and under used land.
Salmesbury provides the opportunity to develop a nationally important centre for: •
Aerospace and advanced manufacturing;
Sector specific research, education and training;
Related research and development;
Specialist suppliers.
The Piccadilly Basin/Oxford Road area is a prime regional centre location
Site Name
Purpose with the potential to:
Central Warrington
Westlakes Science Park, West Cumbria
Reinforce the success of Manchester University and Health Trust in high level research skills and innovation;
Capitalise on Manchester’s Science City status and stimulate the growth of university/business linkages providing spin-off benefits for the region;
Use these assets and its transport infrastructure to promote nationally significant inward investment and indigenous growth;
Transform the quality of the urban environment, including its connectivity to the City centre and surrounding areas.
Central Warrington provides the opportunity to: •
Generate growth especially in indigenous sectors and higher value jobs;
Bring forward knowledge based investment sites;
Create a high quality environment with linkages to the town centre.
Westlakes is intended to build on and strengthen a nationally important concentration of nuclear related research and development and manufacturing. The strategic regional site will:•
Act as a flagship for research and inward investment;
Attract knowledge-based industry, with a special emphasis on technology related to nuclear power and decommissioning;
Assist in the creation of a centre of excellence for the nuclear industry.
Whitebirk is intended to provide a premier employment site for East Lancashire. The site will act as a focus for high quality job growth and investment by businesses requiring good access to the primary road network.
Site Name
Wigan South Central area
Wigan South Central presents a key opportunity to reposition and diversify the economic base of Wigan and tackle high levels of deprivation by attracting investment and providing space for indigenous growth. It will:
Wirral International Business Park
Capitalise upon its road and rail infrastructure and proximity to the regional centres;
Utilise the availability of land for employment uses to realise the potential for high value knowledge based activity
Create a high quality physical environment to attract knowledge based industries
Wirral International Business Park has been successful in acting as a focus for growth and encouraging indigenous investment, manufacturing and process industries. Future development on the site will promote a more coherent image including public realm and signage improvements and developing a branding programme.