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Sustainability Appraisal of Draft NWDA Corporate Plan 2008 - 2011

February 2008

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Overview of the Assessment


This report presents the results of a brief scoping assessment of the NWDA Corporate Plan objectives using the IAT (Integrated Appraisal Toolkit 1). IAT comprises of a set of questions that can be used to assess activities, projects, strategies, plans and policies, in order to determine the extent to which they contribute to regional objectives of Sustainable Development (SD).


The assessment was undertaken by looking at each of NWDA’s proposed strategic corporate objectives and considering how it may contribute to SD priorities in the region. This is in terms of strengths, gaps or weaknesses (areas where it could contribute but in its present form isn’t specified), and possible measures to improve SD performance (mitigation or recommendation).


It should be noted that this sustainability appraisal of the NWDA draft corporate plan does not represent an exhaustive and in-depth assessment. It was limited by time availability and is based on the information presented in the draft corporate plan (with no further research or questioning on areas of uncertainty). With this in mind, this report seeks to provide an initial overview of recommendations to develop the emerging draft corporate plan concerning contribution towards sustainability.


A key issue is that the corporate plan necessarily concentrates on high level actions with much greater detail being present in the Regional Economic Strategy (RES) plus other documents. We have not attempted to appraise these related documents.


The report is presented in the following format: • Summary of the Key Strengths • Summary of the Key Weaknesses • Potential actions to improve the Draft Corporate Plan • In addition, full sustainability matrix of the assessment is appended to this report, outlining strengths, weaknesses, and possible mitigation activities for each of the 11 overarching corporate objectives that make up the NWDA Corporate Plan.


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ECOTEC Sustainability Appraisal


Summary of the SD Appraisal Findings


Summary Overall the corporate plan addresses many of the priority areas of Sustainable Development (SD), as identified by the Integrated Appraisal Toolkit (IAT). However, the plan could be strengthened by improved alignment between the objectives as to how SD priorities can be achieved, rather than each individual objective having specific responsibility for SD activities.


Key Strengths Through appraising the corporate plan against the IAT, the following have been identified as the main contributions towards sustainable development: • Improving the competitiveness and growth of a sustainable economy for the region, alongside job creation, business start up and survival and better productivity. • Stimulating an innovative and knowledge based economy to support this growth. • Boosting the workforce and creating more opportunities for increasing economic participation and inclusion across the region, particularly for under represented and disadvantaged groups. • Improving equality and equity of opportunity for all. • Addressing climate change and encouraging better use of energy efficiency, resource management and use, and considering sustainable consumption and production. • Encouraging greater exposure and promotion of the region as a place to live, visit, work and invest in. • A commitment to promoting corporate social responsibility within the companies of the region.


Key Weaknesses However, the objectives proposed within the corporate plan contain a number of important gaps and could make a greater contribution in relation to: • The corporate plan needs to give better consideration to transport implications, particularly on reducing the need to travel. The links between improving transport infrastructure, economic development and environmental impact (both in terms of


ECOTEC Sustainability Appraisal

emissions of greenhouse gases and other impacts (air quality, possible impacts on nature etc.) are a controversial issue but should not be avoided. Sustainability could be better mainstreamed across each of the eleven objectives, for example, how SD principles will be incorporated into the decision making for international inward investment decisions. Improved integration of environmental and social performance within objectives facilitating the development of sustainable economic growth, building skills and the workforce, and improving leadership and management approach. The development of sites and premises needs to give greater consideration to green infrastructure opportunity, potential to contribute towards mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and improving local environmental quality. The corporate plan needs to consider how economic growth and employment will support the achievement of sustainable communities and improving deprived areas by integrating housing, access to services and amenities.


ECOTEC Sustainability Appraisal


Recommendations The NDWA corporate plan could be improved in terms of sustainability via consideration and inclusion of the following points. Transport - difficult issue but an honest approach is needed The corporate plan should be open about the difficult task the NWDA faces in the area of promoting economic growth while also seeking to minimise environmental impact. This is particularly difficult in terms of transport where there are many areas where the two seem incompatible. There are areas where the plan can make it clear that opportunities will be taken up in this area, for example business advice on green travel plans, efforts to site business parks in close proximity to public transport hubs etc. However where the levers of control lie beyond the NWDA this should be made clear with the caveat that their influence and research budget will be used to positively contribute. Inclusion – consult to maximise The consultation process for the Corporate plan needs to seek views on how all of the projects and programmes can be designed in order to maximise inclusion amongst hard to reach groups of society. Consider a greenhouse gas or energy intensity region specific target Other RDAs (e.g. AWM and Yorkshire Forward) have defined and adapted with high profile region specific targets within their RES's. The NWDA should consider such a target and if not adapted justify why not. Cross cutting potential The positive commitments made to sustainability in general need to be explicity mentioned where ever there is potential. Strategic move to commissioning – partners may need SD training and/or capacity assistance The corporate plan indicates that the NWDA will be looking to commission delivery via the most appropriate regional / sub regional partners. It is important that NWDA ensure that these partners take their role in integrating SD seriously. This could include requiring the use of the SD toolkit, providing SD training or staff capacity.


ECOTEC Sustainability Appraisal

Annex 1: Sustainability Appraisal of the NWDA Corporate Plan against the Integrated Appraisal Toolkit


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ECOTEC Sustainability Appraisal

NWDA Corporate Objective

Strategic Activity

Likely contribution of NWDA Corporate Plan against IAT


Recommendations or Mitigation Proposals


Generate increased GVA through the growth and development of our priority sectors, including tourism and the visitor economy and those sectors which contribute to widespread employment in our sub regions.

The objective appears to make a good contribution towards enabling sustainable economic growth and encouraging employment. It contributes to the growth of key locations within each of the sub regions and seeks to direct support towards priority sectors within the region (within rural and urban communities).


The implementation of the objective seeks good integration with other elements of the corporate plan, including Higher Level Skills, Innovation and Leadership and Management. It also strongly recognises the role of supporting sectors through integration with key agendas of climate change, sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and energy efficiency.

There is no specific reference to implications for transport and how encouraging sustainable transport will be supported through the achievement of this objective. The objective could demonstrate greater synergy between sectors and the sustainable communities and inclusion agenda. There is no specific reference within the objective as to how it will impact upon housing and support better access to local services, amenities and employment The objective does not outline the promotion and growth of sustainable tourism. No specific mention of efforts to make any new jobs accessible to hard to reach groups, i.e. those excluded from the economy via, spatial, social or other issues.

Objective 2: Enterprise Support

Improve the formation, survival and growth rates of enterprise: focused on developing the region’s enterprise

The objective appears to make a significant contribution towards the creation of new business and enterprises, including the improvement of business survival for start

The objective does not specify how more remote and rural parts of the region will access business support services.

Transport implications of all the activities need careful consideration, for example ensuring that green travel to work and freight transport advice is given to the priority sectors as part of the suite of advice they receive. The availability of affordable and sustainable housing will be an important issue for the growth (and all other) sectors.

It is important that activity under this sector fully supports other efforts to promote inclusive practice - in terms of job and training availability. This may well be in the detail of the regional tourism strategy but issues such as promoting local tourism and the availability of more sustainable transport methods to tourism attractions is important.

Ensure the delivery mechanisms are truly region wide - including access into rural and remote areas. Ensure that resource efficiency (i.e.

NWDA Corporate Objective

Strategic Activity

Likely contribution of NWDA Corporate Plan against IAT

culture; assisting business start up, growth and competitiveness; delivery of the Business Link advice service; and improving the availability and ease of access to business finance.

ups beyond 36 months.

Grow economic wealth through major improvements in business innovation and competitiveness, delivered through substantial programmes in science places, enabling knowledge transfer, commercialisation of IP, and ICT adoption.

The objective makes a significant contribution towards better utilising innovation and knowledge in order that sustainable economic growth and employment can be achieved.

The objective should make a good contribution towards inclusion by breaking down barriers and boosting participation amongst under represented and disadvantaged groups, particularly in more deprived parts of NW. The objective should provide greater opportunity to increase participation levels for all and provide diversity and equality in the take up of skills and enterprise development through the NW Enterprise Forum.


Recommendations or Mitigation Proposals

reducing waste, reducing energy consumption, boosting uptake of renewable energy) advice and climate change adaptation is part of the core Business Link offer.

The objective does not specifically outline how the wider community will engage and access the support available, and how it will reach those who are hard to reach (Though this point is made in general).

Ensure the delivery mechanisms and partners are designed and selected to ensure that all parts of the region's society (particularly the hard to reach) receive information and advice on the opportunities available as well as active encouragement to take this up.

The objective does not specify linkage to other parts of the corporate plan as to how innovation and knowledge could support adapting or mitigating to climate change, reducing energy and waste, and promoting sustainable consumption and production.

The importance of innovation as a cross cutting theme needs to be made clear and recognised.

The objective does not mention how areas outside of Greater Manchester and Merseyside will be able to take forwards innovative and knowledge based approaches.

The plan needs to make it clear that the benefits of innovation will be spread as widely both spatially and in terms of the target group.


There is no specific reference to integrating advice and guidance for environmental, climate change, energy efficiency, consumption and waste within the delivery of business and enterprise support across the region.

Objective 3: Innovation

The objective contributes well towards encouraging increased use and opportunity from ICT and meeting current skills gap in this regard.

There is no specific mention of an inclusive approach – to ensure that as many, and as diverse a range of

NWDA Corporate Objective

Strategic Activity

Likely contribution of NWDA Corporate Plan against IAT


Recommendations or Mitigation Proposals

possible of the region's population benefit from the priority. Objective 4: Internation alisation


Maximising opportunities from globalisation and emerging markets, raising companies’ awareness of global opportunities and risks to enable them to compete internationally and realising opportunities for the region from international trade and inward investment.

The objective contributes towards facilitating economic growth and employment, and seeks to provide greater international inward investment across the region benefiting innovation and business development.

There is no specific mention of how this will align with other key elements within the plan including climate change, raw materials, waste and transport.

The sustainability aspects of international trade should be recognised and the pros and cons not shied away from. This allows an open debate and the possibility to adopt best practice.

There is no specific mention of: It is recognised that the Northwest Internationalisation Strategy (from which NWDA has identified this objective) has been subject to a sustainable development appraisal

• how diversity and equality will be considered • of incorporating sustainability criteria in order to determine the assessment of international inward investment opportunities • Promote linkages to CSR and whether investment will facilitate sustainable communities’ agendas.

COMPETITIVE PEOPLE Objective 5: Leadership and Manageme nt

Develop leadership and management skills (including coaching and mentoring) within the

The objective contributes towards improving business productivity and increasing skills levels in more senior positions.

There is no specific mention of: • How CSR and addressing social, environmental impacts through improved management and leadership skills.

The leadership and management skills need to include issues of CSR and resource efficiency.

NWDA Corporate Objective

Strategic Activity

Likely contribution of NWDA Corporate Plan against IAT


Recommendations or Mitigation Proposals

• Better opportunities to boost participation and bring people back into the labour market.

current workforce.

• Set in place more effective environmental management systems to improve business productivity. The skills development needs to be available to all groups, sectors and areas.


Objective 6: Higher Level Skills Developme nt

Develop higher-level skills in the current and future workforce, including appropriate sector skills. Our work here is complementary to the work of a wide range of other agencies.

The objective appears to make a good contribution towards increasing participation and improving skills levels for all. The objective appears to recognise sub regional variations in needs, with a strong focus in Cumbria and East Lancashire.

There is no reference to improving accessibility and transport to employment and skills development, particularly in regards for under represented and disadvantaged groups.

The objective should contribute towards sustainable communities’ principles and encourages inclusion for under represented and disadvantaged groups.

The objective also lacks recognition of the difficulties facing rural communities, particularly young people who are remote from public transport and limited local employment opportunities.

The objective should encourage sustainable economic growth and provide employment opportunities to all communities especially in disadvantaged areas.

There is no reference to the role of CSR in connection to the regions employers and linked into skills development.

Efforts need to be made to market any coaching and mentoring to all groups. As with leadership and management issues of CSR and resource efficiency should be covered. Efforts also need to be made to ensure that any training is made available to all groups in all areas.

Strategic Activity

Objective 7: Size of the Workforce

Supporting the economic participation of all, aiming to contribute to the growth in the size of the workforce. This will include support for the work of the City Employment Strategies, tackling barriers to work, and addressing issues of an ageing population, reduction in the working age population and migration.


NWDA Corporate Objective

Likely contribution of NWDA Corporate Plan against IAT


Recommendations or Mitigation Proposals

The objective will contribute to economic inclusion, and support the development of a healthy labour market. The activity will support under represented and disadvantaged groups

There is no mention of improving accessibility to jobs and services particularly for disadvantaged groups

Accessibility issues (travel to work) should be explicitly covered.

The objective appears to support growth, employment and sector development in the region. It could also support opportunities for economic inclusion, skills development, and improve accessibility to employment, services and amenities.

The activity could illustrate greater contribution towards increasing the amount of green space, particularly in urban fringe locations through green infrastructure and contribute towards mitigation and adaptation to climate change

The priority should explicitly cover the following issues:

COMPETITIVE PLACES Objective 8: Employmen t Sites and Premises

Support the development of key employment sites and premises in the region.

The activity provides good opportunity to reuse and convert existing buildings and contaminated land to high standards of sustainability.

The objective could make a greater contribution towards sustainable development principles through reference to selected sites for

Opportunities to increase the provision of green space. Site accessibility and transport impacts.

NWDA Corporate Objective

Strategic Activity

Likely contribution of NWDA Corporate Plan against IAT


Recommendations or Mitigation Proposals

development considering accessibility, transport and housing factors. Objective 9: Conditions for Private Sector Investment

Improve the physical conditions for increased private sector investment in the key places in the region.

The objective appears to make a significant contribution towards improving biodiversity, creating new green space access and supporting high quality design of public, built and natural environment space.

The plan could be clearer on inclusion concerning how the community and stakeholders will be consulted in the achievement of this objective.

The objective supports and identifies strong linkages across to underpin other elements of the corporate plan.

A clear statement on the commitment to sustainable communities, good quality local materials etc.


The objective should (if the over arching commitments to sustainable communities, resource efficiency etc. are honoured) make a good contribution towards: •

Mitigating and adapting to climate change

Enhancing inclusive lifestyles and developing the regions image

Offering opportunities to improve health and well being, and integrating to assist in achievement of improving higher level skills and boosting economic participation through the size of the workforce.

Creating opportunities to improve local environmental quality and significantly

Involve local communities in the decision making processes. Make the links to sustainable communities, green spaces, resource efficiency etc. explicit.

NWDA Corporate Objective

Strategic Activity

Likely contribution of NWDA Corporate Plan against IAT


Recommendations or Mitigation Proposals

contribute towards high quality, well designed environments for all Objective 10: Climate Change and Sustainable Consumptio n/ Production


Implementation of the regional Climate Change Action Plan (including energy security); the adoption of resourceefficient technologies and practices in companies and the development of adaptive policies and infrastructure

This objective appears to make a good contribution towards working with business to improve resource efficiency. It will provide an opportunity to boost quality of life and achieve cultural change for to benefit enterprise and all communities.

Greater detail around how the community and stakeholders will be consulted in the achievement of this objective

Include diverse communities in the consultations.

There is no specific reference to the role that natural environment can play as a ‘sink’ for carbon storage.

Explicitly mention the links to other objectives – business advice, locations, training etc.

The objective could be more explicit in mainstreaming climate change action within other corporate objectives to integrate environmental approaches and CSR within skills programmes, leadership and management, and tackling issues such as sustainable transport and waste.

Consider region specific energy reduction targets.

Include actions on reducing the need to travel as well as low carbon transport.

No region specific target. Nothing on reducing the need to travel - e.g. Home working and proximity of new work opportunities and major public transport nodes, green travel plans, increasing vehicle occupancy etc. Objective 11:

Improve the image of the region to do

This objective will make a good contribution towards stimulating sustainable economic

The objective makes no specific mention to integration across the

The objective could have a greater impact on minimising environmental

NWDA Corporate Objective Marketing the Region

Strategic Activity

Likely contribution of NWDA Corporate Plan against IAT


Recommendations or Mitigation Proposals

businesses in and as a visitor and tourist destination by countering outdated negative perceptions and promote its unique opportunities and strengths.

growth and lead to promotion of the region in encouraging inward investment, strong visitor economy and attracting skilled workers and senior managements into areas with gaps.

other 10 objectives of the corporate plan.

impacts within international events and support enterprise to reduce production and consumption through promoting procurement.

This activity could then meet more of the objectives of the IAT. For example, promotion of equality and diversity within culture and better engagement with under represented and disadvantaged groups The benefits of local tourism – e.g. reduced need to travel are not explicitly mentioned.


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