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Women and Work Task Force

23 March 2010

Equality aspects of the RS2010 and the Regional Skills Strategy •

The Integrated Regional Strategy RS2010 is currently being developed with completion of the final document expected in July/Aug 2010. Part 1: The High Level Framework was consulted on at the beginning of the year and responses are now being analysed. The Women and Work Taskforce has contributed to this consultation. Government has now said that a Regional Skills Strategy should be produced and that this should be ‘embedded’ within the Integrated Regional Strategy. The two strategies will, therefore, be inextricably linked.

Equality issues already feature in Part 1 and will be developed further in the final document to reflect consultation, stakeholder comments and the accompanying sustainability appraisal. A theme running through RS2010 has been to ensure that the Northwest maximises its assets and that every person is able to play a full role in the development of the region. The ability of women to play a significant part in senior roles and key sectors will therefore be fundamental to the success of the strategy.

A key principle driving the preparation of RS2010 has been the determination to ensure full integration of agendas occurs across each of the 4 strands; o o o o

Low Carbon Economy/Climate Change International Competitive Advantage and Distinctiveness Releasing potential and tackling poverty Ensuring the right housing and infrastructure for economic growth

The equality agenda and the issues raised by the Women and Work Task Force will be no exception to this integration.

For Strand 1 and 2 there is already a recognition that more young people need to be encouraged into Science Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) based occupations and positive action will be required to attract, retain and train increasing numbers of women in the low carbon and internationally competitive sectors. Equally, business support services should continue to develop culture/age and gender specific services and high quality flexible employment should be promoted.

The document already acknowledges that the structure of work needs to be addressed to ensure there is no discrimination or unnecessary barriers put in place whether for reasons of ethnicity, age, disability or gender.

Strand 3 or the ‘people’ strand has at its heart the importance of enabling all the region’s citizens to be able to fulfil their potential. It also recognises



that the employment and skills agenda is critical to removing disadvantage and tackling poverty. The core of the Regional Skills Strategy will be drawn from this strand. Although it is still too early to say exactly what will be in the Strategy(ies), and consultation responses have yet to be fully analysed, the key issues to be addressed are likely to include: o o o o o

Measures to tackle gender stereotyping for particular occupations with a particular focus on raising the aspirations of young people Mentoring programmes to support the development of women Leadership training for young women Strategic development of existing good practice programmes for women such as innovation, enterprise and self employment. Measures to reduce barriers and ensure equitable access to training and employment.

Given the changing nature of the workforce with increased diversity, part time and flexible working, improved awareness raising and information will also be critical. Increased use of new, different and innovative channels of communication will be needed to ensure the talent of all is developed. This should be supported by advice and support for education providers and employers to ensure the successful development and integration of women to acquire skills and participate fully in the workforce.

RS2010 is a 20 year strategy which will be supported by an Investment Framework/Plan identifying key actions for the first 3/5 years. Work will be carried out on this document over the next few months

The RS2010 process is both iterative and inclusive and for it to be successful it must be seen as a strategy to which all sectors, (public, private and third) can sign up to, and which shapes the investment of all within the region. Whilst it is undoubtedly the case that equality and gender issues will be included within RS2010, the embedded skills strategy and the Investment Framework, the Women and Work Taskforce should continue to take the opportunities afforded to shape the final document.

Ian Ruff March 2010


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