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NW Kids 2019-2020 Birthday Party Guide!
2019-2020 Birthday Party Guide
Cakes, Treats & Everything Sweet
Lolli & Pops lolliandpops.com
Rose City Sweets rosecitysweets.com
Study of Sweets studyofsweets.com
Sweets Etc. sweetsetc.com
The Candy Basket theartfullgardenandcompany.com
Frozen Treats
Cloud City Ice Cream cloudcityicecream.com
Eb & Bean ebandbean.com
Fifty Licks fifty-licks.com
Handel’s handelsicecream.com
Nectar Frozen Yogurt Lounge nectarfroyo.com
Pinolo Gelateria pinologelato.com
Ruby Jewel rubyjewel.com
Salt & Straw/Wiz Bang Bar saltandstraw.com, saltandstraw.com/wizbangbar
What’s the Scoop? whatsthescooppdx.com
Custom Cakes
Baker & Spice bakerandspicepdx.com
Decadent Creations decadentcreations.com
Helen Bernhard Bakery helenbernhardbakery.com
Mehri’s Bakery & Cafe mehris.com
Miss Zumstein misszumstein.com
New Cascade Traditional (Gluten-free) newcascadiatraditional.com
Nothing Bundt Cakes nothingbundtcakes.com
Petunia’s Pies & Pastries (Gluten-free & vegan) petuniaspiesandpastries.com
Piece of Cake Bakery (Gluten-free & vegan options) pieceofcakebakery.net
Sweetpea Baking Company (Vegan) sweetpeabaking.com
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Pie & Cupcakes
Angel’s Donuts & Ice Cream facebook.com/Angels-Donuts- Ice-Cream-171378416919449
Bipartisan Cafe bipartisancafe.com
Blue Star Donuts bluestardonuts.com
Coco Donuts cocodonuts.com
Delicious Donuts deliciousdonutspdx.com
Lauretta Jean’s laurettajeans.com
Pacific Pie Company pacificpie.com
Pie Spot pie-spot.com
Pip’s Original Doughnuts pipsmobile.com, facebook.com/ pipsoriginal
Random Order randomordercoffee.com
Saint Cupcake saintcupcake.com
Places to Party
A Walk on the Wild Side wildsideoregon.org
Oregon Coast Aquarium aquarium.org
Oregon Reptile Man oregonreptileman.com
Oregon Zoo oregonzoo.org
Party Animals NW partyanimalsnw.com
Arcades, Fun Centers & Theme Parks
Bullwinkle’s fun-center.com
Electric Castle’s Wunderland wunderlandgames.com
Enchanted Forest enchantedforest.com
Oaks Park oakspark.com
Safari Sam’s jungleoffun.com
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Places to Party (continued)
Art, Craft & Cooking
Bricks & Minifigs bricksandminifigs.com/store/ portland-or
CeramiCafe Art Lounge ceramicafenw.com
Confection Crafts confectioncrafts.com
Kids Central Kitchen cookincolor.com
Merry Kitchen themerrykitchen.com
Mimosa Studios mimosa-studios.com
My Masterpiece Art Studio mymasterpieceartstudio.com
Portland Child Art Studio portlandchildartstudio.org
Pottery Fun 90 minutes of studio time with either small or larger pottery pieces, depending upon package, for 6-18 painters. Plus, time and space for cake and snacks! Suitable for all ages. potteryfunpdx.com
SCRAP scrappdx.com
Smartypants Celebrate your 1-10 year old artist’s birthday with a guided art project and plenty of free time to explore the studio. Get ready for a glittery, colorful, unforgettable birthday! smartypantspdx.com
Spark Arts Center sparkartscenter.com
The Craft Factory craftfactorypdx.com
Vibe of Portland vibepdx.org
Yuki Origami Step-by-step origami instructions for ages 5 and up. Lessons are customizable depending on the party theme or the kid’s interest. A handmade birthday card is included, as well as take-home party favors upon request. yukiorigami.com
Allen’s Crosley Lanes crosleylanes.com
Big Al’s ilovebigals.com
Grand Central Restaurant & Bowling Lounge thegrandcentralbowl.com
Kellogg Bowl kelloggbowl.com
KingPins mykingpins.com
Milwaukie Bowl milwaukiebowl.com
Park Lanes parklanes.net
Punch Bowl Social punchbowlsocial.com/portland
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Super Play superplayor.com
Tigard Bowl tigardbowl.com
Circuit Bouldering Gym Bouldering is a fun, social activity that is great for birthday parties! Parties last two hours and include climbing and games led by two experienced climbing instructors. thecircuitgym.com
Portland Rock Gym Customized rock climbing parties are available for kids ages 6 & up. Bring up to 12 children for 2 hours of enjoyment on the weekends. A private party room is available for those who choose to bring food, presents, and other party favors. portlandrockgym.com
Stoneworks Climbing Gym belay.com
Dance, Circus, Gymnastics & Yoga
Echo Theater Company echotheaterpdx.org
OMEGA Gymnastics omega-gymnastics.com
Oregon Gymnastics Academy ogagym.org
Precision Elite Gymnastics precisionelitegymnastics.com
The Children’s Gym childrensgym.com
The Circus Project Celebrate your birthday with the joy and energy of the circus arts. At a Circus Project birthday party you will fly and spin on trapeze, play juggling games, get plenty of exercise, express your creativity and have fun with your friends! thecircusproject.org/privateand-group-lessons#birthdays
Tumble Bus tumblebuspdx.com
Westside Dance and Gymnastics Academy westsideacademy.com
Yoga Playgrounds yogaplaygrounds.net
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The Gym-Nest thegym-nest.com
Metro Gymnastics Center metrogymnastics.com
Naydenov Gymnastics Have a blast playing on the zip line, float pits, bungees, trampolines and more. Set up and clean up is included so you can enjoy the party! ngymnastics.com
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Places to Party (continued)
Karaoke, Music & Movies
Academy Theater academytheaterpdx.com
Punch Bowl Social punchbowlsocial.com/portland
Voicebox Karaoke Lounge voiceboxpdx.com
Live Theater
Northwest Children’s Theater Northwest Children’s Theater and School offers one-of-a-kind birthday parties for children of all ages. Celebrate with friends and family in a private party room, and see a great show! nwcts.org
Laser Tag, Paintball & Go-Karts
Impact Action Sports impactactionsports.com
Laser Blasters Laser Blasters offers fun for the whole family! Play a game of laser tag in an abandoned town that has been invaded by aliens, or putt through their safari themed mini golf course. Celebrate a birthday at Laser Blasters and enjoy use of a private party room and game room. Look for their entrance outside of Vancouver Mall. laserblasters.com
Malibu Raceway skibowl.com/summer/mt-hoodactivities/malibu-raceway-skibowl
Splat Action Paintball Private parties (10+ people) have exclusive access to all 12 playing fields, plus a dedicated referee and 500 paintballs per person. splataction.com
Sykart Indoor Racing sykart.com/tigard
Ultrazone Laser Tag ultrazoneportland.com
Miniature Golf
Glowing Greens glowinggreens.com
Twin Pines Country Club twinpinescountryclub.com
Museums & Science
A.C. Gilbert’s Discovery Village acgilbert.org
Engineering for Kids Hands-on engineering projects for ages 4-12, including LEGO®️Robotics, rocket-building, helicopters and more; the birthday kiddo gets a free t-shirt. Awesome! engineeringforkids.com/portland
Mad Science Bring Mad Science to your birthday for a party that you will never forget! Parties at the Mad Science Lab or in your own location. All guests participate in science experiments that they take home. Add Rockets, Robots, Dry Ice, Science of Cotton Candy, or Hovercraft rides for more fun! portland.madscience.org
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Oregon Rail Heritage Center orhf.org
Portland Children’s Museum The Museum is the perfect place to host your child’s birthday party. Have the party in one of our indoor party rooms or in our pavilion located in Outdoor Adventure. Guests will enjoy all day access to our exciting exhibits and hands-on activities. portlandcm.org
Munchkin Playland munchkinplayland.com
Play Boutique playboutique.com
Playdate PDX playdatepdx.com
Pigtails & Crewcuts pigtailsandcrewcuts.com
Gresham Skate World greshamskateworld.com
Pizza Parties
John’s Incredible Pizza johnspizza.com/beaverton
Mississippi Pizza mississippipizza.com
Papa’s Pizza Parlor papaspizza.net
Pietro’s Pizza A Northwest family favorite since 1957! With a variety of party themes to choose from, personal pizzas, games and prizes for the kiddo, Pietro’s is THE place to book birthday parties! pietrosrestaurants.com
Lloyd Center Ice Rink Birthday Party includes: admission and skate rental for 10, use of a private party room for 1 hour, decorated party table, a party host, your choice of 1/4 sheet cake, beverages, and a special gift for the birthday child. lloydcenterice.com
Mountain View Ice Arena mtviewice.com
Mt. Scott Community Center portlandoregon.gov/parks/60409
Oaks Park Roller Rink oakspark.com/roller-skating.html
Sherwood Ice Arena sherwoodicearena.com
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LLOYD CENTER ICE RINK Photo by Jessica Brand
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Sports, Jump, & Active Play
Aim High Martial Arts aimhighma.org
Archers Afield archersafield.com
iFLY iflyworld.com
Lumberyard Bike Park lumberyardmtb.com
NW Fencing Center nwfencing.org
Places to Party (continued)
Playground Gym theplaygroundgym.com
Portland Parks and Rec Create the perfect party for your little one, all at a price you can afford! Options can include indoor park, skating, rock climbing wall, swimming, arts and crafts, and more. Call your preferred community center and/or pool to schedule your party! portlandoregon.gov/parks/ article/430541
Sky High Sports skyhighsports.com
Tree to Tree Adventure Park tree3treeadventurepark.com
Urban Warrior urbanwarrior.fit
Swimming & Water Play
Evergreen Waterpark wingsandwaveswaterpark.com
Farber Swim School Make a splash for your next birthday party or group celebration! We offer several pool packages for swimmers of all ages. farberswimschool.com
North Clackamas Aquatic Park Birthday parties are a splash at North Clackamas Aquatic Park! Dive into fun with a wave pool, toddler splash zone, water slides and a 29-foor rock wall. ncprd.com/aquatic-park
Safe Splash Swim School safesplash.com
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Balloon Artists
Joe Mishkin joemishkin.com
Joy Entertainers joyentertainers.com
Slightly Twisted Balloons slightlytwistedballoons.com
Tuxedo Jimmy tuxedojimmy.com
Clowns, Princesses & Puppeteers
BJ the Clown bjtheclown.com
Cha Cha the Clown chachatheclown.com
Dragon Theater Puppets & Princesses dragontheater.com
Olive and Dingo oliveanddingo.com
Penny’s Puppets Their imaginative and interactive shows take the audience on a musical journey full of fun and laughter. Shows last between 35-45 mins. pennypuppets.com
Princess Power Parties princesspowerparties.com
Red Yarn redyardproductions.com
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Caricatures & Portraits
Beyond Caricature Kids don’t sit still and they capture that charm. Likenesses within minutes that are informal, fast, fun, and framable. beyondcaricature.com
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Face Painters
Fancy Faces by Amy fancyfacesbyamy.com
Mystique’s Fancy Faces mystiquesfancyfaces.com
Nicole’s Face Painting nicolesfacepainting.com
Shining Faces shiningfaces.com
Circus Arts & Magicians
Alexander Master of Marvels parlorofwonders.com
Erika Ryn erikaryn.com
Magic with Hart hartkeene.com
Presto the Magician prestothemagician.com
Scramble James scramblejames.com
Mo Phillips mophillips.com
Red Yarn redyarnproductions.com
The Alphabeticians thealphabeticians.com
The Perfect Gifts
Black Wagon blackwagon.com
Finnegan’s Toys & Gifts finneganstoys.com
Made You Look madeyoulookpdx.com
Piccolo Mondo Toys piccolomondotoys.com
Spielwerk Toys Inspired by well-designed playthings that inspire free and open-ended play. Pop by and see their current selection of toys and games. spielwerktoys.com
Thinker Toys thinkertoysoregon.com
Presents of Mind presentsofmind.tv
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