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LGBTQ2SIA+ Resource Guide
June is Pride Month and Portland is full of resources for LGBTQ2SIA+ families. Check out our list below.
All Families Surrogacy
Surrogacy services, founded by a member of the LGBT community. allfamiliessurrogacy.com
Brave Space
Creating community and facilitating access to expert providers and advocacy for transgender and non-binary children, youth, adults, and their families. bravespacellc.com
Bridging Voices
A youth chorus for gay, straight and questioning youth, ages 13-21. bridgingvoices.org
GLSEN Oregon
Advocacy, tools, connection, and support for LGBTQ issues in K-12 education. glsen.org/chapters/oregon
New Avenues for Youth
Resources include: 24/7 support services for youth ages 9-17. Art, music, virtual support groups and individual check ins, clothing closet, food pantry, pregnancy & parenting support. newavenues.org
PFLAG Portland
Uniting the LGBTQ community with families, friends, and allies. pflagpdx.org
The Q Center
The largest LGBTQ community center in the Pacific Northwest. pdxqcenter.org
Transgender Services Clinic at Legacy Health
Affirming health care for transgender and genderdiverse youth. legacyhealth.org/children/ health-services/transgender
TransActive Gender Project at Lewis & Clark
Services and expertise to empower transgender and gender expansive children, youth, and families. graduate.lclark.edu/programs/continuing_ education/transactive
Transgender Health Program OHSU
Affirming health care for transgender and gendernonconforming communities. ohsu.edu/xd/health/services/transgender-health
Erin Beery is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker specializing in serving adolescents, adults, and the queer community. Her therapy practice is based in NE Portland. You may also find her in local agencies and schools carrying out her consultation and advocacy work. erinbeery.wixsite.com/erinbeerylcsw
Interested in queering up your family’s experience?
Here are some easy tips!
Head downtown to the Portland Pride Waterfront Festival and Parade on the weekend of July 15-16th. This year’s parade will be on Sunday the 16th at 11am. Check out Pride Northwest’s new website for more information. portlandpride.org
The University of Portland is proud to announce its second annual communitywide race, the Pilot Pride 5k! Join in running, jogging, or walking a 5K on UP’s campus on June 29th.Entry fee includes a free Nike T-Shirt and a full breakfast after the race. Kids 18 and under: $20, Adults: $40
Join the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus at The Schnitz for Disney Pride in Concert! Disney’s beloved catalog of songs has been reimagined in this amazing new show: Disney PRIDE In Concert, a musical celebration of LGBTQ life, love, family, and perseverance. June 24-25, pdxgmc.org/concerts-tickets
Head to Beaverton City Park on June 25th from 11am-6pm for the 6th annual Pride Beaverton 2023! The parade will begin at 11am. pridebeaverton.org
Get your skate on with Gay Skate at Oaks Park on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month (excluding some holidays) from 7-9:30pm! oakspark.com/roller-skating-rink
Browse Powell’s City of Books for an LGBTQ-themed scavenger hunt. Some family-friendly favorites: Julian is a Mermaid, A Family is a Family is a Family and This is our Rainbow.