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Oregon Ballet Theatre School
OBT School is excited to continue their Junior Intensive, Pre-Pointe & Conditioning Workshop, and Primary Ballet, and introduce their Youth Summer Camps! OBT School’s summer programs give students an opportunity to continue their ballet training with OBT’s professional faculty. school.obt.org/summer-programs
Polaris Dance Theatre
PRE-K & Ages 6-11 DANCE CAMP. Monday – Thursday, June 12-July 27. Dance! Fly! Create! Students enjoy dance and aerial classes, plus craft time each day. polarisdance.org

The Movement Park - Parkour & More
Experience the ultimate FUN at Parkour camp! Climb through parkour obstacles exploring fictional worlds and storylines, work with new friends to conquer missions and challenges, and enjoy the “Best Day Ever”! Ages 5-11 themovementpark.com/summer-camp

ABI: Bike First!
Bike First! teaches children with and without disabilities the skills needed to ride typical bikes. nwdisabilitysupport.org/about-bike-first
Camp Yakety Yak
Looking for summer fun? CAMP YAKETY YAK is a social communication & friendship summer day camp for special needs kids, teens, and young adults ages 5-22. July 10-Aug 4, M-F, 10-3pm, located in Lake Oswego, OR CampYaketyYak.org

Adventure Camp
Join Adventure Camp for up to 9 weeks of themed day camps for kids in K - 5th Grade! Each week features field trips, art & cooking projects, water slides, outdoor games on their 26 acre campus, and much more! Adventure Camp is a program by Southwest Bible Church. adventurecampkids.org
Aim High Martial Arts & Events

Aim High’s Martial Arts and Events teams provide 11 weeks of fun, themed summer camps! Camps are packed with themed crafts, special activities/visitors, martial arts lessons and more! aimhighma.org/camps
Camp Wild Oaks
Play, explore, learn and go wild at Camp Wild Oaks! Your pre-K to 5th grade explorer will enjoy art, music, robotics, science, nature and more at the beautiful 72acre Oak Hill School campus in south Eugene. oakhillschool.net/WildOaksCamp

Catlin Gabel School
The 67-acre Catlin Gabel campus is home to a host of weekly camps, June 26-August 11. Options include sports, arts, photography, DJ, robotics, academics, and day camps, with before/after-care available. Camps for ages 4-18. See web for details! catlin.edu/summer
Club K’s Never Stop Exploring Summer Camp
Never Stop Exploring with Club K this Summer! Multiple camp options to fit your needs. clubkafterschool.com/summer-camp
Ekone Summer Camp
Ekone Summer Camps are spent outside, tech-free, and filled with community and exploration! They offer programs in art, music, farming, nature connection, and horses. ekone.org
French International School
Summer camps will run on a weekly basis from July 3 - August 11 with July 4 off as a holiday. Camps are for 2.5 years old to 8th grade. They will have a variety of offerings with options for camps in French or English. Camps run from 8am-4pm. fisoregon.org

MJCC Summer Day Camp
Have an AWESOME summer at MJCC Day Camp! Health + safety is their top priority. Enjoy quality, ageappropriate programs that are super fun: swimming, cooking, Jewish culture, art, + more! Flexible options 8:00 am – 5:30 pm. Open to everyone ages 3-15. oregonjcc.org/daycamp

Old McDonald’s Farm
Learn about chicks, chickens and egg development. Spend time observing and petting the chicks. Learn to feed babies and adults chickens and what they need to grow and thrive! Discuss housing and predators too. Meet all the other animals such as horses, pony, donkey, sheep, goats, rabbits, geese, ducks, dogs and cats too. For students going into K-2nd grades. The “Chicken Chat” Short Summer Program is taught by an Oregon State Certified Teacher with decades of experience. July 6 & 7, 9:00-2:30. OldMcDonaldsFarm.org

Oregon Episcopal School (OES)
OES offers fun, inquiry-based summer enrichment programs for campers ages 4-17. OES programs help campers build social, emotional, physical, and intellectual skills. Offerings include River Runners, Rock Climbing, Theater, Outdoor Exploration, Fencing, Design & Engineering, and more! oes.edu/summer
Steve & Kate’s Camp
Campers choose from a variety of activities including sewing, coding, maker crafts, sports & more! Buy any number of days to use at any time. Unused days are automatically refunded at summer’s end. Lunch, snacks & all hours (8am–6pm) included. steveandkatescamp.com/portland
4-H Wagon Train
Live the history of the Oregon Trail! This camp is open to ALL youth ages 9-18. Their camp offers introductory leathercraft, woodworking, and blacksmith classes AprilMay, a family camp weekend excursion, and a week-long wilderness trek in June-July. 4hwagontrain.org

Herrold Stables, LLC
Students will receive horse riding experience in Western Equitation, Showmanship, and Horsemanship. Come to all or just one Spring and Summer Horse Camp this year. herroldstables.com

Old McDonald’s Farm
Sign up for The Summer Program (six different session weeks) at Old McDonald’s Farm, Inc. (a non-profit, children’s program in Corbett). Catch the OMF, Inc. Bus at 16th/Irving NE. Learn to care for horses, pony, donkey, sheep, goats, rabbits, geese, ducks, chickens, dogs and cats too. Plant seeds, ride horses, play on a tractor and learn cooperative games at an educational Farm Program for students. For students going into 2nd-6th grades. The Summer Program is taught by an Oregon State Certified Teacher with decades of experience. Weeks of: July 10, July 17, July 24, July 31, August 7 and August 14; 8:30-3:00.
