“I speak for the Wise Woman Tradition,” she said, “which nourishes the wholeness of the unique individual. My aim is to restore herbal medicine to its rightful place as people’s medicine.” Her physical school, the Wise Woman Center — just outside of Woodstock, NY — and her online school - - offer a wide variety of courses designed to help you learn herbal medicine your way. Susun has graduated more than a thousand live-in and live-out shamanic herbal apprentices, including 15 this year. Many elect to be initiated as green witches.
It’`s not often you get to meet a witch. And Susun Weed is no ordinary witch, but a High Priestess of the Dianic Wicca tradition. She is also a teacher, mentor, author, speaker and most importantly, a Wise Woman.
feb. 2021
It was a mild, drizzly day in early November and Susun was supposed to be in Katmandu, but due to the pandemic all of her travel plans had been cancelled. “Thank you COVID, I am not off to Nepal!” she said. “Or damn you COVID! Whichever it is, hard to say.” This year all of her invitations to speak or teach have been through virtual conferences. The first time I saw her was at an online seminar series in October on psychedelics and sacred medicines. There she recalled her experiences in the ‘60s with psychedelics –– seminal meetings with people like Richard Alpert aka Ram Dass in Westchester, NY –– and spoke about plants and her relationship with them. Patch Adams, a physician and social activist whose life story was portrayed by Robin Williams in the film that bears his name, wrote the introduction to Susun’s latest book, “Abundantly Well: Seven Medicines. The Complementary Integrated Medicine Revolution.”