7 minute read
from June 2020 - Alaska Leaf The Leisure Issue
by Northwest Leaf / Oregon Leaf / Alaska Leaf / Maryland Leaf / California Leaf / Northeast Leaf
the LEISURE issue STEPS TO 6 M I N D F U L
Cannabis USE
In current society, it can be difficult to listen to our inherent, inner desires through the cacophony of responsibilities, relationship expectations and financial demands that are typically included in the modern adult experience.
Additionally, new developments in our shared lifestyle - such as the 24-hour news cycle and the constant stream of social media content - only further separate us from the peace and connectedness associated with more simple living.
That said, I am happy to report that I have found a strategy that helps me to reconnect with myself: mindful Cannabis use.
Cannabis allows us to get in touch with the inner self. Bob Marley himself once said, “When you smoke herb, it reveals you to yourself.” And when we know and understand the inner self, we can start to nourish it for optimal alignment and happiness.
I want to share my approach to mindful Cannabis with you so that you can incorporate this tool into your own lifestyle. These steps are straightforward and can be practiced by anyone who has legal access to bud and 10 spare minutes!
This guide is intended for someone who is searching for the mindful experience that comes with consuming Cannabis alone. Smoking with a partner or friends is also a wonderful experience - one that harnesses harmony and community. However, for the optimal self-connected moment, I recommend consuming Cannabis by yourself.
HEATHER DAGLEY i s a C a n n a b i s w r i t e r w h o w r i t e s a b o u t t h e b e n e f i t s o f i n t e n t i o n a l C a n n a b i s u s e o n h e r b l o g , b u d a n d b l o s s o m . H e a t h e r s h a r e s how she has used Cannabis and self-care to achieve optimal self-connection, health, and happiness - and how you can, too! Heather also highl i g h t s h o w C a n n a b i s h a s h e l p e d o t h e r s , i n c l u d i n g t h o s e s u f f e r i n g f r o m A D H D, s e i z u r e s , a n d o p i o i d m i s u s e d i s o r d e r. Yo u c a n f i n d H e a t h e r ’s b l o g a t b u d a n d b l o s s o m . b l o g a n d f o l l o w h e r o n I n s t a g r a m @ b u d _ n _ b l o s s o m .
SOURCE YOUR CANNABIS PRODUCT CONTAINING THC. This may require a trip to your local Cannabis shop, or just a trip to your nightstand! By selecting a Cannabis product that contains THC, you are opting into the delightful and elevated headspace that the tetrahydrocannabinol molecule triggers in our brains. 1
FIND A COMFORTABLE PLACE IN YOUR HOME AND SET THE TONE. I recommend sitting on a couch or armchair in a well-lit room. Pour yourself a cup of coffee or sparkling water. If you like to listen to music, put on some that lifts you up and makes you smile. 2
SET OUT YOUR CANNABIS, A JOURNAL, PEN AND SUPPLIES FOR A SMALL ACTIVITY YOU CAN WORK ON POST-CONSUMPTION. I find that completing an activity with my hands after consuming Cannabis helps to foster the focus and headspace for higher thinking. This might be something as simple as giving yourself a manicure, knitting or drawing. 3
REMOVE DISTRACTIONS. Turn off the TV and put your phone away. We spend so much time tuning in to what others are saying, but this exercise is about listening to you. 4
SIT AND CONSUME YOUR CANNABIS. Start low and slow - there’s no need to overdo it or go too fast. Take a dose that has already proven to be comfortable for you, or was recommended by a dosing guideline or trusted budtender. 5
DO. BE. THINK. RECORD. BREATHE. Enjoy your moment and embrace what you are experiencing. If you feel like it, try the tactile activity that you had selected. Most importantly, spend time with your thoughts. I also recommend writing down any insights you gain while in this elevated headspace. You may find that Cannabis allows us to face pending life uncertainties with greater ease and confidence. This exercise will help you to feel more connected. Connected to what makes you happy. Connected to your joys and your purpose. Connected to yourself. 6

WITH AN additional amount of downtime lately, these dull moments are a great opportunity to brighten up our world by going outside and getting your hands dirty in the garden. Whether that means pulling those ever daunting weeds, planting some new ornamentals or building a few raised soil beds, now is the time. Utilizing all of the countless resources we constantly have at our fingertips these days, we can absolutely become the master farmers we all dreamed of growing to be. V i s i t n w l e a f. c o m a n d c l i c k o n t h i s s t o r y t o f i n d l i n k s f o r yo u r r e s p e c t i v e state’s best times to plant certain vegetables!
LIFE’S A LITTLE too full of leisure for some these days. For others, it’s a stressful time of ‘essential’ work and uncertainty. Whether you’re lazing-around in lockdown or home after a long day dealing with the perils of the public, you might just benefit from a medicated bath.
The process of cannabinoid absorption during a soak is something special. A bath provides several physical pathways for cannabinoids that, in turn, boost bioavailability. For those with a generally high tolerance, a bath bomb or salt soak offers a new way to decompress when dabs just won’t do it.
According to studies presented in the Oxford University Press’ Handbook of Cannabis, (stick around for a second while it gets technical), evidence points to maximized uptake in rectal administration from a reduced “first-pass hepatic THC metabolism.”
This means that, unless you’re bathing bottoms-up, the compounds will be free to enter your body through a route that skips some of the damage of digestion and inhalation. Cannabinoids are spared from the liver’s breakdown process, resulting in a higher peak concentration of THC in the blood.
Research in the peer-reviewed journal Molecules acknowledges this theory and adds that similarly, transdermal absorption offers uptake directly into the bloodstream, “eliminating first-pass metabolism.”
Right now, the world is going through a tough transition trying to find the new normal, and a medicated bath is the perfect way to loosen up those stress-stiffened muscles or melt away anything on your mind. So, set aside that digital device, grab a good book, and drown your worries in the warm water of a Cannabis-infused bath knowing that science has your back - quite literally.
WHEN PRINCESS DI was once photographed amid a friendly display of mellow mallet marksmanship, she was clearly missing the fun factor. Truth is that this backyard amalgamation of goofy golf, bumper cars and Mouse Trap can be your stay-at-home version of Wipeout! The key is to utilize every nook of your lot by creating a course that will employ skill and strategery.
By mindfully placing the wickets in areas of different levels of difficulty, you can turn the feng shui into feng swing. Then once you’ve got the course designed, it’s the rules that make it fun. You can even set mines around the area, and one touch with your ball, mallet or person equates to a loss of turn.
Go balls out for the take no prisoners approach that will have you dreaming up strategies for your next round. The best part is when you hit another player’s ball and then send them into oblivion.
Note: Be prepared to sleep on the couch.