Apr. 2022 - Maryland Leaf

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R LIFE E T T E B FOR A S I B A ing CANN s mak

ll i y Bea e l n e known H s t n e l e her ta aryland on dM a ro u n i c c re a t i o n artist time. at a

henley beall BORN AND RAISED in Annapolis, the 23-yearJoyce’s talents inspired Henley to join an old has served as a graphic designer and sales arts program in middle school, bringing forth a rep for Cannaline Custom Cannabis Packaging in multitude of techniques in fine arts and digital Columbia for the past two years. programs she uses to this day. Her artwork took “It switches depending on the day; I’m half design a hiatus in high school as she dove into the and half sales,” said Henley, whose name originates world of competitive lacrosse. But by graduation, from England, meaning ‘high meadow.’ “They’ve experimentation with Cannabis pulled her back to helped me learn a lot and advance my digital work. her roots and expanded her practice. We’ve collaborated to put my artwork on their “Cannabis always helps with creativity,” she said, ounce jars.” adding a preference of caryophyllene-led sativas. In her free time, she creates paintings, public “It helps with blocks. I’ll hit the bong to start the murals and private commissions. day and go to work. Then I’ll come home and do it Henley is learning on the fly though, having just again to help me get back into the art flow.” a semester of college under her belt – a six-month Anxiety was her initial reason for acquiring a experience she found regrettable. She relies much medical Cannabis card. Henley’s creative mind on the foundational teachings that were instilled sometimes has a hard time slowing down. during her childhood by her Aunt Joyce. “It’s a major relief,” she said. “I also have “[Joyce] was an artist,” said Henley of her late trouble sleeping. Cannabis and CBD really make a aunt. “She was the main reason I got so interested difference. I like to combine them when I‘m feeling in drawing. My earliest memories consist really anxious. It helps calm me down right of watching her draw a butterfly and paint away.” See more of murals in our rooms. She’d teach me A scattered brain often leads to Henley Henley’s work how to paint different animals and plants. henleybeall.com working on multiple art projects at a She’d paint whatever my siblings and I time. To overcome creative blocks, she @henleybeall would ask for.” microdoses psychedelic mushrooms –

apR. 2022

“Cannabis always helps with creativity. It helps with blocks. I’ll hit the bong to start the day and go to work...and do it again to help me get back into the art flow.” fostering ideas at a fastidious rate. “I find it helps me finish pieces faster and helps me with a flow,” she said. “Smoking Cannabis can be the same. Sometimes I just see what I want to paint in my head more accurately.” With nearly three years in the Cannabis industry, Henley is hoping to grow her presence and continue to improve upon her talents. “I’d love to be a freelance artist,” she said. “I’m still working on how to do that.” Painting or any form of physical art is preferred, as it comes natural to Henley. “I love the Cannabis industry,” she said. “So I’d love to gear my work towards that.”


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