the concentrates issue
“Having an honest approach to our business and helping our customers is our key to success.” Founder & CEO Andrew Yoon
DEPOT JUl. 2021
DURING THE GOLD RUSH, as so many intrepid fortune seekers journeyed west to find the gold in them thar hills, their trailblazing softened the soil for entirely new sectors of the economy to sprout. Ancillary businesses popped up to support the endeavor and countless fortunes were made, not on striking gold, but on selling the equipment to furnish the seekers. It was such a novel and lucrative approach to capitalizing on the Gold Rush hype, it birthed a nickname for the segment of industry that exists to sell equipment to those seeking their fortune in a new, hype-driven sector – “selling the picks and shovels.” Fast forward to 2021, and California is once again the hub for another get-rich-or-bust movement: the Green Rush. And companies like Xtractor Depot are aiding the cause by selling the picks and shovels.