New Hampshire Cannabis Activist | Patient | Humanitarian Rick Naya’s Cannabis experiences began early in the 1970s in Florida, where he became known for creating the infamous, and ultimately quite popular, Gainesville Green hybrid Cannabis strain. During those early years, the plant was a very hidden part of society, as arrest and imprisonment were likely if caught.
PATIENT of the month
Rick Naya
Fast forward 30 years and Rick injured his back, causing severe pain and numbing. He was prescribed pharmaceuticals that made him extremely ill and in uncontrollable pain, even with narcotics. “I knew that Cannabis was a major anti-inflammatory,” he tells Northeast Leaf. “And realized that when I used Cannabis, my pains and swelling went down without all of the side effects from opiates and poisonous pharmacopeia.” He made a choice, and with his doctors’ R i c k Nay a support, he began to champion Cannabis b e l i eve s tha t at the State level - sharing his expertise and so m e d ay ve ry knowledge with the State of New Hampshire’s so o n, Ne w Medical Cannabis Board and beyond. H a m p shi re “Knowing that Cannabis is federally illegal, wi l l l i ve up to and that the State of New Hampshire had already seen many bills issued that had the sta te m o tto : traction - only to be vetoed by governors - I ‘ Li ve Fre e knew I had to do something. Even with the o r Di e . ’ opiate epidemic in full swing, it took years of educating legislators with data and science, unbiased by federal manipulation, to reach the needed majority of the House and Senate to get the Governor to finally listen to citizens and other elected officials.” Rick Naya believes that some day very soon, New Hampshire will live up to the state motto - “Live Free or Die” - and he will not stop until systemic racism has ceased and all citizens have their rights heard and upheld. His message to other patients: “It’s time for all of us to join in and stop the madness in New Hampshire and allow the peoples’ voices to be heard, so that we can all experience Cannabis liberty once and for all!”
oct. 2020