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If one were to regard glass artists as Jedis, Derek “Dwreck” White would unquestionably qualify as a Sith Lord. After smoking his first joint at a Metallica concert in 1989, Dwreck quickly became a pothead as well as a metalhead.
Once he graduated high school, he moved to the city of Ithaca in New York State to attend film school, where he met some of his closest friends who would all go on to become notable glass artists: Gasp, Ease and Slinger. White spent the years that followed developing his skills, eventually participating in several glass competitions (including the Degenerate Flame Off and The Pipe Classic) and winning first place in the marble category at the 2nd annual Eugene Glass School Flame Off. But it wasn’t until he learned to sandblast from Slinger about a decade ago that Dwreck would develop his devilishly dark design style.
“I immediately began blasting skulls, pentagrams, nude women, etc., onto my pieces,” he explains. “I wanted my work to appeal to the heavy metal community. I love metal, and I love challenging social norms regarding spirituality and eroticism.”
The pentagrams aren’t just for shock value, though – instead, they reflect his genuine philosophical beliefs.
“I consider myself more of a Luciferian than a Satanist,” he explains. “Satanists exist in opposition to Christianity and believe in the pursuit of carnal experiences, while Luciferians are indifferent to Christianity and value enlightenment.”
Granted, his affinity for occult imagery isn’t for everyone … but he does have (pardon the pun) a “cult” following.
“My art may come across as low-brow to some, but I’m fine with that – I think of myself as the Pabst Blue Ribbon of marble makers,” he snickers. “My name will live in infamy because of my work. What else can I ask for?”
So to all those dark-side dope smokers out there who appreciate his artistry, Dwreck offers this sinister salutation: “Hail Satan … and may the force be with you.”