3 minute read
How can we help keep the medical community alive? I believe the biggest thing to help keep the medical community alive is helping people in the community recover and receive assistance for everything. Our medical community and the Cannabis community is always a blessing. There’s plenty of treatments or things done with doctors, but there’s even more done with the Cannabis community. Make sure that people know there is always something there for them within this beautiful community.
In what way do you challenge yourself both mentally and physically? The biggest one is taking a step out of my comfort zone and pushing myself to run. I still have seizures and cancer issues, so it’s a challenging thing both mentally and physically. However, I’ve run five half marathons, one full marathon, and a total of 900 miles while taking a few competition style runs where four miles had to be run every four hours for 48 hours. Attempted twice and failed, but had never given up. Preparing to go again sometime in 2022 – I won’t give up because I love working in this industry and helping others. I have to return, from beating this cancer and epilepsy to get back to working in some gardens – or even behind a counter serving some delicious medicine, and helping patients with everything and anything.
Donald Reynolds
“Born and raised in Oregon, I’ve gone from being a professional BMX rider to working in the Cannabis industry,” says our featured patient, Donald Reynolds. “Winning Dope Cup in 2018 with Happy Cabbage, I ended up stepping away from working and became a medical marijuana patient. I live life to the fullest every day, even with some difficult changes. Some before my first brain surgery, and plenty more to come after the next brain surgery. I am more than set to beat cancer, stop epilepsy and continue to help others from within the medical marijuana community achieve.” Follow him @don.rey.pdx.
What adversity have you overcome after facing multiple challenges and surgeries? How has Cannabis helped? Cannabis does many things for me medically – from saving me from the pain of a ruptured kidney and spleen, to calming seizures and slowing tumor growth. I would say I’ve overcome many things thanks to Cannabis and the surrounding people in this industry. It’s nothing but love and joy when in the right places, even when battling things. Stepping back and surrounding yourself with the community is helpful.
Who are some of the most influential people in your life? My wife Haley J. She’s dealt with it all and never stepped back. I lost family and friends during this – Haley stayed influencing me to never give up on my love for the Cannabis industry. Then, I have to say that the owners of Eastwood Gardens, Adam and Mike, are some seriously influential men. These two have pushed limits in respectful and responsible ways that I could not imagine were doable after having a brain surgery. I’m pushing this year to return and help as many people as possible!