1 minute read
Editor-in-Chief welcomes freshmen, urges readership
Odds are, you’re either excited high school is over or nervous to start “adulting.” Either way, you’re in the right place to do some amazing things. Welcome home, Bearcat.
This Cats Guide is your selfhelp book for all things Northwest. It covers topics far and wide, from local entertainment and campus opportunities, to mentally preparing for life with a smelly roommate.
To keep informed on all things Northwest and Maryville throughout the year, pick up The Northwest Missourian. It’s our student-run newspaper with a mission to be the best source of information to the community.
You can read our work every Thursday when the paper is distributed on and off campus throughout the fall and spring trimesters, and daily online at nwmissourinews.com.
While my staff worked hard to create this informative guide to your campus and community, we won’t stop there. Every week throughout the academic year, we work to maintain an atmosphere of free and responsible discussion. We acknowledge these are odd times, so this is especially important in the era of COVID-19.
While The Northwest Missourian is a safe learning environment for student journalists, we also hold each staff member to strict professional standards of news gathering and accuracy.
We ask for your support. Aside from picking up a paper every week, we want you to engage with us. Our main responsibility is to you, the student. We encourage feedback in all forms.
Comment on stories we share to our website and social media. Send us an email at northwestmissourian@gmail.com. Write a letter to the editor, and we will try to publish it. Join us as a guest columnist in our opinion section, which is an open forum for community members to present their viewpoints.
We are here to serve you to the best of our ability. So pick up the darn paper and support local journalism. It’s important. | Editor-in-Chief Kendrick Calfee