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Who is a Northwest professor or staff member that has impacted you?

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SHELBY GODDING Junior Computer Science


“I think Dr. Mallett because he comes and talks to all the sororities, and he says really good stuf about diversity and DEI, and I think he is really making an impact on campus.”

NOAH JAGGARS Freshman Music Education

“I would say a Northwest staf that’s afected me would be Dr. Strickland because she’s an amazing teacher, and she’s just very inspirational.”

LEAH TRUMBLE Junior Parks and Recreation

“One teacher that has afected me would be Dr. Sue. She always comes to class happy, and you can tell she very directly cares about her students and their success. She made me want to show up to class everyday.”

DEVYN PHILLIPS Senior Psychology

“Professor Dimmitt, I had her for a class, intro to counseling. She was just really involved in our success and making sure we were doing well mentally and stuf and ready for class and everything like that.”


“I would probably say Dr. Naramore has really helped me break down my research process for a lot of my historical research papers, which can kind of get a little overwhelming at times.”

BLAKE RIZNER Junior Broadcast Production

“I would say, defnitely Will Murphy. He’s the reason I came here, and he just seems to know everything. Anytime I come to him with a question, he can either help me fgure it out or he knows the answer to it.”

KAYLA SHELTON TORRES Junior Elementary Education

“It would actually be my advisor Dr. Brenda Rourke. She helped me out with my org. Last semester, we were dealing with some fnancial issues and some stuf happened with our bank account. She was my main support through it all, for being president, I had to handle the situation, I had to get the police involved. She was just there backing me up and making sure that I knew my worth and when I needed to take time for myself. I really appreciated knowing that I had her support through it all.”

“I have Dr. Ford this semester for class, but I want to do conservation of documents and artifacts, and so she was the one that was like, ‘Yeah even with the chemistry major you can do this.’ So it was fun because I was able to combine both my interests of history and chemistry and then she’s been really fun having in class this semester.”

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