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Joys of Freedom
from June 2023
Independence Day is always a benchmark in our summer plans. We join in the local parade and salute the flag. We watch in amazement as fireworks burst overhead. And maybe we even slink down to the festival for a quick carnival ride and a funnel cake.
As much as it’s a time for family fun, the Fourth of July weekend is also a time to help our little ones understand what it means to be an American.
Almost 250 years ago, a brave group of colonists stood up to a tyrant king and his oppressive laws as they declared their God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In time, they formed a government of the people, by the people, for the people that has become a symbol of freedom across the world. It isn’t always perfect, but it is built upon the reality that nobody’s perfect.
Today, we enjoy amazing freedoms thanks to the patriots of 1776 and the soldiers who continue defending the free world.
It’s important to remember that our rights also come with responsibility. Democracy – or, rather, the democratic republic our Founding Fathers gave us – requires vigilance.
We have the right and the imperative to speak freely, without being shouted down. But we also have the responsibility to listen and to use our words wisely.
We have the right to protect ourselves, our families and our property. Yet we also have the responsibility to think about our actions.
We have the right to choose our elected officials, and if we dislike their choices or they abuse their privileges it’s our imperative to participate in their replacement.
It’s our responsibility to find common ground, to respect differences, to topple tyrants and to defend freedom for future generations.
As we all enjoy this Fourth of July, it’s a good time to remember that we should be proud of the freedoms we have in this country. And it’s a good time to remember the example we set for our youngest citizens.
Chris Linden Executive Editor