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Working From Home

Fulldisclosure to all readers: I work remotely. I roll into the office every once in a while, but for the most part, I’m fully at home.

It’s a relatively new development for me. For years, I showed up in business casual attire at the lovely Hughes Media office. Then, everyone went remote for a while at the onset of the pandemic. Speaking to my co-workers, I’ve learned that some of them hated it. They missed the in-person interactions, and they also found it difficult to feel motivated at home.

But for me, personally, I love working remotely. I love every single thing about it.

I’m very lucky to work for someone who understands the importance of family. The main reason I work remotely now is because I’m the primary caretaker of my 18-month-old son, Elliot. When he’s awake, he’s my main focus. We spend our days reading books, playing with blocks, going to music class — all things typical of a kid his age. My co-workers know this. They know I get most of my work done at odd times, and they know they’ll probably hear a squawking baby in the background if they call me during normal business hours. There’s no secrecy here.

I’m able to financially contribute to our household income while also ensuring that my family’s needs are met without relying on day care or a nanny. (Though I must admit, grandma helps babysit quite often). It’s truly the best of both worlds.

I write this because I want people to know that it’s possible. You can be a working woman and a stay-at-home mom. I don’t want it to sound like it’s easy because it’s not. Time management skills are crucial. But I wish more employers allowed this as an option. Having the freedom to balance work and home has led to a happier employee (me) with ultimately no missed or delayed deadlines. It might not work for every job, but I’m sure it could work for plenty more people than just me.

Anyway, something to think about. Hopefully something for other employers to emulate.

Have a great week! ❚

Lindsey Lukas Senior Editor

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