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75 Years Faithful: ‘Messiah’ Still a Gift

By Janine Pumilia

The annual performance of George Frideric Handel’s “Messiah” has been a special gift to our community since 1945, when the Rockford Choral Union first presented it as an expression of gratitude at the end of World War II. This Nov. 27 & 28 will bring the 75th performance at 3 p.m. both days at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 920 3rd Ave., Rockford, the original location.

“Every single word is directly from the King James Bible,” says Webb Stevens, vice president of the board of governors for the Rockford Choral Union. “The singers really focus on diction so people can understand the words and the message.”

“Messiah” is an important Christmas tradition for generations of local family members, whether they’re in the audience or up front participating as singers. Among the latter is this year’s featured mezzo soloist, Claudia Holen, who began singing “Messiah” with her grandfather Peter Thomas and mother Julie Holen when she was 11 years old. She later attended the Boston Conservatory and then earned her Master’s in Musicology at Tufts University. Today she works for the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra in Madison.

“Experiencing this beautiful piece of music and being surrounded by a supportive community at such a young age nurtured her love of classical music,” says proud grandfather Peter Thomas.

Other highly accomplished soloists with local ties will be featured as well.

Susan Nelson will return as a soprano soloist. She sings with Music of the Baroque and the Lyric Opera and Grant Park Choruses of Chicago. Nicolai Janitzky, a Belvidere resident and frequent soloist with the Lyric Opera of Chicago, will perform as baritone solist. Michael Day, a Rockford native who frequently performs in New York and Chicago, will be featured as tenor soloist.

Michael Beert will direct the performance for the third time. He’s been involved as a cellist with the group since 1985 and was named its sixth director after Nat Bauer retired from that role in 2017. There’s no charge to attend. Learn more at RockfordChoralUnion.com. ❚

Soloist Claudia Holen began singing ‘Messiah’ with mother Julie and grandfather Peter Thomas.

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