Smart Living Fort Wayne - February 3, 2022

Page 23

Your Health

Effective Treatments for Peripheral Neuropathy By Toni Rocha


he Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy (PN), a condition that results from damage to nerve networks in the hands, feet, ankles and other parts of the body. At Health N.O.W., 2146 State Road, Auburn, patients find relief from symptoms that range from mild to disabling, including numbness, tingling, twitching, throbbing and stabbing pain. They also avoid further damage that a lack of feeling can cause, including wounds to the feet that don’t heal, which could eventually lead to amputation. Dr. David M. Gafken, of Health N.O.W., in Auburn, has spent four decades using the latest advancements to diagnose “The symptoms can range and treat neuropathy before the condition becomes a graver concern for patients. from that ‘pins and needles’ feelGafken describes the course as quite effective as compared ing to severe pain,” explains Dr. David M. Gafken, DC. “Diabeto the medications usually prescribed to treat PN. tes is the No. 1 cause of PN.” “The drugs used to treat PN are high-powered and can have Patients come into the center for a thorough assessment, significant side effects,” he explains. which includes family history, existing conditions and testing to Gafken explains that the normal PN score for patients is 74. determine if they are candidates for chiropractic treatment courses. “We had a woman whose PN score was 19 to 20 when she “Patients who fall inside certain ranges undergo testing came to the center,” Gafken says. “When her course of treatment to find where the source of the problem is,” Gafken explains. was complete, her score had improved to 60.” “These can include a full metabolic workup, blood sugar/glucose Along with relief from the discomfort of PN, patients also reading (AIC), an evaluation of genetic components plus cigabenefit from improved sleep patterns, he says. rette and alcohol usage. Based on the results of these tests, we “After treatment, patients can walk better and more safely,” arrive at a score which reflects the severity of the PN they are Gafken says. “This is vital because patients who cannot feel experiencing. Then we determine if they are good candidates for their feet are prone to falls and other situations in which they a treatment course or if the nerve damage has progressed too far can cut or damage the affected tissue. We can save them the loss to treat effectively.” of their toes and feet because the treatment course helps them For patients who fall into the treatable score range, Gafken get more efficient blood flow back into their feet and ankles.” says laser is one of the methods he uses. Laser therapy involves With improved capabilities, patients are better able to rethe use of low-level waves that can be set at one of four depths, sume or initiate exercise programs and enjoy participating in depending on how deep into the muscle and bone tissue the damsports without fear or discomfort, Gafken says. They can also age has occurred. Laser can successfully be used to increase work at their jobs and around the house and yard, a benefit that blood flow and repair nerve damage to the ankles and feet, hands directly improves their quality of life. and fingers, and other areas of the body. “How active they are depends on their overall health and age, “One of the main areas we address is the lower spine, using but we want them to be as active as they can be,” Gafken says. decompression therapy combined with laser treatment to reduce “We have an incredibly positive effect on our patients’ lives.” inflammation, encourage stronger blood flow and to build new Learn more about PN treatment, or make an appointment pathways to healthier nerve networks,” Gafken adds. “The dewith Health N.O.W. by calling (260) 920-8811. Learn more at compression course takes place over a six- to eight-week period, ❚ teamed with other appropriate soundwave electrical methods.” 23 February 2022 • I Tell them you saw it in ... Smart Living Fort Wayne

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