1 minute read

Do it! Delegate! Well. I

did it.

I finally hired an interior designer!

My husband and I moved into our home almost two years ago now. I was pregnant with our son, Elliot, at the time.

I had all of these big ambitions to decorate our new home with upgraded furniture and maybe even put up a wall to create a new bedroom (which our realtor and house inspector both insisted could be done). But none of that happened.

Instead, I had a baby five weeks early, and these household projects never became a priority. Almost two years later, they still aren’t. Between work and being a mom, I just don’t want to make time for these things.

But guess what? There are actual professionals who are SO much more talented than I am at seeing the potential of our space. Our living room naturally has two focal points, which makes it difficult for me to envision what to do. Our furniture is old and quite frankly, it’s ugly. There’s a fan that doesn’t even work. I thought I could fix it all myself, but it’s two years later and I still haven’t changed a thing. Every time I would try to shop, I’d easily feel overwhelmed. I just don’t have an eye for pairing rugs with couches and end tables and everything else.

So, my husband and I decided to seek help. Why not let someone with actual talent handle this? We’re now receiving drawings of what our space could look like, and it’s already so much better than anything I could have ever done myself.

For now, it’s just our living room that’s getting an upgrade. But if all goes well, I’m sure we’ll have more projects in the future. And for the first time, I’m finally excited about shopping. (Because someone else is doing it!)

The lesson I’m learning yet again in my adult life is to not be afraid to delegate. We don’t have to do everything all by ourselves. It’s okay to let others help, especially when others have a gift. That’s Smart Living.

Have a great week! ❚

Lindsey Lukas Senior Editor

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