3 minute read

Passion Project

Meet KARLI HOULÈ, the new Director of Operations for the NORTHWEST YACHT BROKERS ASSOCIATION, whose love of boating is helping to fuel next month’s Boats Afloat show—and the organization’s bright future.

You recently took the reins of the Northwest Yacht Brokers Association; welcome! Why would you personally recommend industry professionals join NYBA?

Northwest Yacht Brokers Association (NYBA) promotes the highest of ethical standards amongst our members—whether they be yacht brokerages or marine-related service businesses, like insurance and yacht repair. Not only are the members thoroughly screened prior to admission, they are also constantly held to those standards while dealing with clients and other businesses. NYBA also offers our members continuing education through seminars, assistance with CPYB (Certified Professional Yacht Brokers) certification, member networking events, and more. And of course, our members get advantageous rates when participating in our Boats Afloat shows! From a client perspective, working with a NYBA member provides you additional peace of mind— customers know that their business dealings will be held to these high ethical standards. If a customer is interested in seeing if the company they are working with is a NYBA member, they can easily check on our website, where we maintain a full member directory.

NYBA’s Boats Afloat show returns to Lake Union next month and runs April 27-30. What can show attendees expect from the spring show?

Attendees can expect lots of delicious food, live entertainment, family fun, and—of course—boats of all sizes and types! Whether you’re looking for a boat, boat accessories, or just want to spend a nice day on the water, the Boats Afloat Show is the place to be. Our mission is to not only attract potential buyers for the boats and products/services on-site, but also to grow interest in boating to those who haven’t yet experienced it. The more that we’re able to help share the incredible boating opportunities we have here in the Pacific Northwest, the better! We want to be an integral part in forming those unique and strong memories that boating can create— and the Boats Afloat Show is a good place to start (or continue!) shaping those memories.

This show is always a favorite among our readers and many locals. What do you think it is about Boats Afloat that has helped it become such a distinctive event in the Northwest?

I think that the iconic location at Lake Union Piers is honestly one of the most distinctive aspects of the show. The Seattle skyline has changed immensely over the last twenty years, but you never get tired of standing on the docks, surrounded by beautiful boats, gazing at the Space Needle, Queen Anne hill, and Gasworks Park—these classic beacons of Seattle life. Where better to imagine life on your new boat than on the water?

Plus, our show attracts premier brands and services, offering a cultivated selection of yacht brokers and marine vendors. It’s a nice-sized show, able to be viewed in a day or a few hours, if that is all the time you have!

Both the show and your new offices are located at the heart of Lake Union Piers. How do you think this new and burgeoning development will enhance both the show, and NYBA’s purposes, in the months and years to come?

The revitalization at Lake Union Piers really demonstrates how important the marine industry and marine culture are to Seattle. This is a prime piece of property in one of the hottest markets in America—and yet the development still maintains its maritime roots. The revitalized buildings are going to house restaurants, yacht brokers, and more, creating a beautiful, walkable area in one of the most vibrant, growing neighborhoods in Seattle. The Boats Afloat Show (as well as NYBA’s offices) have a front row seat to that growth—a huge benefit to our industry’s overall health.

About the Expert: I grew up in Montana and developed a love for boating at a very young age while enjoying the freshwater lakes of the Flathead Valley. Following that, I moved to Bellingham and earned my degree in Business Management at Western Washington University. It was there that I fell in love with the Puget Sound. After college, I moved to Seattle where I worked in the boating industry selling marine cargo and navigation insurance. From that point on, I knew this is where I wanted to be long term. I did leave the industry for a while to raise my two daughters, Emily and Grace, and help build and organize our residential construction company, All Seasons Development, but once I saw the NYBA Director of Operations opening, I jumped on it. I am excited to bring my passion for boating to Seattle. We are a growing city, with so many people that are new to the Pacific Northwest who have not had an opportunity to explore our amazing waters. I want to encourage those people to come and enjoy the Boats Afloat Show, learn about sailing and boating, and hop on our free boat rides to easily discover what it is like to enjoy our beautiful waters. For more information on NYBA, visit: nwyachtbrokers.com; details on next month’s Boats Afloat Show, can be found at: boatafloatshow.com.

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