NYCHIC Magazine

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F E AT U R E S B a n d f e at u r e T h e O r i g i n a l S t y l e G u ru Keep it Simple: T h e E x p e r i e n c e s o f V i c to r i a’ s S e c r e t Fa s h i o n S t y l i s t L i n d a Ro d i n T h e R i s e a n d Fa l l o f t h e S u p e r m o d e l M e n ’ s Fa l l Fa s h i o n T h e M e n a c e o n M e rc e r S t r e e t T h e L e g a c y o f A l e x a n d e r M c Q u e e n Fa l l T r e n d s

S P OT L I G H T B UD u B e au t y B u s i n e ss How to b e c o m e a Fa s h i o n D e s i g n e r

A n i m a / A n i m us D ual degrees E x it S eraphi m

A FA S I O N A B L E L I F E NYChic I ntern P rofile s M eet Mr. Blasburg M agazine Edit ors f or D um m i e s 2

S to c k ists + J - U n i q lo stores n atio n w ide 3 . 1 P hillip L i m - 1 1 5 Merc er S t

A le x a n der Wa n g - w w w. ale x a n derwa n g . c o m A lthea H arper – w w w. altheaharper . c o m Audre y Ca n t w ell – w w w. audre y c a n t w ell . c o m / w w w. ets y. c o m / shop / blac k m ar k etbab y Chloe - w w w. c hloe . c o m Christia n Loubouti n - w w w. c hristia n loubouti n . c o m D ere k L a m - w w w. dere k la m . c o m D ior H o m m e - w w w. diorho m m e . c o m E li z abeth & J a m es - w w w. eli z abetha n dja m es . c o m E ry n B ri n ie - w w w. ery n bri n ie . c o m Fa n n i S c hiavo n i - D ebut 2 9 8 Mulberry S t. H & M - H & M stores n atio n w ide H arputs Ow n – w w w. harputsow n . c o m H el m ut L a n g - w w w. hel m utla n g . c o m Katie G allagher – w w w. k atiegallagher . c o m J N B Y - J N B Y 7 5 G ree n e S t J il S a n der - w w w. jilsa n der . c o m Kai - aa k m a n - w w w. k aiaa k m a n . c o m L i z z ie F ortu n ato - w w w. li z z iefortu n atoje w els . c o m Made H er T hi n k - w w w. shopbop. c o m Marsha Chu n Matsubara - D ebut 2 9 8 Mulberry S t Mi k e + Chris - w w w. m i k ea n d c hris . c o m Paul S m ith - w w w. pauls m ith . c o m P ri vate O pe n i n g – w w w. ets y. c o m / shop / pri vateope n i n g R ag & B o n e - w w w. raga n dbo n e . c o m S te v e Madde n - w w w. ste v e m adde n . c o m T heory - w w w. theory. c o m Top m a n - w w w. topshop. c o m Topshop - w w w. top m a n . c o m V P L - w w w. v pl n y c . c o m Zara - Zara stores n atio n w ide

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performance, I’ll hang in jeans, spike heels, big earrings, and my leather jacket as “The Metal Ballerina.”

Fishnets are another staple for New Bridges Ballet. I love messing with crazy hair and makeup ideas. Sometimes we wear leotards, sometimes we By Ju l i a Ba s s i r i wear dresses, but it’s always a unique collection thrown together by the dancers. I like to use costumes as a way to bring out the dancers’ individuBest known as the “Metal Ballerina,” Claire Sargenti dances to Screamo ality, which is usually suppressed in most ballet companies. I am, however, looking to collaborate with a designer. (Any takers out there?) and Electronica, decked out in her leather jacket, fishnets, and a pair of pretty, ribboned pointe shoes. A Sandiego native, Claire’s crossed the country, joined the Joffrey Ballet Company, is currently attending NYChic: Any favorite designers/ fashion brands? Gallatin, and has started her own dance company, New Bridges Ballet. Claire: I really like to stick to my own thing, and not be tied down to a This feisty little one can be seen dancing in the street, at your local bar, particular brand. As long as it’s cheap and slightly different, then I’ll love it! I do have a weakness for earrings and high heels, although all of my or maybe in that edgy art gallery just around the corner. Urban, real, money goes to buying new pointe shoes. I have a friend named Matthew and rockin’ out, Claire’s a classically trained rebel. Chiu who creates amazing accessory pieces out of bizarre objects. NYChic: Tell us a little about yourself first, what’s your major/class year? Claire: I graduated from high school in 2007, and bounced around to a few different colleges. Not all of my credits transferred over, so I’m considered Class of 2012. My concentration is Arts Administration. NYChic: How did you come to form this dance company? Claire: I created New Bridges Ballet around a year ago. I wanted to bring ballet into the streets, since that’s where the people are. I’ve danced the ballets that everyone else has danced, and it was time for something new.

NYChic: What’s the best part about having your own company? Claire: I can do whatever I want. No one is telling me “No, do it like this.” And I can work it around my crazy insane schedule. It’s a lot of hard, hard work and I don’t get much sleep, but I love it! NYChic: What’s a Claire Sargenti fun fact? Claire: The first time I went busking, it was actually with my guitar. No dancing involved. Some guy gave me a twenty-dollar bill!

NYChic: Future plans for the company? Claire: I want it to be a full-time major company. I want people to say, “Oh, yeah, New Bridges, they’re so cool!” I don’t want to be rehearsing in NYChic: How would you describe your company’s style? my kitchen, or on the subway forever. I would love to perform at the Joyce Claire: New Bridges is a contemporary ballet company that’s slightly different than what you’ve seen before. We use classical ballet technique Theatre. That’s my goal. and pointe shoes, but with newer, edgier moves. We climb on scaffolding, roll on the floor, and even do the moon walk on our toes. We NYChic: Finally, any upcoming performances? Where can NYU students see you play? dance in parks, subways, jazz clubs, and even biker bars. We aim to be different, to have ballet become relevant and important in modern Claire: Check out New Bridge’s Ballet’s website at and stay on top of upcoming events. society. Be true to thy college self and ‘Like’ the New Bridge’s Facebook page: NYChic: What sort of reactions have you gotten? Claire: We’ve had a lot of great reactions from audiences and dancers. One time I was performing in a biker bar. I had my pointe shoes on and a larger biker guy came up to hassle me. “What is that, toe shoes?” He shook his head with a look of disgust. When the time for the performance came, the “audience” didn’t really know how to react. By the end of it though, they were cheering me on and taking pictures and videos. The guy who had hassled me earlier even came up to me, his head down, and admitted “Yeah, that was cool.”

NYChic: Any artistic influences? Claire: The company is based on the early Joffrey Ballet. They created the first Rock Ballet and the first multi-media ballet. They brought new exciting ballet to the American people, and I want to continue in their footsteps in the 21st century. I am greatly inspired by the choreography of Benjamin Houk, Jaques Cesbron, Gerald Arpino, and Robert Joffrey.


NYChic: How would you describe your personal style? Claire: When I’m on the street, I’m usually in Converse, jeans, and my faux leather jacket. A lot of people know me for my leather jacket. When I perform with the metal band Fear of None, I usually wear my leather jacket for one of their songs. People have this idea of ballet being a fairy-like, untouchable thing. When I’m dancing in a bar with a metal band, I want to make ballet as real as possible. Leather jackets are usually a symbol of rebellion, but in a bar it unifies me with my audience because it’s something they can really connect with. After the

BAND FEATURES P h o t o g r a p h e r : Ma r k D a l e s s a n d r o St y l i s t : Ti n a L i u A s s i s t a n t s : Va l e r i e C h a n & Ma y Wa n g 1. 5


By Is a b e l l a Is b i r o g l u

Young Jimmy & Super Tanz is a new band with a fresh sound. Each member of this band—That’s Jimmy, Tanz, Alex, Charles, Aaron and Dylan—has a unique personality, and each brings something to the musical collaboration. They’re certainly a very driven group that is going to blow up soon! NYCHIC: Tell me a little bit about yourselves. Dylan Michael William Teggart: My name is Dylan, I play drums. I major in political science at NYU, and I love long walks on the beach and sunsets. Young Jimmy: I’m the guitar player and songwriter. I’m from Brooklyn. I never went to college, but I went to a high school based on the arts for four years. Super Tanz: My name is Tonia, but every one calls me Tanz. I’m from Texas. I’m a Tisch graduate. I did acting for a while, then did massage therapy, but now I just want to do music. And I sing with this band. Alex Napoli (screaming): I’M ALEX! I’M A SOPHOMORE IN THE you can wear whatever the hell you want. In Paris, I dress much nicer. LIBERAL STUDIES PROGRAM PLANNING ON TRANSFERING Young Jimmy: I like to wear bright things and I like to dress casually. I TO GALLATIN! I LIKE HUMANITY STUFF AND POLITICS! always wear tight pants and usually my chest is exposed. I buy my clothes Charles Cochin de Billy: I’m Charles, I’m from London, England. I am from places like or the Salvation Army. I also wear a lot probably going to major in politics at NYU. of hats. Aaron Kelvin Bolli-Thompson: I play the keytar. A very sexy instruSuper Tanz: Yeah, a lot of hats. I used to shop at thrift stores, but then ment. I go to Eugene Lang right now, but I want to transfer to a music everything I wore didn’t fit me. I gained a lot of confidence in the last two school and major in music business. years, so now I tend to wear more things that are more fitted; that show off my body a little more. I definitely go with trends. I really like ties and NYCHIC: How did you guys start working together? tiny vests right now. Before I loved frilly skirts and boots. I’m getting betYoung Jimmy: The band started with a different singer, but then every ter at the style thing. Jimmy helps me. He tells me what looks good and one got kicked out… long story. So I was looking for another singer, what doesn’t. and I found Tanz. I was trying to get her in the band as a keyboard Alex: I love my black Levi’s 5-11s. I wish I had a whole wardrobe of Levi’s player, but she wanted to be a lead singer. So when my singer and I 5-11s. I’ll wear a bright yellow Brazil shirt with my black Levi 5-11s. The had a falling out, I called Tanz up immediately. We still have the same jeans are so neutral that you have to have something really colorful to songs, but we recorded with all the new members. We’re also in the pro- offset that neutrality. When I play on stage I like to be anonymous, so I cess of writing new songs. Then I found Dylan on craigslist, and Dylan wear masks. said he knew a guitar player, Alex. And then Alex came and he was like Young Jimmy: He always wears some weird mask on stage. That’s another “we know a keyboard player,”[who turned out to be] Aaron. thing. I wonder what he’s going to do the next time. Super Tanz: And then Charles came to our first show. I thought his Charles: I just wear Levi’s jeans and shirts like this (gestures at his cotton name was Tony. (everyone starts laughing) And now he plays Bass for top). Or I wear band shirts. I love the Beatles. I wear this Beatles shirt all us. the time.

NYCHIC: How would you describe your sound? Alex: Punk, Party, Rock. Super Tanz: Some songs are more rock and some are more dance. Young Jimmy: Definitely a bit indie. I think of us as a mix of Bloc Party, TV On The Radio, and Best Coast.

NYCHIC: Where would be a dream location to play? Alex: I think it would be cool to play at a festival like Bonnaroo. You get the best of everything. Alex- I have been preparing the perfect answer to this question (EvDylan: I would love to tour Europe. eryone laughs). My guitar style and what I base my life off of are these Aaron: I like the smaller venues. Like Bowery Ballroom or something. Or musicians: Dinosaur Junior’s J Mascis, Sonic Youth, and King Crimson. like, the Fillmore in San Francisco. Super Tanz: I love classic rock and southern rock, and I like emotionally connected music. I don’t like whiny singers, but oddly enough I NYCHIC: What are the band’s future plans? love Morrissey. Young Jimmy: Touring and making money. Playing festivals. Super Tanz: I want to do it all! NYCHIC: Describe your own personal style. Aaron: Playing to more people, very soon! Dylan: I like to wear clothes that are clothes. I don’t want to look like something I’m not. It depends. When I’m in New York, I dress like I’m Young Jimmy & Super Tanz is on Myspace, at: in New York. When I’m in Paris, I dress like I’m in Paris. In New York youngjimmyandladykai NYCHIC: Any musical influences?


Aaron- I really like Paul Smith and Ben Sherman. Well, I like that stuff in the winter, but in the summer I love cut off shorts with really weird knee high socks. Alex- I got to get some jean shorts. And I like Armani suits (everyone laughs).

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TWO LIGHTS. Ju l i a Ba s s i r i

Rock-Pop band Two Lights, an unassuming, über-cute group of Mainer boys, is carving out a new domain, right here, in NYC. Having each departed their New England hometown for independent college experiences, the boys have reconnected within a new state’s bounds and are excitedly making some noise about it. The refreshingly genuine group of boys is focused on quality, band harmony, and embodying a certain wholesomeness in their dedication to music. The adorably-named (good job, parents!) Willis bros, Abner and Harper, alongside some old-time buddies, Ryan Gross and Jeff Witherell, are tempting Pop-Rock away from its overglammed persona and re-energizing it with some more organic chords. Their lyrics are as loveable as their lullaby guitar sound; so deliciously hummable, you’ll be carrying the band’s tunes with you around the city. Do yourself a favor and savor the sound of ‘Summer,’ a sweet reminder of the summer heat. (Listen @ NYChic: Tell us a little about yourselves first, what are your majors/class years? Ryan Gross: I’m a music business and media studies concentration, graduating in January 2012. Abner Willis: I’m a creative narrative (music, film, and creative writing) concentration, also graduating in January 2012. Harper Willis: I’m a jazz guitar and greek tragedy concentration. 2009 Gallatin alumnus. Jeff Witherell: I’m in Manhattan School of Music studying jazz performance, graduating in May 2011. NYChic: How did the band start working together? Harper: Abner and I have always known that we were going to be in a band together. But, it’s taken ten years from the time we decided it would happen for it to actually happen. We spit on our hands and shook that we would be in a rock band together—made a vow to each other. We were both writing songs independently for five years, sending them back and forth to each other… NYChic: How would you describe your sound? Harper: British-influenced Pop/Rock. Abner: We try to do something fresh, obviously. We grew up listening to a lot of British Rock and Roll, dating back from 50 years ago to now. We’re definitely a Rock/Pop band. NYChic: Any musical influences? Harper: Oasis, Coldplay. Abner: I’d say everything fromkind of, yea, The Beatles, U2, Oasis, Radiohead, Coldplay Ryan: We try to come up—like Abner said—with a fresh sound. NYChic: How would you describe your personal style? Abner: You know, we’ve had a couple interesting experiences where we’ve tried to do photo shoots. People dress us up— Harper: with the ‘Beetle boots’ and shawls— Abner: and I think that basically the band’s style ultimately ended up going back to the basics of when we originally wrote these songs. I wouldn’t say we have a “style” as a band in terms of our fashion sense. We show up in what we’re comfortable in, in what we’ve always sort of worn. Harper: When I feel like I’m dressing up, it takes away from the perfor-

mance. So yeah, we wear jeans, and sneakers, and t-shirts. NYChic: Any favorite designers/ fashion brands? Harper: I love H&M. These jeans are H&M. They’re the only jeans that I like. Abner: Don’t do an H&M shout out…A lot of my shirts are from The Gap… Harper: I wanna shout out to H&M, dude. Their stuff is super affordable. NYChic: What’s the band’s been up to? What’s your current status? Abner: We really spent the better part of this past year writing and rehearsing, writing and rehearsing, writing and rehearsing… Harper: ...and recording… Abner: and we kind of made the decision to hibernate—hibernate is a little intense—but to nail it before we really started performing. We had our first legitimate show at Webster Hall with a band called A Million Years and we sold out, which was really awesome. And we have an EP that we just finished up (EP, short for Extended Play) Harper: Yea, we have an EP that we’d like to get out to college radio. NYChic: If you were to do a cover of any song (if you haven’t already), what would you play and why? Harper: Abner, you love doing that kind of shit. Abner: When we were in a high school, we were in a band, and the last song we ever played was a Killers song called ‘Jenny was a Friend of Mine.’ Harper: What’s fun about doing covers is doing what you don’t tend to do, is doing something so theatrical. It was a lot of fun. Ryan: Playing a cover is an opportunity to play dress-up. Abner: Yea, and The Killers are so, kind of, theatrical and crazy. And we didn’t do anything like that, the eyeliner and stuff, but to kind of channel that energy… Ryan: Playing a cover is an opportunity to play dress-up. Abner: Yea, and The Killers are so, kind of, theatrical and crazy. And we didn’t do anything like that, the eyeliner and stuff, but to kind of channel that energy… NYChic: Who has the strangest on-stage performance quirk and what is it? Abner: The higher Harper gets on his guitar, the higher he gets on his toes and the higher his shoulders get to his neck. Harper: I sort of grunt-sing when I play. It can be kind of disturbing. NYChic: Future plans for the band? Abner: We’re gonna release this EP, ‘Summer,’ and will hopefully be working with our Manager to get it on some radio stations. We have tentative plans to work with some local New York bands. NYChic: Finally, any upcoming shows? Where can NYU students see you play? Abner & Harper: Two Lights will be performing at Rockwood Music

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Hall on November 29, 2010. Save the date! ‘Like’ Two Lights’ Facebook page and keep yourself in the boys’ loop: Check back for updates on gigs and the band’s whereabouts. Abner: Thanks for conducting our first official interview. My pleasure, guys.

NYCHIC: How would you describe the band’s on-stage style? Josue: Right now I wear a half mask with a cross and a lot of chains and a zipper coming across my face. My top piece consists of a torn up type of-- a weird shirt. Miguel: I don’t know… Gothic, but very old school metal at the same time. Josue: Gothic meets Twister Sister. Edward Scissorhands going to a metal concert. Hair all thrown up and make up. Eyeliner! LA MER NOIR. Everyone nods in agreement at “eyeliner.” Miguel: Omar too. By Ma y Wa n g Omar: Yeah, I wear all black… with random hair. I could throw in makeup too. And a lot of chains. Definitely a lot of chains. La Mer Noir is a band with attitude-- though you wouldn’t think it at Josue: He’s the one with the chains. first, walking into Think coffee and seeing these four unassuming boys huddled around a tiny corner table, laughing and joking with each other. Omar: Pretty much a “Who the hell is that guy?” look. Of course, when I interviewed them, they hadn’t put the eyeliner or the Josue: Kind of looking like the undertaker but rock-star version. I’ve been known to wear skirts on stage as well. chains on yet. A self-proclaimed Japanese Gothic Visual Kei band, La Mer Noir draws its musical influences from old school heavy metal acts Kaze: I’m not too big a fan of costume, but I should be, since all the like X Japan. They also take the “visual” part of their description very se- other band members are. I guess I look more normal. riously: black, lace, chains, makeup and all. With everything from fierce Josue: He’s the front man so he has to stand out. Miguel: It works though, for what we do. stage energy and haunting vocals to a sick, unique look, this is a band that’s anything but shy. NYCHIC: Any favorite designers/ fashion brands? Josue: I like the baroque style, and the renaissance. That’s kind of our Meet The Band look too: baroque meets renaissance. Vocalist – Kaze Patricio Chan, 27 Miguel: I usually get my clothes from some thrift shops or novelty Guitarist – Miguel Garcia, 26 costume shops. Bassist – Omar Moreno, 21 Omar: I would have to say I pay more attention to Marilyn Manson Drummer – Josue Ortiz, 20 than designers. He has a kind of elegant and shocking look. NYCHIC: Tell us a little about yourselves first, are you guys all going to Kaze: I used to like Le Chateau (Canadian brand.) I think now I buy more clothes from a Korean brand called UStar. You can get their stuff school or do you have other jobs? Kaze: I’m a part-time student and part-time composer. I’m a grad student on Ebay. at Steinhardt. NYCHIC: What are your favorite places in New York City? Miguel: I’m a full time IT specialist. Josue: That’s the best question. Josue: I’m a full time product processor. Miguel: One of my favorites is called Barcade in Williamsburg. It’s a Omar: I used to be a full time student at ASA. I just got out of school. cross between an arcade and a bar. They have 80s games like Centipede, Tetris, Pacman. Dude, they have all sorts of weird novelty. NYCHIC: How did the band start working together? Josue: I like to eat, and my favorite spot to eat is East Pacific in Murray Miguel: Josue and I are the founders of the band. We’ve known each Hill. And I like my house too. Hey, it’s in New York City! And I like other for about 5 to 6 years, and we met through a mutual friend. We met him (gestures at Omar) through a mutual friend as well. And Kaze Astoria, Queens. we actually met on the Internet (laughs). Now he’s like family. And the Omar: I like going to the seaport a lot. I like crowded places. I like Chinatown, especially. rest is history. Josue: That’s what I was going to say! Chinatown! Put that in too. Miguel: Flushing is pretty cool, too. NYCHIC: How would you describe your sound? Kaze: I don’t like any particularly space. I like places with strong winds Miguel: That’s kind of a difficult question actually. We’re kind of in a where you can see the sky. I like my bedroom where I can play music transition period… We used to be into the old school heavy metal, the and sleep. old hair metal… Right now we’re trying to focus more on the Japanese Gothic Visual Kei-Josue: Japanese Visual Kei. Miguel: It’s a specific genre of Japanese rock music that not only focuses on the music itself but also on the appearance of the band. Josue: Yeah, hair roots, glamour roots, heavy metal 80s roots… Miguel: It’s very theatrical and very dramatic.


NYCHIC: Any musical influences? Miguel: (Laughs) Too many to mention actually. Kaze: Most of them are Japanese bands. Don’t know if you’ll know them... Malice Mazer, for example. Miguel: X Japan is one of the biggest ones, I would say. Josue gestures to his X Japan shirt. Miguel: And Moi Dix Mois… That’s a Japanese band with a French name. Yeah, our name is French too!

Josue: And you like my bedroom too, eh? Kaze: I don’t like your bedroom! And I like the stage. Miguel: Oh yes, the stage is my favorite place. NYCHIC: Future plans for the band? Josue: Our plans are to come out with our demo some time this month or next month. Come up with a Webface, get a booking agent to set up tour dates to play in the city… Basically, demo, pictures, and playing shows. NYCHIC: Any upcoming shows? Miguel: No shows scheduled right now, we’re working on the CD now, putting together the press package and stuff. [But] go to our Facebook for show information in the future! Check out La Mer Noir at

WILLIAM RAUSCHER. NIGHT PLANE. By Ju l i a Ba s s i r i It’s not until you get a little deeper into conversation that you realize William’s New Yorker garb is what’s offsetting his Texan drawl, giving him an inexplicably sultry-nerdy kind of air. Rigid, rectangular rims temper his tall stature and auburn-brown hair. Between his East Village look and West Village sophistication, one doesn’t immediately think DISC JOCKEY when sizing up Mr. Rauscher. This together, articulate character is revamping the DJ perception, spinning tracks as a fervent academic who appreciates fashion. While he exudes a certain iron-strong confidence, he’s not untouchable, but rather refreshingly human. He admits feeling a bit of self-consciousness while mixing, which, as a frequently-faulting being myself, I can appreciate. Bottom line—or beat—he’s a quirkier DJ who’ll likely provide visual and musical stimulation wherever you’re poppin’. Fly away with Night Plane, aka William Rauscher.

William: I have played piano my entire life. I grew up playing Classical and Jazz, and then when I was in high school and college, I was into a lot of experimental music. Sixties Minimalism: Steve Reich, Terry Riley. Noisy Rock stuff. But at the same time, I’ve always been into Electronica. Aphex Twin is probably the first Electronica I heard when I was 15. (In later conversation, Rauscher’s Texan background surfaced as a musical influence: “Rap music in Texas tends to be really slow—Houston Rap music has been a big influence”). NYChic: How would you describe your personal style? William: I guess what I’m most comfortable in is a combination of suede oxfords and a leather jacket. Half dressed up, half downtown NYRocker; a mixture of a little bit preppy, a little bit Rocker. Like, if Serge Gainsbourg was in to Motorhead. NYChic: Any favorite designers/fashion brands? William: Yeah, I wear a lot of Rag & Bone. My shoes are Rachel Comey. And I’m a big fan of Vena Cava. They’re friends of mine and I do music for their runway shows on occasion. Unfortunately, they don’t do men’s clothes. NYChic: What’s the best part about being a DJ? William: The best part is that I get to decide what music is being played. It really upsets me to be somewhere where there’s shitty music going on.

NYChic: Tell us a little about yourself: Where’d you go to school and when did you graduate? William: I went to the graduate school of Arts and Sciences and majored NYChic: Quirky thing you do while DJing? in German Languages and Literature. I also went to Gallatin and maWilliam: I drink too much. I get nervous while I’m deejaying, so I’m jored in philosophy and literature. constantly drinking and smoking…I’m nervous, so I drink more. And as I drink more, I want to turn the music louder. So by the end my set NYChic: How did you get into the DJ scene? is…many people go deaf. When you’re deejaying you have more time to William: I’ve always played records and reviewed records—I’m also a worry about what you’re doing, more time for drinking. writer. And I always played my own stuff…played in bands and things like that. Then last year I finally sent my stuff off to a label in the UK. NYChic: If you could choose one killer event to DJ, what would it be? [The label] Thisisnotanexit is Dance/Electronica, a little more bandWilliam: I would love to play at Burning Man. I’ve got friends who oriented, kind of more post-Punk-y; it’s kind of like DFA—similar kind deejay there every year and they play setups, like on top of a huge truck, of sound. I sent them a demo winter of 2008 and since then I’ve been all full of speakers in the middle of the dessert. It sounds pretty epic. doing remixes and gigging. Now I’m putting a live set together. Deejaying records is always fun, but I’d rather be able to play [my music] live. NYChic: Any future plans? I just played a gig in London with CAMP—City Arts & Music Project. William: More live gigs. Getting a studio set up with my DJ partner, More live than my records. I tend to be really self-critical. After I play, Harry, who is totally brilliant and a much better DJ than I am. Let’s face I feel depleted and melancholic. As soon as I play the last note, I’m it—I’m a track man. My forte is composing tracks and Harry is a savant like, “this is shit, I need to start over.” I beat myself up, but mostly in a of a DJ. It’s a lot of very nerdy fun. productive way. NYChic: How would you describe your sound? William: It’s sort of cross between a little Disco, a little House. Sometimes dark, sometimes sexy. Definitely kind of spaced out, psychedelic. NYChic: Who are your musical influences?

NYChic: Finally, any upcoming shows? Where can NYU students see you play? William: The “Dog and Pony” Party on November 14th. Visit: Night Plane’s Facebook Page: Night-Plane/155184661162188 1. 9

A m y L e v i n T h e Original S t y l e G u r u by Carolyn Amurao It is encouraging to know that a college student’s creative vision can turn into a full–time occupation and business. Such is the reality for 23-year-old Amy Levin, the Founder and Creative Director of the fashion website, After spending time abroad in London and interning in Los Angeles and Chicago, Levin returned to Indiana University inspired by street fashion. So, as a senior, she started a street style blog about her peers. This blog created a lot of hype among Levin’s friends, who were dying to involve their own schools as well. So Levin launched, which made everyone see what she had noticed all along: “Your Campus is the Runway.” Today, the site features eighty schools and has over 150 contributors known as “Style Gurus.” As a Style Guru for NYU, I can testify that our campus is truly a runway. In fact, the large number of Fashionistas scurrying from building to building would argue that students go to class just to be seen! Fashion is a way of life, and as Levin demonstrates, it can also be your life. 10

There is no doubt about it; Levin is one stylish and enviably young entrepreneur. With grad school behind her, her sole focus is the website. Recently, teamed up with labels like Juicy Couture, and is collaborating with USA to have a weekly column on its “college” page. Incidentally, NYU was the first school featured. NYChic had the opportunity to interview the original Style Guru herself. Below, Levin reveals more about the site, herself, and what she’ll be wearing this fall…

NYChic: You choose the “Style Gurus” that write for the site. What makes a good Style Guru?
 Amy Levin: Someone who is enthralled with people watching and perceptive to body language. More so than just showing the fashion being worn by college students, I like when the Style Gurus photograph people who tell a story, who showcase their personality through their wardrobe. Also, 
someone who is quirky and has a unique fashion voice that they share 
throughout their reports.

he showcases the influence of people’s homes on 
their lifestyle choices. I also gain inspiration from traveling, and 
learning about other cultures and how fashion differs from place to place.

NYChic: What do you look for when choosing a Fashionista to photograph?

AL: It’s funny, because I can be out with friends and they will be like, “Amy, Amy there’s someone you would love to shoot for CollegeFashionista.” I feel like my images, while they are diverse, usually have similar elements throughout them. I like people who are 
slightly odd and definitely someone who is taking a dare. I know I captured a strong Fashionista/o when I can’t stop thinking about their outfit and find myself incorporating pieces they wore in my own 

NYChic: The site, which started off with only a few schools, has now grown to feature even international universities. How did you make the site grow?

AL: The site is just about one year old and basically has spread through 
word of mouth. It’s common that a Style Guru at one school will tell 
their friend at another school to get involved and check out the site 
and so on. And of course, through utilizing the power of social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, to spread awareness about CollegeFashionista.

NYChic: What do you see for the future of
 AL: I see CollegeFashionista continually growing worldwide and being 
located in every campus possible. Eventually I see there being 
different versions of the site based on the country and region -- like an 
entire CollegeFashionista site just for UK schools. I want anyone who is reporting on college fashion, whether it be in a local campus 
newspaper, or a large publication, to reference our Style Gurus, as they are the experts on all things college fashion related. Dream big huh?

NYChic: As a blogger for, do you gather 
inspiration from other online fashion blogs?

AL: I definitely do. A major favorite is obviously The Sartorialist. And I love The Selby and how

NYChic: This fall, what is your style advice for CollegeFashionistas?

AL: Revert back to minimalism. This fall I can’t wait to be wrapped up in 
a classic camel cocoon coat, trousers, and an oversized turtleneck 
sweater. I think less is more this fall! And of course, utilize your 
local vintage stores for one-of-a-kind pieces at a great price point. 1. 11

Keep it Simple

The Experiences of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Stylist Linda Rodin By Alexis Cheung

Linda Rodin is a fashion stylist and beauty entrepreneur who has been in the business for over 35 years. As a stylist, Rodin’s managed to “keep it simple” in the trend-cluttered world of fashion. Kind enough to share her experiences with us at NYChic, what follows is an interview with this inspiring, chic woman.

This page: Stylist Linda Rodin & her signature style (photo by Chance) Facing page: Rodin’s latest venture as an entrepreneur: Olio Lusso 12


inda Rodin claims her start in the industry “was a total fluke.” Apparently as a youth who liked fashion, someone simply suggested she become a stylist. She didn’t quite know what it meant to be a stylist at the time, but “turns out it was a profession. And I’ve been doing it ever since,” Rodin said. Having worked with a variety of clients over the years—including those steeped in the world of beauty to those on the lingerie end of fashion—Rodin emphasizes the need to “listen to the client.” In adhering to the client’s wishes, however, it’s equally necessary to “be creative and bring a little bit of your version to it.” Amidst all this creativity, Rodin stresses the value of meticulous organization. Her methodical approach to style goes as follows: “I always start by figuring out what I need, whether it be clothes, shoes, accessories, props…and then I methodically break it down. I figure out what showrooms to go to, what department stores or boutiques to visit, and I always make a list the night before. It’s a very detailoriented job.” But no matter how much you plan and try to stick to the schedule, the unpredictable nature of the styling business can throw you off your predetermined timeline. Rodin recounted one particularly memorable experience: “I was in Rio de Janerio working with a famous singer on what was supposed to be a twoday shoot, but he decided he couldn’t come, so we hung out there for a total of nine days until he could. That was by far the craziest shoot I’ve had to work on, but the most fun too. I got a mini vacation!” Meeting and interacting with talented celebrities is a huge perk of Rodin’s styling job.

“Meeting Bob Dylan,” Rodin says, was probably one of the bigger “perks.” And when asked about the Victoria’s Secret Angels: “they’re all really lovely, smart, wonderful girls and they look just as gorgeous in person as in the catalogues. In fact, they look even better without all the hair and make-up. They’re just exquisite.” Speaking of product, one that might just make us mere mortals look as exquisite as these Victoria’s Secret Angels is Olio Lusso, Rodin’s latest venture. Olio Lusso, her new-to-market skincare product, boasts 11 essential oils and is sold in top department stores like Barneys, Colette, Liberty of London and quaint boutiques throughout the world. Like her break into fashion, her newest career as a beauty entrepreneur was “a total fluke.” I’ll let her recount that story as well: “My nephew Nick came into town and I was making my weekly face oil for myself and friends in my living room and he said ‘this is really great’ you should stop making it a hobby and start a business out of it and, well, here I am!” Her Olio Lusso face product has created quite a following with both make-up artists and celebrities for its soothing skin qualities and the radiant glow that it leaves behind. Her product line includes face oil, lip balm, hair oil, and body oil. And we shall all excitedly await the daily cleanser, which is to be added to the line very soon. While her new business keeps her from styling as much in present day, she offers advice for those who want to break into the industry: “be true to yourself. It’s a very transient business so don’t always go for trends. Learn to feel comfortable in your skin and keep it simple.” ‘Keep it simple’ has been Rodin’s life motto and if it’s gotten her this far, maybe it’s a phrase we should all learn to live by.

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By Kristina Rodulfo


ou are perusing the magazine racks, selecting your next monthly fashion fix; and a sea of photoshopped, perfected faces stare back at you. You eye the covers hailing their most recent muses: Julia Roberts, Halle Berry, and Kim Kardashian. Rewind one decade; and those muses would have sounded more like this: Kate Moss, Christy Turlington, and Naomi Campbell. These women were just a couple of the icons from the 1990’s Supermodel phenomenon. Ruling the runways and gracing magazine covers, these


women transformed models from just pretty faces to household names. However, between then and now, celebrities have replaced supermodels. In lieu of the Linda Evangelistas of our time, magazine covers featuring the latest Disney pop queen, MTV reality star, or trashy primetime heroine speak volumes about our media-frenzied, celebrity-obsessed generation. Once upon the time, models were the first and foremost canvas for artistic direction, even as pop culture personalities. It was their job to possess self-ambiguity,

enabling them to represent and embody the vision of a creative director. Celebrities inevitably come with extra baggage—their recent publicized divorce, their new romantic comedy, their top-secret wedding, or their recently adopted child from a third world country. But all of a sudden, magazine covers transformed from compelling, visual works of art into platforms for self-promotion. Celebrities first started frequenting magazine covers in US Vogue, under the direction of Anna Wintour, who has been the editor-in-chief since 1988. Wintour is responsible for saving Vogue when it was sinking into irrelevancy by featuring jeans on the front cover for the first time. This merged fashion and celebrity culture together. All other magazines quickly followed suit. Understandably, covers with celebrities on them were a smart marketing move. Fans will purchase almost anything plastered with the face of someone they admire. Especially during the presumed decline of print media, celebrities on covers stimulated buyers. However, with all magazines now featuring celebrity covers, it is no longer a distinguishable characteristic. It has come to the point that it is a rarity for a model to appear on a US magazine cover. Glamour magazine recently featured three models, Crystal Renn, Brooklyn Decker, and Allessandra Ambrosio, on its June 2010 Cover. This was a surprising change from the usual Alister of the moment. It seems as if the idea of “Supermodel” has been reevaluated for this generation. We have long since abandoned the stick-thin waif aesthetic for women with curves. Louis Vuitton’s fall 2010 runway featuring voluptuous models bursting out of bustiers pays testament to this. Who are the supermodels of today? Some that come to mind include Miranda Kerr, Karolina Kurkova, and Chanel Iman. But what is it, exactly, that makes a super-

model “super”? First of all, these girls are all endorsers of Victoria’s Secret, the embodiment of the “sex sells” theory. As part of Victoria’s Secret, they are paid millions for commercials, print advertisements, and runway shows. However, these models get paid to stay in clothes as well, all having had a full runway lineup last Spring Fashion Week in New York City, with shows ranging from Chanel to Betsey Johnson. Even as they are on the rise, modern day supermodels do not possess the power, popularity, or presence supermodels of the 90s carried. With hundreds of models constantly being reinvented and millions more trying to make it, the It Girl of one season may be gone by the next. The 1990’s modeling moguls never had this concern. Even as the phenomenon of the 90’s faded, as does everything big in fashion, Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell have maintained their status as fashion icons well into this decade. Ironically, the switch from model to celebrity seems to be accountable for their longevity. Models are no strangers to scandal. Kate Moss faced accusations for doing cocaine and lost millions of dollars from being dropped by H&M and Chanel campaigns. Naomi Campbell had her string of anger management issues among several legal battles, having harassed her assistant and housekeeper physically. These issues made headlines and catapulted the models further into mainstream interest. Whether it is a supermodel or Hollywood star on the cover of a magazine, the cover essentially achieves one thing: capturing a moment in fashion history and culture. As of this moment, Americans are enchanted by the familiarity of celebrities and the fantasy of unattainable lives. As seen with television and the Internet, which rule modern society, it is apparent that our culture is full of people seeking escapes. In magazines, that escape begins with a celebrity’s face.

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Fall fashion.

These two little words bring joy to the hearts of fashionistos everywhere. Time to put away the Havainas and Speedos and bring out the scarves and Hunter boots. But don’t fret dear fashionistos; just because the sun in the fun has ended doesn’t mean the fashion fun has to.


very good fashionisto knows that spring fashion is for amateurs; the real test is maintaining your style in the chilly months of fall and winter. Fortunately, the fashion gods have heard our prayers and delivered the men’s fall 2010 fashion shows. I, dear readers, have completed the rigorous task of reviewing all of the men’s fall 2010 shows so I could present to you the best of what the designers have to offer. In my grueling work I filtered through all of the shows and found eight key trends that are absolutely essential for keeping both cozy and chic this winter. These key trends are: oversized turtlenecks and scarves, biker jackets, plaid shirts, toggle coats, lace up boots, camel and tweed. Fall and winter 2010 are definitely turtleneck-friendly and this year, it seems as though bigger is truly better. All of the fall 2010 shows were abundant with oversized turtlenecks and scarves, nearly every designer having a turtleneck in his or her collect ion. The ones that gathered the most attention, however, were the chunky, oversized ones seen at Michael Kors and D&G. But how does one properly wear the

turtleneck? As one of the most versatile pieces a man can own, they go great underneath a blazer for casual business meetings, or great with a pair of jeans while running errands. Scarves! (As a recovering scarve-aholic I’m going to do my best to not make this section too long but I can’t make any promises). Scarves are the standard winter staple. In the past few years, the size of scarves has been consistently expanding and has now resulted in the chunky scarf trend this fall 2010. D&G, a personal favorite, is perhaps the best example of this trend, though Domenico and Steffano showed amazing jumbo scarves that are sure to keep you warm while making a bold statement. Wear these eye-catching scarves with a relatively simple outfit: jeans, v-neck and cardigan is my standard go-to look. Biker jackets are not just for biker gangs any more, my friends. Biker jackets have become the epitome of cool, fashion-forward male style. Some of my favorites are by Michael Bastian (this lucky fashionisto happened to meet him on NYC’s Fashion Night Out!)



Photos courtesy of


and William Rast. Owning a leather jacket is more than just a smart fashion choice, giving a guy that bad boy edge that every girl desires. Plaid, once reserved for lumberjacks, has now become a staple in the closet of every fashion-minded male. You can go very traditional with the red and black, or you can wear it in a bright color if you’re feeling adventurous. Not only are there plaid shirts you can buy, but if you really want to walk on the wild side, a plaid tie brightens up the standard black or gray suit. Toggle coats, also known as duffle coats, seem to have replaced their close relative, the pea coat. This coat, although less formal, provides all the warmth and durability characteristic of the classic pea coat. First used by the British Navy, toggle coats are now becoming staples in closets everywhere. Great toggle coats don’t have to cost a fortune. Although we all aspire for the Burberry label, great affordable toggle coats can be found at Topman, Urban Outfitters and H&M. Every fashionable male cares the soles he walks in. This season it is all about the lace up boot. When you first think of a lace up boot, you think of the traditional black Doc Martens, but there are so many more to choose from—check out Michael Kors and DSquared2. When purchasing boots, it’s best to think of them as an

investment. You want a boot that will last you a good while, goes well with everything in your closet and will be able to endure the harsh NYC elements. Camel is the color of the fall season. From coats to sweaters to trousers, camel is the defining color of fall 2010. One of those essential colors, it goes great with everything; it’s pretty much universally-flattering and it’s a great foundation for any outfit. If buying on a budget, the key thing to get is most definitely a camel turtleneck or sweater, as it makes for a great, warm basic you can use throughout the winter months. Tweed is to winter what linen is to summer. It’s the staple winter fabric, providing you the extra warmth needed in the cold in the same way linen cools you in the heat. Tweed is no longer solely used for the production of traditional blazers, but is often used to make hats, shoes, trousers, and vests. The versatility of this fabric is truly endless. Not to mention, wearing tweed signifies that you take yourself seriously and want others to do the same. It’s a multi-functional fabric. Well that’s all for this time, dear fashionistos. I hope my key trends will keep you looking like the fashionable males I know you are (or are capable of being). As the amazing Yves Saint Laurent once said, “Dressing is a way of life.” Indeed, it is.

1. 17

T he Menace on Mercer S treet

by Eusan Huh



e New Yorkers are troopers. We take the vicious climate head on, combating the snowfalls of winter and the unbearable heat waves of summer. We dodge traffic and traffic doges us. We put up with the inundation of tourists in Times Square, SoHo, Central Park, or just about anywhere. But this summer, one unexpected monstrosity made us surprisingly squeamish: the itty-bitty, teensy-weensy bedbug. Do not let their small size fool you. These bugs are a formidable foe. Not only do they infest entire homes, they multiply at rapid speeds, sucking your blood and not in that romantic Twilight way either. They do not discriminate in their victimizing, making spotless homes equally inhabitable options for colonies. Perhaps worst of all, bedbugs are developing resistance to previously effective insecticides, subsequently becoming harder and harder to kill. Mankind came close to triumphing over the bedbug during the post-WWII era, with the pesticide DDT aiding the effort. However, the 1972 governmental banning of the toxic chemical has kept bedbugs abound. In 2004, there were 500 reported cases of infestation in New York City (NYC Housing Preservation and Development Department). In 2009, the number of reported cases escalated exponentially to 10,000.

New Yorkers are not alone in peril. The rise of the bedbug empire is a nation-wide phenomenon. Cities across the country are reporting spikes in cases, with Philadelphia, Chicago, and Detroit just trailing behind New York as bedbugs’ favored destinations. The invasion has proven to be particularly difficult for New Yorkers, as some of our favourite shopping destinations have fallen victim to the onslaught of bedbugs. Most of the incidents were clustered in the downtown area, mainly from Soho’s Nike on Mercer Street to the Abercrombie & Fitch in the South Street Seaport to its corporate sister, the Hollister flagship, on Broadway. The creepy-crawlies brought these retail giants to their knees, forcing them to close shop temporarily. Bloomingdales also reported a sighting, though they allegedly only found one lonely critter that was suspected of falling off a visiting shopper. Even the high halls of ELLE magazine were ambushed. The fashion elites were sure to promptly evacuate the premises. The debacle proved to be a PR nightmare for the affected brands. But thankfully, they have been quick to respond and all of the aforementioned stores have successfully exterminated the insects. With the whirlwind pace of this city, New Yorkers are sure to be back in the usual shopping spirits in no time; and bedbugs will soon become a faded

1. 19

e l d an h t a g e a y c d , o ife



Alexander McQueen’s Spring 2011 collection could have easily been defined by the designer’s signature design aesthetic: equal parts dark and savage, but always romantic and imaginative. But on June 21, 2010, Sarah Burton revealed her first solo collection for the brand which softened McQueen’s dark vision and let in some light. McQueen was a designer well known for his thought-provoking-and sometimes controversial--designs which constantly experimented with morbid themes and highly symbolic details. Earlier this year, just after completing part of his Fall 2010 collection, McQueen was found dead in his London home. Police reported that the cause of death was asphyxia and classified it as a suicide. It was an event which had a powerful effect on the world of fashion. Burton, McQueen’s long-time assistant, was then appointed to fill the brand’s creative director position. For years, Burton had been in charge of creating commercial versions of McQueen’s more extravagant runway designs. Models were sent down the runway wearing pieces rendered after the natural world--for instance, a monarch butterfly dress, ombre gowns which resembled wild fungi, or another gown embellished with pheasant feathers, whose skirt bore an uncanny similarity to the charred remains of an extinguished fire. As a whole, the collection is undeniably more feminine as compared to collections designed by McQueen himself, which fashion journalist Tim Blanks attributes to Burton’s gender. Like recent McQueen collections, Burton’s debut showcased a fascination with science and fantasy as evidenced by the progression of clothing which Blanks also characterizes as a reclamation of nature. Burton’s first pieces had a critical, uniform-like quality to them and shared a regal theme. There were stately palettes of black and gold and cohesion between his early silhouettes. The idea of discipline was present through military detailing, another McQueen trademark. Burton plays with McQueen’s “memento mori” convention and gives a subtle allusion to death by creating a trompe l’oeil effect on an ensemble embroidered with laurel leaves which seemingly represent a ribcage. The collection gracefully transitions into a



( ) by Mariana Mandanas

New York

ton via The

McQueen ’s infamo us Armadillo Shoes

Bur n by David Sarah Burto & Style on hi Times Fas dress via butterfly monarch McQueen Alexander


more optimistic climate as Burton’s references to the natural and organic become clearer. Burton’s shift from dark to light is not only appropriate in light of McQueen’s suicide, but also in looking at the future of the house of McQueen. In her movement from dark and regal to crafty and earthy, Burton grounds her collection, linking it to the idea of infancy and nature. Burton succeeds at crafting humility within this collection. Burton’s vision for McQueen is humble, as expressed by her return to the basis of every McQueen collection--impeccably tailored silhouettes-and the minimal updates she applies to McQueen’s favorite forms. The particularity and perhaps hesitation to change that Burton exhibits in this collection signals her familiarity with McQueen’s design codes and the reasons for which many believe she is the only qualified person to fill McQueen’s shoes. This show transcends much more than life and death-it emphasizes legacy. Burton’s particularity is also a symbol of her innate respect for McQueen’s personal tastes, a respect central to the brand for it is do deeply rooted in McQueen’s personality. Suzy Menkes, fashion editor of the International Herald Tribune, recalls the designer’s philosophy in a eulogy during his memorial service: “This is what he said about himself in one of his calmer periods: ‘It’s always about the human psyche. My work is like a biography of my own personality.’” McQueen pursued a more radical career as a student at Central St. Martins, where his entire graduation collection was purchased by influential fashion stylist Isabella Blow. The famously eccentric Blow, whom McQueen also credits his success to, was the influence behind McQueens bird-themed Spring 2008 collection, which was noted for its play between extremely opulent hats and his Savile Row-inspired womenswear. His most famous moments included his racy “bumster” trousers, a life-size hologram of Kate Moss in his “Widows of Culloden” collection, and the impossible armadillo-meetslobster claw heels from his Spring 2010 collection--if only to name a few. The McQueen brand has always been about what is relevant to Alexander McQueen. Throughout the years, McQueen’s designs have always evolved in accordance to his personal life. In his younger, more rebellious years, McQueen was especially concerned with making a statement through Alexander McQueen by Hendrik Kerstens viathe idea of sexuality, particularly in the “Highland Rape” The New York Times T Magazine collection and Fall 2006’s Scottish-punk heroine. His most recent works, however, were more focused on the designer challenging himself and synthesizing two very opposite technical fields in fashion: tailoring and couture. In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, McQueen said, “As a designer, you’ve always got to push yourself forward; you’ve always got to keep up with the rends or make your own trends. That’s what I do.” 1. 21

FUR-LINED: PETA may be in full force this season, but fur is still a great way to add flair to any outfit. It has been seen in many top designers’ fall collections, including: Band of Outsiders, Dsquared, Emilio Pucci, Viktor and Rolf, Thakoon and Sonia Rykiel. Both short casual fur jackets and long opulent coats make for soft statement pieces. If you haven’t quite joined the force of People for the Ethical Concern of Animals, but can’t bring yourself to don real fur, go for faux! Whether it’s faux or fur, the look is warm, wearable, and will keep you looking hot this cold (cold!) winter. VESTED: If you find it’s not cold enough for a fullfledged coat, however, vests are making a comeback this season. They have been seen in collections from Band of Outsiders, Rebecca Taylor and Kenzo, to Issey Miyake, Maison Martin Margiela and Salvatore Ferragamo. Along with the puffy down vest, nylon and cotton vests are also appearing on the fashion scene. It might not keep you quite as warm as a coat—you know, since it lacks arm coverage— but you’ll sure be lookin’ good! Not sold on the



Marc by Marc


The trees’ leaves have changed color and departed and your standout outfits have taken their place. With new, quirky trends quickly arising, it’s time to settle into those fall fashions and get your winter-wear on; fill your closets with tantalizing textures and tempered tones.

Kendall Kleinberg / All pictures were taken by Marcio Madeira /



all into Autumn

vest? Opt for the fur vest; it’s made appearanc- FIERCEST FABRIC: ANIMAL-PRINT es in collections such as DKNY and Thakoon And we conclude our trends with the same and will definitely keep you cozier. animal spirit with which we began. The fashion world—one known for its ferocity— has emOLIVE YOU IN OLIVE: braced its character this season and is clothing Further regarding jackets, the trendsetters itself in animal print. Dries Van Noten, Kenzo, have spoken and olive-colored is the way to Salvatore Ferragamo, and Rebecca Taylor have go. Making outfits come together, the olive all showcased animal patterns in their collectone functions as unifying and complementary tions. An animal print garment, much like the neutral element. Seen on the runways of Marc fur jacket or vest, is an easy, powerful statement by Marc Jacobs and Burberry Prorsum, these piece for any outfit. edgy-green jackets add the finishing touch to Whether you wear one trend well this winany almost-complete look. ter, or fuse a few together tastefully, enjoy the NEUTRAL, THE NATURAL CHOICE plethora of textures offered this season. Be In the same olive-green vein, this season’s most overwhelmed by them. The neutral tones hangstylish fashionistas are drifting toward neutral ing by their sides will keep them in check. So tones. An exquisitely neutral-colored garment go forth, be merry, be mesmerizing. can add class to your outfit. Don’t think tan or beige; think sand, bronze, macchiato, cappuccino. Colors of the sun, coffee; the finer things in life. Stella McCartney, Chloe, and Balenciaga have all revealed incredible outfits using this color palette. VICTORIOUS WITH VELVET Our next trend moves on from seductive skin tones to an even more seductive, luxurious material: velvet. Making a comeback this fall, this richly-textured fabric was featured in Alexander Wang’s fall runway show, instantly elevating it to fall-staple-status for this winter season.

1. 23

Alex Wang


Band Of Outsiders

Band Of Outsiders


Dries Van Noten









Eco-Friendly Fashion With A Heart B








Can fashion change the world? Absolutely. At least that ’s the message BUDU, an NYU-student-

run fashion initiative, is spreading. The brainchild of Camilla Hermann, Lizzie Glaeser, and Anna

Bjerknes, all NYU juniors, BUDU is a fashion initiative committed to raising money for the education of women and children in Africa.



The BUDU look-book features a colorful mix of lively African patterns and fabrics structured in feminine, flirty cuts; looks perfect for summers in the city. Down to every sweetheart silhouette and hand-sewn hemline, the designs are ethnic, contemporary, and extremely urban. These entirely handmade, eco-friendly pieces have traveled all the way from Ghana to New York City, and will soon be showcased and sold at an upcoming fashion show. The idea for the line, Camilla tells me, was born when she visited a Liberian refugee camp in Ghana, where she was studying abroad. While there, the “serious predicament of the vocational schools “-- schools that the women at the camp had created to teach other women skills to survive and benefit the community-- struck her. “The landowning church...kept raising their rent,” she noticed. The women could no longer pay for their rent and the schools were in jeopardy of closing down. So Camilla, Anna, and Lizzie took matters into their own hands. They commissioned the women to create original clothing and jewelry out of locally sourced fabrics and materials that

the girls supplied themselves, each girl serving as designer. Then, they paid the women handsomely for their work so they could keep the school running-and BUDU was born. BUDU is one of many projects that is part of a larger initiative: the SCHEF Organization, standing for Shelter, Clothing, Healthcare, Education, and Food, which Camilla, Lizzie, and Anna run together. The organization is a non-profit specifically committed to providing support to Ghanaian woman and children who are forced into commercial sex work due to poor refugee camp conditions. And all these projects are interlinked-- all proceeds from the upcoming BUDU fashion show will contribute to the building of a “Teaching Kitchen,” a place for women and children to learn how to cook nutritional meals in a friendly, educational setting while also learning important career skills taught by professional social workers and medical staff. There isn’t a concrete date for the fashion show yet, but follow for future updates and to learn more about the cause. Also, check out BUDU at html. 1. 25

How To Become A Fashion Designer by Navriti Sood


1. 27

You are destined to be a fashion designer if you... Started stitching clothes for your brother’s G.I. Joe action figures because you thought the green army look could use a bit of tailoring. Read the latest edition of Vogue magazine under your bed sheets with a flashlight, refusing to go to sleep even when threatened by your mother. You became the unofficial personal stylist to your first grade classmates.


ut there is more to the trade than just being passionate about fashion designing. It is not always glamorous and involves learning all aspects of the discipline. Working as a fashion designer can mean supervising the production team of a children’s clothing line or working on your own label. The latter sounds more fashionable than the first, but getting as much experience as possible is essential. Creating and maintaining your own label takes hard work and dedication, especially when you factor in living on bare essentials for several years. Yes, that means living a strict, budgeted lifestyle, occasionally splurging on the musthave designer piece of the season.


o give you more of an idea of what it takes to become a fashion designer, we interviewed three established designers. Ben and Lee Copperwheat have their own self-proclaimed label, Copperwheat. The UK born cousins have come a long way, exhibiting their line in New York Fashion Week. Their blend of contemporary textiles with traditional European tailoring is receiving huge buzz from NYC’s fresh fashion crowd. Deloris Onukwa is currently a sophomore at NYU studying math and science, but she hopes of transferring into Gallatin to minor in tailoring. Deloris has had a passion for fashion design from an early age and has been actively pursuing her passion at NYU, winning awards and participating in our school’s most notable fashion shows, such as NYU Expo 2010. Choose a Strategy



ommy Hilfiger used to buy jeans and bell-bottoms from various retail locations, embellish them, and resell them at the local store, Elmira, of his hometown. Ralph Lauren sold ties to his fellow classmates at his high school and later opened his own tie boutique in NYC. You could take your designs to a small boutique in the hopes that they will consider featuring your line. However, the industry in these days is competitive and demanding. The best option is to get a fine arts degree in fashion from a design school. As Tiffany shares, after college, she plans to “go to tailoring school. That would be more of an in where I’ll have professors who are more connected to the industry.” Getting a degree from a prestigious fashion institution is your ticket into the industry and will intrigue your future designer mentors. Lee studied tailoring and design at the London College of Fashion and first got on the map with his joint fashion label with Pamela Blundell, Blundell Copperwheat. After earning a Masters Degree in Printed Textiles from the prestigious Royal College of Art, Ben Copperwheat started freelancing for Isabella Blow. He eventually moved on to Gucci, then Calvin Klein, and finally teamed up with Lee in 2003 to design their menswear label.

Applying to a School


here are numerous colleges that offer fashion design programs, but only a few have the esteem to really boost your career upon graduation. These schools are very competitive and selective in their application process. Before applying to a design school, you should know how to both stitch and sketch. Lee Copperwheat emphasizes that “another important thing if you’re a fashion student is that you have to really understand how to make clothes…just keep doing it and just keep working and working and get into the studio and make stuff!” Tiffany agrees with this motto. She started when she was just seven, “making clothes for [her] Barbies.” As of now, Tiffany is working on a line. She states, “I’m making some of the pieces right now. I also think I’m going to be doing the Gallatin green fashion show this year. I’m going to be making something that’s “green,” something that’s not made out of fabric. I was thinking of making something out of plastic bags.” Also, taking some drawing classes helps build creativity and results in a great portfolio to send in with your application. Alternative Routes


ou do not need to go to design school, especially if you are just looking to work in fashion in general and not as a designer. There are many successful, highly respected fashion mavens who started off with degrees in sociology or art history and are now working in the industry. Understanding the Business


ashion has taken a huge turn in the corporate world. It is no longer a place where just creativity alone will keep you alive. It is important to be aware of the business aspects of the industry, learning the workings behind it. Running your own designer label involves knowledge of the ins and outs of business, including the economics of the industry. You have to negotiate contracts, distinguish your target audience, and market yourself and your work, directly and through the web.

This is only a bit of information on what to expect, but here is some more from the designers:


What is your fashion line influenced by?

Lee: It’s hard to define, more from experience and where we are now. It’s more about the man. The man has a wardrobe and how he has to keep it. When we design we just think it up and add that flavor to it. Menswear is structure, and you have to understand that when designing. Tiffany: I’ve personally gotten more into color this year, but last year I was all black all the time. My designs, however, are very different. I tend to design things that are different than what I gravitate towards when I’m shopping. What I design is something that’s at a different level or something that I can’t find anywhere. But I love the New York City dressers. The best are children who seem to have seamless sense of style. I just want to design clothes. I just want to make clothes that don’t exist, clothes that are great and should exist. Any final advice for students?


Ben: Network, work hard. Try to better yourself. Live, breathe, and sleep fashion. You have to do that because it’s so competitive. You’ve got to really want it and get that good job. There are twelve year olds doing blogs about fashion and getting notice. If you’re not working, then that means that someone else is doing the work, getting the experience that you could be getting. Lee: To be good out there, you can’t be a second person. You’ve got to be yourself, because you’re never going to make it being behind some body else. You gotta be in there; and it sounds a bit daunting, but you have to go out there. It’s just meeting people and working with people, interning, and working really hard. And not just for two days out of the week, but for every minute you’ve got and sometimes for nothing even. Working with people, just being in that environment, picking up on how things are done, and making mistakes because you have so much to learn. You have to jump in feet first and just get in there. That’s the key. 1. 29

beaut y

business by Erin Stovall

It’s Saturday night and you’re getting ready for a fun night out with some of your closet friends. You have the chicest outfit with to-die-for accessories, the most amazing heels, and your hair is absolute perfection. So what’s the last step to completing this ultimate head-to-toe look? Makeup! For those who are a bit cosmetically challenged, look no further than YouTube. Twenty-three year-old beauty video blogger extraordinaire Cindy Diaz, who is better known to over 29,000 YouTube subscribers as DRBrooklyn730, has a slew of step-by-step makeup tutorials for every occasion. Whether you’re about to hit the dance floor, meet your significant other’s parents for the first time or headed to a job interview, Diaz’s Youtube channel has an easy-to-replicate, event-specific look. Diaz, who graduated from Stern last year, didn’t start recording her own YouTube videos until 2008 though she had been watching them for years. Her very first video was on a limited edition makeup palette created by the designers of Heatherette for MAC Cosmetics, but since then she’s made over 150 more videos on beauty looks, product reviews, and fashion tips. Subscribers started swarming to her page after she was chosen by Seventeen Magazine to be one of their “Beauty Smarties.” In this role, Diaz makes special videos on beauty and fashion that are featured on Seventeen’s website. It’s hard to believe that Diaz almost missed out on the opportunity that helped launch her into YouTube stardom. She had been on vacation and didn’t have access to a computer. When she finally got her hands on a computer, the deadline to acFrom top to bottom: The final look for Cindy’s ‘Warm Brown Eyes’ tutorial; a makeup look inspired by Rihanna; aNew Year’s Eve look featuring glitter and bright purple eyeliner; the final look for Cindy’s favorite tutorial entitled ‘Earthy Grey Eyes’ 30

cept Seventeen’s offer was the next day. Luckily, Diaz responded in time and her viewership increased by the thousands within just a few weeks. For her makeup tutorials, Diaz draws inspiration from several different places. Among her favorite beauty icons are rapper Nicki Minaj and singers Rihanna and Katy Perry. All three stars are known for their unique (and sometimes outlandish) styles. She also takes note of beauty looks featured in music videos and magazines like ELLE and Allure. Her favorite tutorial that she’s recorded, entitled “Earthy Grey Eyes,” is a smoky yet subtle eye shadow, which has had over 36,000 views. Though Diaz favors more expensive brands such as Urban Decay, Makeup Forever, Nars, and MAC, she maintains that many beauty looks can be created with drugstore makeup brands like Cover Girl. She says that the only product definitely worth splurging on is bright eye shadow. Her predictions for this spring’s beauty trends include “more focus on the eyes, fresh faces without a lot of foundation, and less mascara.” Because of her YouTube channel’s success, beauty companies send her products for free, hoping that she’ll make a video review. She enjoys the free swag, but doesn’t feel obligated to give every product a raving review. Her priority is being honest with her viewers. On the other hand, Diaz doesn’t make negative videos either: “If I had worked hard on creating a certain product, I wouldn’t want someone trashing it,” she added.

The detectable honesty and consideration in Diaz’s videos undoubtedly contribute to their success. She makes it a point to respond to every single comment someone makes on her videos. “I used to only respond to people who asked questions. Now, I want to engage my audience more. I do my best to respond to everyone, even if it’s just ‘Thanks for watching.” Diaz remains humble as well and finds it when strangers recognize her around New York. “It mostly happens at beauty events where people will come up to me and ask ‘Are you DRBrooklyn?’ People shouldn’t be shy about approaching me; I’m not a celebrity.” Diaz’s contract with Seventeen has just been renewed for another year. While it’s currently been about a month since her last video, she reassures her viewers that she’ll be back in no time. She encourages others to make their own YouTube videos as well and believes that all it takes is passion, a camera, a unique point of view, and an internet connection. As much as Cindy Diaz loves making YouTube beauty videos (and as much as thousands of people enjoy watching them), she isn’t about to quit her day job anytime soon. “As passionate as I am about beauty,” she notes, “at the end of the day it’s not going to pay the bills.”

ail Liz N era d n a r ”; V ge t: Gin p a Secret? an h g i r b left to u Kee e; Ur From in “Can Yo de Toilett ipstick in L u Polish rincess Ea ette; MAC Limited l P a C g P A n ;M ed” in Wa “Nak ascara pstick Decay ”; Blinc M Villians Li ia s “Med Venomou n o i t i Ed etta” “Viol

1. 31

Anima/ A n i m u s

P h o t ogra p hed by Michelle Watt•S t y l e d b y A n d r e a N g • M a k e - Up b y N ata l i a A r a i Model s : Billy Vintzileo s & Br a n d o n Fa e r b e r @ NYU M o d e l i n g Cl u b Assi stants: Valer i e C h a n & J a c o b i H o l l i n gs h e d


opp o site pa g e : Le f t : V es t, Ka i - a a kma n• Pa n ts , T o ps h op • R i n gs , P r ivat e Op e n i n g• B l a z e r , D i or Ho mme •T - sh i r t, To pma n•Pa n ts, H & M . r i g h t : S h i r t, + J• Pa n ts , E ry n B r i n i e• M uffl e r , Z a r a . cu rrent page : L ef t : S h i r t, He lmut L a n g •J e a ns , K a i - a a km a n• B o d y c h a i n , Fa n n i S c h i av o n i at De bu t. R ight : Shi r t, + J•Pa n ts , E ry n Br i n i e•C o l l a r , M a rs h a Ch u n M atsu b a r a at D e b u t • R i n gs , P ri vate Ope n i n g .

1. 33

•B lazer, Di o r Ho mme•T - sh i r t, T o pma n• Pa n ts , H & M • Hat, Z a r a• B o o ts , S t ev e M a d d e n•


• Ve s t , Ka i - a a k m a n•P a n t s , To p s h o p•R i n g s , P r i v a t e O p e n i n g• 1. 35

•Vest, Wayne •Blaz e r, J i l S a n d e r•To p , Ka i - a a k m a n•J e a n s , K a i - a a k m a n• R i n g s , P r i v a t e O p e n i n g . S c a r f , V intage•


• Co a t , JNBY • B l a z e r, P a u l S m i t h• P a n t s , To p man• T -shirt, To p m a n• R i n g s , P r i v a t e O p e n i n g •

• L eft: Vest, Wayne•Blaz e r, J i l S a n d e r•To p , Ka i - a a k m a n• J e a n s , K a i - a a k m a n• R i g h t : Co a t , JNBY • B l a z e r, P a u l Smith• Pants, To p m a n • T - s h i r t , To p m a n • 1. 37

• C o a t, Kai-aakman •Jacke t , M i k e + C h r i s•To p , Ka i - a a k m a n• P a n t s , To p m a n• B o o t s , S t e v e M a d d e n• • To p , T h e o r y • P a n t s , To p s h o p •Tre n c h , E r y n Br i n i e • S h oes, Model’s own•


• Ca rdigan, Zara •Shirt, +J. P a n t s ,To p m a n • T i e , D i o r H o m m e • B o o t s , S t e v e M a d d e n • • L eft: B lazer, Dior Homm e •T - s h i r t , To p m a n • P a n t s , H & M • R i g h t : Ve s t , K a i - a a k m a n• P a n t s , To p s h o p• R i n g s , P r i vate Opening •

1. 39


• Cape, Za r a • S w e a t e r, A l e x a n d e r Wa n g • P a n t s , Di o r H o m m e • Bo o t s , S t e v e M a d d e n •

• L eft: Blazer, Dior Homm e •T - s h i r t , To p m a n•P a n t s , H & M •R i g h t : Ve s t , K a i - a a k m a n• P a n t s , To p s h o p• R i n g s , P r i v ate Opening • 1. 41

seerged lauddual degrees photography styling hair/makeup producer models


Jeremy Sachs-Michaels Joanna Davila Ryan B. Anthony Karina Dearwood Sasha Bard Michelle Cartwright

On Michelle: cape & shirt See By Chloe, blazer Elizabeth & James, leather shorts Rag & Bone, rings & bracelet Made Her Think On Sasha: coat 3.1 Phillip Lim, belt Vintage, necklace Lizzie Fortunato, rings Made Her Think 1. 43


This page: cape & shirt See By Chloe, blazer Elizabeth & James, leather shorts Rag & Bone, boots Jil Sander, necklace, rings & bracelet Made Her Think Facing page: coat 3.1 Phillip Lim, belt Vintage, necklace Lizzie Fortunato, shoes Christian Loubouti, rings Made Her Think

1. 45


On Michelle: trench 3.1 Phillip Lim, blouse Alexa Chung by Madewell, skirt & belt 3.1 Phillip Lim, cuffs Alexis Bittar, boots Jil Sander, necklace Lizzie Fortunato On Sasha: bodysuit 3.1 Phillip Lim, sweater




necklace Lizzie Fortunato, cuff Made Her Think, socks Stylist’s


shoes Vintage

1. 47

This page: On Michelle: tank VPL, necklaces Made Her Think; On Sasha: fur vest Vintage, necklace Lizzie Fortunato, slip 3.1 Phillip Lim Facing page: On Michelle: vest rag & bone, sweater 3.1 Phillip Lim, tank VPL, skirt & shoes Chloe, necklaces Lizzie Fortunato On Sasha: vest rag & bone, dress 3.1 Phillip Lim, bracelets Made Her Think, necklace Lizzie Fortunato, shoes Derek Lam, socks Stylist’s



1. 49

exit seraphim Styling/Art Direction: Valerie Chan Photographer: Melinda Griffith

Hair and Makeup: Christine Sciortino Model: Michelle Barina

Assistant: Jacobi Hollingshed


Jacket: Katie Gallagher Skirt: Audrey Cantwell Hat: Stylist’s own 1. 51


Jacket: Harputs Own Leggings: Audrey Cantwel Shoes: Ashish for Topsho Hat: Stylist’s own

Cape: Audrey Cantwell Dress: Katie Gallagher Shoes: Alexander Wang

ll op 1. 53

Dress: Althea Harper Rings: Private Opening


1. 55

Jacket: Audrey Cantwell Hooded Top: Harputs Own her Leggings: Katie Gallagher Rings: Private Opening hop Shoes: Stylist’s Own 56

1. 57


Skirt: Harputs Own Shoes, Fur Vest, Leather Vest: Stylist’s Own

Coat: Harputs Own

1. 59

“Meet Mr. Blasberg” By Eu n s a n Hu h

Editor-at-Large at Editor-at-Large at Harper’s Bazaar Senior News and Special Projects Editor at V Magazine and Vman Contributing writer for Interview, 10Magazine, and London Sunday Times. These are just a few of the titles that Mr. Derek Blasberg juggles on a daily basis. Yet somehow, on top of all this, he has also managed to play editor to Mary-Kate and Ashley’s popular coffee table book Influence, pen a book of his own which has become a New York Times Best Seller, all the while remaining the toast of the New York social circuit. Meet Mr. Blasberg, the fashionable, 21st Century answer to the Renaissance man. Since moving to New York in 2000 to study journalism and dramatic literature at NYU, the charming Missouri native has taken the city by storm. During his fledgling years, he paid his dues interning at WWD, W, and Vogue, where he was later offered a job as an editorial assistant. Over the years, he has befriended fashion heavy-hitters such as Andre Leon Talley and Chloe Sevigny. Be it London, Paris, Tokyo, or New York, Mr. Blasberg can always be found at the most fashionable events, with a gorgeous supermodel and/or actress always by his side. Just as we were wrapping up the article, he was on his way to London to attend the Frieze Art Fair. A couple weeks before, he was in Paris, front and center at the Louis Vuitton and Chanel shows, then at French Vogue’s 90th Anniversary Masquerade Ball, and the V Magazine bash at the department store Printemps. Even when Mr. Blasberg goes to McDonalds, he does so with someone super-talented and superfabulous, someone like Leigh Lezark from The Misshapes. Did we mention he is BFFs with socialite-turned-jewelry-designer Genevieve Jones? In an interview with Fashionista, Mr. Blasberg divulged that due to his ubiquity on the social scene, he is shrouded by the misconception that he does not work. True, he parties with Jessica Stam and dines with Naomi Campbell. He goes to the movies with Daphne Guinness. But there is so much more to Mr. Blasberg than maintaining an enviable social calendar. For starters, he is the ultimate fashion blogger and journalist du jour. His Blasblog, on, which documents his adventures at the hottest industry parties and events, has effectively become the window into the covetable lives of the fashion elite. He has interviewed the biggest talents in fashion and film, from Tom Ford to Karl Lagerfeld and Emma Watson. Aside from having been published in the crème de la crème of fashion magazines, Mr. Blasberg’s first book, Classy: Exceptional Advice for the Extremely Modern Lady, has become a New York Times Bestseller. Classy is a crash course in class for budding ladies and reforming


tramps alike. The cover alone oozes sophistication, with its appropriately chosen Tiffany blue hue. The conduct manual advises on all aspects of life pertaining to a lady, from table manners to proper posture to appropriate dress. What sets this how-to guide apart from other publications of its kind and from good old advice from grandma is that it addresses issues particular to today’s young women. We are talking about the perfect bag, the perfect man, the perfect brow shape, BFFs, GFBs (Gay Best Friends), and how to shake what your mama gave ya in a wholly lady-like manner. Mr. Blasberg does not shy away from touchy subjects either. In Classy, you will find solutions on how to skirt around sexting, advice on dating online, and how to (gently) break it to your friend that she has the breath of a thousand furies. The handbook for the modern woman is much more than just a fantastic read; it is a shining beacon of hope for thousands of young girls in search of their inner lady, not to mention a great pairing to a candle-lit bubble bath. Mr. Blasberg, New York Times Bestseller and fellow NYU graduate, generously took time out of his busy schedule to reminisce with NYChic about his ascent to the classy life. NYChic: How was your time at NYU? I read about this black tie dinner you threw at a dining hall after saving up your meal plans? Derek: I loved my time at NYU. And yes, I did do a black tie dinner at Hayden Hall. It was my 21st birthday! NYChic: Did you always know you wanted to go into fashion? Derek: I was always interested in the creative arts. Growing up in Missouri, however, didn’t provide that much exposure to the industry, so I had to quickly learn how it worked when I moved here. My first job, when I was a freshman, was assisting a stylist; and then I worked at a few modeling agencies. NYChic: How did you come up with the concept for Classy? And may I just say, Classy has become the household Bible in my apartment, which I share with three other young ladies-in-training! Derek: Well, I’m glad to hear that you like the book. That puts a giant smile on my face. I was apprehensive about writing a commercial, comical book because I had spent so much of my career working for super high fashion, aspirational fashion magazines. The concept is pretty simple: there is a whole new set of challenges facing young women nowadays, and no one is being honest with them. Plus, I like

to think it’s funny. I respond well to humor! NYChic: Who do you think is the “ultimate lady?” Is there anyone who has served as a kind of muse for Classy? Derek: There are a few ladies out there, I promise. I think Emma Watson is doing a good job of remaining a smart, elegant young woman in the spotlight. And I like Karlie Kloss, who has been super successful from a young age and still has a good head on her shoulders. NYChic: How do you balance all your editor positions at different magazines, as well as your other writing projects? Do you have any free time? Derek: I don’t have much free time. But what I like about working on both magazines and websites is that I can create longer pieces with fantastic visuals and I also have an outlet for smaller blurbs that are almost instantaneous. It’s like thinking about my next book and being on Twitter. I like to have both options! NYChic: What are some of your career highlights? Was there ever a day that it dawned on you that you “made it?” Derek: I’ve met and interviewed some icons of this industry, like Tom Ford and Karl Lagerfeld, and quite a few notable actresses. Earlier this year I wrote Classy, which became a New York Times best seller, and that was a highlight. NYChic: In your book, you mention that you consider Andre Leon Talley to be one of your mentors. What’s the most valuable advice you have received from industry veterans? Derek: I’ve been lucky to have many great role models. Stephen Gan, Billy Norwich, and Andre Leon Talley are among the very long list. I’m not sure what the best piece of advice is... I’m still learning from them! NYChic: Now that you are practically a veteran yourself, do you have any advice to pass on to younglings looking to break into the fashion industry? Derek: I wish I had some fabulous tip to offer, but I really don’t. It’s the same as any job. Prepare yourself by consuming as much information about the industry as you can, work hard, stay late and try your best. NYChic: Where do you see yourself going in the next several years? Is there perhaps a sequel in the works? Derek: I don’t have a plan for the next few years, and that’s actually pretty thrilling! 1. 61


intern 62

INTERN PHOTOS BY m i c h e l l e w a t t EDITED BY e r i n s t o v a l l

Where do you intern/what is it? I work as a fact-checking and editorial intern at and

span of time, I’ve also learned how to write quickly and efficiently and how to help manage site content and material.

What are your duties? So far at ELLE, I’ve written numerous blog posts about runway shows, the latest trends, best beauty buys, celebrity updates and even relationship advice. I’ve also catalogued an array of designer brands from the site and helped migrate information from the old ELLEgirl site to our new and much improved site. There is so much creative liberty to be had here — my editor gives me so much leeway in terms of the ideas I pitch out to her and what I want to write about on any given day.

What has been the most difficult part of your internship? That’s a tough question. Honestly, the toughest part for me is just having to get myself up in the morning to come in at 9 a.m. (I’m always late, anyway). But apart from that, there was one long Friday afternoon when my editor just threw an endless list of tasks at me to do — write up three blog posts on this, help build posts on these sites, manage the URL spreadsheets, resize and re-upload all of these pictures, fix all of the errors on these sites, etc. But I made it a kind of challenge for myself to see how fast I could get all of it done. I felt a little like I was in Devil Wears Prada, and loved every minute of it.

How did you get the internship? I subscribed to the NYU undergraduate journalism listserv, and every day I get about a dozen emails from them about new and exciting journalism internship opportunities. I saw that they were offering this internship for credit and I just took a chance and sent my application in, thinking my chances were pretty slim. But I received a call the next day from human resources and went in for an interview. I have a terrible sense of direction and the worst luck with subways, so I showed up 20 minutes late to my interview and actually missed the HR person who was supposed to meet with me. Instead, I met with the associate editor, Krista, who asked me what interested me about working at ELLE. And much to my surprise, I was offered the position on the spot.

Kirsten’s Pick: Elle November 2010 Cover

“When I first saw the cover of ELLE's November 2010 issue, I thought it was absolutely breathtaking. The lovely Kate Hudson, her pose and her stunningly ethereal dress simply seemed so gorgeous and otherworldly.”

What have you learned from your internship? After having to write up and edit so many hard news stories for NYU’s student newspaper, coming to work at ELLE has been a breath of fresh air. I’d become so accustomed to just sticking to the facts, complying with rigid structures and reserving all judgment and opinion. But ELLE gave me a chance to break free from all that and focus on more fun, stimulating fields — the fields of fashion and entertainment. Naturally, I have come to learn a lot about the fashion world — who’s who and the latest trends for fall and spring. I’d like to think working for ELLE has also imbued me with a sense of style. And since I have to write so many blog posts in a short

What is (or was) the best part of your internship? Any cool perks or fun anecdotes? I’ve always aspired to be a working girl in the city — that always just seemed to fit the bill for me. And never before have I felt so glamorous, being perched in front of a computer atop the towering, formidable Time-Life Building. The view from there is spectacular. I love the fast-paced, high-energy feel of the office, and of course, occasionally stealing a glance to see what editor-in-chief Robbie Myers is wearing that day (I hope she hasn’t caught me staring at her yet). Scoring free copies of the latest issue of ELLE is always a plus, too. On some days, I also get to cover events for ELLE. A few weeks ago, I attended a private media breakfast at which Jordin Sparks was launching her new fragrance, “Because of You.” I ended up sitting two seats away from her at a table, and I got a free sample of her perfume to take home with me. What is the office environment like? The interns are very fashionable, but still wear jeans. I usually wear heels and editors wear flats. Nothing super fancy or formal. The Editor-in-chief of ELLE, Robbie Myers, is very stylish and wears crazy heels. What Kirsten is wearing: I’m wearing a Sweet Pea by Stacy Frati top, skirt from BeBe, shoes from Forever 21, and earrings from Target.

Kirsten Chang 1. 63

Eunsan Huh Where do you intern/what is it? I spent the summer as the editorial intern at, an online fashion platform founded and run by renowned fashion photographer Nick Knight. It’s based in London. They host film projects created by influential figures in fashion – Gareth Pugh’s latest S/S 2011 film was launched on in conjunction with his Paris presentation – and also have interviews and photo shoots that are broadcast live so anyone around the world can peer into the process behind fashion. What are your duties? Creating blog posts and text for the weekly newsletter and assisting the Fashion Director, Alex Fury. I also helped out on photo shoots that were going on in the upstairs studio, like the one with Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss for i-D magazine’s 30th anniversary issue. How did you get the internship? I’ve always been a fan of Nick’s work, and decided to write about him for an essay in my photography class. That’s how I found out about, and through the website I also found out that they offer 3-month long editorial internships. I decided to go out on a limb and apply, even though I wasn’t sure how I would go about leaving everything behind and move to London for the summer. A couple weeks later, I was in London visiting a friend and I was able to meet with Alex and studio manager Amy. I showed them several of my writing samples (from previous issues of NYChic!) and I guess they liked me because I got hired! After I was offered the placement, I applied for a UK work visa and found someone to sublet my apartment. What have you learned from your internship? I honestly cannot say enough good things about SHOWstudio. The entire experience was so inspirational and mind-blowing. It made me realize that there is so much more to fashion than just selling products and trends. The entire focus of SHOWstudio is the process and creativity behind fashion, not pushing products. Everyone there is very dedicated to their work, and it was very hands-on for the interns as well. Working with Alex has also made me realize that I want to pursue writing and now I am interning at the features department of V Magazine.


What has been the most difficult part of your internship? Leaving to come back to New York! I hope that I will have the opportunity to be a part of SHOWstudio again in the future. Also, trying to manage my rampant biscuit-eating habit that developed as a result of heavy tea drinking! What is (or was) the best part of your internship? Any cool perks or fun anecdotes? The entire experience was so surreal. The first weekend after I started my internship, Alex asked me to help out on the set of Nick and Naomi Campbell’s photo shoot for i-D Magazine. I got an exclusive look at all the behind-the-scenes action, and even looked through Nick’s camera! I also got to meet the boys from Proenza Schouler when they came in for their In Fashion interview with Alex. But my favorite was when Lady Gaga came to the studio to give us a urinal to be included in

the Inside Out exhibition that was happening in the gallery. I made her coffee! What is the office environment like? There was no outside pressure; everyone could wear whatever they wanted. What Eunsan is wearing: A black American Apparel dress, a graphic tank from Camden Market in London, and boots from 80%20 (where I interned before.)

Eunsan’s Pick: Nick Knight and Kate Moss for i-D 30th Anniversary Issue

“It was amazing being able to see the entire pro cess of a shoot, from the preparation of the set and the wardrobe to the hair and make up, and finally Nick Knight directing Kate Moss in front of the camera (which was all streamed live via SHOWstudios Live Studio).”

Where do you intern/what is it? I am an intern at VOGUE magazine in the accessories department. I assist Rickie De Sole, VOGUE’S Associate Accessories Editor.

but when you realize that this is a business and that millions of dollars are invested in the outcome of each of every issue, reality quickly sets in.

What are your duties? As I share the same Market as my boss, I deal with high-end bags, shoes and eco clothing. My responsibilities range from getting in samples for upcoming shoots to planning Rickie’s schedule and expensing her finances. Of course there are always those unexpected duties that arise and sometimes I’ll find myself at Barney’s or Bergdorfs pulling for trends that might work for a story we’re working on or heading out to appointments or fashion shows/presentations that Rickie can’t make it to!

What is (or was) the best part of your internship? Any cool perks or fun anecdotes? This was actually fairly recent but I was able to go on shoot and assist one of Vogue’s senior contributing editors Elissa Santisi and her assistant Emily Weiss, who many may remember from the show “The Hills” who had previously worked herself at Teen Vogue. The opportunity was amazing and Karlie Kloss who was the model for the shoot was so incredibly sweet! She baked us all brownies, but don’t worry as she put it “they’re healthy! I used applesauce instead of vegetable oil!”

How did you get the internship? I found out about my internship by contacting Vogue directly. I interned at Teen Vogue at the time so I figured it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch if I just sent them an email with my resume and voila! What have you learned from your internship? I have truly mastered the skill of multitasking. Sometimes we will have 4 or 5 shoots all going on at the same time and it’s part of my responsibility to see that they each get all their requested accessories for their shoots which can be in NYC, Paris, etc. If a shoe or bag that was supposed to get to a shoot doesn’t make it, there is no one to blame but me. It can get very intense but working under pressure is the only way to learn in this industry.

What is the office environment like? My internship really broadened my horizons about fashion. Everyone is very creative and editor has a distinct style—they really know who they are without being a slave to trends. What Nathan is wearing: I’m wearing a vintage Helmut Lang sweater, Acne shirt, a ring from Japan, Robert Geller jeans and Ann Demeulemeester boots.

What has been the most difficult part of your internship? I would say that my most difficult challenge for me was staying afloat after starting. The huge load of responsibilities that were shrugged on me seemed immense. I was terrified that I was going to slip up and make some horrible mistake. When I first started there was only the whole glamorous idea of the job in my head Nathan’s Pick: The Row Fall 2010

“There’s something oddly alluring about the girl who can pull off a leather t-shirt. Oddly enough this item once considered trendy and risque is bridging the nearly impossible gap into becoming a wardrobe essential. Want proof? just ask Celine. You know something is a staple when a megabrand centered on streamlined minimalism (and camel) is placing you front and center on their runways.”

Nathan Simpson 1. 65

Valerie Bisharat Where do you intern/what is it? I worked as the Intern to the Business Manager at Karla Otto Inc. from May until late September. Karla Otto is a fashion public relations firm with offices in all five fashion capitals (Paris, Milan, London, New York and L.A.), representing primarily European brands. Some of the clients that our New York offices work on include Celine, Viktor & Rolf, Marni, Emilio Pucci, Sergio Rossi and Thakoon. What are your duties? I came into the Business Department when it was in its beginning stages (Karla’s New York office was only established three years ago). At first, the department consisted of just me and my boss. Before that, Karla Otto had just employed a two-day-a-week accountant, so there was a lot of catching up to do. I was responsible for managing our clients’ expenses, handling finances for events and editors’ fashion week travels, reconciling credit card statements, and conducing general HR and overhead for the company. By the time I left, my boss had hired three other interns and the business side of Karla Otto was really growing. How did you get the internship? Before Karla Otto, I interned in the Fashion Department at Teen Vogue. While working there, I became familiar with the premier New York fashion PR companies. I saw a Karla Otto internship position on CraigsList and immediately knew from my previous experiences that it would be an opportune next step. I initially interviewed for a position in the showroom. The interview lasted almost an hour. I knew after a few short minutes that the Karla Otto atmosphere would be a perfect fit for me. Once I mentioned that I wanted to work on the business side of fashion, though, my interviewer introduced me to Tiffany (the Business manager), my future boss. I didn’t hear from Tiffany after my interview for around two weeks. I was really nervous. In the last hour of my last day at Teen Vogue, she contacted me offering the position as her intern. I remember walking out of the Condé Nast building that last time feeling relieved I’d

secured my next move. What have you learned from your internship? Tiffany taught me about effective management. She was generous enough to include me during conference calls with our newlyfounded L.A. office and gave me significant responsibilities when it came to helping L.A. set up their own Business Department. She taught me small things: the importance of compiling a “to-discuss” list prior to meetings, sending out attention-grabbing, concise emails to employees, and so much more. Other than those managerial skills, I learned an incredible amount about accounting, money management, record-keeping, and generally how a PR company is structured from A to Z. My desk was in the pressroom, so I also gleaned some insight from the PR girls about strategy. What has been the most difficult part of your internship? My four months at Karla Otto were overwhelmingly positive. Every person there is friendly, motivated and welcoming. Both of my bosses did everything within their power to teach their interns as much as possible. What is (or was) the best part of your internship? Any cool perks or fun anecdotes? The best part of my internship was working the door and backstage at the Thakoon Fall Fashion Week show. I stood inches from the runway, and ten feet away from Anna Wintour, Grace Coddington, Virginia Smith, and Andre Leon Talley. When the lights dimmed in the studio and the music started playing, I felt like I was finally experiencing exactly what I’d come to New York to do. What is the office environment like? It’s casual but feminine. While interning at Karla Otto, I adapted more feminine dresses and florals to my style. What Valerie is wearing: I’m wearing J Brand cargos, Chanel flats, a Guy Baxter stripe shirt, a necklace from Alaska, and Givenchy lipstick.

Valerie’s Pick: Celine Spring 2011

“I love this look because it’s quintessential Celine -- clean, effortless cuts and unconventional but powerful color choices. Phoebe Philo is so good at making minimalism exciting.”


Kelsie Pelletier Where do you intern/what is it? I intern at Miu Miu, a womenswear brand designed by Miuccia Prada. The brand was created in 1992, and it delivers the luxury of Prada but with a completely different, younger, very creative aesthetic. What are your duties? I assist the Public Relations team, along with one other intern. We process requests for samples from magazines like Vogue and W for editorial content. It’s the interns’ job to make sure the most important magazines get what they want as easily and as smoothly as possible. I work in our stockroom at the corporate headquarters, and we’ve mostly been working with the Fall/Winter 2010 and Resort 2010 collections. How did you get the internship? I was so lucky! I found the listing on Career Net this summer. I submitted a resume and a cover letter explaining how my past experience in sales at Vera Wang would make me a perfect fit and expressed my excitement about the Miu Miu brand. It was only the next day that I got a call to schedule an interview. I was at home in Georgia, but I was lucky that my now boss decided that a phone interview would suffice. We talked for about half an hour and just really clicked. CareerNet has great listings if you have the patience to sift through the finance ones! I saw listings for Elle Magazine, Yohji Yamamoto, and among other exciting fashion industry opportunities.

Kelsie’s Pick: Miu Miu Spring/Summer 2011

What has been the most difficult part of your internship? Sometimes the hours can be intense. If we have a particularly busy day, I may not get lunch until 3:00. I’m lucky to have a boss that respects my time, though, and if we’re having a slow day, she understands that I’m still a student and will let me go as early as she can. What is (or was) the best part of your internship? Any cool perks or fun anecdotes? It’s great working at a brand that I find exciting and inspirational. The clothes in person are so much better than the pictures on Style. com! A cool highlight was delivering some samples to Vogue. Hamish Bowles, a famous editor, was in the lobby. He’s like a celebrity to me, and he was right there! It’s just a fun environment and I’m lucky enough that I get to enjoy going to work. What is the office environment like? People are very dressed up in Miu Miu and Prada around the office yet they still retain their own style. I became more influenced to dress up and use it as a career tool. What Kelsie is wearing: I’m wearing a top from Forever 21, a skirt from 4th grade, MIA wedges, vintage rings, and a sweater from Target.

What have you learned from your internship? The importance of making connections and being nice! We send thank you notes, are always polite and as punctual as possible, and try our best to uphold (and improve) Miu Miu’s brand reputation. I’m also learning that there are definitely politics behind what we see in magazines every month. Everyone at Miu Miu and Prada does an amazing job at making sure our clothes make it into the most respected publications every month.

“I love this look because it represents a collection that is in a totally new direction for Miu Miu. It’s sophisticated, but they colors are still young and eye-popping. Plus, Freja Beha is one of my favorite models of the moment, and she looks flawless in this season’s Miu Miu.” 1. 67

Where do you intern/what is it? I’m a press intern at the 3.1 Phillip Lim corporate office. What are your duties? Samples trafficking, monitoring print and online press, organizing the showroom, organizing sample sales, and stuffing gift bags for fashion shows. How did you get the internship? I emailed my cover letter and resume to the PR coordinator and I was asked to come in for an interview the following week. I did my research before my interview and read up on the designer, brand and company, and how it has grown since the beginning and all the different lines they carry. Luckily, I read several interviews on Phillip but I still panicked when I was asked to describe Phillip’s aesthetic in my own words and how I think the company will grow in the near future. I was a PR intern at Fendi for a semester and I became familiar with the process of sample trafficking and media monitoring. However, I learned the most when working on NYChic because I had to learn everything through trial and error and there was no “supervisor” to ask for help. When you have practically no resources, you have to be creative. What have you learned from your internship? I learned how to multi-task and work extremely quickly as my supervisors throw different tasks at me every day. The other day I had to call Paris to buy tights and unfortunately, the sales associate only spoke French so I had to quickly remember all my high school French to communicate with her. At Fendi, I never had to answer the phone so at 3.1, I panicked every time the phone rang. Now, it has become second nature for me to answer the phone eloquently after months of practice. What has been the most difficult part of your internship? A lot of interns think fashion internships are so glamorous and they don’t realize how much


hard work is needed. It’s difficult working with someone who doesn’t really want to be here when we have to work long hours or carry 5 heavy garment bags. The most difficult part is working with interns who don’t take the internship as seriously as I do but luckily, most interns at 3.1 Phillip Lim are college graduates who are a lot more mature and experienced.


What is (or was) the best part of your internship? Any cool perks or fun anecdotes? The best part of the internship is definitely being able to see all the runway pieces before the show and have the best standing spot at the show (usually next to the media pit). We also have a lot of photo shoots at the showroom and I got to help set up props for the set. The most memorable one was when Fortune Magazine came and shot Phillip Lim with Alexa Chung and Kanye West dropped by and ended up in the shoot. I didn’t know Kanye was coming so when I got to the office holding 2 huge garment bags from Vogue, there was Mr. West! The office was so chaotic: one intern was running around looking after Phillip’s dog, Oliver, and another intern ran to get more champagne... What is the office environment like? The office environment is very relaxed yet chic—a good representation of Phillip’s aesthetic. It’s really nice to see the staff incorporate Phillip pieces with their own style as each person wears the piece completely differently. When I go shopping now, I’m immediately drawn to Phillip- inspired pieces and think “doesn’t this look like Runway 26…?” What Andrea is wearing: I’m wearing 3.1 Phillip Lim men’s double breasted cardigan, Club Monaco leather shorts, and Nine West booties. I got the cardigan from our sample sale and I get so many compliments when I wear it. People are always surprised its menswear because the cardigan is half silk! Also, when I wear it untucked, the pockets are the perfect size for our lookbooks so it makes my life easier at work! Andrea’s Pick: 3.1 Phillip Lim Fall 2010

Andrea Ng 68

“My favorite piece from Fall 2010 is definitely the asymmetrical tunic. The piece floats so gracefully in movement. I’ve seen it styled beautifully in so many ways that you really can’t go wrong with this piece.”

s e i m m u D r o f s r o t i d E n e o i n i h s z a a F ag e h t M o t e d i u G p o k r c i C u e Q h t A f o m a e r C s ’ d l r Wo vall by Erin Sto

1. Carine Roitfeld, the Provacateur Known for her daring style, Carine began her position as the editor-in-chief of Vogue Paris (which recently celebrated its 90th anniversary) in 2001. Miss Roitfeld has never been one to shy away from controversy and her publication consistently produces some of the most provocative editorials the fashion industry has ever seen. Two of her most recent scandalous shoots featured a Dutch model in blackface and plus-size model Crystal Renn devouring a whole squid. In a recent interview for the New York Times fashion blog back in March, she said that she and her team must “fight to keep this un-politically correct attitude of French Vogue, but it’s more and more difficult to be able do that. You cannot smoke, you cannot show arms, you cannot show little girls, because everyone now is very anxious not to have problems with the law. Everything we do now is like walking in high heels on the ice, but we keep trying to do it.” The fashion world was shocked that Roitfeld claimed that she had been “blacklisted” from the Balenciaga show. The label allegedly refuses to send samples to her magazine. Needless to say, banning such a high profile editor had everyone buzzing about what Carine had done to upset the French design house, but she herself just shrugged it off.

2. Anna Dello Russo: The Ultimate Fashionista The fashion director of Japanese Vogue, Italian-born Anna Dello Russo and her extensive wardrobe are considerably more popular than the magazine she works for. One can only describe her personal style as fearless. She’s just about the only person who can take over-the-top looks straight from the runway and wear them in real life. In a February interview with New York magazine, she says that even she finds herself to be “hilarious” and “ridiculous.” Such an attitude is a rarity in the industry.

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Her outrageous outfits can always be spotted on tons of street style bloggers, including the Sartorialist and Jak & Jil. An avid collector of couture, she recently admitted to owning over 4,000 pairs of shoes and has an entire apartment that serves only as a storage facility for her clothes. When asked about how she manages to care for so many priceless pieces of clothing, she responded, “collecting clothes is complicated because the clothes need a space and the right temperature. You really destroy clothes if you leave it there, no? It’s dusty, it’s hot—it ruins the clothes. It’s so freezing in my house! The clothes need to be cold. Has to be no more than 15 degrees Celsius.” She claims her boyfriend doesn’t live with her since there’s no space because of the clothes. Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is what you call a passion for fashion.

3. Kate Lanphear: The Rebel Kate, the style director of ELLE magazine, is another favorite with fashion bloggers despite the fact the she tends to shy away from the spotlight. With her signature short platinum blond hair and her edgy androgynous style, she has become one of the industry’s most popular trendsetters and quickly amassed a cult following after taking the position at ELLE. While Lanphear’s editorial work is fantastic, all eyes are usually on her as a style icon. She somehow manages to mix and match simple pieces in a unique way that shows that sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Her favorite things include studs, gray cashmere, anything thing with holes, and the color black. Only she can manage looking so casual, yet so high fashion at the same time. Another cool fact? She likes to shop at the vintage stores on Saint Mark’s Place. Thousands of her fans try so hard to replicate her look which she puts together so effortlessly. In a 2007 feature for fashion news blog Refinery29, she described her style as “potluck,” claiming she just put on “whatever has just come back from the dry-cleaner.” If only it was that easy for the rest of us… Kate Lanphear is living proof that it’s not what you wear, but how you wear it.


4. Gloria Baume: The Teenager at Heart A quick Google image search will reveal that Gloria, fashion director of Teen Vogue, is another favorite among top street style bloggers. She’s known for her youthful and quirky style, and is never afraid to mix bright colors and prints. It’s no wonder that she names her tween-aged daughter Anita as her number one source for inspiration. As someone who had the opportunity to work with Gloria during a six month internship in Teen Vogue’s fashion department, I can also assure you that she is as kind and warm-hearted as she is stylish. Baume has been the head of the department since the magazine’s beginning and has really developed its aesthetic in the past seven years. In a blog interview this past February, Gloria says of her job: “Being a fashion director is one thing but being a Teen Vogue Fashion Director is what makes it so amazing! Teen Vogue is unlike any other magazine. We are about style. Personal style. The quirky, cool, easy-way each girl or boy puts himself or herself together. It’s about how they mix and match and break the rules. Fashion is important, and trends are directional. But what matters to us is style that emanates from a personal journey.”

5. Dani Stahl: The Free Spirit

Dani Stahl’s journey through the cutthroat world of fashion is probably the ultimate success story. The NYU alum began as an intern at Elle until earning a full time position there, held a stint at Vogue as a fashion assistant, and then assisted the editor-in-chief of the indie chic Nylon magazine. From that point, she became the accessories editor and is currently the style director. In addition, she is a correspondent for Nylon TV and designed over twenty collections for online jewelry brand Lia Sophia. She is known for her eccentric style and boldly claims that she, not Lady Gaga, started the whole “pantsless” trend. One of the best things about her is that she really doesn’t care or stress too much about her look. In mid October she tweeted: “Today people are really staring at d.stizz on the street - I either look cool or crazier than usual - or maybe it’s just my new awesome bag.”Dani could care less whether or not you think she’s cool and that’s exactly what makes her so awesome. Her “downtown chic” taste is part of what makes Nylon such a cool and unique magazine. Dani shows that hard work and talent will eventually help you make it to the top. 1. 71

6. Nicola Formichetti: The Innovator There’s no doubt that Nicola has been quite a busy man these days. Most notably, he is the fashion director of Vogue Hommes Japan (his site notes that he “he oversees each issue’s production, features, and styling from start to finish”) and stylist to singing sensation Lady Gaga. One look at the offbeat and sometimes outlandish pictures on his official blog and you can immediately see why the two would mesh so well. Nicola is responsible for the styling of some her most controversial looks including the meat dress she donned at this year’s MTV Video Music Awards. Through his styling is usually dramatic and over-the-top, his own personal style is the complete opposite. He’s mostly spotted wearing headto-toe black, basic pieces, and the occasional vintage touch. He also is the creative director of Thierry Mugler and fashion director of Uniqlo. The internet was buzzing back in late August when he posted pictures of an editorial featuring a “male” model allegedly named Jo Calderone. It was later revealed that Mr. Calderone was none other than Gaga herself. Typically he stays away from working with celebrities, but made an exception for the Lady Gaga. The singer says of Nicola: “I love him, my friend the genius, my collaborator, more than any piece of clothing or closet I possess. But don’t tell him I said that, he’ll die. He picked them all out.” We can’t wait to see what he has up his sleeve next.

7. Taylor Tomasi-Hill: The Clothing Chameleon Tomasi-Hill first gained attention in the fashion world as Teen Vogue’s accessories director. Currently, she’s holds the same position at Marie Claire. She’s known for her fiery red hair, penchant for statement necklaces, and Norma Kamali cat-eye sunglasses. Shutterbugs posted outside of Fashion Week shows are sure to snap pictures of her as she leaves. Taylor also has the incredible ability to mix femininity with masculinity and neutrals with neons like no other in the industry. Her layering skills are unmatched and her style is constantly evolving so she manages to effortlessly pull off so many different looks. One thing is certain; Taylor always sports the most killer accessories on the market. In an interview with fashion blog Refinery 29, she said, ““I try to stay true to myself as much as possible. I love to mix and match pieces from stores like J.Crew and Topshop with my runway favorites like Proenza Schouler, Ann Demeulemeester, and Phillip Lim. Also being comfortable is a huge part of getting dressed, because I spend a ton of time running around the city from appointments, to meetings, and in and out of the office. Basics save my life!” Oh, what I wouldn’t do to have the chance to raid her closet… 72

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