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Lieutenant Governor's Greeting

DIVISION 24 - OCTOBER NEWSLETTER Lieutenant Governor's Greeting

Hi Key Clubbers!!


Happy October! I hope the school year is going well for everyone, it seems like the first month of school flew by!

ERFs are past due, but please still turn them in. If you haven ’t completed your club elections yet, that should be your club's top priority. If you have completed your elections, have your club's president fill out the ERF as soon as possible. The September MRF is also due this month. The deadline has been extended to October 12th so be sure to have your secretary fill it out. As always, please also turn in any late paperwork your club forgot to submit. It’ s better late than never!

Back-to-School season is here and it’ s the most important time to gain new members! Be sure to advertise your meetings and service events to all of the students in your school and send out reminders. Tell new members and anyone interested the benefits of joining Key Club (helping those in your community, meeting amazing new people, learning leadership skills, and so much more). Also, reach out to freshmen in your school, they will be your club's leaders in the coming years.

I hope everyone has an amazing rest of the month, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the newsletter!

Yours in Service, Anna Scott Division 24 Lieutenant Governor

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