No.3 Seotember 1963 THE AIR IS CHARGED! Right now the phones are ringing, typewriters chattering, brain cells grinding -- all in preparation for the Land Use Conference at Albany, September 6th, and our Fall Meeting at Pack Forest, September 27th. Your President's statement for the former has been formulated by the Planning Committee and has gone to press; the programs for the latter are all printed and ready.
WE ARE NOW INCORPORATED and duly registered with the State of New York. official papers are on file with Secretary Carlson.
THESE EVENTS ARE SIGNIFICANT. They mean that we are moving and becoming a recognized factor in enlightened conservation with the hope that our joint efforts will benefit all. In other words we are a "going concern", but let us not forget that no association is going any place unless it is "concerned" about its members. Let's hear from you. NEWS RELEASE. Under a Syracuse head-line, over 200 newspapers and radio stations have received a news release from our Publicity Committee (Peter B. Volmes cooperating) which announces that an estimated 100 of our members will "go back to school" on the occasion of our Fall Meeting. To gain better understanding and new insights into what is a good tree, what is a good forest and what is a good ~aw-log, FOA members will visit needle~carpeted stands of young pine tree plantations and century and a half old virgin growth. The comment of your President is quoted as follows: "With over 255,000 forest land owners in New York State and half of the State6s 30 million acres consisting of forest land, our Association has an outstanding opportunity to help develop more wood wealth, job opportunities and recreational appeal as the people of New York State become aware of the vast tree growing resource. We invite those interested to join us in making New York State truly proud of this great forest potential. Better managed forest land can bring additional benefits to numerous communities where forest land is the most important single natural resource." MRS. DOROTHY WERTHEIMER has sent us the following message from the Program Committee meeting, August 27th: NOTICE TO CAMERA BUFFS -- There will be many fine opportunities at Pack Forest, September 27 and 28, for unusual photographic shots in the white pine forests. Bring along your cameras, all kinds, any sizes. The uses for excellent shots are many: press releases, our educational program, district meetings, historians files, displays at annual meetings. Give us a chance to judge your talent with a lens - maybe your picture will become historical.
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'~t.hi ~;: ake Jnd empha tharf a ~st o~the many . are possible. A printed statement has therefore been prepared an~'::Wi ted to the conference by your President which makes the following' j/..•;J:"'_
PROVIDE MORE FREE PROFESSIONAL FOREST SERVICE to fores~~c,~.g~'I~~ owners in this State! This is necessary, we claim, because 3001000 acres of agricultural land is being retired each year, and it is reasonable to assume that 200,000 of these acres are potential forest land. Last year 35 Conservation Department Foresters signed up owners of about 40~000 acres of forest land and had 819 unfilled requests for .service on hand. ~~_ therefore acquiti.!l9....Qotential timber growing forest land ~te ~proximately five times greater than the State of New York at present is prepared_to help guide this land into a wea It!L..P.!'oducing resource for the State. In other wor ds , ju-st havin...9.. forest land available is not enough - what really counts is what is happening - and what is going to happen_..2!l.._this forest land. "WHEN I STAND in a young woods and Li stsn to the quiet murmuring of the trees I planted with my own hands, I feel that lIve had a small share in improving the earth1 and that if mankind is happier a thousand years from now, I will have been a little responsible." --from "Uncle Vanya" as quoted by Brookes Atkinson in his column "Critic at Large", New York Times, November 9~ 1962.
WE HOPE TO SEE YOU at Pack Forest, September 27 and 28. REGISTRATION
DEADLINE~ September 16