Issued Monthly by New York Forest Owners Association, Inco Presidents Editor-Secretary: reasurer-Membership Secretary:
Dr. Eugene Klochkoff, 20 E. 74th St., New York 21, N.Yo Floyd E. Carlson, College of Forestry, Syracuse, NoY. Mrs. Luella B. Palmer, 157 Ballantyne Rd., Syracuse, N.Y.
D SUPPLY INDUSTRIAL PAYROLL, COMMUNITY BENEFIT Remarks of Henry Gallien, .,Director of Bureau of Industrial Deveent, )N.Y. State Departmen.t of Commerce, ven at 'Third Annual Meeting NYFOA Syrae, N.Y., .April 24, 1965.) In my job of assisting exi~ting indus~ in New York State and attracting new stry to the state, I am<particula~ly cerned with the utilization of one of York State's great natural resources timb~r. My approach to,the problem is ittledifferent from the economist's. sees the wood using industry as a small oercent of the state's economy and hence a!'ds'ft as of minor irnpor t.ance, My view different, since I view it as of major ortance, to areas of the state where the ac~ of new payrolls is particularly ong~ Further, I feel that encouraging 路sting~plants to expand o~ bringing in plants accomp li shes two things: it exs'the use of a re$ource which is currly under~utilized and wh~ch has great ential and secoorl, the new payrolls give substantial shot in the arm to the local To illustrate this point, let me relate case histories of two recent additions our industrial family in locations widepeparated but similar in their proximity the desired wood supplies.
The first is the Adirondack' Plywood Corp. recently established at Tupper Lake in the former plant of the Oval Wood Dish Corp. You are all familiar with Oval Wood Dish's unfortunate history of regression from a major employer and wood user to a shadow of its former self. We in Commerce Knew of the plant's availability, in confI禄 dence, of course. Hence, when we received an inquiry from Mr. Reuben Washburn, President of Washburn Lumber Co. of Pittsburgh9 New Hampshire, about plant sites in timber country, we immediately suggested the Oval Wood Dish plant. Several months went by, during which much information was furnished and the plant was inspected. The clincher, however, waS a timber supply study in depth, prepared by our good friend here, Tom Shearer. Negotiations were completed and today the plant is flour~ ishing. Its output of door fatings and other veneers is sold out formonths'aheado It is consuming 10 million board feet a year of maple, birch, beech, oak and cherry~ They are delighted with the amount and quality of the wood supply. The payroll of about 125 is contributing more than $600,000. per year to local prosperity. In addition, new quarters were found for the approximately 20 people on the Oval Wood Dish payroll and they, too, are operating profitably. The second example is the Allied Chemi= cal and Dye Corporation plant which will be built at Deposit, New York, to manufacture
particle board. This plant is'not only ?t ; candidate has be~n selected the .first the opposite border of the state from Tupper award is expected to be made at the Fourth Lake, but its raw material is also at the Annual Meeting to be held in S~racuse on opposite end of the scale from Adirondack April 30, 1966. Plywood's. The Allied. plant will consume 350 Candidates for the' Heiberg Award: tons per day of scrub hardwood, a commodity for which there is currently no market in that "Any person over 18 years of age with a area. It will employ 75 with annual payrolls forest interest in New York State who in judgement of the Award Committee has during of over $300,000. In the Deposit area, this is a substantial addition to the economy. the preceding year, brought to fruition, has conceived and completed a significant To summarize, then, here are but two examples of the benefits to forest owners and project in the field of conservation, landto the local economy of the establishment of use, land restoration, forestry management new or enlarged wood using plants. To point or other actions in keeping with the aims and purposes of the New York Forest Owners up the overall effect of these 200 new jobs, note the following figures estimated by the Association; or who has made any other signi U.S. Chamber of Commerce. They say that 100 ficant contribution to the general welfare new factory jobs bring the following additionthe field of forestry and conservation, be on the land, in the laboratory, in communic al benefits. tion, education, legislation, or by the me 359 more people of any other directly related activities, be a candidate for the award." 100 " households 91 " school children Procedure: $229,000 " bank deposits Descriptive entries are to be submitt 3 " retail establishments to regional agents who are members of the 97 " passenger cars registered Award Committee. These regions are defined $331,000 " retail sales per year by the established Conservation Department 65 " employed in non-manufacturing forest districts. The finalists brought f $710,000 " personal income per year ward from the regional agencies will be With this kind of goal in sight, isn1t it judged by a committee of three in Syracuse acting on behalf of the state-wide Heiberg obvious why we in Commerce are so willing and Memorial Award Committee, with whatever anxious to put you forest producers in touch fessiona1 assistance may be deemed necessa with new buyers and users of your product? The winner shall be notified well in advan of the April 30 meeting at which time a sui able award shall be made by the New York Forest Owners Association. MULTI-PURPOSE IDEA Notices of the Heiberg Memorial Award being estab~ished have been sent to tQe New From Member Paul Einert, 195 John St., EngleYork Christmas Tree Growers Association, t wood, N.J., 07631, comes this paragraph: Forest Practice Board, New York State Cons "A small comment to the big multi-purpose vation Council, the Empire State Forest Pr idea. I get a kick out of low pruning my woods in order to get at choice mushrooms ducts Association, the Adirondack Lumbermen which my woods seem to have many of. If I Association, and the Northern Loggers Asso iation. won't market these delicacies at least I will make some friends happy in sharing mushrooms Members of Heiberg Award Committee: with them." Suggestions for candidates for the berg Memorial Award are to be submitted as follows: Candidates from Forest Districts 1, 25 HEIBERG MEMORIAL AWARD ESTABLISHED 3, 6, 8 to Mr. Hendric van Loon, Forester, Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. - or to Mr. At its 20th meeting held in Syracuse on H. Russell Martin, 201 College Ave., Ithaca November 6, 1965, your NYFOA Board of DirN.Y. ectors heard a report by the Committee on the Candidates frem Forest Districts 4 and Heiberg Memorial Award prepared by its chair5 are to be submitted to Dr. Co Eugene Farn man and Board member, Mrs. Dorothy Wertheimer. worth, New York State College of Forestry, The report was unanimously approved. If a
AWARD (continued)
Syracuse, N.Y. 13210 - or to Mr. Albert S. Loucks, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Midtown Plaza, Syracuse, N.Y., 13203. Candidates from Forest Districts 7, 9, 0, 11 are to be submitted to Mr. Lawrence Gordon, 119 Ballston Ave., Ballston Spa,
.Y. Candidates from Forest Districts 12, 13, 4, 15 are to be submitted to Miss Jane Barton, New York State Department of Commerce, 12 State St., Albany, N.Y.
A letter from Richard J. McNeil-, Ass Lstant Professor, Department of Conservation, rnell University, says in part: "regarding e Home'Study Course 'Conservation of Natal Resources', we have had the biggest en11mentyet in the course -- nearly 400 kers. We don't know yet, but hope to find t later more about their sources of infortion. At any rate, the enrollment has been st pleasing." It will be interesting to know how many OA members are enrolled in the course with s seven lessons in conservation. If you ve questions about the course, contact Proessor McNeil, Fernow Hall, Cornell University, N.Y. 14850.
SIDENT JOHNSON'S MESSAGE ON NATURAL BEAUTY PART IX. tor's note: We continue with another in 12 part message.) CLEAN WATER "Enforcement authority must be strenthento provide positive controls over the disof pollutants into our interstate or able waters. I recomment enactment of slation to: --"Provide, through the setting of effve water quality standards, combined with ift and effective enforcement procedure, ational program to prevent water pollution 路ts source rather than attempting to cure ution after it occurs. --"Increase project giant ceilings and e additonal incentives for multi-muni1 projects under the waste treatment
facilities construction program. --"Increase the ceilings for grants to State water pollution control programs. --"Provide a new research and demonstration construction program leading to the solution of problems caused by the mixing of storm water runoff and sanitary wastes. "The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare will undertake an intensive program to clean up the Nation's most polluted rivers. With the cooperation of States and cities -- using the tools of regulation, grant and incentives -- we can bring the most serious problem of river pollution under control. We cannot afford to do less. "We wi 11 work wi th Canada to develop a pollution control program f or .the Gr aa t Lakes and other border waters. "Through an expanded program carried on by the Departments of Health, Education, and Welfare and Interior, we will continue to seek effective and economical methods for controlling pollution from acid mine drainage. "To improve the quality of our waters will require the fullest cooperation of our State and local government. Working together, we can and will preserve and increase one of our most valuable natural resources -- clean water. CLEAN AIR "The enactment of the Clean Air Act in December of 1963 represented a long step forward in our ability to understand and control the difficult problem of air pollution. The 1966 Budget request of 24 million dollars is almost double the amount spent on air pollution programs in the year prior to its enactment. "In addition, the Clean Air Act should be improved to permit the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to investigate potential air pollution problems before pollution happens, rather than having to wait until the damage occurs, as is now the case, and to make recommendations leading to the prevention of such pollution. "One of the principal unchecked sources of air pollution is the automobile. I intend to institute discussions with industry officers and others interested groups leading to an effective elimination or substantial reduction of pollution from liquid fuel motor vehicles."
Aldo Leopold: "We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect."
PLWJOOD BOOI:15IN SOUTHERN U. S . BY WILLIAlllD. SMITH Hcvolutionary is an overworked part of the business lexicon, but it is the word to describe recent events in the nation's billion-dollar plywood industry. The industry, the fastest growing in the United States according to Federal Reserve Board figures, came out of its regional shell last year, bringing changes in technology and marketing that could make 1965 the greatest growth year in its history. Plywood was invested in the Pacific Nor thne s t and until last year came almost exclusively from that area. In 1964, however, three plants were opened in the South for the production of plywood from southern pine. At least 30 plywood plants are being built or have been definitely planned for the South in the near future. What happened? Why should a successful industry suddenly break from its established patterns? Gene C. Brewer, president of the United States Plywood Corporation has said, "New technology, the proximity of the South to important markets and economics of timber utilization all combined to produce the revolution." The first major commercial southern pine plywood plant was opened by the Georgia-Pacific Corporation in January, 1964, at Fordyce, Arkansas. Last September, United states Plywood, in a joint venture with Temple Industries, opened a plant at Diboll, Tex. All the equipment in the Diboll plant had been designed especially for making plywood out of southern pine. The third plywood plant now operating in the South is a Kirby Lumber Company facility at Silsbee, Tex. Any thought that the use of southern pine for plywood was a passing fancy was
quickly dispelled when two other forest product giants, the Weyerhaeuser Comp~ny and the Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, started construction of multimillion-dollar southern pine plywood facilities. SoutheInpine plywood production capacity is expected to reach more than one billion square feet by the end of 1965. This is about two thirds of the national plywood expansion scheduled for this year and about 8 per cent of expected plywood demand. These totals are expected to doubl within a few years. In recognition of this trend, wood trade association changed its name last year from the Douglas Fir Dlywood Association to the American Plywood Associa tion. The New York Times, '-,unday,January 313 1965.
Known to many NYFOA-WGY listeners of eastern N-ew York, Floyd Carlson, your secre tary, has been a regular producer of radio programs for the State University College 0 Forestry on the first Monday of each month over WGY's Farm Paper of the Air, since October of 1937 - just over 28 years. On January 3, 1966, his guest will be Dean Hardy L. Shirley of the College of Forestry 5geakin9 on "The College of For~ estry In 1966." In 1960 Floyd was asked to serve as a WGY Countryside Speaker on the months with a fifth Wednesday - four times a yearo Now he has been asked to take the place of Charles John Stevenson, widely known Count side Speaker and humorist, who died last October. As a consequence Floyd will take the second Wednesday of each month. His first t.alk on November 10 was entitled "Too of the Tree", a talk on leaves. His second on December 8 is "Light on the Christmas Tree", and on January 12, 1966, his topic will be "Trees and Geologi.c Time." The WGY College of Forestry and Co un side Talks go on the air over ~GY, a 50,000 watt station, about 12:30 noon (dial 810) a are heard by an estimated quarter of a mill listeners.