The New York Forest Owner - Volume 6, Number 9

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the VOIce of 255,000 forest owners in New York - representing an ownership of II million acres 'l;,,!:\>:~ 4·'!\'·'The forest, c ompr rs mg 1/3 of th'e land area of the United States, consti.,\ihtes a basic natural resource vitally important to the economic and spiritual well being of the American people, - Preamble to Forest Policies of the Society of American Foresters, 1968.


JOHN STOCK SAYS _~~VU'.V."'"TO THE ADIRONDACKS" "The Adirondack's a great . I know because I have spent s in what I consider to be the New York State.


pure Adirondack forest tanged ~...., ••., enj oying the 6th Annual Fall of NYFOA." e reservations for our Annual eeting of NYFOA Friday and y Sept. 20 and 21 and timed the moment when the splendor

ON HUNTINGTON TOUR (right) , Huntington Forest Wildlife and William C. Tierson, For~"""lCLger, stand in fr ont of one and acre deer enclosure and beside containing 20 channel record_ ipment, used in study of deer habits and preferences.

The 6th Fall Meeting program gets underway with a tour of the 15,000 acre Arthur and Anna Huntington Wildlife Station operated by the State University College of Forestry at Syracuse University. Stop No. 1 on tour of the Huntington Forest will be right off Route 28N at the site of a former CCC Camp, 2 miles west of Newcomb, N. Y. and 12 miles east of the village of Long Lake. Plan to be on hand promptly on FridaySept. 20 at 12:30 noon with all individuals having had their lunch before this time. Then you will have an opportunity to register, and during the 45 minutes between 12:30 and 1:15 you can then walk through a splendid, intensively managed white pine plantation, one of the finest white pine plantations in the Adir ondacks. Automobiles will assemble along a woods road just off the main highway Route 28N. From there it will be an easy walk through the white pine plantation. Atl:l5tol:30 there will be awelcome by President Stock and by Dr. Donald F. Behrend, Director of the HuntingtonForest, just prior to starting the auto tour of the Huntington Forest. The tour by car begins promptly at 1:30 and continues until 4:30. Late comers will find signs to enable them to join up with the car caravan. Stop 2 on the tour will be at the Spring Hill area. Here is an unusual opportunity to see the management steps taken by chemical thinning, to improve the forest and compare it with the native untreated woods just acros s the road. Bill Tierson, Forest Manager of the "Huntington Forest, and

BILL TIERSON, PROFESSIONAL FORESTER NUZZLES "STUBBORN"" 2 year old buck, hand raised from a fawn. Bill Tierson is a native New Yorker with 17 years experience on the 15,000 acre Huntington Forest where annual timber harvests are made on designated areas. Don Behrend will act as leaders on the tour. Stop 3 will be in the Catlin Lake Landing. This is a natural area and an undeveloped 500 acre lake that is as untouched today as it was when the Adirondack Indians enjoyed it for the centuries before Columbus discovered America. With good weather and vivid autumn color s, there should be an excellent opportunity for picture taking. Stop 4 is one of the unique features of the Huntington Forest research areas. It will show what happens to the woods when deer are kept out, through a fenced exclosure. We will learnfrom Don Behrend how the deer population can be managed in harmony with timber growing and yet keep (continued on page 2)

(continued from page 1) an adequate supply of browse for the deer. That evening, Friday Sept. 20 at 7:00 to 8:00 there will be a dinner at the Riverside Lodge, 2 miles south of Tupper Lake on Route 30. Then after remarks by President Stock, the next hour will be taken up with an illustrated talk on the Huntington Forest's wildlife and management of forest by Don Behrend and Bill Tierson. Kodachrome slides will show the program and beauty of the Huntington Forest at different seas ons. Saturday morning Sept. 21 breakfast will be served at the Riverside Lodgefrom7:30to8:30. At 8:30there will be a 4 mile trip to the Rock Island Mill of Elliott Hardwood Co. Here 'there is an installation of new forest 'industry equipment that totals around "a million dollars. Some of it is al. ready in use, part under construction. .At this point John Stock, Supt. of LitchfieldPark Corporation's 28,000 .ac r e forest, will be the leader. At 10:30 to 10:45 a. m. a coffee 'break will take place and from 10:45 to 11:30 there will be a demonstration of the new Rokon Trail-Breaker, a remarkable two wheel vehicle recently approved by the Forest Service for forest fire fighting when especially equipped. The last half hour of Saturday morning will be used to summarize what has been observed and to provide a question and discussion period before adjournment at 12:00 noon. The paper .used in the programs of the 6th Annual Fall Meeting was manufactured from New York forests by Finch Pruyn Co , , Inc., Glens Falls, N. Y. Our many thanks are due this company for providing NYFOA with the finest quality program and paper and printing in any program produced to date. This arrangement was expeditedbyNorwoodW. Olmsted, Forest Manager, FinchPruyn Co., Inc , , 1st Vice President NYFOA, assisted by Finch Pruyn's Robert D. Greenleaf, Chairman of the Program Committee for the 6th Fall Meeting. As stated in the hands omely printed program "We gratefullyacknowledge the assistance of Don Behrend, Bill Tierson ofthe Huntington Forest, John Stock of Litchfield Park Corp. and other NYFOA members who have participated in the preparation of the program. " Just a final personal suggestion please dress informally for this occasion. Be prepared to dress warmly as there is always a chance that at

their progeny the following y Many of the eggs fail to hatch and survival of the young caterpillars significantly lower than the sur of caterpillars that come from Âťse fed parents. This change in q is not a genetic change, but can be tributed to a maternal influence er ating thr ough the quality or of egg yolk. A second change in the quality webworm populations from year is a genetic change through natural selection. In addition to the poor feeding c DON BEHREND, SPECIALIST IN ditions in cold summers, many c FOREST ZOOLOGY, EXAMINES pillars are unable to reach the SAMP LE of dry ration deer food, constate, which is the only stage sisting of corn, alfalfa and oats from of over-wintering. The insects una one of the 20 deer feeders used in reto reach this stage are the late inse search project. In background, s us _ . that required the most heat before pended grille fronts on deer feeders emer ged in the spring. Thus, which are readily pushed back when an unusually cold summer, the m deer want food. Time and frequency heat requirement of the next gener of deer feeding is electrically recordtion is considerably reduced as the r ed. sult of natural selection. This has been established by this time of year in the great Adironyears records on natural populati in New Brunswick and Nova Sc dack country there will be a frosty and the genetic control of heat req tinge in the air that calls for warmer ments has been verified by laborat clothing. So come prepared for rain breeding experiments. or shine, - but come prepared to enDuring a series of warm s joy yourself at our 6th Fall Meeting! the webworm population increases QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF so, too, do its heat requirem FOREST INSECTS Natural selection is therefore Research on forest insect populaas a stabilizing mechanism be c tions has generally been concerned the conditions that permit incr with quantity. Since the degree of damin numbers also permit the age to trees is related to insect popcation of "weak" (high heat re ulation density, it is necessary to strains which will be decimated r learn why some insects periodically idly by a change in the weather. increas e in quantity and devastate the As a result of these changes forest. quality and their effects on the re Recently there has been a growing tion of t4~ popul.ari on to its e...nYir recognition of the possibility that quament from year to year" similar lity of a population may have an imdies have been initiated on the portant influence on quantity. The fall budworm. Is a change in the q we bwor m , a defoliator of hardwoods of the budworm associated with which is being investigated at the Deperiodic outbreaks? partment of Forestry and Rural De(Source: Research News, Dept. of velopment, ForestResearch LaboraForestry and Rural Development tory, Fredericton, N. B. illustrates Canada May-June, 1968) two ways in which changes in the quality of natural populations may have The different species of weod important effects on survival rates and hence on changes in numbers. are used for interior paneling The webworm normally feeds durplywood offer many contrasting ing the summer, but in a late or cold ishes from one room to season the caterpillars are unable to Simple finishing methods, complete their feeding stage until late waxing, impart soft warm tones September or October. By this time in many instances have hardwood foliage has become less nuthe finish with a fine patina for tritious and the fecundity of the feyears and more, with relativelye males is reduced. care. Again, interior paneling More imp.ortant, however, is the be delivered to the job complete consequent reduction in the quality of finished and ready for application.

day by coming along. I got the enclosed letter from him yesterday with three NYFOA memberships. "The Hansens were there, - and Mr. Henry Maag from Castleton. Anton Cooper, a student member, asked me if he could bring his parents, brother and sister. That was all. "However itwas a very homegeneous group and the weather was p.erfect with a cool breeze blowing. "What interested my visitors particularly were the exotic evergreens FOREST OWNERS ON TOP OF PANTHER MOUNTAIN are rewarded with a clear view of Adirondack country,

is grow-

P EOP LE ENJOY ERTOWN WOODS WALK For the second time in two years Najer, NYFOA director and of four Certified Tree Farms the host on July 20 to NYFOA ~..:.u.uvrs and friends in the Chester-


enjoyed my Woods Walk. I had alot of work. during the past year •. .aa.u a lot of help from good people - e Conservation Department, the en County Vocational School, Conservation Service, etc. What me most of all on the Woods ;'as the very appreciative audihad expected more people,

- but

9 showed up. I think the time bemailing the Forest Owner and date scheduled was too short. A of people had social commit_ This was also true of the two rvation Department foresters District 12 that had expected to

- THE P ANTHER MOUNTAIN Lance L. Killmeier, 1961 "=tteofthe New York State Rang001 (New member of NYFOA).

and the hardwoods in my nursery. These include butternut, black cherry, Chinese chestnut, silver maple, Wisconsin weeping willow and black locust. "I have trails through the Christmas tree plantation that is growing into ¡forest size. These have been pruned and improved for small wildlife Shelters. The Woods Walkers enVALLEY AND DISTANT MOUNjoyedseeingmynature trail. We finTAINS are blended on this view from ished up on the Wilderness Trail, the cliff ofthe Panther Mountain Trail. climbing to the top of Panther Moun_______________________________________ t~a~i~n~. ~ ARSON I The autumn of 1963 was a dry one, resulting in one of the worst fire years in recent times. These periods of drought and extreme fire hazard are of grave concern to all who own wild land and particularly to those of us who do not live on our properties. It takes only one carelessly dropped or deliberately applied match to start a conflagration! During mid-October of 1963, there had been a scattering of suspicious fires in eastern Rensselaer county, a couple of them big ones. Shortly after noon on the 23rd, a man from Fire Control dashed into my office to say that the observer on Number 7 Hill had just reported a fire "on Cook's place. " Knowing that the crisp, dry leaves lay a foot deep in the hardwood lots that are intermingled with my conifer plantations, I had visions of thirty years of planning and work going up in smoke. Ida and I made it to Cooxrox Forest in rather less than the usual travel time, but even that took an hour. In the meantime, the Stephentown Fire Department had also got the call, had gone in and quickly put out the fire, and had long since gone home. The fire had been set in the dry leaves and dead ferns at the edge of the traveled track of our Town road, had-bur ne d up to the stone wall and north on a gentle breeze about fifty yards, but had gotten over the wall in only one place. It blackened a couple of nice Paper Birch on the roadside, scorched the fronts of a number of Norway Spruce and two of my prized Larch. Only prompt detection and suppression stopped it from burning into a stand of hardwood where the firemen would have had difficulty getting to it. Thanks to excellent detective work by Forester Ed White and Conservation Investigator Bob McCann, two local youths were picked up and, under questioning, confessed to having set the fire. Subsequently, they were indicted and presently sentenced- -to what amounted to a severe slap on the wrist! This leniencywas, presumably, because of their youth, but they surely were both big enough and old enough to start a forest fire! Just after supper this last Halloween, I had a call from a neighbor, who reported that the fire engine had just gone in to my place. Again we had visions of a burn-out and again we sped eastward, but when we got to the Forest an hour later, there was nothing left but the smell of smoke and a burned spot.

LONG RUN CANADIAN FORESTRY OUTLOOK The long run outlook to 1975 and beyond for Canadian forest products exports is bright and a challenge to Canadians. The Food and Agriculture Organ-

If forest products industry companies can establish sound training programs to retain and advance their employees, in addition to shouldering their responsibility for absorbing as much of the local enemployment problem as possible, they will have made a significant contribution to the relief of employment problems nationally. More importantly, direct efforts to sustain the work force in forestdependent communities will provide basic stability not only in terms ofthe industry's Iaborf or c e , but to all citizens who derive their livelihoods from forest operations, whether directly or indirectly. (Source: Special Report, National Forest Products Association June 14, 1968)

ization ofthe United Nations estimates that in aggregate, the world will require a:t least one-third more industrial wood in fifteen years time than at present. It is expected that before 1975, Europe, the south and west of the U. S. S. R., and Japan will encounter limits to the rate at which more wood can be made economically available from their forests. In contrast, very lar ge additional quantities of coniferous roundwood can be harvested in the northern and eastern part of the U.S.S.R. and in North America. The restricted accessibility of the northern and eastern forests of the U.S.S.R., to 1975, may be one of the major restrictions to increasing output there,_In this period, North America is considered by FAO to be the region most able to raise its annual output by the largest quantities without an appreciable rise in real costs and prices. To strengthen the forest products sector of our economy which accounts for 20 per cent of the value of all goods exported from Canada; to ensure a continuing favourable balance of pay-

ments position; and to improve the Canadian competitive pos ition for forestproducts inworld markets; an aggressive forestry program during the next decade is vital. (Source: Research News, Dept. of Forestry and Rural Development Canada May-June, 1968) CANADIAN WOODPULP Woodpulp export sales were 4 million tons in 1966 and were higher during the first six months of 1967 than, for the same period in 1966. Three quarters of the exports, 3.0 million tons, went to the United States. Europe bought 668,000 tons. Exports to Japan, Australia and South Africa have risen rapidly in recent years and are expected to continue increasing. Canada's exports to Japan Inc re as ed ten-fold from 1961 to 1966, while thos e to Australia doubled in the last five years. (Source: Research News, Dept. of Forestry and Rural Development Canada May-June, 1968)

CANADIAN LUMBER The traditional and maj or markets for Canadian lumber are the United Once again, the fire company had responded to a call and had promptly put States and the United Kingdom. Other major markets include Japan, Aus out another roadside fire. The match had been applied to the not-particularlytralia, Central America, France, dry leaves at the edge of the road right opposite the fire of 1963. On a brisk Netherlands, South Africa, Be l gium , north wind, It had bur ned downthe roadand into neighbor Cohen's birch woods, Luxembourg, Italy, West Germany, had just begun to fan out at the head when the firemen doused it. Except for and Ireland. U. S. housing starts dethe unsightliness of the scorched spot, no consequential damage was done but creased in 1966 to a low of 845,000 ifit had gotten just a little further away from the road it would have been hard units and the $525 million export peak te atop. Allfar as I can find out, this obviously-set fire was never reported-of 1965 fell. With a sharp reversal in whoever touched it off had a bit of good, clean Halloween fun and got away the availability of credit, a sharp turnscot-free. abouthas occurred and the 1967 total So what's all the excitement about a couple of little roadside fires that did is expected to be 1.3 million units. no great damage? If nothing else, they are symptoms of a complicated and U. S. pr o'spe ct s indicate a further imdeep-seated social problem and a breakdown of civil protection for the landprovement to 1.5 million -Irous i ng owner. With the depopulation of very considerable blocks of-land still readily starts in 1968. The improvement will accessible over miles and miles of little-used Town roads, a firebug with a exceed, if attained, the total housing car can get into many an out-of-the-way place, start a fire and get out again starts in Canada for 1968. Since a mabefore anyone knows what is going on. No matter how it is dressed up or how jor p or t i'on of Canadian lumber will be "young and innocent" the offender, setting a woods fire is still ars on, and used in the U. S. residential building the consequence for others can be tragic. And even if the police catch up with program, 1968 should be a very fasomeone- -unless it be with match in hand-o-they have great difficulty in makvourable year for lumber exports. ing a charge stick. Since the recent decision about the use of confessions, by (Source: Research News, Dept. of our city-oriented Supreme Court, we non-resident owners are increasingly Forestry and Rural Development at the mercy of any crackpot with a match! Canada May-June, 1968) Perhaps one of the things that NYFOA should start campaigning for is tougher, tighter judicial enforcement of the present, adequate laws about PLYWOOD FROM CANADA woods burning. It is one thing to have a statute on the books, quite another to Sales of Canadian softwood and quickly and surely apprehend a wrong-doer. We badly need some realistic inhardwood plywood, marketed mainly doct.r i.nat.ion of the courts, from J.P. up, so that those responsible for law in the United Kingdom and the United enforcement in rural areas do not find their best efforts brought to nothing by States, have almost doubled the misplaced lenience at the Justice's court and lack of public support for 196"1. In 1966, plywood sales amount adequate punishment. If we don't get such support, we could well find oured to $73 million and are expected to selves in a situation where no man's forest is safe from the thrill-seeking be higher in 1967 and 1968. woods burner and where the rural landowner is denied the "equal protection (Source: Research News, Dept. of of the law." Forestry and Rural Development Let's do something about it! Canada May-June 1968) Dave Cook of Cooxrox Forest

IT'S UP AND AWAY to the woods, riding in a farm wagon with an upholstery of baled hay. CENTURY OWNED WOODS, SITE OF NYFOA'S 3RD WOODS WALK FOR 1968 Ten participants in member Hoyt Ackles' Woods Walk on July 27, got underway riding on bales of birdsfoot trefoil mounted on a farm wagon drawn by Homer Ackles on a tractor, along a farm road that moved upward through contoured fields of certified grain along a mile of rising grade to where vistas of farming country in Central New York revealed beauties of the countryside. Once inside the 50 acre woods Hoyt Ackles, one of the three brothers oprating the farm, along with Homer and Paul, pointed out the unusual three acre hardwood planting established about 1931. Here a stand of basswood, tulip poplar, black cherry, red oak and white ash showed that in spite of snow damage caused by drifts piled up by the west wind, the hardwood plantation was able to survive with limited care on what had ~~ly been

HOYT ACKLES HOST (at left) looks down rows of three acre hardwood planting. Dick Garrett, forester of e Conservation Department's Cortland office places his hand on a 37 year old planted black cherry while Piet van Loon, Chairman NYFOA's Woods Walk Committee, notes planted hardwood height growth.

a wet open pasture unsuited to cultivated crops. Planted about 6 x 8 through the encouragement of former Extension Forester Josh Cope of Cornell, the trees are now beginning to show good diameter growth in spite of the wet, heavy soil and poor drainage. No sugar maple was planted. The woods' hardwood area had suffered in the blow down of 1950. However this Spring 140,000 board feet of timber had been sold for a return to the owners of $5,700, a sale that included a mix of elm, beech, red and white oak, hickory and basswood. Dick Garrett, forester out of the Cons ervation Department's office in Cortland, accompanied the Woods Walkers and pointed out the firewood curing on the stump as a result of chemical thinning. Plans are to sell stumpage for fuelwood. The Ackles' woods showed good height growth and a fine potential for wood production. Young maples on the more favorable sites were making 6 to 8 rings per inch. General plan has been to develop 5 acre plots at a time, working through the woods over a period of years, thinning out chemically, crowded and undesirable stems. Hoyt Ackles remarked on the conflict between the forest and the apple business along with the dairy and growing certified seed grains. Hoyt readily expressed appreciation of the Cons ervation Department's Forest Practice Act service over the years, and especially in preparation of a list of 10 timber buyers for the timber sale consumated early in the year. Once out of the woodlot the Woods Walkers again seated themselves on the birds -foot trefoil bales, and soon were back and entered the cool, spacious apple packing shed to enjoy gener ous portions of apple cider and doughnuts to go with the lunches each Woods Walker had brought. During the discussion it was brought out that the Ackles' farm had been established around 1830 at a time when apples were shipped in barrels and numbers of sheep were grazed. About 7,000 bu sh el s of apples are packed each year from some 500 trees. Some of the trees are approaching a half century in age, yet bearing successfully. It was a surprise to learn that by far the largest amount of branches prunedfrom the apple trees were left on the ground to serve as a mulch after being reduced to small pieces by

heavy equipment. A dairy herd of 100 head with 55 milkers, the need for spraying consecutively for some 17 weeks during the apple growing seas on, plus the growing and harvesting of certified seed crops, suggests the need for employing an outside woods improvement service. This it seems would bring larger returns from the 50 acre woodIand, No doubt there are thousands of forest owners in New York State who will find the employment of a dependable woods improvement service a means of producing higher income from the woods areas. Such a dependable and skilled woods service would bring new satisfaction to the forest owner because he would see trees of improved quality growing and being harvested from his woods area.

WOODS WALKERS GATHER AROUND base of big shagbark hickory stump. Tree had 34" diameter, 2-1/2 log length with Doyle rule volume of more than 1,000 board feet. From left to right, Dick Garrett, forester; Emiel Palmer, 2nd Vice President NYFOA; Piet van Loon, young 3-1/2 year old Eric Maier, his father Walter Maier, and mother Maria; Hoyt Ackles; Floyd Carlson, Executive Vice President NYFOA, and John Ridings, former Chairman of Woods Walk Committee. Dick Garrett stated it was the lar gest shagbark hickory he had seen in Central New York after 7years of professional forestry experience in the ForestPractice Act Program. Young Eric is holding up some of the characteristic shaggy bark. Estimated age of tree at least 150 years--possibly 200 years.

The white pine weevil is the most serious insect pest of the eastern white pine. This insect's attack results in the commonly observed crook or fork formation on the tree's main stem.

NEW FOREST LANDS IMPROVEMENT SERVICE, INC. AVAILABLE TO WOODS OWNERS Just signed up as a member of NYFOA is Peter Catelli. Last year he organized Forest Lands Improvement Service, Inc. in Lewis County, now has a branch office at 133 Sims Rd., Syracuse, N. Y. 13210., The service to forest owner sLncludes a trained crew for planting, thinning or releasing timberlands through chemical or mechanical means, pruning of crop trees, shearing and shaping of Christmas trees. Consulting services include Christ.rna s tree production, maple syrup SUGGESTS DOUBLING UP ON TRIP TO FALL MEETING Editor Floyd E. Carlson: No doubt you noted date September 25 in letter from Rokon, Inc. Wilmington, Vermont on their anticipated Trail-Breaker (Editor's note: The date of Sept. 25 was wrong. The demonstration will take place Saturday morning Sept. 21 as correctly indicated in the program. ) Hope I can find an accomplice to attend the Fall Meeting. It sounds wonderful! Sometime ago I suggested we list our new members, joining since the NYFOA directory was published - list them in the Forest Owner. This might help scattered members to double up on a trip to a meeting. Just heard you Wednesday on WGY. Enjoyed your tales of other day.s Cordially, (signed) Mrs. M. D. Winne Box 426 Northville, N. Y. 12134

President: John W. Stock Tupper Lake, N. Y. 12986 Editor: Floyd E. Carlson College of Forestry Syracuse, N. Y. 13210 Associate Editor: Mi"ss Nancy Gridley 1021 Westcott St. Syracuse, N. Y. 13210 Treasurer-Membership Mrs. Luella B. Palmer 157 Ballantyne Rd. Syracuse, N. Y. 13205


production, timber production and recreation. The corporation aims to increase the economic and esthetic returns for the forest owner. Alsotoprovide work and iorestry experience for high school graduates occupational courses in conservation. The importance of the forest resource is indicated by the federal government's willingness to pay 80% of the cost of timber stand improvement projects through the agricultural conservation program (ACP). Last year Forest Lands Improvement Service, Inc. limited its operations to Lewis County. At the present time it is expanding to fill the needs of such services in Cortland, Oneida, Onondaga and Oswego Counties. Peter Cate-Hi-i-sa 1966 graduate of the State University College of Forestry at Syracuse University.

THE FOREST BURN ACROSS THE NATION IN 1967 Due in part to the hair raising for -es t fi r e weather conditions in the late summer 1967, 4,658,5&6 acres forest land were burned, a and charred area equal to the area the State of New Jersey! However in view of the dangerous fire conditions existing in 1967 Sec retary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman says "The limitation scorched acreage last year can classed as a triumph, when compar to such years as 1950 when more 15-1/2 million acres burned, or 1945 when 17.6 million acres were razed. " "Forest Fire Statistics" a pamp let of the Forest Service, reports a total of 125,025- f'i r es recorded in"] thesecondhighesttotal in the 1960's. The record of lands protected by state or federal fire fighting forces show that 90% or 103,427 of these for est fires were caused by man. His acts of destruction ranged from outright incendiarism to carelessly handled campfires. In the states of Idaho, Montana, Washington and Oregon more than half of the fires there were ignited by lightning strikes. Already this year of 1968, ther have been many instances across nation of a bad forest fire season the pos sibility of an even more dangerous situation in the West. Both August and September months. Let's all remain alert to the danger of forest fires! As might be expected, the biggest forest acreage among the states is Alaska with 118,400,000 acres. L,lLCH;Z"::11<


URBAN AREAS ARE A MAJOR ~EDIMENT SOURCE. In the Potomac River Basin, only about six percent of the l5,000-square mile drainage is in urban and suburban use. But these areas produce 682 tons of sediment per square mile while all rural areas combined contribute only 133 tons per square mile. Altogether, two and one -half million tons of sediment wash down the Potomac into the estuary each year. (Source: March 12, 1968 Tuesday Letter, National As s ociation of Soil and Water Conservation District) It is estimated that by the year 2.000. the United State population will require twice as much wood as it now uses. Meeting this demand will require improved management of forests and woodlots.


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