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A publication of the New York Forest Owners Association November/December
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FOREST OWNER VOL. 31, NO.6 OFFICERS & DIRECTORS Don Wagner, President RD#I,Box203C Utica,NY 13502; (315)733-7391 Wes Suhr,lst Vice President RR#I,Box59B Oswegatchie,NY 13670; (315) 848-2136
A publication of the New York Forest Owners Association Editorial Committee: AI Brown, Betty Densmore, Alan Knight, Mary McCarty Bill Minerd and Dave Taber.
Materials submitted for publication should be addressed to: R, Fox, Editor, R,D. #3, Box BB, Moravia, New York 1311 B. Articles, artwork and photos are invited and are normally returned after use. The deadline for submission for JanlFeb is Dee 1.
Please address all membership fees and change of address requests to P.O. Box 180, Fairport, N.Y. 14450. Cost of individual membership subscription is $15.
Robert M. Sand, Recording Secretary 300 Church Street Odessa, NY 14869-9703; (607) 594-2130 Clara Minerd, Treasurer 1123CoidSprings Road Liverpool, NY 13088; (315)451-3712
NYFOA Fall Meeting
John C. Marchant, Executive Director 45 CambridgeCowt Fairport, NY 14450; (716)377-7906 Deborah Gill, AdministrativeSecretary P.O. Box 180 Fairport,NY 14450;(716)377-6060
1994 Norman Richards,Syracuse; (315)472-3696 Robert M. Sand.Odessa; (607) 594-2130 Charles Mowatt,Savona; (607)583-7006 Kathleen Farnum,Roxbury; 1995 Elizabeth Densmore,Machias; (716) 942-6600 Rlchard J, Fox.Moravia; (315)497·1078 John W. Krebs,Honeoye Falls; (716) 624·1793 Tom Ellison,Manlius; (315) 682-9376 1996 Albert Brown,Stow; (716) 763·9067 Verner Hudson.Elbridge: (315)689·3314 Peter Levatich.Brooktondale; (607) 539-7049 Don Wagner,Utica; (315)733-7391
AFF1LIA TE REPRESENT A TIVES Charles Sprague, THRIFT; (315) 788·5920 Dinnie Sloman, Catskill Forest Assoc.; (914) 586·3054 CHAPTER REPRESENTATIVES Mark &Joann Kurtis, Allegheny Foohills; (716)945·6012 Wendell Hatfield, Cayuga; (315) 497·1398 Dennis Colliton, Capital District; (518) 895·2706 Bill Minerd, Central New York; (315) 451-37U Robert S. Davis, Lower Hudson; (914) 831·3109 Wes Suhr, Northern Adirondack; (315) 848-2136 Tom Casey, Niagara Frontier; (716) 322·7398 Erwin Fullerton, SE Adirondack; (518) 747· 7230 Larry Lepak, Southern Tier; (607) 656-8504 Don Schaufler, Tioga, (607) 589·6095 Eileen VanWie, Western Finger Lakes; (716) 436·5374
All rights reserved. Contents maynotbe reproduced without prior written permission from the publisher. NYFOA does not necessarily support or approve procedures, products, or opinions presented by authors or advertisers.
Wildlife Habitat Diversity Exercise. Wayne Gillespie, leader from Centers for Nature Education. See page 12.
Table of Contents President's Message, Don Wagner Applying Forest Stewardship on the Ground, James Savage Scents Make Sense, Dr. Jane Sorensen Lord Cherry Scallop Shell Moth, Douglas C. Allen New Corps of Master Forest Owners Certified, Gary R. Goff Chapter/Affiliates , 1993 FALL MEETING, Betty Densmore Fasteners, R. J. Fox The Bambi Bomb, Alan Knight. The Majestic Oaks of Troncais, Henry S. Kernan
3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 16
NYFOA Network.
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE The last several weeks have been extremely busy for me, but also very interesting and rewarding. Reaching out and participating in various Chapter/Affiliate events across the State is one of the many goals I have assumed as President of NYFOA. I think it is important, as an Officer of our fine Association, to meet and talk to as many members as possible and to glean from them their ideas and thoughts. If we are to grow in knowledge and in membership, the basic concept of listening and learning from others must be advanced. However, regardless of how far I travel across the State and no matter how many events I attend, I will never have an opportunity to talk to all the members of NYFOA. I am asking each and every one of you to contact me by phone or in writing with your ideas, thoughts, and comments. I am really interested in hearing what you've got to say. My address and phone number are on the inside cover. On September 2, 1993, I visited Erwin and Polly Fullerton's tree farm. Erwin and Polly have both worked very hard to develop their tree farm into the beautiful property that it is today. I spent the entire day with these two wonderful people. I can't say enough about their friendliness, hard work, and interest in their Chapter (SAC) and NYFOA. The insert photo is a tree stump on the Fullerton property that has a very long section of the core protruding above the stump. Neither Erwin nor I have ever seen anything like this before. It is quite a novelty. Thank you Erwin and Polly for a terrific day. Some of the other events I attended were the 46th Annual Woodsmen's Field Days, the Catskill Forest Association's Annual Meeting, the Master Forest Owner's
President Don Wagner is "stumped" at Erwin and Polly Fullerton's woodlot. Friday night program, and the Fall Meeting. If you didn't have the opportunity to attend this year's Fall Meeting which was held at the Heiberg Memorial Forest, you missed a great event. The field exercises, workshops, speakers, food, and fellowship were all outstanding. I had the opportunity during the two-day session, to meet and talk to many first time NYFOA event attendees. Everyone I talked with expressed their enthusiasm for the program. They pointed out that the friendly, helpful and positive attitude of the more experienced members made them feel comfortable; and such an attitude was genuinely appreciated. The turnout for this Saturday and
PLEASE SEND YOUR SUGGESTIONS! Nominations for our 1994 HEIBERG MEMORIAL AWARD and the NY Forest Owners Outstanding Service Award (NYFOA AWARD) are requested. HEIBERG AWARD - Any person over 18 years of age with a forest interest in New York State who, in the judgement of the Award Committee, has during the proceeding year, brought to fruition, who has conceived and completed a significant project in the field of conservation, land use, land restoration, forest management or other actions in keeping with the aims and purposes of the New York Forest Owners Association may be a candidate. Please forward suggestions to: Bob Sand at Odessa, NY 14869, Chairman, Award Committee, before December 31,1993.
Sunday event was excellent. However. I believe that many more of our members should participate in these meetings. Much hard work and time is required to make these events interesting and educational for all the members of our Association. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who participated in and coordinated this year's Fall Meeting. In particular, I want to thank the Central New York Chapter and its Steering Committee for a job well done. For those of you expecting this issue to contain an insert describing the Tree FarmlNYFOA Connection, please be patient. An executive decision was made by both organizations to delay this until the January/February edition of the magazine. The Tioga Chapter, after several years under the direction of Pat McGlew, is now in the hands of Don Schaufler. Good luck Don and thank you Pat for your years of dedicated service to the Tioga Chapter and toNYFOA. Lastly, I want to wish Mary McCarty and John Marchant a speedy recovery. I sincerely hope both of you feel much better soon.
Applying Forest Stewardship on the Ground By James Savage Whether or not we have a government program promoting or sponsoring it, forest stewardship is the right way to go. We truly need to responsibly care for forests, to use them wisely, to protect them - in some cases preserve them - for current and future generations. This is a lofty, commendable ideal that most would uphold; but how do we, who call ourselves forest stewards, incorporate this ideal into our management plans and, subsequently, "act-it-out", or apply it on the ground? For example, I would like to describe how to do just that, to apply forest stewardship on the ground. I call it "Dirt Stewardship", not to be confused with "Armchair Stewardship". I recently worked with a private landowner who was looking for advice on how to manage his 1 75-acre tract in the town of Fine, St. Lawrence County, and who was specifically interested in having a timber sale. Let's see how the ideals of forest stewardship can be applied in this situation.
Adjacent properties were studied First, as always, the landowner's objectives for his forest property were identified (not as easy as it sounds!). In this case, the landowner's primary objective was sustainable, high value timber production; but he also enjoys hunting for deer, ruffed grouse, and coyote. Thus, desirable habitat for the latter species was sought. To keep this as short and concise as possible, I'll simply outline the remaining steps that were taken, concerns that were identified, and treatments that were applied in my effort to assist this landowner in applying forest stewardship on the ground. 1. The current condition of the forest was assessed in light of the owner's objectives. Can this forest provide what the landowner is seeking? Because timber production was an objective, I made sure before going further that such acti vity could occur on the property without harming the productive capacity or ecological integrity of the forest (i.e., will erosion be a problem, are soils conducive to road building, will there be any problems regenerating the stand, etc.). At this point I would have also informed the landowner if any of the NY FOREST OWNER
An opening in theforest aboutfive years after cutting to harvest timber and create a space for some regeneration of trees. This is group-section silviculture; but in application most openings would be much more irregular. A mosaic of openings and tree groups of different ages provides a continuous diversified forest suitable for integrated uses. By Leon Minckler from WOODLAND ECOLOGY. 2nd. Ed. 1980. species he liked to hunt were, in fact, illegal to hunt. 2. Adjacent properties were studied to see if they provided the necessary habitat for the wildlife species this landowner desired. If so, there may not be a need to improve habitat on the property in question. For example, ruffed grouse require a complex of different forest stages. I had to determine to what extent those stages existed on adjacent or nearby properties. Recent aerial photographs of the area are helpful in this regard. If they do not exist; but one wants grouse; habitat manipulation is a must. Other questions had to be answered: What, if any, are the special needs of deer and coyote? Will we be destroying a deer yard (wintering area for deer), for instance, by harvesting timber on this property? 3. Pole-size trees ( 5 - 10 inches in diameter) dominated this landowner's forest; and similar conditions existed on sur4
rounding lands. Consequently, openings were created in the forest (patch clearcuts) to stimulate food production for deer and cover for small mammals (a food source for coyotes). Also, thinnings were made to foster the development of polesize trees into mature, sawlog-size timber.
a complex of forest stages is needed for grouse Thus, a mature forest stage will be achieved sooner, an advantage in terms of both wildlife habitat (e.g., a complex of forest stages is needed for grouse) and timber production (larger timber sooner means a better return on your investment). Conifer "reservoirs" were left to provide shelter to deer and other animals. During thinning operations especially, careful selection of trees and tree species for removal will increase biodiversity and improve tree NOVEMBER/DECEMBER
vigor. The general health of the forest should improve. 4. From a wildlife standpoint, the current amount of tree regeneration (browse and cover) was inadequate. From a timber production standpoint, however, the amount of regeneration was irrelevant. Only thinnings and other so-called "intermediate cuttings" were made. As such, regeneration is not the objective; improved quality and growth rates among the remaining trees, however, was the goal. 5. Over-mature, decadent black cherry trees were salvaged in an effort to improve the overall health and vigor of the stand. And since high quality timber production was an objective of this landowner, beech culls (dying, rotten beech trees) were felled to make room for the growth of more valuable species (as opposed to leaving them for cavity trees or mast production). 6. One portion of the property has thin, rocky soils. No tree harvesting or road building was allowed in this area. 7. Skid trails and landings were laid out to avoid wetland areas. Slopes were minimal; and there were no protected streams on this or adjacent properties; so erosion and sedimentation were not seen as a potential problem. 8. As the landowner and I planned for the timber sale, we considered our responsibility to society: are there any regulations or restrictions on the type of cutting we plan? Are there any endangered or threatened animal or plant species inhabiting the property? A few phone calls to the appropriate people can usually clear these matters up. Sometimes, however, visits to the property by specialists are necessary. 9. Finally, because the property is to be used for recreational hunting, skid trails were considered future hunting trails and were designed as such. The timber sale contract specified that designated skid trails were to be kept open, free of logging slash, and smoothed over (ruts eliminated) at the end of the job. So applying forest stewardship is not as hard as it may seem. Sure, to be a steward requires one to think, plan and be altruistic, but hey, "NO PAIN, NO GAIN!" Yes, don't forget the potential gain ...Both you and the public stand to benefit immensely from the stewardship of YOUR land. James M. Savage is Assistant Professor in the SUNY-ESF Forest Technology Program of the New York State Ranger School at Wanakena, N.Y. NY FOREST OWNER
By Dr. Jane Sorensen Lord
About to be empowered as 1993 Master Forest Owners, four of us were outside on the last break. I was reeling from mental overload, stressed from non-stop interaction, and numbed from hard chairs. I could see they were, too. I took from my pocket, and opened, a zip-lock sandwich bag of fresh rue leaves, crushed one then sniffed. "It's for stress." I offered the bag to the others. Jill Cornell took one, "You've GOT to read, "Clan of the Cave Bear!" You'd be impressed by her botany research." "Wow! What is this supposed to do?" Annette Craig wanted to know. It's an herb with a history in magic and witchcraft," I grinned. "It's supposed to protect you from witches; and I've discovered the herbs that protect are stress relievers." "Then, in modern terms, it protects from bitches," she giggled. As Barry, Jill's husband, took the bag and smiled, it happened. The Smell Response!! I've seen it a hundred times with aromas. In a flash, for an instant of time, his body relaxed, his eyes and smile softened. His thoughts left us for a bit. "I smell that sometimes when I'm using my brush mower. I remember the same scent, when I was twelve, on my grandfather's farm." He smiled in fond remembrance. He wrote rue down and asked about arnica, a healing herb of old repute that his mother used. Aromatic herbs affect in a visible flash. Much faster than herbs drunk or rubbed in. Modern neuroscience demonstrates, that of the senses (seeing, touching, hearing,
Borago officina/is Borage 5
English Chamomile
tasting, and smelling), only sight and smell directly impact the limbic system, that part of our nervous system that controls emotion. And with sight it is the light, not the visual image that stimulates the pineal gland. Smell kicks off the whole system. Pine needles, black birch, wintergreen, juniper, benzoin are all found in our forests and all respected aromatherapeutic agents. Essential oils can be extracted from them by steam distillation (expensive and difficult) or by oil, like the healing herbs. Crush the plants, add oil, let it sit for 1 week, then filter. Add new plants to the oil, wait 1 week and filter again. Repeat 5-6 times to get a strong scent. The process of repeated filtration works well on aromatic kitchen herbs, basil, chamomile, marjoram, rosemary, all used in aroma therapy, as well as fruits and flowers. The aromatic herbs effect feelings and are used to stimulate, arouse, excite, calm, comfort. They can help concentration, memory, inspiration. You can smell them fresh, dab them on pulse points as an oil, put them in the bath, or make an air spray from extremely strong cooled aromatic herb tea. All the scents are unique and effective. Try any, they do not harm. But sniff and use, over and over, the herbs that capture your thoughts, luring them to a far away place or time for a moment. That is what breaks stress and gives your mind a second wind. Jane, a Master Forest Owner (Class of '93) and communications liaison of the New York State Tree Farm Committee, is a licensed occupational therapist with almost three decades of experience. Jane uses herbs and other holistic modalities to complement her practice. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER
By Douglas Allen Since 1991, defoliation by cherry scallop shell moth has increased annually in western and northern New York. The last major outbreak in our region occurred from 1968 to 1972. At that time, black cherry was defoliated over tens of thousands of acres throughout the state. We took advantage of this previous outbreak to learn more about the insect's biology and impact on cherry. The current problem is centered in western New York where cherry over an area of approximately 15,000 acres experienced heavy defoliation (i.e., > 60%) during 1992 and (or) 1993). Cherry throughout a large area of Rensselaer County in eastern New York was defoliated heavily during 1991 and 1992. The insect is very prevalent in northern parts of the state as well, though widespread heavy defoliation has not occurred.
THE INSECT'S HABITS Cherry scallop shell moth belongs to the family Geometridae (Geo-rnetri-dee). The latter may not be familiar to you by name, but the insects that comprise the family are well known to most people. The larval stage (caterpillars) are called loopers, inchworms, spanworms, or measuring worms. These common names are derived from the manner in which larvae walk with a looping motion, rather than craw ling like a typical caterpillar; that is, they tend to "loop" or "inch" along. Unlike most geometrids, however, caterpillars of scallop shell moth are gregarious and live in nests that contain a few to several individuals. The colony constructs an elongate structure of silk and leaves that
Wendell Hatfield (Over 35 years experience)
General Excavation, Road Construction, Wetlands Enhancement, Ponds and Drainage R.D. 2, Moravia, NY 13118 (315) 497-1398 NY FOREST OWNER
Fig. 1. Nest of the cherry scallop shell moth. are attached to one another and often wrapped around the twig on which the foliage occurs (Fig. 1). Larvae feed within the nest on the upper surfaces of the leaves. Leaves are folded around the twig and (or) each other in such a way that the underside of the leaves are exposed to the elements and the upper surfaces line the nest.
GENERAL APPEARANCE The moth's wings have a characteristic pattern of alternating brown and white transverse, wavy lines; 12-15 on the front wing and as many as 8 on the hind wing (Fig. 2). The common name is derived from the appearance of the wings. The forewings span 1.0 - 1.25" from tip to tip. When emergence is at its peak from early June through mid-July, itis common to see large congregations of resting moths during the day. Full grown caterpillars are 0.75 - 1.0" long. The body is pale yellow with dark grey to black dorsal stripes with an orangebrown head.
with tree mortality was the presence of peach bark beetle. This secondary insect occurs in all cherry stands where it usually breeds in weakened branches, damaged trees and stump sprouts. During the outbreak of 1968 - 1972, in certain locations large numbers of this bark beetle invaded the boles of heavily defoliated cherry and killed many overstory trees. At the beginning of the outbreak, scrub cherry in open grown stands were hit first and suffered the most damage. However, as the outbreak progressed, commercially valuable cherry also was affected.
MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS We do not know what triggers an outbreak of cherry scallop shell moth. This makes it impossible to determine when and where outbreaks are likely to occur. However, as mentioned above, stands or spots within stands that are predominantly
DAMAGE After two to three years of heavy defoliation, crown dieback and even tree mortality may occur. Radial growth of defoliated trees always is reduced the year following the first year of heavy defoliation and remains depressed until one year after defoliation ceases. Our earlier studies associated mortality with stands that were predominantly black cherry (i.e., essentially pure stands) occurring on poorly drained sites. A key element associated 6
Uept. NYF. Box 553. Manlius.
N.Y. 13104
Ph. (315) 682-6418 (Mon.-Frt.
F'lmU!IOwned &. Operated for over 25 !lean
ens, and particularly if a stand has experienced one year of heavy defoliation, the landowner might consider protecting foliage with an appropriate insecticide. By appropriate, I mean one that is registered for the pest and one that will remain on the foliage in a toxic state long enough for insects to contact it. Even though a portion of the population may be protected within the nest at the time of treatment, eventually new leaves must be incorporated into the structure to replenish the food supply. It is at this time that the remaining segment of the population will encounter the chemical. If treatment areas are small, say not more than 50 acres or so, any mortality that might occur to populations of the egg parasite probably would be compensated for by the influx of wasps from adjacent untreated areas. Based on what we know at present, I suspect that trees growing on poor sites (e.g., too much or too little moisture, poor soil, excessive stand density, etc.) will be the most vulnerable to mortality. Fig. 2. Cherry scallop shell moth. black cherry appear to be most susceptible. We know that after two years of heavy defoliation an egg parasite specific to this defoliator will attack and severely damage 60 to 100% of the egg masses. This wasp often is responsible for population collapse. However, for trees of low vigor, this natural mortality may not occur soon enough to avoid loss of overstory trees. We have very limited experience with chemical control, but a knowledge of the insect's life history and behavior indicate that proper timing of a chemical treatment
may be difficult. The most effective application would occur at the time of or shortly after egg hatch. In northern New York this is in late June or early July. However, egg laying occurs over several weeks, even months, due to an extended period of adult emergence. Another shortcoming of this early treatment is that it could substantially reduce populations of the beneficial egg parasite. Wasps are very active at about this time. If one is managing for black cherry sawtimber and the scallop shell moth threat-
LANDOWNERS Maples, Cherry & Red Oak are in strong demand, if you are interested in selling some of your standing Timber consider ... Each tree to be sold is marked according to YOUR specifications. We send notices to reputable log producers & exporters Sealed bid opening determines the highest bidder Payment is made in advance to any harvest operation All harvest operations are supervised by our foresters We retain a security deposit until owner is completely satisfied. Guaranteed to net YOU the highest price for your timber.
Write or Call For A Free Pamphlet Robert Synowiez - Professional Forestry Consultants
~Lalq~,ct~n,~"o, NY 13827
607/687 -0460
This article is the eleventh in the series of contributions by Doug Allen. Professor of Forest Entonwlogy at SUNY. College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
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New Corps of Master Forest Owners Certified By Gary R. Goff New York's "Master Forest Owner/COVERTS Program" graduated another 40 Master Forest Owner (MFO) volunteers (including 8 couples) from a 3-day training held mid-September at Cornell's Arnot Teaching and Research Forest in VanEtten, NY. These experienced and highly motivated forest owners are now certified as "Master Forest Owners" and are ready to assist neighbor forest owners with the information needed to start managing their forests. The program has now certified 103 MFOs over three years. The term "COVERTS", meaning good grouse habitat, refers to a similar program funded by The Ruffed Grouse Society. The program's goal is to have the volunteer MFOs meet with local, less experienced forest owners to encourage and motivate them to practice sound forest management principles. While at the training, the MFOs participated in classroom and field exercises on sawtimber and wildlife management, forest economics, and forest ecology. In addition, they learned how forest owner needs can be met with
the assistance of public and private agencies and organizations, and the services of professional resource managers such as foresters. Don and Suzanne Grosz, from Naples, were certified as MFOs last year and contacted 6 forest owners their first year. They will continue on in the program again this year. The following note given to me to read to this year's class shows the interest and enthusiasm they hold for the program; "It has been great fun getting together with other landowners, hearing their enthusiNY FOREST OWNER
ABOVE: Master Forest Owner/COVERTS volunteers, George Pavlick (lift) and Charles Masterson, scaling logs at Cornell's Arnot Forest as part of their 4-day training workshop. BELOW: NY Master Forest Owner/COVERTS volunteers learning about timber sales from Cornell's Arnot Forest Manager, Don Schaufler and logging from Tom Morgan, Morgan Logging and Firewood.
asrn, hearing their dreams, and sharing ideas that will help them make their dream s a reality. The best to you and the 1993 MFO/COVERTS class!" Forest owners from across the state may contact a MFO, free of charge, for information about the program and/or to discuss opportunities for obtaining the most from one's woods. Typically, the MFO will arrange a half-day visit to the neighbor's woodlot to get a first-hand look and discuss sources of assistance with the owner. 8
A survey ofl991's class (the program's first) of 29 MFOs indicated that a minimum of 151 forest owners were visited, representing a total ownership of nearly 15,000 acres. Preliminary results from a survey of these contacted forest owners indicates that they value the visit highly, having rated "the value of information received from the Master Forest Owner" a 4.2 on a 5-point scale. One reply from a' contacted forest owner highlighted a major strength of the program; "The power of the program is that it comes to you. Everyone tends to procrastinate and to have someone come to me and schedule a visit, was what it took to get moving on my woodlot plan. Thanks for the program!" The NY Master Forest Owner/COVERTS program is sponsored by the Ruffed Grouse Society and the NY Forest Stewardship Program with cooperation from Cornell Cooperative Extension, NYS DEC and the NY Forest Owners Association. Training for this year's Master Forest Owners was conducted by Cornell Cooperative Extension in conjunction with NYS DEC foresters, professional consulting and industrial foresters, 1991 and 1992 MFOs, and volunteers from the NY Forest Owners Association. Next year's training will consist of a refresher course for certified MFOs. For more information about the program's benefits and a list ofMFOs near you, contact your County Cornell Cooperative Extension Office, NYS DEC Regional Office, or NY FOA. Any questions about the program will be answered by the Program Director, Gary R. Goff, Fernow Hall, Cornell University, NY 14853, (607)255-2824. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER
1993 Master Forest Owner/Coverts Program Volunteers (listed by county of residence) Albany County Ronald W. Pedersen 22 Vandenburg Lane Latham, NY 12110 Phone: 518-785-6061
Jefferson County Charles Sprague 6126 Hadcock Road Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: 315-788-5920
Rockland County Brenda Melstein Box 127 Pearl River, NY 10965-0127 Phone: 914-429-0726
Tioga County Leonard H. Hamley 1242 Oak Hill Road Barton, NY 13734 Phone: 607-565-3731
Broome County Gordon & Dottie Brownlow 270 Dilly Road Port Crane, NY 13833 Phone: 607-693-1393
Livingston County Jack McMahon 3295 Fowlerville Road Caledonia, NY 14423 Phone: 716-226-3944
Saratoga Mike Valla 5 Orenda Spring Drive Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Phone: 518-584-4215
Jon Rankin 235 Cady Avenue P.O. Box 339 Nichols, NY 13812 Phone: 607-699-3389
Stephen Kutney 803 Broad Street Endicott, NY 13744 Phone: 607-748-1335
Monroe County Harry & Pat Dieter 217 Rush-Mendon Townline Road Honeoye Falls, NY 14472 Phone: 716-533-2085
Arthur W. Harris 14 Hill Street Alplaus, NY 12008 Phone: 518-399-8320
Tompkins County Richard Griffen 10 Fort Hill Road Freeville, NY 13068 Phone: 607-844-4046
Steuben County George R. Appleton 6160 West Creek Road Prattsburgh, NY 14873 Phone: 607-522-3060
Ulster County Jerry Leatherman 261 Pearl Street Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 914-331-3235
George A. Pavlick 25 Prospect Street Addison, NY 14801 Phone: 607-359-2137
Washington County Tim Ward Box 342 Whitehall, NY 12887 Phone: --
Lawrence T. Lepak R.R. #3, Box 280A 7 Sterry Drive Greene, NY 13778 Phone: 607-656-8504 William A. Parrilla 170 Huggins Road (Sanford) Deposit, NY 13754 Phone: 607-467-2327 H. W. Van Kuren 1248 NY Route 11 Castle Creek, NY 13744-9746 Phone: 607-648-5294 Cattaraugus County Bob & Helen Nagle 6929 Bailey Hill Road Cattaraugus, NY 14719 Phone: 716-257-5110 Delaware County Dr. Richard & Laurie Scranton 22 Delview Terrace Delhi, NY 13753 Phone: 607-746-6463 Erie County William H. Lamale 144 Briarhurst Road, Box 663 Williamsville, NY 14231-0663 Phone: 716-632-3186 Joseph H. Walter 157 N. Harvest Williamsville, NY 14221 Phone: 716-633-7393 Franklin County David & Judy Johnson Sugarwood Box 12 Rainbow Lake, NY 12976 Phone: 518-327-3652
Onondaga Jack W. Cottrell, Sf. 7308 Jamesville Road Manlius, NY 13104 Phone: 315-682-8121 J ames A. Sontheimer 129 Margo Lane Fayetteville, NY 13066 Phone: 315 637-5309
Suffolk County Charles Masterson 184 Tredwell Avenue St. James, NY 11780 Phone: 516-862-8399
Ontario County Sherman & Annette Craig 7584 Hickory Bottom Road Naples, NY 14512 Phone: 716-374-6879 Orange County Gordon William Lord Orchard Hill Road Harriman, NY 10926 Phone: 914-783-1457
GERMANY James N. Martin Thierstr. 9 48165 Muenster GERMANY
Tree Farm Treats Now Ready The N. Y. State Tree Farm Committee wishes to thank all who contributed recipes for our TREE FARM TREATS Cookbook. The diversity of recipes will make the book a hit in any kitchen; if you're not tempted to try some, your appetite must be out to lunch. Those who have prepaid an order for one or more cookbooks should have received them by now. TREE FARM TREATS will be available for $6.50 at Tree Farm, NYFOA, SAP and other appropriate meetings. Otherwise, they may be ordered direct from the nearest seller listed below at $8.00 to cover postage. Please make checks payable to the N. Y. State Tree Farm Committee. Albany area: Valerie Luzadis Alden, c/o ESFPA, 123 State St., Albany, N. Y. 12207. Central area: Harriet Hamilton, 8785 Schribner Rd., Wayland, N. Y. 14572. Western area: Bob and Audrey Childs, 3208 Cooper Hill Rd., Hinsdale, N. Y. 14743.
Jane Sorensen Lord Orchard Hill Road Harriman, NY 10926 Phone: 914-783-1457 Rensselaer County Barry and Jill Cornell R.R. #1, Box 38 County Route 11 Johnsonville, NY 12094 Phone: 518-753-4336 Andy Maguire Gentle Road East Nassau, NY 12062 Phone: 518-794-8450
SOUTHERN TIER On August 14th, the Chapter honored Richard Molyneaux upon his selection as the Number Two Best Tree Farm in the Northeast Region of the Tree Farm System for 1993. Dick hosted a potluck chicken barbecue, which was attended by family, friends, church members, and the Broome County Christmas Tree Growers Association, in addition to Chapter members. After the consumption of large amounts of food, a woods walk was held which focused on Dick's efforts to improve wildlife habitat. Michael Hall, a Senior Biologist with NYS DEC, addressed the Chapter on October 4th, " Deer Damage to your Seedlings and Woodlot". Mike has been involved for over two decades with deer management in Central New York. Those members of the Chapter experiencing deer problems received deer control recommendations. CATSKILL FOREST ASSOCIATION Even with a cool, misty day over thirty landowners attended CFA's annual meeting on Septem ber 11at Hartwick College's Pine Lake Environmental Center. The day began with reelection of four CFA Board members: Helen Chase, Bob Cruickshank, Marjorie Dunbar and Dr. Richard Scranton. JackMcShane, CFA'sPresident, described his management successes during the past year and Dinnie Sloman, CFA's Executive Director gave a report concerning the Association's activities. Dinnie presented Jack with an American Tree Farm certificate and sign acknowledging acceptance of his property into the Tree Farm System. Dinnie also commended Bob Bishop for reaching the New York State finals in MasterCard's 1993 Master Planter Award. After these awards the educational portion of the meeting began. State and Extension programs, including SIP, were described by Carl Wiedemann (Regional Forester DEC Region 4), Gary Goff (Extension Forester) and Quinton Van Nortwick (DEC Supervising Wildlife Biologist). John Gibbs (DEC Senior Forester) reported trends in wood markets and utilization of wood products. Those
Dick Molyneaux, (I) being congratulated by Chapter President Larry Lepak. The next Chapter Meeting will be held on Novem ber 23rd at the Cooperative Extension Center, Upper Front St., Binghamton. The 7:30 PM program will be, "Master Forest Owner Highlights" by Chapter members Gordon Brownlow and Steve Kutney. A summary of the August Survey will be presented at this meeting. attending the meeting asked many good questions of the experts, revealing a wide variety of interest in improving forest land and other resources. The group broke for a deli buffet and began field exercises in the afternoon. After watching wildlife management videos provided by the Ruffed Grouse Society, most of the group journeyed on a woodswalk with Dr. Michael Murphy, a professor at Hartwick College. During the invigorating walk into the hills around Pine Lake, they examined his research concerning forest and animal ecology. Another group spent the afternoon learning how to measure trees, including diameter, height and volume. They also learned to read site index tables and thinning guides. If you have a particular interest regarding education, please contact our new Director of Education, Donna Rogier. CAYUGA The subject of Agroforestry was the principal topic of the chapter's annual summer picnic at Wendell Hatfield's retreat. LouiseBuck, researcher from Cornell University's Department of Natural Resources, provided a survey to assess the
members' interests and practices and to stimulate discussion. September 25, the chapter provided a display at the Auburn Wal-Mart in cooperation with the Federation of Conservation Clubs to celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day. The chapter has proposed a joint project with the Cayuga County Federation of Conservation Clubs which would inventory the persistent clumps of American Chestnuts in the county - a project which would support and be facilitated by the common interests of landowners and sportsmen. WESTERN FINGER LAKES Saturday, September 18th, Dick and Diane Dennison hosted a woods walk on their property near Honeoye Lake. DEC Forester Billy Morris and Dick explained what was being done to accomplish Dick's. goals for encouraging wildlife and improving his woodlot. We also had technical input from retired DEC Forester Charlie Mowatt and Master Forest Owners Ted Markem and Dale Schaefer. After touring his pines and hardwoods, Dick concluded with a narrative about his composting toilet. Then all of us helped release rainbow trout and golden trout into his heartshaped pond. Our thanks to Dick and Diane for another educational and inspiring woodswalk. Winter is closing in on us and that means our meetings began again. We have an exciting presentation scheduled for Thursday November 11th - Cornell Cooperative Extension on Highland Avenue, at 7:30 pm. Our speaker is Bill Colsman who is a member of the Burroughs Nature Club and past president of the Genesee Ornithological Society. Mr. Colsman has been managing 85 acres near Bristol Mountain since 1958. He will give a history of the activities he and his family have been pursuing on their property for the past 35 years. Mr. Colsman will discuss forestry practices, the use and management of the property and the wildlife they have been enjoying. Our thanks to Carol Fox for making the arrangements for Mr. Colsman to speak at our meeting, we are all looking forward to it.
ALLEGHENY FOOTlllLLS More than 45 people attended our Sept 23 woodswalk which featured a Wetland Wildlife Marsh Reconstruction project on Mark & Joann Kurtis' property near Rushford. On November 6 we will join with the Nannen Arboretum Board to tour the Arboretum's Pierce-Whitney Forest to assess the work completed by Kevin Hallen, who won the $500.00 internship donated by our chapter. Kevin marked trails, marked boundaries, and cleared some trails (and did other work) under the direction of Bruce Robinson. we will meet at 10 am. at the Pierce-Whitney forest; bring a bag lunch 01 December 11 we will have our annual Christmas Party at Audrey & Bob Childs property on Cooper Hill Road, Hinsdale. We will meet at 2 p.m., bring a dish to pass. This is always a gala socializing event; and one, new members (and old!), should not miss. Our annual fundraiser-gathering walnuts-is in full swing. We are also gathering Red Oak and White Oak acorns and this year promises to be a great year for filling the treasury.
NORTHERN ADIRONDACK Our fall woodswalk on the Ranger School (Dunbar) Forest was enjoyed by 25, mostly NYFOA members, including Don Wagner. We all learned more about deer in the Adirondack forests from Dick Sage (Wildlife Biologist) and Jennifer Hill (Research Graduate Student), SUNY Ecological Center. We just barely beat the rain with much colder weather when the group decided to eat lunch in the shelter of the classroom back at the Ranger School. Jamie Savage will write a future FOREST OWNERS article detailing this woods walk. The winter member event is being planned as a workshop on forest tax/cost reduction in January or February at a central location for NAC. We held our annual organizational meeting ("brain stormer") on September 14 with 11 members attending. New chairpersons, committees and goals were voted and selected. Bob Howard (WestChair) and Herb Boyce (EastChair) will run NAC with four committees: Membership (Harry Howe, Chair), Member Events (Jamie Smith, Chair), Communications (Wes Suhr, Chair) and Organizational Affairs
(Howard and Boyce, dual Chairs). Goals have been established to increase membership and to coordinate member events with other organizations, especially the Tree Farm System.
THRIFT On September 11th, at the top of a hill (elevation 1200 ft.) four miles from Copenhagen, and with a cool wind blowing its winter message, 19 THRIFT members and friends huddled together to view state-of-the-art technology in windpowered turbines. There are two turbines, 400 feet apart, on the site: and the height of each from ground to blade tip is 139 feet. Each turbine can produce enough energy for 30 homes. The start-up wind speed is 9 mph with maximum power production at 26 mph. The first power produced was November 11, 1992. Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, the owners, is evaluating wind energy
production in terms of economic, reliability, and environmental values. These turbines are being monitored at U. S. Windpower's headquarters in Livermore, CA, at Niagara Mohawk's System Power Control Center in Syracuse, and NM's Northern Region Energy Control Center in Watertown. . NYFOA/THRIFT provided a display for Woodsmen!s Field Days at Boonville; the booth was staffed by Harold Petrie, Robert Watson, and Don Wagner, There was a good attendance at the Public Seminar, "Maintaining Timberland in NYS", which was arranged and moderated by Cornell University's Extension Specialist, Dave Taber. The Boonville (Adirondack High School)program,jointly sponsored by NYFOA and the Empire State Forest Products Association, had many knowledgeable panel and audience speakers; it was simultaneously broadcast by radio station WBRV.
CENTRAL NEW YORK Our chapter hosted the fall NYFOA meeting at Heiberg Forest which was well attended and with beautiful weather. CNY chapter is extremely grateful to Betty Wagner for the donation of the beautiful quilt for our fund-raising raffle. The muchneeded funds will allow us to build a more active chapter program and benefit a broader base of forest people in central New York. We have the next six month planned and are working on better ways to communicate to our membership and others with forest related interests. Our next event will be a woodswalk on November 6th at Baltimore Woods with John Weeks.
Woodswalk at Baltimore Woods on November 6 Baltimore Woods is a 160-acre nature center located just south of the village of Marcellus in Onondaga County. It is managed by Centers for Nature Education, a nonprofit organization devoted to teaching and promoting environmental awareness. The woods walk will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will last till about noon. John Weeks, wildlife biologist, will preface the woodswalk with a short overview of the history of Baltimore Woods and the current programs. John will lead us through an area of former farmland which is in various stages of succession. He will explain wildlife habitat enhancement and management in these areas. We will also see areas of forest which are recovering from extensive logging done 20 or more years ago. John Weeks has an impressive background: as a wildlife biologist with DEC, as a designer and director of nature centers, as an outdoor artist, and, currently, as an independent consultant for environmental centers. He was the 1992 Conservation Educator of the Year. Those who wish may bring a lunch to eat in the woods. Some of you may want to explore additional areas in Baltimore Woods in the afternoon. A donation to Centers for Nature Education will be greatly appreciated. Directions: Take route 174 south from the center of Marcellus. After about 3/4 mile turn right onto Bishop Hill Road, drive less than 1/2 mile to the top of the hill. We will meet at the main Baltimore Woods parking area at 9:30 a.m. Any questions - Call Bob Sykes at (315) 673-3691.
By Betty Densmore
This year's Fall Meeting, held at Heiberg Forest, Tully, New York on September 25 and 26 was attended by 66 enthusiastic NYFOANs. Several innovations put a new look on this meeting: "hands on" field exercises and scheduling all day Saturday and half day Sunday (instead of the usual Friday evening dinner followed by all day Saturday programs). The change in scheduling provided an opportunity to those who, for a variety of reasons, have been unable to travel to meetings on Friday afternoon. The field exercises, with four possible choices on Saturday, were conducted by knowledgeable instructors who imparted new skills to attendees. Since the weather was beautiful, the program presented an excuse to enjoy a glorious Fall day "working" in the forest. Although Sunday dawned wet and windy, everyone enjoyed Jim Peek's educational after breakfast talk on
The Happy Hour There was time for lots of fun and Although the CNY cannot take credit socializing: everybody seemed to enjoy for the gorgeous weather, or for Heiberg's Saturday's afternoon wine and cheese beauty and good facilities, they CAN take party; and the "NYFOA BOWL" in which credit for a terrific program, good schedulcontestants representing the Board of Diing, a GREAT choice of caterer, and an rectors faced off against the Central New over-all gang busters Fall Meeting. People York Chapter's sharpest minds. It was a tie who must be given a huge round of ap(a manipulated tie)! It did seem great to see plause: Bill and Clara Minerd, for all their so many people have such a good time planning and work; Norm Richards, for gathering such excellent facilatators and speakers; Jim Crevelling (Manager, Heiberg Forest) for all his help; Betty Wagner, master quilter, for donating her lovely work-of-art quilt as a raffle fund' raiser to the CNY (it was won by Christopher Couse); and Don Wagner, NYFOA's President, who made us all feel welcome. The only thing missing was quite a few members who could have enjoyed one of the best Fall Meetings ever. Next year's Fall Meeting is being planned even now, and at least two groups are actively bidding to host it. If they do as good a job as the CNY, you should be penciling this in for next year! The NYFOA Bowl, Quilt and Panel Betty serves on NYFOA' s Board cfDirectors Roadside Timber Sales; the Chain Saw forging new friendships and gaining imas Chairperson 0/ the Editorial Committee. Seminars were well attended; and Tom portantinformation. These experiences enEllison's slide show, "Unseen Life in the able the attendees to become better stewPhotos 0/ the 1993 Fall Meeting by Charles Forest" was a god-send to those who preards and better NYFOA members. Mowatt. ferred the dry comfort of Heiberg's classroom. 30+ Years Experience
Forestry Consultant
Timber Sales- Management Planning Tax - Tree Planting 3987 Northway Drive Cortland, NY 13045-9317 Telephone:
(607) 753-0497 NY FOREST OWNER
Cruising/Prescription 12
Preparation Field Exercise by Jim Crevelling, Manager Heiberg Forest. NOVEMBE~DECEMBER19~
By R.J. Fox Bill Minerd, Chairperson for the 1993 NYFOA Fall Meeting at Heiberg Forest, asked me to provide a facilitated program of chain saw breakdown, tune-up, and maintenance; others would address safety questions and tips on Sharpening. Such a workshop should have useful values to forest owners who are active in the management of their woods. However, I ran out of time; and there was nothing done for tune-up or maintenance. Perhaps a Column .... ? To begin, I love chain saws. For the thirty years I've lived at my current residence, the house has been heated exclusively with wood; and the rate of consumption averages some 25 face cords per year - I have to love chain saws. The romance began with a tired old Homelite EZ, bought at auction, which required an enormous amount of my personal energy before the chain ever moved; and, when it finally started, the saw stubbornly persisted in cutting curves, no matter how much I "sharpened it". After several years using Swedish bow saws and various other "good buys" (with the help of the kitchen table), the difficulties were overcome. Upon the advent of the energy crises, I shared my experiences with my neighbors as a servicing dealer for several chain saw manufacturers. For the purpose of this column, let's consider the following challenge: We inherit a chain saw; it doesn't start: and we decide to fix it. (Let's also assume: That it ÂŁhQJllil start; and it can be fixed. Not an idle assumption!)
The two-cycle internal combustion engine requires an explosive mixture compressed to a fixed volume and ignited with an electric discharge upon each full revolution of the 'crankshaft'.
Fig. 1 - T-wrench A. To Determine the Spark 1. Access the spark plug. - Remove any housing elements which impede. - Using a gentle twisting and pulling force, remove the high tension lead terminal (boot) from the plug. Note condition of terminal elements for ability to conduct. 2. Remove the spark plug from the cylinder with an appropriate tool, deepwell socket or T-wrench. (Fig. 1) Use care so that the plug gap may be observed 'as it was'; perhaps it was contaminated. 3. Examine plug for condition: material shorting the gap; poor gap setting; too black (carboned: mix too rich, spark - not hot enough); too light, grey-white (fuel mix too lean, perhaps, without illY oi!!); wet or dry; and so on. This step may provide very useful information. 4. Reconnect the boot and plug. S. Establish ground with the side of the plug and not the discharge end. If saw is equipped with anti-vibration features, this grounding, may not be so easily achieved. Use a lead of alligator clips which will permit direct connection to the cylinder or muffler. 6. Assuming the recoil starter assembly is OK, spin the crankshaft, smartly. Plug should discharge bluish spark several times per pull. Pull should be easy; spin.very
free; there is no significant compression; and no appreciable resistance. - If spark is qualitatively light, a subjective call, use a test plug, (Fig. 2) one with an extended gap. Such an extended gap betrays "weakness" in the ignition system prior to the plug. (An extended gap design has diagnostic value for either solid-state or electronic-type or the older points, condenser, and coil systems). If test plug spark is OK replace old plug with a new one. At this point for the current and future columns, let's consider the following three cases:
Fig, 2 - Spark Restor I. The spark is missing or certainly inadequate: which suggests a deficiency in the ignition system prior to the spark plug. This result will require further disassembly of the saw; and more appropriately the subject of a column on ignition. II. "Not an idle assumption", above. We must recognize that there are in excess of 400 makes and models of chain saws, often unique(reciprocating. electric, lefthanded, and 2-man; to cite a few unique types). The question of starting conditions for a generic chain saw is an absurd question - switch, carburetor settings, holding pattern, energy source (McCulloch Corporation designed a saw with push-button electric start-not a gimmick) and in various combinations. Further, after the saw has been owned, it becomes one-of-a-kind. This column may not work at all without reader participation. I will respond to all questions regarding chain saws; please provide make and model, if known. Significantly embodied in the beginning assumption: the saw used to run; and no one else has tried to fix it and failed in the effort. III. The spark is ok. What about the explosive mixture? See the next NY FOREST OWNER Issue. We suggest a copy of this page be retained for continuity or review.
A Review
THEwhatBAMBI BOMB: walt disney did to us By Alan Knight Ralph Lutts has done us a great service in dismantling the Bambi bomb. Now we can see what has made it tick so loudly. Writing with great insight and with a fascinating repertoire of Hollywood research in the October 1992 issue of Forest & Conservation History (Forest History Society, 701 Vickers Avenue, Durham, NC 27701), Lutts reveals startling details of Disney's distortion of Felix Salten' s 1926 Austrian classic Bambi: A Life in the Woods and predicts, "Grave problems lie ahead if we confuse a fetching metaphor with the living reality of deer, other wildlife, and our environment." And the upshot of Lutts's essay is that we - society and the Disney machine have, indeed, confused them. Big time. Lutts, who is director of education at the Virginia Museum of Natural History, dazzles us wi th the depth and breadth of his research into the Bambi phenomenon, including commentary from those on the scene for the gestation and birth of the celluloid version, commentary on what was left out and why, versions that were rejected, and caricatures found insufficiently cuddly to include. But, so what? Who cares? What does Bambi matter? Quoting pop psychologist Eleanor Ringel, Lutts writes, "Disney cartoons are a shared cultural heritage that predate Beaver Cleaver and Howdy Doody. They are the beginning of our global media village ... For better or worse, Uncle Walt pioneered the notion of a standard childhood memory. [Disney's animal characters are] a part of our cultural DNA." Unique rank Lutts doesn't let it go at that. He heaps on the evidence - sometimes profound, sometimes pathetic - that Disney's Bambi lives in an honored and protected niche in our national psyche. "Shortly after the film and its fire sequence appeared," says Lutts, "the Wartime Council used Bambi and his friends in a national poster campaign to promote fire prevention ... being replaced a year later by the newly invented character Smokey Bear." Lutts cites movie actor Kiefer NY FOREST OWNER
Sutherland (is Sutherland serious?) in a Playboy interview: "Bambi is still the film with which I compare everything .... It taught me about - I guess on a broad scale - sexuality. I was in love with Thumper's girlfriend from the time I was seven until I was ten. She's got all that eye shadow on and she's looking real good." Distortion This puts us on the train to Distortionville. "All that eye shadow" was the result of careful strategic planning among Disney staff, Lutts discovered. Although Lutts learned that the Disney animators "went to great lengths to present an accurate representation of deer and other wild animals in Bambi (even having an artist spend six months in Maine's Baxter State Park)," much of the fidelity to a realistic portrayal of nature was trashed when found to be insufficiently sappy.
" .... the features that elicit our nurturing sympathy for human children." "Initially," writes Lutts, "Disney's staff had tremendous difficulty rendering the deer in Bambi as sympathetic personalities capable of dramatic expression because they were trying to draw them too realistically. They finally solved the problem by reverting to some of their standard cartoon techniques. "'A smaller muzzle and much larger cranium," wrote two of the supervising animators, 'finally created the new design and made all the expressions available to the animators.": Lutts adds, "Disney's artists also added exceptionally large white eye patches surrounding and exaggerating his enormous eyes." No wonder, says Lutts, that Bambi, Faline, Thumper, and Flower win our sympathy. "They display the features that elicit our nurturing sympathy for human children." Original Bambi Perhaps Lutts's greatest gift to us is in
discerning the marked difference between Disney'sBambi and the original, written by Salten, an Austrian novelist: journalist, and theater critic. A couple of interesting - if tangential - notes: Salten also wrote the original story from which Disney'sThe Shaggy Dog was taken; and Bambi was translated from the original German by Whittaker Chambers, later to gain notoriety through the Alger Hiss trial that made Richard Nixon a household name. Lutts take pains to point out true-tonature representations in Salten's version, versus the glib oversimplifications of Disney's; as well as Salten's over-arching moral tone that man is both good and evil, quite unlike the crisp, terrifying Disney pronouncement, uttered by Bambi's mother, "Man is in the forest." "Hunters," writes Lutts of the Disney version, "not only kill Bambi's mother, they also kill the woodland creatures indiscriminately, their dogs attack Faline, and their fire ravages the forest. The fierce, hungry flames that devour the forest and its creatures become a surrogate for Man that continues and subliminally magnifies the hunters' destructive hunger for the lives of Bambi and his friends. Hunters are represented virtually as a Satanic force. Disney adds to this impression by using crows circling and cawing ominously over the forest, as dark harbingers of Man." Key deletions Edited out of the Disney version was Salten's presentation of Gobo -- Faline's brother - too weak to survive a harsh winter, rescued, nursed back to health, and released back to the wild by hunters. NOVEMBE~DECEMBER19~
Edited out of the Disney version are the debates of the forest creatures about the fundamental moral question, "Is man good or evil?" One of Salten's deer proclaims, "He is loathsome!" but another counters, "They say that sometime He'll come to live with us and be as gentle as we are. He'll play with us then and the whole forest will be happy, and we'll be friends with Him." No; no room for Man in the Disney forest. Another edited-out scene - uncovered somehow by Lutts - was actually filmed but deleted when a test-viewing shocked the audience. Says Lutts, "Walt Disney intended to conclude his version of Bambi with [a] powerful scene and argument against hunting. It was to be the climax of the film. Bambi and his father were to find the corpse of a dead hunter amid the charred remains of the forest ... But Disney's staff were unsure how to present a 'real' death, rather than a fanciful or fairy tale cartoon death in a way that was acceptable to the audience. "They tried one version on a test audience," writes Lutts, "and four hundred people shot straight up into the air when the corpse appeared. Thus ended Disney's efforts to bring a philosophical conclusion to the film." Too bad. The deleted scene had Bambi's father discussing the mortality of Man with his son. "He isn't all powerful as they say," says Bambi's father, referring to the dead hunter before them. "Everything that lives and grows doesn't come from Him. He's just the same as we. He has the same fears, the same needs, and suffers in the same way. He can be killed like us, and then He lies there helpless on the ground like all the rest of you see him now." Disney had his chance, and He blew it. Salten's version "Salten's Bambi presents a poetic version of woodland life," says Lutts, "and a powerful statement against hunting. Although he humanized his animal characters, they live in a world of complex ecological relationships that includes the everpresent reality of death by predation and winter starvation, as well as by the hunters' gun. Humans often bring death, as do other creatures in the forest; but Salten presents humans as a problematic force, rather than as an unmitigated evil. ... Felix Salten should be commended for conducting his NY FOREST OWNER
morality play on a naturalistic stage." In contrast, Lutts says of Disney's version, "It presents an extraordinarily onesided view of nature and people. There is no predation in Disney's forest. With few exceptions ... the animals do not eat at all. Although winters may be bad, death comes only by the hand of Man, an evil force in the world." But Lutts lets Disney out of the witness chair too easily, acquitting him of deliberate propagandizing: "Disney did not set out to present this as his philosophical view of nature," he writes. "Instead, Salten's complexities were whittled away in the pragmatic process of shaping the story for a visual medium and a mass market. Financial problems also forced Disney to cut the length of the film by almost a third. "As a result," says Lutts, "the story lost its ecological and philosophical depth, but the film gained an aesthetic elegance and simplicity that have earned it a reputation as one of Disney's finest works of art." Lutts is too kind. He has the evidence to accuse Disney of flat-out pandering and elects not to sharpen it to a point. He lets it lay as a mere triumph of form over substance. Marketing impact But it was more than that. It was also the triumph of mass marketing. Despite the failure of the first release of Bambi in 1942 to cover its production expenses, the film has gone on to earn more than ten times the earnings of Casablanca. Only Gone With the Wind and The Sound of Music have earned more, Lutts tells us. In 1988, the Disney marketing machine rolled out a $60 million simultaneous sales effort for Bambi and Roger Rabbit, the largest investment ever in merchandising of a home video. Indeed, modem film merchandising -with its sale of ancillary products such as T-shirts, toys, soft-drink glass, and fastfood restaurant tie-ins - was born with Bambi. According to Lutts, "In 1941, the year before the film was released, aBambi comic book giveaway was distributed through Horlick's Malted Milk and toy stores. A Bambi Sunday comic strip began running in newspapers ... a month before the film was released." More important to public perception of - and policy decisions concerning -deer, wildlife, and the environment, the Disney
machine keeps right on rolling. Lutts says Disney now markets packages that include a Bambi audio cassette and "read along" books for elementary school reading programs, a sophisticated twist on the collateral"educational" Bambi materials Disney has been producing since 1942.
Our understanding of wildlife - based on Walt Disney's Bambi? If NYFOA, Tree Farmers, and other conservation groups find themselves occasionally having to defend their right to manage and harvest forest products, they are battling not only nature nuts and animal rights activists, but fifty years of profound retooling of reality on the Disney assembly line. "The presence and influence of Disney ,s Bambi has been and remains pervasive," concludes Lutts. "It may be that more people have, consciously or unconsciously, based their understanding of deer and wildlife on Walt Disney's Bambi than on any other single source." Truly frightening. Alan, past editor of the NY Forest Owner and aformer director ofNYFOA, currently edits THE NORTH AMERICAN DEER FARMER and is a member of NYFOA's Editorial Committee.
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THE MAJESTIC OAKS OF TRONCAIS By Henry S. Kernan Woodland owners in New York may envy a forest in France where single trees may be worth ten thousand dollars on the stump. Paying twenty times our current price for white oak would drive most American hardwood buyers away. Yet every fall their European counterparts gather at the little village of Cerilly in the old Province of Borbonnais, and bid the trees up to three dollars a board foot and more. The hitch for landowners is that the trees have been growing for two centuries under the most intensive silvicultural care. Moreover, they have highly specialized markets for sliced veneer and barrel staves. Indeed, experts insist on barrels ofTroncais oak for aging cognac to the color and aroma considered the best. Of Troncais Forest's 28,500 acres, 20,000 produce such timber; they are among the world's most valuable and pampered forested acres. The precious tree is the sessile oak, a white oak with rounded leaf lobes and sweet acorns. The ancient Gauls revered the sessile oaks as symbols of strength and longevity. In a different form the reverence continues, today, for oaks that are sixteen foot around, contain 6000 board feet, and were timber before Columbus discovered America. The very largest are inviolate, have names, and receive the awe of thousands of visitors each year . They inspire a private society Friends of the Forest of Troncais. The silviculture that produces trees and wood of such size, quality, and value has surprises for those of us used to our mixed and disorderly (in French eyes) stands of northern hardwoods. We manage about twenty species for timber along with the diversity of snags for feeding woodpeckers and old logs rotting on the ground for the convenience of amorous grouse. No snags, culls, orrotting logs are among the oaks of Troncais. The forest floor is clear of dead wood, brush, and even stum ps. Until recently, trees were felled only by wind or severing the roots. Consequently, fungi, birds, small mammals and amphibians are not abundant. The managers of Troncais Forest direct their attention to the sessile oak and to what favors or harms that one species. Pedunculate oak, maple, ash, lindon, and pine are present, but in small amounts; and they receive no encouragement. Managers NY FOREST OWNER
Right: 200+ year old oaks at Troncais Forest
Left: A French woodswalk, Forest ranger Jacques Chevalier explains the silviculture of Troncais to a group of visitors.
tolerate beech and hornbeam as trainers for the oak. Being slow-growing and tolerant of crowding and shade, the trainerspecies press upon the oaks of pole size to be tall, straight, and have boles clear of branches. Well before the harvest of oak, the beech and hornbeam become firewood. Thus, for their last 100 years, the already gigantic oaks are growing alone, dropping acorns for wildlife, and adding wood each year in a slow even pattern of the very highest quality. The final cutting and extraction takes place among dense masses of seedlings. Of .this regenerated stock selective thinning starts at age fifteen, to be repeated every twelve years to a spacing of about twenty crop trees per acre. Twelve professionals and forty woodsmen trained in silviculture, work in the Troncais Forest. The annual yield is 45,000 cubic meters, about 1.6 million cubic feet, worth about $3,000,000. Only a small part of the total yield brings the fabulous prices. Economists will observe that the net return is low when compared to the enormous volume held in the standing capital. A century ago, woodsmen lived in the forest, working charcoal, felling trees, and giving first shape to wood products. Now, vacationers come by the thousands. They walk the long, straight alleys, enjoy the man-made lakes, and camp. For such use there is a 2300-acre "Zone of Silence' barred to motor vehicles. This being France, eateries for food and drink are numerous 16
and of good quality. The crowning tourists' events of the year are the hunts for boar and stag. As in few places in the world today, visitors can hear the baying of the hounds and the calls of the hunting horns; and they can see costumed riders mounted on magnificent horses. Until recently, tourists were witness to the dispatch of the stag by spear and of the boar by dagger. The resident deer population is around 600; the number of boar is less well known, for they are nocturnal animals of the deep thickets and swamps. The boar come out at night to grub away at whatever is edible in the upper soil, including the many acorns. They bury acorns as well as eat them and, thus, they are highly useful to the perpetuation of the forest. For one interested in trees and forests, TroncaisForest inspires both awe and envy. Yet I left home sick for my New York woods. We have far more variety to offer: ash, cherry, and basswood of timber size; the colors of fall: and the miracle of maple sap. Our hunters are orange-clad, footmounted, and silent. The contrast could not be more striking. Henry Kernan, afrequent contributor (recently, Vol. 31, No.2 page 16, and No.4 page 7), is a Master Forest Owner (Class of '91) and a forester with extensive experience in worldforestry. His New York woods are locatedin the Charlotte Valley in Otsego County. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER
N.Y.F.O.A. Past President Allen F. Horn Has Retired
AI Hom, a Professor at SUNY-CESF with dual degrees in both Forestry and Law, has left the Syracuse area. He and his wife Lois have moved to Beaufort, South Carolina. AI has been a willing contributor of both time and expertise to benefit NYFOA, serving on many panels and programs sponsored by this association. A willing volunteer, AI chaired several important committees, including Editorial, Annual Meeting Planning, and By-laws, and aiding local arrangements frequently. While President of NYFOA, AI added new dimensions under his leadership. Membership especially increased with a new found determination. We wish AI and Lois many years of good health and happiness in retirement. One memory will follow them -- 37 winters in Syracuse. Dr. Horn owned in partnership with Bob Sand, the former Emiel Palmer Tree Farm in the Town of Pompey, Onondaga County. AI's new address is 2255 Plantation Drive, Beaufort, SC 29902-5255. This announcement originally appeared in THENY FOREST OWNER Sept/Oct 1993; regrettably, the accompanying photo in that issue was notAllen Horn, it was Harold Petrie.
_~ "'~~
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nmber Appraisals • nmber Marking • nmber Trespasses • Forest Management Plans And Other Forestry Services PATRICK J. McGLEW (607) 699-3846
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J. Colligan
In the last article, we considered when it was best to establish the boundary line by ourselves orwith professional advice. This article will primarily discuss how surveys are prepared and how to read them after we get one. Although there are many types of surveys, the most common one is a boundary survey which shows the perimeter of the parcel relative to physical evidence of occupation. This occupation could be the existence of fences and/or hedgerows, the location of drives or access roads, and even structures. Common title problems appearing on boundary surveys are encroachments, gores and overlaps. An encroachment is a structure, fence or drive crossing onto or across the property. Some people consider a gore a Vice President; it is a generic term for a gap between adjoining parcels caused when metes and bounds legal descriptions are plotted. Overlaps occur for the same reasons as gores. To help your surveyor do a competent job, you should supply the surveyor with your deed with a metes and bounds legal description, any prior surveys, and the title abstract. Often the documents you provide together with the surveyor's field work, creates a conflicting array of information. Generally, the order in weighing conflicting deed calls is: 1. Possession or Occupancy(unwritten) 2. Senior rights from deed of origin(not senior citizen!) 3. Reference to a survey 4. Reference to a physical point or monument 5. Distance 6. Direction 7. Area After the survey is prepared you get to read it. All surveys indicate the north point; and that is a good place to begin your review. Next, look at the legal lines of abutting streets and roads. Many people don't realize part of their front yards belong to the dedicated roadway. Follow the property line around, noting the evidence of occupation referred to earlier. Be alert to encumbrances and other noted problems. Surveys are supposed to show all 17
monuments, stakes, iron pipes, or other apparent boundary markers; but snow, weeds, and myopia all limit the surveyors ability to note these markers. Next, look at the interior to see what ponds, streams, buildings, and other physical characteristics are shown. If you have an easement over your property for a gas, electric, or phone line, or if someone has access or egress over your property; that should also be shown. Finally, look at your neighbors' boundaries to see if all your boundary questions are answered to your satisfaction. Do not be afraid to call your surveyor to ask about what his field notes say about your unanswered questions and to ask him to note the answers on the surveyor to go back out to collect the necessary data. to answer your questions. Dave Colligan is NYFOA's legislative liaison and Bufr.llo attorney at law. This is the second in a series of articles describing boundary and property law.
Fountain Forestry
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FOUNTAIN FORESTRY, INC. 26 Lincoln Drive Tupper Lake, NY 12986
Tel/Fax: (518) 359-3089 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER
NWOA Recognizes Two Programs with Forest Stewardship State of the Year Awards for 1993 The National Woodland Owners Associationrecognized two states with the FOR EST STEWARDSlllP STATE OF THE YEAR AWARD FOR 1993. Kentucky and Montana were honored for their outstanding programs and innovation in implementing the Forest Stewardship program as authorized by the 1990 federal Farm Bill. Selection of the winners was made by a committee with representatives from American Forests and NWOA. Kentucky was cited for the number and quality of Stewardship Plans prepared with a special emphasis on the wildlife potential of forest lands in the state, along with additional initiatives to reach landowners. Montana was recognized for their innovation by providing intensive training for interested landowners and then allowing them to write their own stewardship management plans. Approved plans are a requirement before stewardship practices can be cost shared. Giving landowners the opportunity to draft their own, provides greater understanding and ownership of their personal plan. This is the second year the NATIONAL WOODLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION has recognized the FOREST STEW ARDSlllP STATE OF THE YEAR. The New York Stewardship Committee was recognized last year. [And according to Keith Argow, NWOA's President, NYS was in the finals, this year] With offices in the Washington, D.C. area, NWOA is an independent organization of private woodland owners from all 50 states and is affiliated with 78 local and state landowner associations.
1993 PROFESSIONAL TIMBER HARVESTER AWARD The New York State Timber Producers Association has promoted the interests and well being of the timber harvester since its formation in 1970. The Professional Timber Harvester Award is presented once a year to commend a timber harvester for outstanding practices in areas of; management, safety performances, conditions and appearance of logging equipment and woodlot, and history in the logging industry. This year's award for PROFESSIONAL TIMBER HARVESTER OF 1993 goes to
Ange-Aime (Jack) Marneau, of Homer, N.Y. Jack was nominated by John F. Mueller, Procurement forester for Gutchess Lumber Co. and David M. Riordan, Associate Forester, NYSDEC (Cortland, N.Y.). Jack has been in the timber harvesting business since 1987. He works for Gutchess Lumber Company, Inc./Cortland Wood Products. Jack's wife Jacqueline helps with the bookkeeping; They have one daughter, Caroline. Before coming to New York State, Jack worked 18 years in Canada as a bandsaw filer. He has one employee, James West. Jack loves the timber business; but he makes time for hunting and fishing. Jack's love for the outdoors shows through the care he takes when he harvests his woodlots.
ilr. 3Jane's Jotions anll motions l£sseutialllierb aub .Aromatic (@il :§pring 1993 This oil is designed to nourish, repair and restore balance to aging and damaged skin. Use: Put 3 drops in palm of hand, add 9..10 drops of water, then massage gently over face and neck. Ingredients: Basil, comfrey, borage, chamomile, patchouly, birch, sage, horsetail. Oils of rapeseed, castor, almond, peanut, olive, lanolin, avocado, coconu1,Vitamin E.
j!)ealing ~pnergp ~romatit j!)erhaI (It)iI ~ummer 1993
This oil was developed for protection or healing. The aroma relaxes and grounds. Use: Apply often to closed skin irritations, sunburn, windburn 3 drops of oil, 9 drops of water. Ingredients: Horsetail, beech, birch, borage. Oils of rapeseed, jojoba, almond, avocado, olive, peanut, and Vitamin E. SINGLES (in rapeseed, peanut, olive, lanolin, and Vitamin E): Arnica, Basil, Beech, Birch, Boraga, Calendula, Chamomile, Comfrey, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Horsetail, Hyssop, Juniperoerry, Lemon Balm, Sage, White Oak, White Pine or Yarrow. AROMATIC SKIN OIL (concentrated for smelling, dabbing on temples and pulse points.) Almond, Balsam Cedar, Cinnamon, Citronella, Eucalyptus, Gardenia, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Lilac, Lime, Lemon, Grassalm, Jasmine, Patchouly, Rosemary, Sage, White Pine, Wintergreen, or Ylang-ylang.
$10.00 Each in 1/2 oz. dropper bottle $25.00 for any three • $40.00/five • Postage Paid Supplies are limited. Please list alternatives.
Dr. Jane Sorensen Lord, Orchard Hill Rd., Harriman, NY 10926 914-783-1457 or 212-744-5836 18
FAX 212-744-6078 NOVEMBE~DECEMBER1900
Thorington Forestry Service ******
17 Years Experience New Low Rates in Effect PLUS 10% Discount For NYFOA Members 1025 SkyWgh Rd., Tully, NY 13159
Nolan's Sporting Supplies Outdoor Equipment
37 - 47 Genesee Street Auburn, NY 13021
The American Chestnut Needs Us After introductory remarks by Chapter President Herb Darling (NYS Chapter, American Chestnut Foundation), reports by committee chairs, and progress reports by district directors, Cornell University Professor John Kelley introduced theNYS DEC Region 9 Director, John Spagnoli, to the 40 attendees of the annual chapter meeting held at Marshall Hall, SUNYESF, October 9, 1993. John Spagnoli outlined the program for returning the American Chestnut to New York forests. The preservation of the genetic diversity, currently dormant in root stocks, of the American Chestnut requires extensive effort by forest owners in the collection of wild chestnuts, plantation formation and maintenance, and the coordination of these efforts such that the various paths of natural selection, induced hypovirulence, genetic engineered crosspollination, and hybridization may all be employed. SUNY -ESF researchers Charles
~,~ ~
Erosion and Sediment Control Planning Environmental Impact Assessments Watershed Protection/Management Wetland Protection/Enhancement Protected Stream Crossing Permit Acquisitions Resources Utilization Studies Forest Engineering
Industrial Large Construction Lawns Forest Roads and Log Landings
100 E. Second Street Jamestown, NY 14701 (716) 664-5602
Cortland, NY Office 11 North Main Street Suite 202 Cortland, NY 13045 (607) 753-3113
Timberland Realty Office 100 E. Second Street Jamestown, NY 14701 (716) 664-5604
Nature Trail Development Cross-Country Ski Trail Development Interpretive Trail Planning and Implementation
Forest Management Planning/Operations Scheduling Timber Sale Improvement Work (TSI) Timber Appraisals Tree Planting Services Christmas Tree Farm Management Boundary Line Maintenance Timber Trespass Assessments and Arbitration Expert Witness Testimony Forestland Investment Counseling Shade Tree Damage Evaluation
Gypsy Moth suppression Programs Forest Insect/Pest Assessments
Forest and Recreational Land Marketing Services Forest and Recreational Land Appraisal Services Easement Acquisitions
Jamestown, NY Office
Maynard and William Powell reviewed their efforts to date to create a blightresistant American Chestnut variety by the chapter-supported genetic engineering approach. Charles Maynard reported the completion of a Forest Stewardship funded Bibliography, encouraged by the NYS ForestPractice Board and Darrel Rippeteau.
WILDUFE MANAGEMENT Song and Gamebird Habitat Management Habitat Management for Deer, Bear, Turkey, etc.
Gravel Mining Plan Preparation.Perm] Acquisition Oil and Gas Well Lease Preparation Oil and Gas Well Site Damage Assessments
Assessed Value Reduction Planning (480-a and 'Clean & Green' plans) Timberland Estate Planning Timber Income Taxation Planning
R.J. Fox, Editor RD#3,Box88 Moravia, NY 13118 (315) 497-1078
Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE
PAID Moravia,
13118 Permit No. 21
(716) 665-5477 1894 CAMP ST. EXT. JAMESTOWN NY 14701
to think of all of the benefits you could enjoy from having a pond or a lake on your own property. This idea could become a reality if the right conditions prevail. From our experience it normally requires favorable watershed conditions, good site conditions, ownercommitment to stewardship for enhancement of forest land values, appropriate engineering planning and design, and good construction practices.
Nov 6: CNY; 9:30 AM; Baltimore Woods Tour by John Weeks; Bob Sykes (315) 673-3691.
Nov 6: AFC; 10 AM; Woodswalk; Pierce-Whitney Forest (716) 9456012. Nov. 11: THRIFT; 7:00 PM; Long Range Planning;
Nov 11: WFL; 7 :30 PM; A 35 yrTree Farm Journal; Bill Colsman; Extension Center; Rochester (716) 367-2849 (eve.)
PONDS UNLIMITED CAN EVALUATE the site of your choice. We can provide all of the engineering services needed to plan, design and oversee the construction of a dam to create a handsome pond or lake on suitable property. You can get additional information by calling 315/422-POND or sending a letter of inquiry to:
Nov 23: STC; 7:30 PM; Master Forest Owner Highlights, Extension Office, Binghamton
Dee 11: AFC 2:00 PM; Audrey &
719 E. Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13210 315/422-7663 FAX/476-3635
Bob Childses, Hinsdale; Dish to Pass Xmas Party (716) 945-6012.
Nov 14: CDC; 2 PM; D. Colliton's Tree Farm; Bozenkill Road; Delanson (518) 895-2706.
NYFOA Information Service 1-800-836-3566 NY FOREST OWNER