Council of Forest Resource Organizations 2014 Brochure

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N E W Y O R K S TAT E New York’s forests have experienced tremendous changes over the past four centuries. The rich,diverse forests we see today stand as a testament to nature’s resilience. In 1770, approximately 90% of the state was covered by forests. But by 1870, following decades of clearing for new farms, heavy cutting, and burning, forests were reduced to just 22% of the total area. Today, forests are back. However, today’s forests are under new threats; these include: invasive pests and diseases that are threatening entire species of trees such as Northern White Ash; parcelization and fragmentation of the forest; and timber harvesting that does not use the best scientific methods for sustaining a healthy supply of fiber to the forest products industry and society as a whole. Urban forests also make a major contribution to our quality of life, providing beauty, cleaner air, green spaces and, overall, healthier environments. However, urban and suburban street trees are susceptible to fast spreading pests and diseases.

The Facts*:

• Forest area and species – New York’s forests cover just over 19 million acres of land or 63% of the State land area and have increased rapidly beginning in early 20th century and largely been at current levels since the 1980s. Northern hardwood forests, dominated by beech, birch and maple, make up over 53% of the forest cover. • Forest ownership – New York’s forests continue to be largely privately owned by individuals/ families and business who together own over 76% of the forest. • Forest inventory, growth vs. harvest – The forests of New York continue to add to the inventory of tree volume as net growth exceeds harvest annually by a ratio of nearly 2.5 to 1. Currently, New York’s forests grow 716 million cubic feet per year while approximately 331 million cubic feet of timber is harvested annually. New York’s standing forest contains 52 billion cubic feet (652 million tons) of timber 5 inches in diameter or larger which includes reserve lands. For timberland acreage, the forest contains 38 billion cubic feet. • Value of forest industry economic sectors – The annual value of sales or output of New York’s forest products industry totals over $ 9.9 billion while the forest-based recreation economy is worth $8.2 billion. Approximately 43,912* workers are employed in the forest products, maple and Christmas tree sectors while another 31,926 jobs are found in the

sectors that include and support the forest recreation economy. Approximately one-half of all timber growing, harvesting and forest products manufacturing jobs and economic output value are related to the use of timber products harvested from New York’s forests. • Using multipliers generated through IMPLAN, an economic model, it is estimated that the forest products sector has $12.4 billion in economic output and 61,171 jobs when taking into account the rippling effect this industry has on the other parts of the economy. • Economic output and number of jobs in the forest products sector have been reduced since peaks in the 1990s and early 2000s. This has mirrored similar trends in other manufacturing sectors in the U.S. as more and more manufacturing has moved to other parts of the world. • While most of the timber harvested in New York is processed in New York, timber products flows freely in the regional economy. In 2011, 2,960,000 cords of timber were harvested in New York, 2,600,000 cords were processed in New York while 431,000 cords were exported, mostly to Canada, and 71,000 cords were imported. • The sale of timber products in New York provide forest owners with around $250 million of revenue annually. Many owners rely on these funds to pay real property taxes related to their ownership.

“Source: The Economic Importance of New York’s Forest-Based Economy 2013 by the North East State Foresters Association


“Source: USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis Program”


I SS U E S U M M A R Y Without attention to the business climate in a State where many forest industry firms are located, the viability of many communities, in particular our-rural communities is in jeopardy. Without correction of some land use and taxation policies, many forest owners will lose their lands and forests and many of these will be converted to less desirable uses that degrade our environment. The Council of Forest Resource Organizations urges executive and legislative branches to act now to protect the health of the economy of New York’s communities and the forests that provide us with “Open Space,” clean water and recreation. Specifically: FORE S T P R O P E R T Y TA X AT I O N

Reform property tax and assessment programs to encourage landowners to maintain their forest land as forest land, and reduce pressures on landowners that may cause parcelizing, liquidating and/or converting land to non-forest uses. WOO D E N E R G Y / B I O M A S S E N E R G Y

Modify state renewable energy policies to prioritize and incentivize the use of sustainable in-state wood supplies to meet New York’s clean energy needs, create jobs in rural economies and reduce the use of imported heating oil. IMPR O V I N G A N D P R O T ECT I N G F O R E S T HE A LTH

Modify State policies to protect and improve the health of our publicly and privately owned forests. URBA N F O R E S T RY

To promote the appreciation and understanding within all New York State communities regarding the environmental, economic and social benefits of each municipality’s valuable urban forest. Also, we look to encourage appropriate planning efforts within these communities to insure a diverse, healthy urban tree canopy and green infrastructure. PROT E CT I N G S U S TA I N A B L E W O O D L A N D M A N A G E M E N T A N D C O NS E R VAT I O N

Support policies and programs which encourage healthy, productive and biologically diverse forests which currently cover nearly two thirds of New York State, to enhance the economic and environmental benefits they provide.

F U N D I N G A N D L E G I S L AT I V E A C T I O N L E T T E R CFRO, in a letter dated Nov. 12, 2013, made the following requests of the Executive Office in the 2014 Executive Budget request to the Legislature: We believe that we can help balance the state budget while maintaining vital programs and services and maintaining and enhancing employment opportunities throughout the State. Our Budget Requests: •

Increase the DEC’s budget by $1.5 million by using increased revenues from harvesting on State Forest Management Units;

Enlarge the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) to $200 million;

Dedicate additional resources from the EPF to invasive species prevention;

Provide $300,000 to fund the Wood Products Development Council (WPDC);

Provide additional technical assistance to forest owners to protect forest health and water quality.

We are also looking for Executive Action: •

To encourage the use of wood chip and pellet heat in State facilities, we ask the Governor to modify the executive order on Energy Efficiency (E.O. 88) to require that any replacement of existing heating systems incorporate heat from a renewable source.

C O N TA C T U S Members of T H E C O U N C I L O F F O R E S T R E S O U R C E O R G A N I Z AT I O N S are here to answer your questions on: • Clean Air & Water • Job Creation • Replacing Dependence on Outside Energy • Providing Dependable, Renewable Energy Sources • Better Recreational Opportunities • Enhanced Wildlife Habitat Contact us! Adirondack Landowners Association The ALA’s cornerstone is stewardship of the land. Membership in the ALA is open to individuals and organizations owning land in the Adirondacks who are interested in stimulating sound resource management of their lands, and encouraging a better understanding of the role of private lands in the sound management and conservation of timber, fish, game and other natural resources. Visit us at or call (315) 592-2567. Audubon New York Audubon New York’s mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats to benefit humanity and Earth’s biological diversity. Using internationally accepted criteria, Audubon New York has identified 136 Important Bird Areas across New York State, many of them in the forested landscapes. Building on several years of original research, we and our partners are reaching out to forest landowners through workshops, printed materials, and our website with a goal of helping them to integrate bird-friendly management into new or existing management plans for their forested properties. For more information, visit or contact Sean Mahar at Our number is 518-869-9731. Catskill Forest Association The Catskill Forest Association is a Not-For-Profit membership organization that promotes the long-term management of privately owned land throughout the 6 counties making up the Catskill Region of NY. CFA advocates for quality forest management to improve the health of the forest, preventing threats to the ecosystem, and supporting conservation efforts. One of its long-term goals is to reverse the human “disconnect” that has been plaguing the Catskills as well as other upstate regions of NY. This disconnection of our society with the forest is degrading our forests’ quality and health as well as harming the local economy and its ability to support families. CFA has many educational outreach programs as well as giving landowners, foresters, loggers, local governments and the general public advice on managing the forest. For more information, please call (845) 586-3054 or visit Catskill Landowner Association The Catskill Landowners Association, Inc. (CLA) believes enlightened private land stewardship is vital to preserving the aesthetic and environmental integrity of the Catskill region. CLA strives to develop better communication among its members on issues of common concern and to promote broader understanding of the important role played by responsible private landowners in the sound management and conservation of

natural resources in the region. CLA endorses New York State’s efforts to preserve the native character of the Catskills and will support the enactment of state laws and polices protecting the forest preserve and respecting the rights of responsible private property owners. CLA will resist efforts, whether by eminent domain or unnecessary regulation, to take private property rights away from owners who manage their properties in accordance with sound environmental practices. For more information, visit us at: Empire State Forest Products Association ESFPA is a nonprofit organization for businesses and individuals dedicated to improving the business climate for the forest products industry while promoting management of New York’s forests to meet the resource needs of today and for future generations. For more information, please call our office at (518) 463-1297 or visit our website at The Nature Conservancy The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. In order to achieve our mission the Conservancy works with partners to protect priority conservation areas throughout the state. During the Conservancy’s 60-year history, we have supported conservation alongside sustainable forestry and recreation through the protection and easement of nearly 700,000 acres of lands and waters in New York. For more information, visit New York Biomass Energy Alliance The New York Biomass Energy Alliance is a coalition of individuals, businesses and organizations working together to enhance public support and understanding of the benefits of using sustainably produced and harvested biomass as a source of renewable electric, thermal and liquid biofuel energy in the State and the region. The NYBEA works to strengthen cooperation and communication among enterprises and organizations committed to biomass energy solutions, including biomass producers, harvesting and logistics companies, research institutions, and fuel and energy production enterprises. For more information visit our website at, or contact Alice Brumbach, NYBEA administrator at or (607) 316-3437. New York Farm Bureau New York Farm bureau is the State’s largest general farm advocacy organization, working to promote public policy issues challenging the agricultural industry. For more information, please visit our website at or contact Jeff Williams at (518) 436-8495 or Toll Free: (800) 342-4143. New York Forest Owners Association The mission of the New York Forest Owners Association (NYFOA) is to promote sustainable forestry practices and improved stewardship on privately owned woodlands in New York State. NYFOA is a not-for-profit group of people who care about NYS trees and forests and are interested in the thoughtful management of private forests for the benefit of current and future generations. Through local chapter and statewide activities such as woods walks and tours, the bi-monthly New York Forest Owner magazine, and affiliation with other organizations with similar objectives, NYFOA helps woodland owners to achieve their management objectives for their properties and encourages the appreciation of the qualities and importance of New York’s forests. For more information, contact us at: NYFOA, PO Box 541, Lima, NY 14485, (800) 836-3566 or

New York Society of American Foresters The mission of the Society of American Foresters is to advance the science, education, technology and practice of forestry; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish standards of professional excellence; and to use the knowledge, skills and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society. For more information, contact Mariann Johnston, NYSAF Chair at or (518) 848-2566 ext 111. New York State Tree Farm Tree Farm recognizes forest management on small, family –owned forests, and certifies that the practices meet internationally recognized Standards of Sustainability. The mission of our volunteer foresters and Tree Farmers is to put more good forestry on more acres and keep it there. For more information, contact us at: NY Tree Farm, Inc. PO Box 541 Lima, NY 14485 or via email New York State Urban Forestry Council The New York State Urban Forestry Council is a volunteer group, organized formally in 1999, to advise and assist the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in executing its urban forestry policies. The council’s major funding, supplied through the USDA Forest Service, is supplemented by membership dues and independent contributions. New York State’s Urban Forestry program is a partnership of public, private, and volunteer organizations and individuals that fosters comprehensive planning, management and education throughout New York State to create a healthy urban and community forest. The Council envisions that every community in New York State will recognize the value of trees and maximize the use of trees to help improve the community’s quality of life. Our goal is to promote the appreciation and understanding of the environmental, economic, and social benefits of trees in the urban environment. For more information, contact Andrew J. Hillman, President at or visit our website at New York SFI State Implementation Committee SFI Inc. is a fully independent, charitable organization dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management. We work with conservation groups, local communities, resource professionals, landowners and countless other organizations and individuals who share our passion for responsible forest management. Visit the SFI website at or contact NY SFI c/o ESFPA at or (518) 463-1297. SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry Celebrating over 100 years of leadership and excellence! The mission of the College is to advance knowledge and skills and to promote the stewardship of both the natural and designed environments. For more information, please visit us at: Watershed Agricultural Council’s Forestry Program The Watershed Agricultural Council (WAC) is a non-profit organization operating in the New York City Watershed region. WAC’s mission is to promote the economic viability of agriculture and forestry, the protection of water quality and the conservation of working landscapes through strong local leadership and sustainable public-private partnerships. To learn more, visit WAC’s website:


• Adirondack Landowners Association • Audubon New York • Catskill Forest Association • Catskill Landowner Association • Empire State Forest Products Association • The Nature Conservancy • New York Biomass Energy Association • New York Farm Bureau • New York Forest Owners Association • New York Society of American Foresters • New York State Tree Farm • New York State Urban Forestry Council • New York (SFI) State Implementation Committee • SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry • Watershed Agricultural Council’s Forestry Program

Graham Cox C F R O CH A I R P : 518 -729- 6869 ©2014 The Council of Forest Resource Organizations

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