Rank Info
9th Grade White Belt
Prepared by Nylah Tay Majestic Martial Arts, 2018
1st Degree Black Belt Rank Info | Page 1
Rank Info
9th Grade White Belt
Introduction Congratulations on starting such an amazing journey!
Testing Requirements
Pattern 1. Chon Ji Partner Sets 1. Take Down 2. One Step Sparring 3. Self Defense
Knowledge ● Paper - What are my Goals? ● Definition of Pattern ● Definition of Belt Color ● Quote
New Technique
Stances Attention Ready Front Back
Blocks Low Block High BLock Inside Forearm Wedge
Strikes Forward Punch Reverse Punch Knife Hand Backfist Side Elbow
Kicks Stretching Front Kick Stretching Outside Crescent #1-4 Front Snap Kick #1-4 Side Thrust Kick
Knowledge Chon-Ji (19 movements) The heaven and the earth. It is the orient interpreted as the creation of the world and the beginning of human history. It is the first pattern learned in the system. Chon-Ji consists of two similar parts. One to represent the heavens and the other to represent the earth.
Master Nylah Tay | Tae Kwon Do | Majestic Martial Arts 2018
1st Degree Black Belt Rank Info | Page 2
Definition of White Belt The Color of white signifies purity with no previous knowledge of TaeKwonDo.
Paper - What Are My Goals? This is a simple essay paper asking for you to write down your goals with starting TaeKwonDo, what do you want to get from coming to class? There is no minimum length requirement on the paper. You are simply asked to do your best. This will be read by the head instructor and a select number of instructors of your school. It is required to have finished before testing for your next rank, however it will not hold any weight against your grade for your test.
Quote You are required to learn the quote and know what it means. The quote for this rank is: “Be the change you want to see in this world” - Attributed to Gandhi
One Step Sparring Reading Rainbow Tip: Try to keep in mind that children learn in many different ways. By consciously thinking about this, you’ll be able to use different teaching techniques to reach as many children as possible in your classroom!
Challenge 1.
Step back with right foot to left front stance.
2. Left low block, Kihap (Shows that you are ready.) 3. Partner will return Kihap (Telling you to begin) 4. Step forward to right front stance, right lunge punch. 5. Partner will perform one step 6. After partner Kihaps to signify the end, return to Baroh (ready position)
One Step #1 1.
Step back with left foot to am left back stance.
2. Right inside forearm block to outside of attacking arm. 3. No movement, right knife hand to high target. 4. No movement, Right backfist to high target. 5. Step right foot back to left front stance, left low block, Kihap.
Master Nylah Tay | Tae Kwon Do | Majestic Martial Arts 2018
1st Degree Black Belt Rank Info | Page 3
One Step #2 1.
Step back with right foot into left front stance. Left high block.
2. Keep left foot planted, Right side kick, landing in a right front stance. 3. No movement, right forward punch to high target. 4. No movement, left reverse punch to middle target. 5. Step back with right to left front stance, left low block, Kihap.
Self Defense
Front Choke Hold
Attacker uses both hands to choke victim from the front extending arms.
(Forcing victim to almost fall backwards) 1.
Step Back with left back foot to catch balance, and flare right hand upward.
2. Rotate to left and bring elbow down over attacker’s arms 3. Follow up with side elbow.
Wrist Grab (same side)
Attacker grabs wrist on the same side.
Rotate arm and wrist in the direction of the attacker’s thumb
2. Chamber and forward punch.
(weak point) and pull up and back.
Wrist Grab (across body)
Attacker grabs either wrist with either hand.
Use your free hand to cover your captive fist.
3. Step back, pull back, extend legs, rotating your hips, and rip
2. Slightly bend the knees. your hand free. 4. (Optional) Follow up with a backfist or elbow strike.
Master Nylah Tay | Tae Kwon Do | Majestic Martial Arts 2018
1st Degree Black Belt Rank Info | Page 4
Front Choke Hold
Attacker uses both hands to grab either wrist. 1.
Use your free hand to cover your captive fist, reaching between the attacker’s arms.
2. Slightly bend your knees. 3. Step backwards, pull back, extend legs, rotating your hips, and rip your hand free. 4. (Optional) Follow up with a backfist or elbow strike.
Front Choke Hold
Attacker pulls hair. 1.
Hold your hair near the root where the pain is to control the situation.
2. Step closer, and hammerfist then backfist with your free hand. 3. Kick with the side that is free.
Materials & Resources This is a list of materials and resources that will help you with your training. a. Instructional Materials: b. Resources:
Assessment Please know that belt rank advancement is It is up to the head instructor of your school to assess if you are ready to test for your next rank.
Master Nylah Tay | Tae Kwon Do | Majestic Martial Arts 2018