3 minute read
Volunteering with Kids
8 ideas to find the right project or opportunity to give back to the community with your family
By Elizabeth Winchester
One of the most rewarding family activities is community service. Finding a way to give back to your community together can be very meaningful to all involved. Follow these tips to find a project that is a good fit for your family, and to get your project off the ground.
Community concerns.
The first step is to identify a problem. Think about problems that exist in your community by asking your kids about things they may have noticed on their school playground or at a local park. Look through local newspapers for problems you might be able to address together.
Family issues.
Think about causes that are even closer to home—like a health problem affecting someone in your family. There are many walks and fun runs that help raise awareness and/or funds for medical conditions.
Find the facts.
Once you decide on a problem or cause, learn more about it. Research the problem together online or by talking to experts who can provide more information.
Use strengths and skills.
Encourage kids to think of ways that they can help address your problem of focus. Have them think of how they can use their interests and talents to help.
A family affair.
Get your whole family involved—grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, too! Relatives may want to take part in the activity you choose to do. If you are fundraising, they may be able to contribute. All family members can help spread the word to others about your project to make it more successful.
Connect your project to learning.
If you decide to have a bake sale to raise money for a charity, have kids use math skills to keep track of the money you raise. If you collect coats or canned foods, have kids write about how taking part made them feel. Kids may choose to share their stories on Thanksgiving as they think about feeling grateful and thankful.
Have fun!
Kids will enjoy spending time together on a family volunteering project especially when they understand they are helping to make a difference in the world around them.
Share your success.
We would love to hear about your family project. Send a photo and description to us at editor@nymetroparents.com or tag us on Facebook or Instagram (@NYMetroParents, @RocklandParent, or @SIParent). Tell people in your community about your work. You may inspire them to lend a hand.

Project Suggestions
Here are some general ideas for ways to volunteer with kids:
· Honor heroes—veterans, soldiers, front line workers, teachers—by making and distributing thank-you notes to thank them for their service.
· Make holiday cards and bring them to a local nursing home or shelter.
· Collect food or other supplies needed for animals at a local shelter.
· Collect coins for a charity, such as UNICEF.
· Collect canned goods for Thanksgiving baskets for people in need. Kids can make placemats and other decorations to make the baskets look beautiful.
· Make sandwiches to be distributed at a soup kitchen (check with your local soup kitchen first to see if they’ll accept food made outside the facility).
· Donate old toys and clothing to families in need.
· Have a bake sale or lemonade stand. Choose an organization to support and donate the money you raise.
· Pick up papers, cans, and trash littered in the schoolyard, local park, or other location.
· Make posters to encourage your community to follow recycling guidelines and to understand why recycling is important.
· Take part in a walk or run to raise money and awareness of a cause that affects people, such as food allergy, cancers, and heart health.