Long Island Parent - June/July 2021

Page 34

mental health

Practicing Mindfulness These activities can help kids feel present, relax, and build resilience. By Vera Sirota


ids have experienced a lot of upheaval over the past year and a half, including interruptions to school, among other serious challenges. Luckily, there is a powerful tool to help us navigate difficult times: mindfulness activities. Jon Kabat-Zinn, a renowned expert in the field of mindfulness, defines the practice as “the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.” Through mindfulness, we learn to slow down, be aware, and breathe. Using mindfulness activities, kids can learn to cope with stress, regulate emotions, and strengthen their focus. It’s beneficial to learn about mindfulness at any time, but it can truly provide a lifeline during stressful times. Below are some strategies to help your child quiet their mind and build resilience. Explore these activities as a family to see which are the best fit for you and your kids!

For Ages 2-5 introduCe young kids to yogA. Try a virtual yoga class tailored for toddlers and preschoolers with Karma Kids Yoga, a Manhattan-based yoga studio for children. Pre-recorded classes are available through its YouTube channel. Check out the Karma Kids Yoga schedule to discover engaging classes that encourage mindful movement for your little one and help them find their inner Zen. teACh them how to identiFy their Feelings. Teaching our toddlers and preschoolers how to identify and name their feelings is an important part of growing up. Being aware of our emotions, and how they affect us, is also a key component of mindfulness. Read Todd Parr’s book The Feelings Book and discuss how it’s normal to experience different feelings every day. Learning how to name feelings is also a key cornerstone in helping preschoolers build emotional intelligence skills. meditAte with elmo, Cookie monster, And other sesAme street Friends. In an effort to help kids and parents combat the stress and anxiety brought on by the pandemic, Headspace and Sesame Street partnered to create “Monster Meditations,” six animated shorts to teach kids mindfulness, meditation, and social and emotional learning. The shorts are around 3 minutes long and feature animated versions of Sesame Street Muppets expressing feelings of frustration, impatience, being overwhelmed, nervousness, disappointment, and excitement, and learning breathing techniques, sensory activities, and mindfulness techniques to help manage everyday scenarios.

For Ages 6-8 For All Ages CreAte A “CAlm Corner” or “peACe seCtion” in your home. Guide your child to decorate a poster with pictures of their favorite people, significant places, and meaningful objects. When your child feels sad or overwhelmed, they can sit in the calm corner with cozy blankets or on a bean bag to turn around their mood and have a “time in.” inCorporAte mindFulness into your everydAy FAmily liFe. Whether it’s part of your child’s bedtime routine or something you do while sitting down to dinner together, have everyone identify one thing you are grateful for each day. A focus on gratitude enables us to appreciate our blessings. Use this time to put stressful moments from the day behind you. 34

June/July 2021 | nymetroparents.com

teACh kids to FoCus on breAthing. Don’t be intimidated by meditation! Place a “breathing buddy,” such as a favorite stuffed animal, on your child’s stomach. Follow a guided meditation from Linda Lantieri’s book Building Emotional Intelligence: Practices to Cultivate Inner Resilience in Children as your child concentrates on their breathing. The stuffed animal provides a visual cue for kids to connect with the present moment and relax. meditAte with bArbie. Headspace for Kids partnered with Barbie to raise awareness surrounding emotional well-being and mindfulness exercises like meditation with the Barbie Wellness Collection. Exercises include meditations that will help kids get ready for their day in the morning, bounce back from scary and worrisome thoughts, appreciate the world around them, settle down for bed, and simply breathe.

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