1 minute read

NYOS Soundings


NYOS is developing a new strategy to build on our 40-year legacy of youth music delivery.


To do this we need to hear from people with a wide variety of experiences: young musicians, parents, former NYOS members, music teachers, partner organisations and audience members, as well as those who aren’t involved with NYOS but might like to be.

To share your views about NYOS and its future direction, please use the QR code below or visit nyos.co.uk/soundings and complete a short survey. NYOS members are also invited to join an online focus group discussion on 24 or 30 August from 6.30pm to 9pm. All survey and focus group participants will be invited to enter our prize draw to win a £100 Ticketmaster gift card.

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Calendar of Events

FRIDAY 14 APRIL 2023, 7.30PM

NYOS Symphony Orchestra

Usher Hall, Edinburgh

T: 0131 228 1155

W: usherhall.co.uk

SATURDAY 15 APRIL 2023, 7.30PM

NYOS Symphony Orchestra

Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

T: 0141 353 8000

W: glasgowconcerthalls.com

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