5 minute read
from Nyota Issue 14
Interview by Carol Wright
Photographer- Rowan Daly
Stylist- Monty Jackson
Hair-Brandon Liberati
Make-up- Nina Lopez
Did you always have a feeling you’d end up acting?
Definitely. I just always knew I liked performing for others, but mainly acting as other characters. Ever since I was 4 years old, I would watch my favorite show like The Powerpuff Girls, and pretend to be one of the girls & say their lines with them!
What did you learn during your time shooting “Bella & The Bulldogs”?
BATB was my first big project and I was really new to LA. Everything was so different from what I knew back in Miami since there was definitely a cultural difference I had to get used to as well. I’m so grateful I got the chance to work on the BATB set where the crew was so, so incredible and were more than willing to teach me anything I felt curious about or felt I needed to know for my career. I think there was really where I learned how to know where my cameras are at all times, camera blocking, how to really fit into a working environment, etc.
What has it been like shooting your new show “Knight Squad”?
Oh, it’s a such a blast! I think since everyone just gets along so well, there’s always a positive vibe around. Even when everybody’s tired or stressed out, we all still find a way to hype ourselves up and find the energy to continue. Not to mention, how excited we all get when we have scenes with cool stunts to do! Those scenes always come out looking so awesome on TV once everything is put together.
What do you like most about your character Sage?
I just love how wicked she is. She definitely has all these fun moments where she sabotages other squad’s quests, shows off her vicious combat skills, and makes me laugh with her dry humor. I love characters with personalities such as hers, so it’s most definitely a fun time playing Sage.
What has been your favorite moment on the “Knight Squad” set?
All the mess-ups mainly. I’m sure if we had a blooper real, it’d be hours long. You have no idea how many moments we’ve had where we’ve just unconsciously changed our lines into something ridiculous, accidentally dropped our weapons, slipped, fallen, and just randomly busted out into cackles.
What other areas of the television and film industry do you hope to explore as your career progresses?
I do hope I’ll be able to act in my first feature film soon. When I was about 12 years old, I was in my first short film, shot in single cam style, and I was just amazed by the process of it all. It’s been my dream since a little girl to be in feature film & learn the process behind it.

You started the hashtag #FreshFacedFriday on your Instagram. What motivated you to start this hashtag? Has it been rewarding to see fans post their own photos using the hashtag?
When I first started this hashtag with my followers, it was because I saw that the majority of them were going through some really tough times. Not feeling good enough, never feeling like your good-looking, wishing you were somebody else, etc. When I saw how most of them were feeling, it just made me so sad and hurt that they couldn’t see how precious they were. Even at that fragile age, my family had always made sure I felt loved, that I felt worthy that I saw myself as beautiful. I immediately wanted them to feel the happiness I felt, so I challenged them to take a picture without makeup nor face-editing and post it up fearlessly every Friday with the hope that this will, little by little, change their negative perspective on their “flaws” and start to accept their little unique things. Each Friday, there were more and more stargazers (what I call my supporters) trying to shut down their insecurities and post their selfies along with mine. It amazes me just how strong they are. It means a lot that they faced their inner fears just to participate in something with me, but I do hope with all my heart that it’s helped them in some way.
You also pose questions to your followers with the hashtag #StargazerSaturday. It was interesting to see you pose a question about social media and how young people often focus on being social media famous rather than firefighters or dancers etc. As an actress working in this social media age, do you feel pressure to use social media to interact with your fans? How do you find a healthy balance between promoting your work but also living in the moment?
I definitely feel the pressure. When I first started being more active on social media and obtaining more followers due to BATB, everything seemed so incredibly fun. I genuinely loved posting and sharing fun moments with people who were supporting me and the show I was on. Now everything almost feels forced. It almost feels like you have to do all the immature things most popular influencers do or else you don’t really get any attention. It’s sad to see that followers matter so much now and overshadow the talent, knowledge, and creativity. Even with all of that though, I love being able to connect with those that are kind enough to support me, post about some of my favorite things, & speak freely about the things/ people that I love and topics that I believe should be discussed.
You like to read and often share what you’re reading with your followers. What is your favorite book? Would you ever like to see it adapted for television or film?
I think I have a serious addiction to books. It’s so hard to choose just one, but for now, I might say that my current favorite is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I love reading self-care and personal development type of books as well as informational ones on topics that I love, such as astrology, and poem books for days! There are quite a couple mystery/horror books that I’d LOVE to see as big features or TV series. Mainly, I think we need more mystery and thriller in film/TV.
What other creative outlets do you have?
Definitely, dance! It’s another activity that I absolutely love to do, especially when it’s me and my closest friends. Depending on my mood and how I want to express myself, I’ll dance to hip-hop, jazz, k-pop, even ballet! It’s just such a freeing feeling whenever music is on and you can just have fun with it!
Can you tell us about any upcoming projects?
There’s some VO work coming up soon that I’m really excited about it! Unfortunately, I can’t say much about the project quite yet, but I think kids, teens and even adults will love it! The cast is all so incredibly talented. I’ve been able to see a bit of the animation, which looks crazy cool.
What advice do you have for aspiring actors?
Never stop learning, never stop finding new inspirations and never give up on your goals. This career is not as sparkly or glamorous as most seem to think it is because it will require a lot of emotional strength, sacrifice, & perseverance. If you’re really passionate about it, and acting is where you feel at home, then go for it fearlessly! Everyone who deserves the chance will get it one day, you just have to be patient, believe in your skills and keep working hard. Trust me, your talent will be recognized!