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Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014


COMPLETE CLEANING includes vacuuming



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Thinking about placing an ad to appear in the Pennysaver? Just log on to www.nypennysaver.com anytime 24hrs/7 days a week and follow the simple directions...If you are in need of more information contact a member of our classified team at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178. TOP CASH PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920's thru 1980's. Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D'Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1-800-401-0440

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30% OFF WITH AD FINISHING TOUCH finishingtouchwindow.com 914.526.4000 WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE? YOUR CAR? FAST? This Publication will help you do it. A Classified Sales Representative will be happy to assist you, and help you with your ad and rates. Just call the office nearest you: 914-9623871 or 845-298-8178. Don't wait. Call now! ESTATE SALE! Friday 2/28 & Saturday 3/1, 9AM-4PM. 3224 Lakeshore Drive, Mohegan Lake, NY, 10547. 70 Years of accumulation! Antiques, Mid-Century, Books, Artwork, Tools, China, Bric-a-Brac, Household Items, Furniture, Depression Glass. “I PAY CASH FOR OLD MUSIC INSTRUMENTS” Guitars , Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Wooden Flutes, Concertinas, Button Accordions, Bag Pipes, and old or unusual instruments. Call John 845-225-1746 or 914-419-7101 e-mail:glinjack@gmail.com ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicare. Get FREE CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores and bacterial infection! Call 888-482-1701


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Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

Cash Oil Company The consumer’s choice for Discount Heating Oil! CALL

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All types of roofing. Fully insured, References. Guaranteed low prices. Serving Dutchess, Putnam, Orange and Ulster Counties. 845-896-5742.


This Publication now takes classified ads in Spanish. Call The Classified Department today! 914-962-3871, Cindy at Ext. 606.




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Place your ad with us! Ask about our FREE GARAGE SALE APP! *Remember: Deadline is Friday, 3:30pm for the following week, so call today to be sure you gt your ad in on time. Call 914-9623871 ext. 5021 or go to www.nypennysaver.com






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INTERIOR/EXTERIOR -- Affordable, Neat & Reliable. 21yrs experience. DECK STAINING, POWER WASHING. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Great references. 914-419-9723. ANTHONY LANDSCAPING/TREE SERVICE Complete landscape, all type of masonry, cut down trees, pruning, stump grinding, lawn clearance, cabling, chipping and removal. WE ARE LICENSED/INSURED. # WC-17791-H06. FREE ESTIMATES 914-469-5880 ATTENTION DIABETICS with Medicare. Get a FREE talking meter and diabetic testing supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, this meter eliminates painful finger pricking! Call 888-480-4285 GET CASH NOW for your Annuity or Structured Settlement. Top Dollars Paid. Fast, No Hassle Service! 1-855-512-9227 Medical Alert for Seniors - 24/7 monitoring. FREE Equipment. FREE Shipping. Nationwide Service. $29.95/Month CALL Medical Guardian Today 866-781-2596 DIVORCE $550* No Fault or Regular Divorce. Covers children, property, etc. Only One Signature Required! *Excludes govt. fees. 1-800-522-6000 Ext. 100. Baylor & Associates, Inc. Est. 1977 MARSHALL BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & DRAINAGE: We will fix your water problem from inside & outside. Thoroseal Painting, Curtain Drain. 25 years experience. Call for FREE ESTIMATE. LICENSED, WC17038H05. INSURED. References available. Leave message, 914-762-2987 marshallgeneralcontractor.com COMPUTER HELP - Repairs , Upgrades, Networking, Netflix, Bluray, Homelink, Internet. Viruses removed. Experienced Professional, Reasonably Priced. Call Josh, 914-804-9879.



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Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014


Learn About Your Rights Your Eligibility and What You Must Do. Get Your Free Guide Tips for Winning Your Social Security Disability Claim

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Highest prices paid for all junk cars. Will pay top dollar for good cars. ALSO WANTED: UNWANTED OLD HOT RODS & MUSCLE CARS. 19yrs. advertising with Pennysaver. Sal 845-849-3164. Cell#914-497-4591. IVC#7107156. GET YOUR HIGHEST PRICE, THEN CALL ME LAST. BASEMENT FLOODING?? Flooding can be caused by high water tables, foundation cracks, basement window leaks, clogged drains, downspout runoffs, or inproper terrain grading around your home. Bring peace of mind to you and your home. 24/7 SERVICE. Call Douglas: 914-980-9960. BATHROOM/KITCHEN RENOVATIONS- Complete Installations- Custom built showers. Professional Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates. Lic#WC10854-H00. Insured. QUALITY IS NOT EXPENSIVE, IT’S PRICELESS. 914-772-6334. www.workofartcontracting.com










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Se Habla Español



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Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

AFFORDABLE CARTING and Rubbish Removal

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PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014


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THE CAMERA ICON IN THIS PUBLICATION tells our readers that there’s a PHOTO OR SLIDESHOW of the item(s) ONLINE. You can submit ONE photo for FREE or several for a small fee. We make it easy for you! Send us your pictures and we will do the rest! For more information, call the Classified Department: 914-962-3871 ext 5021, email: ads@pennysaver.net or visit: www.nypennysaver.com PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring adoption expert. Choose from families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6296 Void In Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana


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Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com


IS NOW LOCATED AT 1207 RT.9 IN EXECUTIVE PARK.. For your convenience our office is open during the following hours: MONDAY.................................................................. 9:00AM-5:00PM TUESDAY...................................................................9:00AM-5:00PM WEDNESDAY.............................................................9:00AM-5:00PM THURSDAY................................................................9:00AM-6:00PM FRIDAY.....................................................................9:00AM-4:00PM DE FALCO & SONS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Specializing in all your electrical needs with a personal touch. Service Upgrades, Generators , Renovations, Track/Recess Lighting, Pool & A/C Wiring, Additions, Landscape Lighting & New Homes. 24hr emergency service. Residential, Commercial. Licensed/Insured 914-282-1067 YOU KNOW IT YOU KNOW IT WORKS The PENNYSAVER WHERE YOUR CUSTOMER LIVES! EFFECTIVE ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Electrical Services LICENSED & INSURED SERVICE UPGRADES, RENOVATIONS, GENERATORS, TV & CABLE WIRING, CEILING FANS, LANDSCAPE & POOL LIGHTING, SERVICE CALLS and more. 1yr. warranty on all installations, HASSLE FREE GUARANTEE. Call 914-737-2651 or visit our website: EffectiveElectric.net BUY NOW AND SAVE UP TO $1300! Central Boiler EClassic OUTDOOR FURNACES. Heat your entire home and hot water. NY-DEC Qualified. Call Today 203-263-2123

¿CANSADO DE BUSCAR CLIENTES? Ponga un anuncio en esta publicacion. Por solo $22 su anuncio puede llegar a mas de 75,000 casas cada semana incluyendo publicacion en el internet. Llame hoy mismo! 914-962-3871 Ext. 606 - Cindy **Hablamos su idioma** J.K.E. CONSTRUCTION/MASONRY. STORM CLEANUP, Roofing, Tree Service, Wood Chipping. Basement Sealing, Complete Remodeling, Exterior/Interior. Patios, Landscaping. 845-721-3829; 845-225-5732. Ask for Plinio. BATHROOM REMODELING We specialize in Bathroom and Kitchen remodeling. Tub to shower conversions. Tile and Marble installation. Full remodeling packages available. Call Michael @ 914-403-3585. Email mcardleltd@cloud9.net or Check out our website at www.mcardleltd.org Licensed, bonded and insured. WC-12484-H02 PC1467 CT-0633017


Have beautiful Oak Floors INSTALLED, SANDED, STAINED OR REFINISHED. Years of experience. Call for a free estimate. Owner operated. Insured/Licensed #WC-6572-H95. 845-635-1764 or 914-447-6935. CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-413-1940 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. DO YOU WANT YOUR AD to stand out from the rest? Try adding one of our new logos! Ask your Customer Service Representative for more details. Call the Classified Department at 914-9623871.

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Placing a PennySaver Classified Ad has never been easier! Just Email your Ad, along with your Contact Information or PennySaver Account Number. Be sure to specify the Zone and Category you would like your Ad to appear in and let us take it from there! For more information contact a member of our Classified Team at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

Sclafani Propane and Oil "We make warm friends!"

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Kitchens, Bathrooms, Finished Basements, Renovations, Additions, Painting, Siding, Plumbing, Electric, Sundecks, Docks, Porches, Patios, Structural Repair, Roof Repair. Insured. Lic. #WE-22417-H09; PC#953. Free Estimates, References. Top quality work at reasonable rates. Call John 845-225-1746 or 914-419-7101. www.mcauliffeconstruction.com ARE YOU LOOKING TO PURCHASE A PERSONAL OR HOUSEHOLD ITEM FOR $99 OR UNDER? Then check out our $99 and under listings at www.nypennysaver.com AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid for qualified students – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704


Old furniture, All Debris, Rubbish, Garage, Attic, Basements, Cellars , Clean Out. WINTER CLEANUPS AND LANDSCAPING. REMOVAL of Pools, Decks, Sheds, and Drainage work Etc. Licensed, Bonded, Insured. Call Joe Cell: 845-519-7296 or 845-621-2001 Please leave a message. CUSTOM CARPENTRY & RENOVATIONS: Additions, Alterations, Complete Kitchens, Baths, Decks, Wood Siding, Windows, Doors , Interior/Exterior trim. Established 1985. Insured. References. All work done by owner. WC#23417H10. Dan 914-420-5902 TWO BURIAL PLOTS, ROSE HILL MEMORIAL CEMETERY. $5,600 Value, Asking $4,500. Call 954-464-5534 or 678-665-6867 HOUSECLEANING BY EUROPEAN LADY - Houses, Condos, Offices. Experienced, excellent references. Start immediately. Irena, 914-528-0775. FREE DIRECTV $0 Start Costs! 150+ Channels $7.50/week! Free HBO/Cinemax/Showtime/Starz! Free HD/DVR! We're Local Installers! Call 1-800-211-0681 DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & high speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available). SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now 1-800-341-6419.






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Esta Publicacion ahora acepta anuncios en Español. Llame al Departamento de Clasificados al 914-962-3871, extension 606 Cindy. TRUCKS LEAVING FOR FLORIDA: Every two weeks. One piece to an entire household. Local moves also. Antiques specialist. SUNSET EXPRESS, ICC # 264538, NYS DOT #T12395. 800-242-5937. VIAGRA 100mg or CIALIS 20mg 40 tabs + 10 FREE! All for $99 including Shipping! Discreet, Fast Shipping. 1-888-836-0780 or PremiumMeds.NET

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

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HVCPA has been providing services to individuals with disabilities for over 20 years. Our mission is to advocate for as well as provide services to individuals who experience disabilities and their families and to help provide these individuals with lifelong opportunities and choices that promote their health, independence, and an enhanced quality of life within the community.

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25% OFF BEFORE MARCH 1st. Specializing in Contemporaries, Neat, Reliable Service. 27yrs in business. Call DAN DEREK PAINTING, 914-447-8216 or 845-827-6606. WESTCHESTER COUNTY LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER for Alterations, Repairs , Heating Work, Faucets, Replace/Repair. Competitive Rates. License number 1318, Eric 914-980-3388


Repairs , re-roof, tear-offs, rubber roofs, copper work. Neat, Reliable. GEORGE McCOMBE ROOFING. Since 1987 914-804-5565. WC-8443, PC1612.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014





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B & H GARAGE DOORS. Sales & Repairs. Replacing springs, cables, pulleys. Install openers , remotes. Emergency repairs . Free estimates on new doors. Servicing only - #PC6213, CT-0635001, WC-25240-H12 24hr service. 845-353-4666, 203-422-0544/914-347-2988. BUYING - Diamonds, Gold, Silver, Antique & Modern Jewelry, Rolex, Patek Philippe & All Fine Watches. U.S. & Foreign Coins, Paintings, Bronzes, Tiffany Glass. Complete estate. HIGHEST PRICE PAID, WESTCHESTER ESTATE BUYERS, A Division of Tarrytown Jewelers , 273 North Central Ave. Hartsdale NY. 914-949-0481


Kitchens/Bathrooms, Crown Molding, General Home Improvements, Masonry Work. Licensed/Insured. 914-830-4916 CORBALIS MOVERS. WE KNOW WHAT YOUR HOME MEANS TO YOU. Homes/Apartments/Offices/Pieces moved with care. Local/Long Distance. Ideal Choice Movers , Inc., Yorktown. NYS DOT#T10990. 914-962-2487. DUMP RUNS: Furniture, appliances, wood, metal, junk, removed from homes/businesses. Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess. Stephen Tareila, Toll free 866-559-5984. JURASSIC FUELS, INC. C.O.D. OIL 845-444-9044 LOWEST PRICE AROUND. RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL 125gal Minimum. Cash/Visa/MC/Discover FABULOUS INDIAN HILL, GOLDENS BRIDGE ESTATE SALE: Saturday and Sunday, March 1st and 2nd, 1-4 pm. Everything must go! Furniture includes 2 contemporary dining room sets, sofas, chairs, air hockey table, workout equipment, soft furnishings, art work, designer cushions and more! Great quality including Drexel Heritage, Bloomingdale’s, and Stendig Andover chairs. [3 Cherokee Court, Katonah, NY10536] PAINTING $199/Room NEW YEAR SPECIAL. Wallpaper Removal. Excellent References, Insured 1M. Call *BROPHY BROS. PAINTING, LLC* 914-739-0055


You can now buy Gift Certificates for anyone placing an ad with the PennySaver Community from Contractor to Tag Sale Ads. We Have Something for Everyone! Please call the Classified Department at 914962-3871 or 845-298-8178 for further information. SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB. Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch StepIn. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1888-720-2773 for $750 Off. ANTIQUE/OLD CLOCKS BOUGHT/REPAIRED - Grandfather, Wall, Mantle Clocks. Please Call Steven, 914-591-2666.

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Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014 BEDFORD $619,000 914-234-3647 Spacious country home in historic Bedford Village, 2200 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 2.1 baths. Private 2.1 lush acres. www.Coldwellbankermoves.com/Bedford BREWSTER $275,000 914-277-5000 Fantastic Home! Convenient to all & loca on a cul-de-sac. 3BR/2Bth, updated EIK, 1car gar, fenced in yard. Many updates. www.CBMoves.com/Somers

BUYING OR SELLING YOUR HOME? Get Maximum Results. Place your ads in the PennySaver! Call 914-962-3871 ext 5021 or visit us online: www.nypennysaver.com

CARMEL 845-225-2888 3 BR Colonial, Brick FPL, HWF, Shed, 1+Acre borders Reservoir, $224,900. 2-Family w/Lake Views, perfect M/D, HWF, Close to Town, $274,900. WORLDHOMESREALTY.COM CORTLANDT MANOR $407,000 914-271-8500 Spacious 3 BDR 2.5 bth contemp cape w/new addition FR w/beams & cath clg. Gourmet kitchen/granite/Wolf SS applcs, FDR, HW flrs & so much more! COLDWELL BANKER. www.cbmoves.com/crotononhudson CROTON-ON-HUDSON $419,000 914-271-8500 Village 3 BDR side hall colonial w/new kitchen & bths. Spacious rooms, HW flrs thru-out, custom shelves, views of Hudson River from upper level. COLDWELL BANKER www.cbmoves.com/crotononhudson DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers , a statewide classified ad can’t be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad online at www.nypennysaver.com or call 914-962-3871.


Get our Free Mobile App for Pennysaver Garage, Tag, Moving & Estate Sales when you place a print ad - Starting at just $22! The GSPS App gives you and those looking for a sale the ability to view the pertinent information about your listing, including a map, directly on your smart phone! It’s available through iTunes for iPhone or Android Phones by searching Garage Sale PennySaver. For more info. call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178. GARAGES IN MT KISCO FOR RENT$150/MTH. Please Call 212-355-5300 X8315. KATONAH $479,000 914-277-5000 Charm & Privacy! 3BR/2.5Bth Ranch sits on 1 acre of gentle hillside. Updated kit w/granite, SS appl. Hrdwd flrs , stone patio. www.CBMoves.com/Somers MOUNT KISCO $499,000 914-234-3647 Country home on flat parcel of land. Formal dining room, eat-in kitchen, updated bathrooms. 4 cars garage. Conveniently located. www.Coldwellbankermoves.com/Bedford


By Showcasing your house with the New Multi-media packages that are now being offered for ads appearing on our website it will help you get the results you are looking for. Remember a picture/video is worth a thousand words! 1 Photo Free; 3 Photos $3.00; 4-10 Photos $5.00; Up to 2 minute Video $8.00 For additional information, please call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178 or visit www.nypennysaver.com PAYNE LAKE 6 Properties for the first time ever. Starting at $99,000. www.LandFirstNY.com 1-888-683-2626 PEEKSKILL $329,000 914-271-8500 This 3 BD 3.5 bth colonial has it all! HW flrs , EIK w/recessed lighting LR/fpl, FR, DR w/SGD open to huge deck & private level back yard. COLDWELL BANKER. www.cbmoves.com/crotononhudson


**Autos**Empleo**Alquiler**Compra-Venta de casas** Para mas informacion llame al 914-962-3871 Ext. 606 - Cindy ***Hablamos su idioma** Se aceptan anuncios en ingles o en español SOMERS 914-471-2299 4/5BR, 4.5BTH, 3,500sqft, LR, Large Kitchen/Dining, Sunroom, CAC, Radiant Heat, Energy Efficient, Fireplace, 1.66 Acres. Garage. The PENNYSAVER It's There And It's Read (by 80% CVC Audit) That's Why It WORKS! No Other Product Can Say That

UPSTATE, NY 607-397-8709 INVESTORS: FOUR unit Victorian apartment home. Good condition, walk school, pool, restaurants, grocery, bank, library, etc. Well groomed country village. $74,900. ALSO: 6 bedroom 50 year colonial, LARGE rooms, fireplace, new roof, porch. Quiet 10 acres, pond. ONLY $65,000. COUNTRY BOY REALTY 149 Main St., Worcester, NY 12197 countryboyrealtybranch.com <cbrealty@stny.rr.com> YONKERS $319,000 914-277-5000 Charming 4BR/2Bth Cape Cod w/Curb appeal. Orig owners. Hdwd flrs , detached oversized 1 car gar, priv drwy. Inside needs updating. www.CBMoves.com/Somers ATTENTION REAL ESTATE BROKERS The deadline for placement of Condo, Co-op & Townhouse ads is 6:00PM Thursdays. Each ad placed after 6:00PM will be charged a $10 late fee. OSSINING $65,900 914-234-3647 The Parkview Complex. Well Maintained Studio. Views of Hudson. Updated Kitchen & Bath. Hardwood Floors. Assigned Parking. Pool. Train. www.coldwellbanker.com/Bedford PEEKSKILL $189,000 914-734-1922 Share the Realtors Fee, Listed for $194,900. 2BR, 2BTH Condo. Call for Details. PEEKSKILL $95,000 914-406-5640 2 BR, 1 BTH, CALLING ALL INVESTORS! Condo for Sale in Peekskill (Hillcrest Park) by motivated owner. Updated kitchen with new appliances, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, Laundry in Building, Pool. Common charges include heat and hot water. A must see! Call for appointment (914-406-5640) SOUTH SALEM $315,000 914-234-3647 Townhouse End Unit with 2 Bedrooms , 2 Baths. Loft & Storage Area. Eatin-Kitchen Hard Wood Floors & Wood Burning Fireplace. Pool & Tennis. www.coldwellbankermoves.com/bedford BEDFORD HILLS 914-277-4800 First Class office space near train. 800sqft, 1,500sqft, 2nd floor & 2,000sqft. on 4th floor w/cathedral ceiling and outdoor deck area. Call Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. BREWSTER/RT 22 845-278 2822 MT. EBO BUSINESS PARK. 3,530SF office (can divide) with uninterruptible power; 9,100SF a/c warehouse and furnished individual offices available, near RT 84/684, highly competitive rents. BRIARCLIFF MANOR Dentist Office, or other professional. 1,857 SF (sub dividable), handicap accessible, on-site parking, on Pleasantville Road. 914-739-4866 x105 BUCHANAN 914-737-7343 Two 800 sq ft office spaces in busy professional building. Parking. Centrally located. Ground level. 2 months security. CARMEL 845-279-2321 FOR SALE: Approx. 3,000sqft office building within walking distance of Courthouse, with on-site parking. Kevin Callahan PRUDENTIAL COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COVINGTON PROPERTIES. COLCHESTER CONNECTICUTT FOR SHORT or LONG TERM LEASE: Former Lumberyard on 3.4 acres, 14000 sqft. of ‘MIXED USE’ space i.e. Office, Showroom, Loading dock, Warehouse. 18000 sqft. of Storage Shed Buildings. Asking $8,500 TripleNet per month. Owner (914) 241- 2817 E-mail: E2817@aol.com COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL SPACES 845-276-3183 1,500sqft. or 2,100sqft. Warehouses with office & bath. Good commute to upper Westchester/Putnam Counties. Ideal for all trades, auto, manufacturing. Low rent. Near Danbury, CT. Cell: 845-803-4008. KENT “INDUSTRIAL OFFICE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT” 3.26 acres zoned for Veterinary, Kennel, Nursery, Warehouse/Storage. ASKING $275,000. 914-523-3683


914-9 906-8 8408

Contractors Yard for Rent. Parking for over 100 vehicles, large garage with power, storage containers, drain oil tank, fuel tank, large and small offices. Rent a section or the whole yard. MOUNT KISCO 203-322-0909 Professional office space available with shared waiting area. In town, near shopping, restaurants, parking, and train. Rents from $525 per month. Rent includes A/C, heat, wifi and 24/7 access. Join other professionals in this beautifully maintained suite. Call Howie. MOUNT KISCO 914-384-2031 Catering location. Walk in box, triple sink, grease trap, assorted stainless steel tables, AC. OSSINING 914-941-1876 7000sqft, $5,500/mo of warehouse space or 3000sqft at $2,000/mo & 4000sqft @ $3,500/mo. High ceilings, drive-in doors , clear span.

Horse? Find it fast. It’s searchable: www.nypennysaver.com

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014


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PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

OSSINING Commercial garage space 2,200sqft. Zoned for Auto repair & body work. Also commercial outside storage place fenced in. Frame equipment for sale. Call for more information. Call 914-804-3461 or 914-941-3239. OSSINING Professional Office. 925 SF (sub dividable), on-site parking, on So. Highland Ave. 914-739-4866 x105 PATTERSON 845-279-2321 FOR SALE - 3,800 sq.ft building, 0.5 Acres, 100’ frontage, Route 22, zoned Commercial, many uses. Louis Bishop PRUDENTIAL COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COVINGTON PROPERTIES. PATTERSON 845-279-2321 FOR SALE - 6,615sqft light industrial/warehouse building perfect for contractor. Contains 4 separate units ideal for someone looking for space with rental income. Kevin Callahan PRUDENTIAL COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COVINGTON PROPERTIES PEEKSKILL $110 914-879-1531 23X10 Garage - $110 a month. PEEKSKILL 914-879-1531 600sqft Workshop/Storage Space. $250 per month. PEEKSKILL Charles Point, Office, Warehouse, Light Industrial, Professional Space available from 225sf up to 3600 sf. On site parking, City Bus Stop front of bldg, close to RR and Route 9. ESPOSITO 914-739-4866 x105.


1400 SF. Well suited to professional corps—attys, acct’s, etc. Large conference room, Recpt’n area, private offices, private entry, lots of pkg, beautifully landscaped 5 acres at end of cul de sac. All IT, telephony, Internet, security, delivery docks needs in place. Best rates in Westchester, best landlord. Also 600 SF office space in Wappingers Falls. Email: info@nowestchesteroffice.us YORKTOWN HEIGHTS $299,900 914-245-6200 Prime Office Space in Professional/Medical office park. Appox 1000sq ft. Located within walking distance from JV Mall, and transportation. Low common charges, heat included, 24 hr access, plenty of parking. Additional attached space can be purchased if needed. Don’t miss this opportunity for affordable office space in a well maintained professional building. Contact RGI Properties, Inc. YORKTOWN HEIGHTS 914-922-7140 Offices and warehouse space available. Front St Yorktown. Please call for information. . YORKTOWN HEIGHTS FREE 4 MONTHS RENT Commerce St. 1-6 room offices from $439-$2620. Incl Util On-Site Parking No CAM 203-964-0670 x14.

$99 AND UNDER Are you looking to buy a household item for under $99? Then check out our $99 and under listings at WWW.NYPENNYSAVER.COM

Bedford Hills, NY Garden Apt. Rentals 1 Bedrooms from $1,375 2 Bedrooms from $1,695 3 Bedrooms from $1,960 Every apartment has a terrace off the HUGE eat-in Kitchen. Heat & Hot water AND one Parking Space included. Call Super today @ 914-224-8919 for an appointment!

BREWSTER $1,100 914-760-6888 1BR Cottage, all newly remodeled, easy commute, private, 2mos security, references helpful. BREWSTER $600 914-623-3520 Large room, private bath, female preferred, utilities and parking included, convenient to all. BREWSTER $800 914-232-0661 PEACEABLE HILL. 1BR studio. +Utilities No Smoking/Pets. Convenient to all. BREWSTER 1-888-351-5675 Fully furnished room for single or couple. Utilities included. Leave message. BREWSTER 845-279-1400 Large 2BR, new carpet and flooring, freshly painted, sliders to deck. $1,350. Stunning 1BR in former mansion, private entrance, hardwood floors. $1,150 Heat and hot water included. Call the Managing Agent. BREWSTER 845-279-4638 Furnished Studio Apartment. $850mo Plus Security Deposit.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com BUCHANAN $1,050 914-737-7343 1BR ground level. 2 months security, utilities not included. Parking. No Pets. CARMEL $1,199/MONTH 845-628-0566 Very large 1 Bedroom Apartment, granite kitchen includes ALL UTILITIES! “PET FRIENDLY” 2 Bedroom Apartment in Two Family House, private location $1,250/Mo. Exproprealestate.com CARMEL $1,200 914-318-6480 Newly renovated 2BR apt, quiet neighborhood, LR, EIK, 2car Parking. Backyard. Near I84. No Pets. CARMEL $1,350 845-228-7358 Special 2BR Apartment, EIK in 4-Family home. Beautifully landscaped, quiet & tranquil setting. Laundry room on premises. AC, carpeting. Sliding door to deck overlooking babbling brook. Separate and private locked storage unit, great location, great commute and ample parking. Rent includes: garbage, snow removal, landscaping, heat/hot water. References necessary. 1mo security. Available April 1st. CARMEL $1,375 914-490-2366 Small 2BR house, mint condition, possible rent with option. No pets or smoking. Plus security & utilities. CARMEL $1,495 609-598-7900 3 BR, 1.5 BTH, 1st fl. of Victorian House - lg. bdrms. EIK - W/D H/U - 2 car parking - Sep. ent. w/ porch -Freshly painted - ready now - heat & hot water not inc. CARMEL $2,000 914-419-6376 3BR, Raised ranch, 2car garage, Finished basement. W/D hook-up. Newly updated. Walk to beach. 1 months security. CARMEL $795 845-279-1400 Neat and clean, small 1BR cottage, eat-in-kitchen, freshly painted, new flooring.Located on quiet cul-de-sac, surrounded by nature. Call the Managing Agent. CARMEL $975 845-304-1890 1BR, new appliances, light fixtures, paint and floors. EIK, FBTH, lake access, boating, fishing and swimming. NO FEE. CARMEL 914-715-2370 Renovated 2BR Apt - Eat in kitchen - Living Room - 1 Bath. Lower level of 4 family house. Parking & back yard. $1,250/mo plus utilities. 1825 Route 6, Carmel. CARMEL/KENT $1,175 845-225-4349 2BR apartment on country road, private, W/D hook-up, dishwasher. Close to I-84/TSP. +Utilities and security, no Pets. CARMEL/KENT $1,200 845-803-3854 2BR House, Full Bath, Quiet Neighborhood. Fenced in Back Yard. 1mo Security. CARMEL/KENT BORDER $1,150 914-262-1093 Country Estate 1BR Cottage, Full Bath, Walk-In Closet, Central Vac, Very Clean. Easy Commute, I84, I684. Scenic. COLD SPRING $1,725 917-696-4884 3BR, (2-14ft x18ft) 2BTH, large EIK (13x18) DW, W/D, stone frpl, wood flrs , storage, large shared backyard, off street parking (garage optional), off Rt. 9 south of Rt. 84. CORTLANDT MANOR $1,000 914-739-8694 Quiet, charming 1BR cottage on private property. Hardwood floors , fireplace, LR/DR combo, kitchen. Security, References. No pets/smoking. Available Immediately. CORTLANDT MANOR $1,250 914-528-2872 1BR immaculate condition, private entrance, porch, yard. HWflrs throughout, H/HW included. Security, References. CROTON-ON-HUDSON $1,500 Brand new Apartment for rent. Excellent condition, 2BR, LR, EIK, 1BTH, parking available, utilities not included. No pets/no smoking. Close to Croton/Harmon train station. Please call 914-944-4711 CROTON-ON-HUDSON, WESTCHESTER, NY


Beautiful garden apartments for people of various income levels with No Maximum Income limit! Efficiencies start at $765, One Bedrooms start at $1,080, Two Bedrooms start $1,145. Includes Heat/hot water, cooking gas, Satellite TV, Internet available. Clubhouses, activities, easy transport to NYC. Pet Friendly. Call 914-737-6954 or visit our website at www.springvaleapts.com EAST FISHKILL/HOPEWELL $875 845-635-3375 1BR Apartment, includes heat/electric, good storage, Near shopping And IBM. Security/references. No pets/smoking. Available Now. FLORIDA/ WEST COAST VACATION RENTAL. AMONG THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACES ON EARTH. BEACH FRONT HOME ON THE GULF OF MEXICO, WEST COAST FL. GO TO VRBO.COM, LISTING #381010 HAWTHORNE $1,000 914-769-8206 1BR, KIT, LR, second floor, 1mo security, no pets, includes H/HW. Avail.immediately

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

CROSSROADS APTS. Studios, 1 and 2 Bedroom Apts.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com


Swimming Pool & Tennis Court

901 Main Street Peekskill, NY Accepting Applications for

1101,1107,1109 Brown St. Peekskill, NY

Senior Residence

Spacious & Affordable Close to Train to NYC. Includes Gas, Heat Free Parking • Laundry Facilities on Premises

No Brokers Fee Call for appointment

Rocky 914-703-0513 John 914-584-6499 Jose 914-739-6161

HOLMES $1,200 845-878-6525 Large 2BR apartment. Private setting. Utilities included. 1mo security. Washer/Dryer hookup. Free Satellite/internet. References. No dogs HOPEWELL JUNCTION $1,050 845-661-1880 2BR apartment on upper level, includes Heat/HW. Convenient to Taconic/I84. Laundry on premises. HOPEWELL JUNCTION $975 845-226-5146 2BR, 1BTH, 2nd floor apartment over professional office. Utilities extra. Application, & 1 Month security. No Pets KENT $1,100 845-225-1786 2BR Apt. Heat/HW/electric included. No pets/smoking. KENT/CARMEL $1,900 917-345-0980 4BR, 2BTH, Lake view & boat access. New EIK, Woodfloors , Fireplace with woodstove insert. Pets considered.Ready now. LAKE CARMEL $1,800 914-804-8060 3BR, 1.5BTH, Prvt Hse. Yrd, Off rd prkg. 1st months rent, 1 month security. Utlty’s Xtra. NO SMOKING! Pet’s ok? LAKE CARMEL $650 845-225-1786 FURNISHED EFFICIENCY UNIT. HEAT/HW/Electric, AC, included. No pets/smoking LAKE PEEKSKILL $725 914-419-8929 Cute little Studio Apt. Recently remodeled. beach rights. Walk to deli & P.O. No pets. Must pay electric. No pets MAHOPAC $1,175 914-879-1531 Large 1BR, walk-in closet, W/D hook-up, CAC, deck. No pets. MAHOPAC $1,200 845-784-6815 Bright spacious 1BR, large EIK, huge closets, LR/DR Combo, carpeted, H/HW included. NO PETS. MAHOPAC $1,250 845-621-0382 Large, remodeled 2BR, H/HW, Rear yard. Parking. No Pets. Security. MAHOPAC $1,800 917-468-4125 3BR. 1.5BTH. New HrdwdFlrs , Patio, CAC, DW, No Pets, No Smoking. All Utilities+ Cable/Internet Included. No Laundry on Premises. Off-Street Parking. References. 1mo Security. MAHOPAC $2,100 914-720-4304 New Large 4BR, 3BTH, Apartment. Security & References. MAHOPAC $675 845-628-9596 Studio Apartment utilities included. No pets/smoking. 1st/last month, security, references. MAHOPAC $950 845-803-8638 1BR, large EIK/LR, private yard, no pets. Includes Utilities. 1mo security MAHOPAC $975 914-671-0253 Bright 1BR, Private entrance and patio. H/HW/Electric/Cable included. No Smoking/Pets. 1mo Security. MAHOPAC $999/MONTH 845-628-0566 Gorgeous Studio Apartment includes ALL UTILITIES! BRAND NEW, 2 Bedrooms plus den, 1 ½ bath Apartment, granite kitchen, ceramic bathroom, new appliances, wood floors , a/c, walk to town, $1,699/Mo. Exproprealestate.com MAHOPAC 845-222-4486 Move-in ready 1BR $1,300/2BR apartment $1,500, excellent condition, private entrance, parking space, full bathroom, all utilities and cable included. No Pets/No Smoking. 1mo security required. MAHOPAC/JEFFERSON VALLEY BORDER 914-319-6927 $950/MO. Clean and neat 1BR Apt. in quiet neighborhood. Fresh paint, new bathroom, partially furnished, kitchenette. Minutes to Taconic.. No Pets/No Smoking, Utilities included. 1car parking, Short term rental ok. 1mo security/1mo rent. References

Tokyo was once known as Edo.

Renovated 1 BR Apartments Covered Secure Parking Available Utilities included Located across the street from Senior Center Laundry Facilities on Premises Income Restrictions Apply

Contact Rental Agent @ Building 914-739-0080 E-Mail: PeekskillPlaza@hotmail.com

Section 8 Welcome MOHEGAN LAKE $1,000 914-490-3033 1BR apt, EIK, LR, includes H/HW. No pets/smoking. Off street parking. 1Mo security, 1Mo rent. Available March 1st.

The electric chair was invented by a dentist. MONTROSE $1,500 914-462-7763 2 BR, 1 BTH, 2 family house, upstairs apt-plenty of storage and parking, Hen -Hud schools. landlord pays heat &hot water. Avail March 1. MOUNT VERNON $650 914-308-8754 Large furnished room, share bath & kitchen, near transportation, parking. +Security. NEW JERSEY SHORE- VACATION RENTAL 845-736-4142 Beachfront condo on beautiful Brigantine Island. Sleeps 4, full kitchen/laundry, 4miles North of Atlantic City boardwalk. Private beach, 2 swimming pools. No pets. Available July/August, $950/week. NORTH SALEM $1,100 914-485-1393 Furnished House Share. One bedroom, private bath, share colonial house on horse farm, woman seeks same to share, no pets, refs required. NORTH SALEM $1,300/MO 914-485-1393 Furnished Apt for rent. One bedroom/studio furnished apt, bathroom, in colonial house on horse farm. no pets, refs required, can be rented unfurnished too. NORTH SALEM $2,700 914-374-8480 Lovely 3BR, 2BTH house. EIK, large deck w/view (southern exposure) W/D, CAC, Garage, Partially finished basement. Pets OK, +Utilities. North Salem schools.

nypennysaver.com OSSINING $1,100 914-671-3556 1BR apt. Updated, HWflrs , storage, Laundry on premises. Parking. Security/References. No pets +Utilities. OSSINING $1,800 914-420-9125 1BR, 1BTH, Hudson Point Condominium, a spacious complex with wonderful landscaping, in a safe, green, neighborhood. Ground floor, end unit, (1,200 sq ft). Year-round river views, walk to Scarborough station (45 mins to GCT), shopping. Gym, pool, tennis court, club house and gazebo. Washer/dryer in unit. 20ft x 20ft storage room in unit. 2 parking spaces. No smoking, no pets. Available Now.

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014 OSSINING $1850/NEG 914-433-1117 3BR, 1BTH in 2-family house, open porch, parking, includes Heat/HW. 914-502-0478. Security OSSINING $550 914-923-3503 Furnished Room for single Woman. shared kitchen/bath. Central location. Utilities included. No smoking/pets. Good credit, references, +1mos. security. 914-737-8072; 914-941-1533. OSSINING $725 914-589-4485 Large furnished room, W/W carpet, clean unit a nice place to live, NO SMOKING, no pets, close to stores & transportation, utilities, kitchen included. One month security, 6 months lease. OSSINING $850 914-391-7300 1 BR, 1 BTH, Ossng 1 Rm4Rent Shared Bright lg 2nd fl Victorian 2 Bd Apt. incl WiFi, Cable, Util Washr/Dry. 2-Lg-LivRms, Lg.Kitch, shared bath. walk 2 train, shops. On st. parkg. No smoke, no pets, no drugs. mo. 2 mo., 1mo depos, ref reqrd. Avail Mar 1st Call Mark c)914.391.7300 PEEKSKILL $1,000 914-384-8032 Spacious 1BR apt. 224 High Street. 3BR apt. 1415 Main Street, 3BR apt. 418 Main Street -$1,400. Heat included. Hablo Espanol. PEEKSKILL $1,185 914-737-7343 1BR, LR, EIK, Large closets; Large rooms. W/D on premises. Parking. 2mos. security. No Pets. PEEKSKILL $1,200 917-559-7162 1BR apartment, Renovated, New Bth/Kitchen, Carpet throughout. Water included. Close to stores/train station. 1Mo security/1Mo deposit. No pets/smoking. PEEKSKILL $600 914-432-8735 1BR, share bath, kitchen. Includes utilities. Driveway parking. No pets/smoking. 1mo security. 914-930-7337 PEEKSKILL 914-737-8900 “Villa at the Woods.” Beautiful one level 2BR, 2BTH, C/A, Frpl, pool, tennis $1,850mo. Chapel Hill townhouse, $1,850, 1-2-3BRs, many more. Call S-CORT REALTY PEEKSKILL 917-642-7554 2BR apartment, Totally renovated, Smith St. Available March 1st. PUTNAM VALLEY $1,100 1BR, LR, DR, kitchen, DW, FBTH, Utilities included. 2-car parking. Newly painted. 1mo security. No pets. 914-879-3950/914-879-6727 RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE. Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short Leases. Monthly specials! Call 877-210-4130

Sofa? Find it fast. It’s searchable: www.nypennysaver.com SHRUB OAK $1,175 845-489-0818 Private, spacious 1BR, patio, parking, convenient location. No pets/no smoking, 2mos. security. SLEEPY HOLLOW $1,500 914-413-7610 1BR apartment w/office space, EIK. No smoking/pets. 2Mo security, 1Mo rent. Available March 1st. SOMERS $2,100 914-522-4045 Charming 2/3BR home. Floor to ceiling stone fireplace. Updated. W/D Attached garage. SOMERS - HOUSE RENTAL MINT CONDITION, 3BR Colonial House, 2.5BTH; EIK; LR/Brick FPL; DR; Lndry; 2 Room Master Suite; 1 Car Garage; Set Back/Quiet; No FEE, No Smoking, No Dogs. $2,790 + Util Larry Zacks RE/MAX Classic Realty 845-628-1010 STORMVILLE/KENT $1,300 845-878-9233 Large cozy new 1BR Apt. washer/dryer hookup. No smoking/pets. Utilities included. TARRYTOWN $1,750 914-631-3905 Bright spacious 2BR, with large LR, kitchen with breakfast bar, dining area. Includes H/HW, Parking. TARRYTOWN/SLEEPY HOLLOW 914-631-2132 We have the Largest selection of Rentals, with a Low Fee. TARRYTOWN REAL ESTATE VALHALLA $1,500 Apartment for rent, excellent condition, 2BR, 1BTH, EIK, LR, parking available, utilities not included. No pets/no smoking. Close to train station. Please call 914-944-4711. WAPPINGERS FALLS $1,000 845-297-3543 1BR/1BTH Apartment in 2 Family House. Pool available. CABLE/INTERNET, H/HW, ELECTRIC INCLUDED. Available Immediately WAPPINGERS FALLS $1,035 845-266-8261 Modern Mobile Homes, 2BR & 3BR, washer/dryer, behind Galleria. No dogs. WAPPINGERS FALLS $1,125 845-297-4935 PAVILLION CONDOS - 2BR, Upper unit, fully renovated, W/D, AC , Pool/Tennis, deck. Close to Rt.9/I-84/IBM. No pets. Utilities not included. Available Immediately.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

WAPPINGERS FALLS BROOKSIDE GARDEN APARTMENTS - 1 & 2BR Available on RT9, Includes H/HW/cooking gas. Close to shopping/transportation/IBM. 845-632-6665/845-632-1518. 1 MONTH FREE RENT! WINGDALE $1,200 845-625-7504 House on working farm. 2 bedrooms and study. Open kitchen/living room with high ceilings. Fireplace. Porch overlooking beautiful views. YORKTOWN HEIGHTS $1,200 914-703-9493 1BR, 1BTH, Fully furnished, kitchenette, mother/daughter with separate entrance and driveway for parking. 10 mile drive to Peekskill/Katonah train station. Short walk to shopping mall. All utilities included. Quiet neighborhood. No pets/smoking. For all inquiries please call Jimmy at 914-703-9493. YORKTOWN HEIGHTS $1,525 914-843-0843 1BR, 1BTH, Jefferson Village, Lower Level, No Steps. Updated Condo. 55 and over community. Available March 1st. Contact David 914-843-0843 PEEKSKILL Se renta cuarto con bano privado. Se habla espanol PLEASANTVILLE $1,800 3 cuartos, Parqueo para un carro.

914-739-0731 914-804-7995

10 ACRES FREE! Buy 30-Get 40 Acres. $0-Down $188/mo. Money Back Guarantee, NO CREDIT CHECKS Beautiful Views. Near El Paso, Texas. 1-866-882-5263 Ext. 81 www.SunsetRanches.NET 3 COUNTY LAND LIQUIDATION Upstate NY. 21 TRACTS, 5 TO 147 ACRES FROM $14,900. SO TIERCATSKILL MTNS- CAPITAL REGION! State Land, Ponds, Streams, Views! G’teed buildable! Special financing & incentives! Call for free info packet 1-888-701-1864 www.NewYorkLandandLakes.com NEW YORK STATE LAND SALE 5 Acres w/ Utilities.: $12,900. 6 Acres w/ Trout Stream $24,900. 6.6 Acres, Adirondack Cabin $19,900. Best Quality Land in Years! Call 1-800-229-7843 WAPPINGERS FALLS $19,950 845-266-8261 Modern Mobile Homes. 2BR & 3BR, behind Galleria. Small dogs allowed. Also 3BR DOUBLEWIDE, $24,950. Owner financing. ADIRONDACK RESTAURANT/HOTEL $375,000 845-222-0652 250 Seats, 14 Room Hotel, 1.5 Acres. View pictures at hollyrealestateny.com. M.L.S#3318602 Holly Real Estate. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Print Shop/Copy Store. Unique opportunity, flexible lease, nice area, Southern Dutchess. 845-797-6997 DRY CLEANER PLANT FOR SALE 845-628-8664 Mahopac area, Route 6N, asking $60,000 firm. MUST SELL. Serious inquiries only. HAIR SALON-PEEKSKILL/CHARLES POINT Fully equipped 5-chair salon for lease ONLY $800 per month plus utilities. Great opportunity for stylist with clientele looking to branch out on own. 914-739-4866 ext105. INDOOR CHILDREN'S PLAY CENTER/BIRTHDAY PARTY FACILITY FOR SALE 4,000 sq. ft., two party rooms, two-level play structure, bounce house, and more. Recent upgrades requiring no investment by new owner. Large and loyal customer base; significant opportunity for profit/growth. Dedicated owners ready to pass on the reins. Putnam County. $159,000. Serious inquiries only. 914-213-7584.

nypennysaver.com TURN-KEY OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE FOR THE RIGHT PERSON(s) Sports Bar Located Near Yankee Stadium. Everything Brand New, & Ready To Go. For More Info Call 917-902-0104. GROCERY STORE DE VENTA Solo Interesados Llamar Al: 914-776-8244.


**Autos**Empleo**Alquiler**Compra-Venta de casas** Para mas informacion llame al 914-962-3871 Ext. 606 - Cindy ***Hablamos su idioma** Se aceptan anuncios en ingles o en español

Child Care? Find it fast. It’s searchable: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014 ADOPTION DAY THIS WEEK! 914-737-9135 Paws for Love, Inc. will be at the Cortlandt Town Center PetsMart, Rt. 6, Mohegan Lake on SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. Come and adopt a beautiful cat. Declawed cats sometimes available. Call for information about our Siamese cat! If you have a cat carrier, please bring it with you. Volunteers are needed to help clean cages and fundraise. Foster homes are also needed. See some of our adoptable pets at: www.Petfinder.com Click on “Shelters and Rescues” then click on “Find an Animal Shelter or Rescue Group.” in the Search of Animal Welfare Groups” box enter 10567 and, Paws for Love, Inc and click “Go” or call us at 914-737-2351. ANIMAL ASSISTED THERAPY TRAINING Would you like to make a difference in someone's life visiting Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Schools with your dog? Three Dogs Training 6 week Class prepares you and your dog for visiting. Please see www.threedogstraining.com for information, schedule and fees or contact Lisa Edwards, CDBC, CPDT-KA at Lisa@threedogstraining.com or 845-228-2546. CAT ADOPTION DAY! Sponsored by Little Orphan Animals. Saturday March 1st at Petsmart in the Cortlandt Town Center, Mohegan Lake from 12 noon-3pm. Come by and see our beautiful cats - all in need of loving homes. Urgent need for volunteers! Clean/Feed shifts needed at Petsmart - weekdays/weekends. Check our website for pics www.littleorphananimals.freehosting.net 914-734-2989. CLEAN/FEED VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! URGENT. Little Orphan Animals. Weekday/Weekend shifts at Petsmart, Mohegan Lake. Our thrift shop needs volunteers , 960 Washington Street, Peekskill. 914-734-2989. DCSPCA asks you to please bring your pets in at night! Even if they are “outdoor” pets, they may not be able to survive below freezing weather. “Do the humane thing and bring them in”. If you are aware of domestic animals being kept outdoors in frigid temperatures, please make a confidential call to our Humane Law Team at 845-452-7722 ext. 4. Your call could save a life. FOR THE LOVE OF ANIMALS 914-591-7594 ADOPT: SPLASH - 6M M sleek black kitten with a patch of white -adorable, affectionate, playful, smart as a whip, enjoys talking. A wonderful addition to you family, neutered, tested, shots. VLADAMIR - 12mo M Russian blue cat a true winner. FRANKIE 8mo M long-haired gold/white kitten. TINY - young M brown/black short hair Mini Pincher Mix. Cute as a button. Approx 10-12lbs. Our animals have all been neutered, spayed, shots, tested. If you would love to provide a temporary oasis for dogs, please let us know. Call for details GREYHOUNDS FOR ADOPTION 914-763-2221 SAVE A LIFE. Adopt a loving, gentle, quiet ex-racer. Low maintenance and easily trained. Docile personalities make them great for children and seniors. Visit our website www.greyhoundrescuerehab.org MY NAME IS CALICO TOES 914-428-7969 because when I showed up at a local train station, I had a crushed rear paw along with several missing toes. An FF volunteer rushed me to the vet and I’m doing well but need your help to cover my vet bill so more kitties like me can be helped when the need arises. Please be my very special friend and donate to our KITTY FIX-IT FUND on our PayPal Page at http://forgottenfelinesny.org or to Forgotten Felines, Attn Calico Toes, PO Box 430, Valhalla NY 10595. Purrs! Our Spring Luncheon is Sun April 13, Cortlandt Colonial Restaurant, Cortlandt Manor. Advanced Reservations required. Please donate your unwanted new holiday gifts for our spring luncheon raffle baskets– tax deductible - call for drop-off/pick-up info- purrs! Lord & Taylor Do Good Charity Day to support Forgotten Felines is Fri April 25, 9 am – 11 pm, Eastchester Store or shop ahead online- details coming. forgottenfelines@yahoo.com


By Showcasing your ad with the New Multi-media packages that are now being offered for ads appearing on our website it will help you get the results you are looking for. Remember a picture/video is worth a thousand words! 1 Photo Free; 3 Photos $3.00; 4-10 Photos $5.00; Up to 2 minute Video $8.00 For additional information, please call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178 or visit www.nypennysaver.com PETS FOR SALE Do you want your ad to stand out from the rest? Try adding one of our new logos! Ask your Customer Service Representative for more details. Call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871. PUREBRED TONKINESE KITTENS FOR SALE 917-968-4894 To forever loving homes. Hand raised, litter trained, vaccinations, Parents on premises. Serious inquiries only.

Air is denser in cold weather. A wind of the same speed can exert 25 percent more force during the winter as compared to the summer.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com PUTNAM HUMANE SOCIETY CATS FOR ADOPTION 845-225-7777 PICO- She's our senior girl! A beautiful pastel calico who is 13 years old, and waiting so patiently to once again be in the comfort of a home. She's sweet, and affectionate and has a lot of living left to do! PRINCESS is a senior female white Scottish Persian. She’s an absolute sweetheart who loves to be held and snuggled. She’s recovered from life saving surgery for a collapsed nose, and is doing beautifully. Visit these Golden girls and all of their friends to see if your new feline friend is waiting for you at Putnam Humane. Thank you to all who visit, socialize, and volunteer with the cats while they wait to be adopted into their "forever" homes. Check out the new PHS website @ puthumane, org for picture of cats and dogs for adoption, event info., wish list and more! PUTNAM HUMANE SOCIETY DOGS FOR ADOPTION 845-225-7777 SAWYER- He's a very handsome white, and golden brown pit mix. We aren't sure what the mix is, but some say basenji. What we do know is that whatever the mix, it's a winner! He's a happy, fun loving athletic boy, and LOVES to swim! Oh, how he would love to live where there is a nice big pool, or lake! KELLEN-Kellen is a very active, smart and playful male Bull Terrier Mix. He needs an active home with an experienced owner to continue with his training & provide plenty of exercise. He gets along with cats, and has spent time with a volunteer at her home, and he's a perfect house guest! Visit with all the dogs from 10:00-3:15 everyday! So many great dogs are waiting! Meet your new BFF at PHS! Check out the PHS website @ puthumane.org for info. about the bowling for pawsfundraiser on March 8th at the Carmel Bowl. Hope to see you there! YONKERS- MISSING BEC CAR ACCIDENT 914-428-7969 Cloud: gray tuxedo 6 month kitten. Sprain brook pkwy/rt 100/central ave/palmer ave area. Contact: 914-715-7571 if see. Noel: gentle 4 ½ month boy w tabby/cream lynx type fur would like a home w another kitty. Duncan: 4 month black/white Maine Coon type. Oreo: people friendly striking white/black 11 month boy; Tristan: affectionate, 3- 4Y, black/white boy who loves kittens, is healthy but w heart murmur which vets say he’s compensated well for-ann. Timmie: sweet gray tabby older kitten, fiv+ but healthy and should remain so, can be with other cat/s if introduced properly. Tristan and Timmie: can be adopted or permanently fostered (FF pays vet bills related to their diagnosed status, if any, thru one of our vets). Tristan & Timmie are best of friends if person looking for a “matched pair”- ann. Pictures and application on our website: http://forgottenfelinesny.org. forgottenfelines@yahoo.com HORSE STABLE MANAGER AVAILABLE Horse Stable Professional seeking employment. Experienced horse stable manager, manage staff & daily operations, horse medical care, horse training, lesson instructor hunters , equitation, pony club, managed events & clinics, stable marketing & promotion. Seeking position in North Salem or surrounding horse country area. Available to start ASAP. Please call 914-714-9308 for resume. PLEASE HELP US SAVE THE HORSES 501(c)3 Nonprofit horse rescue gives you top $ for your vehicle, no hassles, we make all the arrangements. Please call for more information. 845-677-4433. www.luckyorphanshorseorphans.org www.horsesavers.us ACTIVITY AIDE Part-time Activity Aide position in site based respite program, hours are 2-6, Monday-Friday. Applicant must have high school diploma, clean driving record and child abuse record, and have some experience working with people with developmental disabilities. Candidate should be creative and have an enthusiastic personality. You may fax resume/application to 845-278-8282 or e-mail to hr@putnamarc.org. You may print an application from our website: www.putnamarc.org or obtain one from our main office at 31 International Boulevard, Brewster, NY. NO phone calls please. EOE. ACTIVITY LEADER Part Time position for Sky View Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, Croton-on-Hudson. Hours are Saturday and Sunday plus holidays. Fax resume to Leslie Lawler, Director of Human Resources at 914-271-4455 or email it to llawler@skyviewhealthcare.com ACTIVITY LEADER PT For Sky View Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, Croton-on-Hudson. Hours are Saturday and sunday plus holidays. Fax resume to Leslie Lawler, Director of Human Resources at 914-271-4455 or email it to llawler@skyviewhealthcare.com ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Assisted living facility in Mohegan Lake seeking Admin. Assistant. Responsibilities include arranging doctor’s appointments & transportation, filing, answering calls & other daily office duties. Email resume to:healthalf@gmail.com AIDE NEEDED Please read carefully; paid on the books, FT/PT, for disabled woman. You must be able to drive, Speak/understand English. Females only, will train. Certificate not required. Must have own car, All benefits offered, Please call between 9am-6pm 914-245-9465 leave name & number.

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

APPLY NOW! Great Pay! PT/FT. Flex Schedules, Sales/SVC, All Ages 17+, CALL NOW! 914-352-0600 APPOINTMENT SETTER FT and PT day and evening shifts available. High Volume Outbound Call Center looking for qualified appointment setters to schedule appointments for sales representatives nationwide. Leads provided. Must be detail oriented and have excellent communication and computer skills. Hourly wage, plus bonus & profit sharing program. $50K real potential. Call 1-800-343-8050 ASSISTANT MECHANIC FT 914-941-5139 Must be experienced with clean CDL Lic B with PS endors. Good Pay and great benefits. Contact Steve. ASSISTANT RESIDENTIAL MANAGER PARC, a non-profit agency that works with individuals with development disabilities is seeking an Assistant Residential Manager. The Assistant Manager will be responsible for the health, safety and well-being of assigned residents, as well as providing supervision and direction to house staff. He/she is responsible for assisting the house manager with all house and resident monies and oversight of house and property maintenance. Bachelor’s degree and one year experience in DD field; AAS degree and two years experience or High School Diploma and three experience. You may fax resume/application to 845-278-8282 or em-mail to hr@putnamarc.org. ATTENTION PERSONNEL AGENCIES Deadline for placement in this Publication of Help Wanted ads is 6:00PM Thursdays. Each ad placed after 6:00PM will be subject to a $10 late fee.

Our eyes are always the same size from birth.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com AUTO BODY FT 914-666-4876 Detailer needed for collision repair facility in Bedford Hills. Team player, self-starter and highly motivated with an eye for detail a must. AUTO MECHANIC 914-923-2000 Mid-Westchester Tire Company has opening for B Mechanic. Must have own tools and a clean driver’s license. NYS Inspector a plus! Ask for Tom. AUTO MECHANIC CLASS B Mid Westchester area. Must have own tools, 3yrs. experience on foreign and domestic cars , clean driver’s license. Email resume to: avql78@yahoo.com or call 914-384-8668 ask for Alex. AUTO TECHNICIAN FT AAMCO TRANSMISSIONS AND TOTAL CARCARE OF Mahopac is looking for a “A” Tech with diagnostic experience. Minimum of 5yrs. experience in general auto repair and transmission R&R required. Join our winning team. Email: mahopactrans@verizon.net or call 516-318-3020. AUTO TECHNICIAN POSITION 914-762-0022 Looking for experienced Auto Tech, hard-working individual with knowledge of both foreign & domestic vehicles. Must be good at troubleshooting, AC knowledge. Minimum 5 years experience. Fax resume to 914-762-2511. AUTOBODY PARTS PT/FT 914-666-4876 Parts Counter person needed for busy Collision repair facility in Bedford Hills. Must be organized, computer literate and motivated. Please fax resume to 914-666-7968 or cmb@ifmcollisioncenter.com AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ADVISOR: Busy automotive dealership is looking for an experienced Service Advisor for our Ford location. Must be detail orientated, motivated and friendly. High earning potential for the right person. We offer 401k, medical, dental and paid vacations. Email resume to daniellef@volzauto.com AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN FT 845-628-6668 (MAHOPAC, NY) .Technician w/experience, ASE cert, NYS Inspection Lic, w/good diagnostic skills. Salary based on experience. Resume: autoclinicofny@gmail.com/fax 845 628-9109 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN FT EXPERIENCED IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, B MECHANIC. Please fax resume to 914-734-1591. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS 845-628-7900 We are looking for experienced technicians who desire to expand their horizons & work in an established, fast growing & team oriented company. We provide ongoing training, benefits & performance bonuses. ASE certification a plus. Email resume info@osceolagarage.com www.osceolagarage.com AUTOMOTIVE Technicians, Dispatcher, Advisor, Lot Attendant, Warranty Administrator, Parts Driver, Service Coordinator. Ford & Subaru experience a plus. 401(k), vacation, medical & much more. Call Darlene 914-967-6300 or email darlene@ryefordsubaru.com BARBER FT/PT 914-762-9705 Experienced Barber wanted. Salary plus commission. Good opportunity. Ask for Mike. BARBER/HAIRSTYLIST FT/PT Needed in Yorktown Heights. If interested please call 914-245-2779. BARBERS/HAIRSTYLIST/RECEPTIONIST Full-time for busy hair salon located in JV Mall. ASAP Call 914-245-8254; 973-687-2367 ask for Murat. C&C UNISEX. BOOKKEEPER/PURCHASING ADMIN PT/FT High growth co in Hawthorne, NY is looking for a PT or FT Bookkeeper with experience in supply Purchasing. Proficient in Excel, multi-tasking, vendor relationships and negotiations; highly organized. Excellent salary, benefits; great atmosphere. Email resume: jobs@crownawards.com BUS DRIVER PT/FT 914-752-7504 For Westchester based company. Passenger endorsement. School bus qualified. 55/35 Passenger Coach experience a must. Good driving record. Must have ability to commute via own transportation. Immediate openings. CAREGIVER PT 914-617-9737 FOR DISABLED YOUNG WOMAN. Looking for caring/patient/reliable person to help care for 20yr old daughter with cerebral palsy. Hours 3-6:30pm MonFri and 8am to 6:30pm on school holidays. Afternoon activities include helping her with all daily living skills. CARPENTER FOREMAN FT 914-762-8453 15 years experience, own tools and transportation, must be accomplished in all aspects of remodeling, footings to crown. Organized, neat and thorough. Fax resume to: 914-762-4423 CARPENTER NEEDED Must know all phases. Be meticulous, have common sense. 15yrs minimum experience. Start $15/cash Also HELPER WANTED. Will train. 845-849-2757

The characters in “The Addams Family” did not have names in the “New Yorker” cartoons; Charles Addams created their names when the 1960s television series was developed.

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014


Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com


Chase Press, a rapidly growing division of Chase Media Group has an excellent opportunity available for an experienced Direct Marketing Sales professional. As a leading supplier of print media for 54 years, we are seeking a motivated Sales Professional to contribute to the expansion of our Print and Direct Mail Division. The qualified individual must demonstrate a successful track record and a minimum of 5 years selling Direct Mail. Experience developing Direct Mail plans, lists, recommendations, budgets, lead generation and data segmentation a must. An understanding of web, online and e-mail marketing is a strong plus.

Chase Media Group, home of the Yorktown PennySaver, is seeking production laborers to work in our Production department on a part-time/as needed basis. Prior experience is not necessary. Candidate must be able to lift up to 25 lbs. and perform a wide variety of production duties. Positions start at $9.00 per hour and days are flexible.

Qualified person will: • Focus primary sales efforts on Direct Mail products, while secondary sales efforts will include a wide array of our other print and online products. • Acquire new accounts. • Manage current Direct Mail accounts. • Develop Direct Mail plans for new and existing clients. • Manage the production of Direct Mail packages with in-house design and print departments. • Coordinate with off-site agencies, software suppliers and list brokers.

Please call Human Resources at 914.962.3871, x349 for an appointment to interview.

This position offers a base salary plus commission as well as a generous benefit package including… Medical & Dental Insurance Paid time off and Holidays Life insurance coverage at no cost to employee 401(k) retirement plan Health Savings Account Potential for advancement

Kindly fax resume with salary requirements and cover letter to 914-962-3119 or e-mail to: humanresources@chasemediagroup.com

CHAUFFEURS PT/FT 845-279-6164 IMMEDIATE! Busy Brewster based Limo company expanding our staff and has immediate F/T & P/T positions open. Must be able to provide 5 star service. Full time positions offer a GUARANTEED WEEKLY SALARY for CDL license Chauffeur. MUST be experienced and fully licensed with clean license. Part time available for all shifts with full flexibility. Retirees Welcome! Join our top level service team. Call 845-279-6164 x 102 for interview.

The first fax process was patented in 1843. CHEF/FOOD SERVICE FT Long Term Care/Sub Acute Rehab Facility is looking for an Experienced Chef with Culinary Training to prepare meals for regular and therapeutic diets. Will also be required to perform duties as a Food Service Worker. Competitive salary and benefits offered. Please fax resume to Cedar Manor Nursing and Rehab Center 914-762-0437 ATTN: Kris CHILDCARE AVAILABLE 914-255-6250 ELMSFORD. Beautiful, safe home, Intimate setting. Caring environment. Limited openings. Saturday/Overnight available. Licensed/Insured. CHILDCARE AVAILABLE 914-788-4582 AWARD WINNING INFANT/TODDLER/PRE-SCHOOL/SCHOOL AGED PROGRAM. SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT FOR NEW STUDENTS. Give your child a head start. Nursery Rhymes, Explore the Pond, Birds & Eggs. These are a few of our Spring themes. Immediate FT/PT spaces available. Your child will blossom in this program. Circle time, reading, art, music, nature, science, math, critical thinking, cooking/nutrition, yoga, meals. NYS licensed. CPR, Medication certified. www.personaltouchfamilychildcare.com CHILDCARE AVAILABLE Life long Tarrytown resident. Mature woman available after school, evenings and weekends. Please call Susan 914-382-5170. CHILDCARE AVAILABLE/NEEDED (Sample Ad) Do you want your ad to stand out from the rest? Try adding one of our new logos! Ask your Customer Service Representative for more details. Call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871. CLEANERS/MAIDS FT/PT 914-666-7229 Carpet cleaners , Floor waxer, Window cleaners , Maids. Legal working papers , driver's license and experience a must. ARCO CLEANING. CLEANING SERVICES AVAILABLE Houses/Apartments/Offices ETC! 13yrs of experience. Insured, References. Reasonable Prices. Call Bob 845-519-7965

COACH - VARSITY GIRLS LACROSSE COACH NORTH SALEM CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. First Aid, CPR/AED and NYSED fingerprint clearance required. Teacher certification preferred but not required. Please send letter of interest/resume to Henry Sassone, Director of Athletics & Physical Education, 230 June Road, North Salem, NY 10560 or via FAX to 914-669-5441. COLLEGE GRADS-ENTRY LEVEL WITH ROOM TO GROW! Employee owned company seeks college grad or those with related experience to join our customer service dept. Ability to read blueprints, knowledge of building materials & construction exp a plus. Computer literate (MS Excel). Great benefits: health & life ins, ESOP, vacations, holidays and 401k plan. Apply in person at Westchester Modular Homes, Inc., 30 Reagans Mill Road, Wingdale, New York EOE COOK FT 914-526-3888 Experienced. Italian restaurant. 1220 Oregon Road, Cortlandt Manor. Call or apply in person. COOK Looking for experienced & neat FT Cook in Peekskill area. Call for more details 914-739-9090 ask for Antonio. CUSTOMER RETENTION & DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES PT/FT. High growth co in Hawthorne, NY is looking for customer associates to make outbound calls to existing customers. Excellent telephone manner, with customer service/sales experience a huge plus! Hiring for morning and afternoon shifts. Excellent pay, great work atmosphere! Email Resume: jobs@crownawards.com CUSTOMER SERVICE/ENTRY LEVEL POSITION Digitech Computer, Inc. seeks individuals to handle heavy phones, data entry, customer follow-up and research. Computer literacy with good typing/ data entry skills required. Bi-lingual (Spanish) a plus. Excellent benefits including health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, short and long-term disability, 401(k), summer hours and over two weeks of paid time off in addition to 7 paid +holidays. Convenient location seconds from the Taconic and Route 9 in Briarcliff Manor. E-mail resume and salary requirements to billingjobs@digitechcomputer.com DELI CLERK/BUTCHER/DISHWASHER 914-526-4260 Seeking all positions F/T, weekends a MUST, experience preferred, salary commensurate with experience. APPLY IN PERSON. closed Monday’s. SANSOTTA BROTHERS 2 West Brook Dr Cortlandt Manor DELI COUNTER HELP PT/FT 914-391-0551 Deli counter person needed. Exp nec. Must speak English well. Applicant must be 18 yrs or older with adequate working papers and Social Security Number. 25-35 hours/wk, possibly more. Must inc one weekend day. Daily counter duties: Helping customers , making sandwiches, slicing machine, and grill. Please call between 2pm-8pm only DELI HELP FT/PT 845-674-0623 Experienced Deli Help Wanted, All Aspects of Deli Business. Potential Management Position Available. Must Have Transportation. DELI/TRAINER PT 914-962-1919 Outgoing person needed to work in Supermarket to train associates. Mon.Fri. Flexible hours a must. Excellent starting pay. Experience necessary. DELIVERY DRIVER Clean license, reliable, motivated. Drug test required, good pay. Send resume to jobs@hudsonmilk.com DENTAL ASSISTANT FT Orthodontic Practice in Mahopac seeks an energetic individual to join our team. Prior experience is not necessary; we are willing to train interested candidates. Must be computer literate, friendly and reliable. Tuesday evenings are a must. Email resume to resumeforortho@gmail.com DENTAL ASSISTANT TRAINING PT evening program in Westchester starting March. Placement Assistance, Established 29yrs , LIC. by NYSED. 1-888-595-3282, ext.9

A giraffe has a 20-inch tongue.

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014 DIRECT CARE AIDE Hudson Valley Cerebral Palsy Assoc., located in Patterson NY has FT, PT & Per Diem positions available to assist individuals with development disabilities to lead full and productive lives. Must have valid (over 3 yrs) driver’s license. HS Diploma or GED required. PCA certificate and healthcare experience preferred. We offer great benefits and NO COST Health Insurance. Fax resume to 845 278-6979 or email hr@hvcpa.org or contact HR (845) 878-9078. EOE. DIRECT CARE PROFESSIONALS PARK, a non-profit agency in Brewster, NY, is seeking Direct Support Professionals who want to make a difference in other’s lives. The principal duties include supporting and teaching a wide variety of personal care, social and work related skills to adult individuals with intellectual disabilities in both residential and day program settings. High School Diploma or equivalent required. Clean NYS driver’s license required. Per diem positions are also available; day/night shifts. Competitive salary and benefit package. You may fax resume to 845-278-8282 or e-mail to hr@putnamarc.org. No Phone calls please. DIRECT CARE/MENTAL HEALTH WORKER Entry level position working with Acute Psychiatric Patients, Child through Adult. 12 hour shifts, Per Diem to Full Time Positions. BA a plus, 2 year degree or 2 years of college completed preferred. Apply online @ Fourwindshospital.com, fax 914-763-8472. tel 914-763-8151 ext 2585 EOE DIRECT CARE/YOUTH COUNSELORS-BILINGUAL Lincoln Hall, a residential facility for adolescent boys in Northern Westchester, has several immediate openings for Bilingual (English and Spanish) Youth Counselors. Youth Counselors are responsible for engaging our residents in age appropriate activities and providing supervision for these residents when school is not in session. Previous experience working with adolescents preferred. Please forward resumes to glawrence@lincolnhall.org, or fax to 914-248-6193. EOE, M/F/V/D. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin or any other legally protected status. DIRECT MAIL MANAGER FT Maryknoll Sisters (Ossining) Manages all aspects of the direct mail program which includes appeals, sponsors and lapsed donor and acquisition mailings. Ensures integrated, multi-channel messaging and packages consistent with organizational values. Must have strong writing, computer and interpersonal skills to establish rapport with donors , vendors and internal Development team. Bachelor’s degree, 2-3 years in non-profit direct mail fundraising and management experience required. Please fax resume to 914-941-5841 or e-mail hrjobs@mksisters.org DIRECT MARKETING SALES PROFESSSIONAL Chase Press, a rapidly growing division of Chase Media Group is seeking a motivated Direct Marketing Sales professional to contribute to the expansion of our Print and Direct Mail Division. The qualified individual must demonstrate a successful track record and a minimum of 5yrs selling Direct mail. Experience developing Direct Mail plans, lists, recommendations, budgets, lead generation and data segmentation a must. An understanding of web, online and e-mail marketing is a strong plus. This position offers a base salary plus commission as well as a generous benefit package including medical & dental insurance, paid time off and holidays, 401K, HSA, life insurance coverage at no cost to employee and potential for advancement. Kindly fax resume with salary requirements and cover letter to: 914-962-3119 or e-mail to: humanresources@chasemediagroup.com DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS - DSP NORTHERN WESTCHESTER – Human Services – PER DIEM/ON CALL Direct Support Professionals – Arc of Westchester is looking for per diem Direct Support Professionals to work in the NORTHERN Westchester area. Duties include assisting individuals with their leisure time, health care, safety, and self care needs in residential settings and in the community. Required: HS Diploma/GED and a valid NYS driver’s license for minimum 3 years. Please forward resume to: Human Resources via Fax: 914428-1598 or email: positions@westchesterarc.org. EOE. www.westchesterarc.org DOG GROOMER 845-270-3175 Looking for licensed individual for new grooming salon opening in Brewster. Please call to set interview. DRIVER FT 37.5 hrs , Benefits. Split Shift mornings and afternoons. Clean, valid Driver's License required. Apply online www.fourwindshospital.com or fax resume to 914-763-8472. EOE DRIVER NEEDED Three Times Weekly for a ride between Chappaqua and Bedford. Call 914-238-3506. DRIVER WANTED 914-293-7246 HOME HEATING OIL/POOL WATER DELIVERY COMPANY. Minimum 3yrs Experience. CLASS A, CDL, Hazmat. Year Round Employment, Benefits. References Required. DRIVER/HELPER 914-841-1446 Moving Company. Must have CDL B license. Requires lifting and moving.

Hawaii is moving toward Japan 4 inches every year.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com DRIVER/LABORER PT/FT 845-628-6410 For septic company in Putnam County. Must have clean CDL license with Tanker Endorsement. Experience helpful for septic tank pumping. Must have general knowledge of area and good customer relation skills. DRIVER/WAREHOUSE POSITIONS AVAILABLE (Croton-on-Hudson) Full-time Driver/Warehouse positions available for wholesale tire distributor. Van delivery experience a must. Union benefits offered. Clean license and ability to pass background check and drug testing a must. Only qualified resumes will be considered. Please reply to this ad by forwarding your resume including salary requirements to: mfihr2840@gmail.com DRIVERS Daily Part-Time Hours , Free training. BREWSTER CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION, E.O.E. Applications: 40 Farm to Market Rd, Brewster, NY10509. BrewsterSchools.org. DRIVERS WANTED Busy Taxi company needs any/all shifts: Hawthorne, Pleasantville, Mt. Kisco, Bedford Hills. Se-Habla-Español. 914-715-9006 DRIVERS-CDL PT/FT Class A truck drivers needed for employee owned company for delivery of modular homes in the Northeast. Wide load (14ft-16ft) experience helpful. Continuous employment year round. Pre-employment physical and drug test. Apply in person at Westchester Modular Homes, 30 Reagans Mill Rd, Wingdale, NY EOE. DRIVING INSTRUCTORS Teach safe driving skills. HS diploma/GED. Will train & certify. Competitive wages. Must be available 2pm-7pm Monday thru Friday. Recent Retirees welcome. Call 800-734-2909 DRY CLEANER Cleaners in White Plains needs SHIRT PRESSER and DRY CLEANING PRESSER. Good Pay, Over-time, Vacation. Call 914-949-6766 DRY CLEANER-SHIRT PRESSER PT From 4PM-7PM, Monday-Saturday. Must have experience. Briarcliff location. Call 914-941-6500 EGG DONORS $8,000 COMPENSATION. WOMEN 21-31. EGG DONORS NEEDED. 100% Confidential & Private. Help Turn Couples Into Families with Physicians on the BEST DOCTOR’S LIST. 1-877-9-DONATE; 1-877-936-6283; www.longislandivf.co ELECTRICIAN HELPER 2+yrs. Experience. Must have own tools, clean driver’s license, and good work ethic. Call 914-449-6875 or fax resume: 914-449-6876 ELECTRICIAN MECHANIC 5+years Experience. Must have own tools, clean driver’s license, and good work ethic. Call 914-449-6875 or fax resume 914-449-6876 FT DENTAL ASSISTANT NEEDED FT 845-279-4999 For busy multi doctor practice. Experience necessary. Evenings and Saturdays a must. Please email resume to vnokaj@nedentalmanagement.com. GENERAL SALES MANAGER Westchester Modular Homes, the premier manufacturer of Modular Homes is seeking a General Sales Manager for our Model Home Sales Center in the Rock Tavern-Montgomery area by Stewart International Airport (Orange County). The candidate should have management and sales experience preferably in home sales. Salary commensurate with experience. Great Benefits: Employee Stock Ownership Plan, health & life ins., 401k, vacation and holidays. Apply in person at Westchester Modular Homes 30 Reagans Mill Rd, Wingdale, NY 12594. EOE GROOMER PT 914-941-1022 Experienced, needs own equipment. Ossining/Millwood area. Air conditioned building. Call between 8:30-4:30. Gracelane Kennels HAIR DRESSING ASSISTANT/HAIR STYLIST PT. Experience and NYS Cosmetology license required. Please call for interview, ask for Rachael, 914-245-6777. EUGENE’S HAIR SALON. HAIR STYLIST We are looking for an experienced hairdresser with/without following Part or Full Time. We are looking for a professional, reliable and friendly person who is fully qualified and experienced. Please contact Shear Designs 914-526-9188 HAIRDRESSER Sunshine Children’s Home & Rehab Center is a 54 bed post acute facility which specializes in providing quality care for medically fragile children. We are seeking a loving hairdresser with a great personality to provide haircuts for children on site. (This is a Per Diem opportunity). The best candidate for this position will have a NYS cosmetology license, 2-3 years experience, experience with children and preferably experience with ethnic hair/braiding. To apply please email your resume to Paula Listi at: plisti@sunshinechildrenshome.org.

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014 HELP WANTED Earn Extra income Assembling CD cases From Home. Call our Live Operators Now! No experience Necessary 1-800-405-7619 Ext 2605 www.easywork-greatpay.com HHA'S /CNA'S Experienced aides needed for Homecare & Hospice cases in Westchester and Putnam area. Drivers a plus but not required. Benefits & various shifts. Contact Angels on Call: HR 845-628-2273 or email hr@aochc.com HOME HEALTH AIDES NEEDED 914-215-1916 LIVE-IN & Hourly COMPANIONS. FirstLight HomeCare is seeking compassionate, caring individuals to assist our clients with activities of daily living. Car required. Overtime Eligible. Please e-mail: joinus@firstlighthomecare.com. HOME HEALTH AIDES Priority Home Care... Making YOU a priority! HHAs for Westchester. Ask about our bonus program. Call Diane @ 914-682-1440. Conveniently located at 445 Hamilton Ave., White Plains, Priority Home Care, Inc. HOMEWORKERS NEEDED!!! $500 - $1,500 WEEKLY Potential MAILING BROCHURES - $575/Weekly ASSEMBLING Products - Easy Online COMPUTER WORK $384/Day MYSTERY SHOPPERS $150/Day www.HiringLocalHelp.com HORSE STABLE MANAGER AVAILABLE Horse Stable Professional seeking employment. Experienced horse stable manager, manage staff & daily operations, horse medical care, horse training, lesson instructor hunters , equitation, pony club, managed events & clinics, stable marketing & promotion. Seeking position in North Salem or surrounding horse country area. Available to start ASAP. Please call 914-714-9308 for resume. HOUSECLEANERS WANTED Full time house cleaning work, M-Fri. Experience and driver's license required. 914-741-0552 Ask for Ruthie Limpiar casas a tiempo completo. Experiencia y licencia de conducir es requerido. Se Habla Español. Choferes con experiencia de limpieza de casa un bono de $400. HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE 914-282-1776 Professional cleaning service for your home or office. Locally established. Experienced. Quality work. Reliable. References from your neighborhood. Insured. Call Katrina. HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE 914-391-5609 OSCAR’S CLEANING SERVICE Our cleaning ladies will exceed all your expectations! 15yrs experience. FULLY INSURED ****RATED BEST CLEANING SERVICE BY WESTCHESTER MAGAZINE!**** oscarscleaning@optonline.net or Call Oscar TODAY for FREE ESTIMATES! www.oscarscleaningservice.com

On average a hiccup lasts 5 minutes. HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE Houses, Apartments, Offices, Condos. English-speaking. Own transportation. LOW RATES, FREE ESTIMATES. Erika 914-227-4822

HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE Houses/Apartments/Condos/Offices. Great references, MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. Free estimates. Call Patricia 914-930-1325/914-703-7840 HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE/NEEDED (Sample ad) Do you want your ad to stand out from the rest? Try adding one of our new logos! Ask your Customer Service Representative for more details. Call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871. HOUSECLEANING BY SOPHIA Houses/Apartments/Condos, GREAT REFERENCES, MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE. Own Transportation. Please Call Sophia Today; 914-334-8627 HOUSECLEANING SERVICES AVAILABLE Houses, Apartments, Condos, Offices! Laundry! Good references! Experienced, Responsible and Honest. FREE ESTIMATES! Call Rosa or Carlos, 914-373-8716 or 914-502-7490. HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED Looking for experienced and responsible Professional Housekeepers to work throughout Westchester County. F/T & P/T available. Background check conducted. Must have: 2+ years exp, driver’s license, car, cell phone, 2 References in housekeeping. Salary range $750-$1,000 per week. Please apply online at www.LifeWorx.com HOUSEKEEPER/CAREGIVER WANTED 914-484-3436 Mahopac. Clean House, Laundry, Kitchen Duties, and Assist Seniors. Call between 1pm-5pm.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com


A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Train to be a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant, Certified in 5 Weeks) Currently Registering. Morning & Evening Classes starting MARCH 17th. Payment Plans available. Invest your Tax Return on your Future. For more info call 914-788-5100 or visit: www.hudsonvalleycareertraining.com HVAC SERVICE TECH Highly motivated Service Tech with a minimum of 5yrs. experience in residential and light commercial work for all types of heating and air conditioning. We offer a full benefits package with medical, 401K. We are a very active company with fast potential and vertical growth. Send resume to: apa@airprofs.com or call 914-276-0100 KENNEL PERSON/ GROOMER PT 914-234-3444 Looking for part time employee to work in busy animal hospital Thursdays and Fridays. Must be able to help with all around daily activities with a focus on heavy cleaning and bathing dogs. Must be able to lift strong dogs, and be comfortable working outdoors rain or shine. Must be available to work weekends and holidays required. Looking for hard worker to join our team. Must have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and the ability to get to work at your scheduled time. Position involves cleaning, feeding, walking, grooming and medicating animals. Please be aware that there is no public transportation close to us. We would love to hear from you and have you join our wonderful team. KITCHEN HELP FT 914-469-9963 Italian Pizzeria Restaurant, Kitchen help. Montrose area. LABORER 914-241-0550 Reliable, ambitious person wanted for service and construction for irrigation company. Fluent English. Valid, Clean Driver’s License. Competitive Salary. LANDSCAPE FOREMAN FT Full service design/build landscape company has available positions in construction, masonry, plant installation or horticultural care. Requirements include: Quality, production, team and leadership focused. Experienced. Valid driver’s license. Some English. Excellent compensation, benefit package and work environment! Call: (914) 666-4190 ext. #103 or Fax: (914) 242-9104. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PERSON Candidate needs to have clean driving record and experience in garden maintenance. Upper Westchester County, NY location. Some English required. Contact: Camilla 203-790-9809 LAWN SERVICE MANAGER FT Westchester County expanding company seeks experienced person to manage active lawn/shrub treatment service dept. Salary+Bonus+Benefits. Email resume to: hireing2014@yahoo.com LAWNCARE TECHNICIAN/HELPER Arborscape is looking for a LawnCare Technician/Helper. Must be a self starter, have a clean driver's license, have good lawn disease and weed knowledge Experience preferred but not required. Training will be provided for the right individual. Contact Nick or Nancy, Office:845-940-0555 email:nsaviano@arborscape.com, nancy@arborscape.com LEGAL ASSISTANT/PARALEGAL - REAL ESTATE Wanted for small Putnam County law firm. PT-FT. Must be warm, have good phone skills, be skilled in word perfect and e-mail and be comfortable with a fast paced environment. Prior real estate experience preferred. Fax resume with salary req. to (845) 622-6100


Place your ad in the PennySaver Classified Help Wanted section! Call 914-962-3871 ext. 5021 or go to nypennysaver.com LPN/RN Angels on Call is looking for Experienced, Mature, Reliable Nurses who have the desire to assist patients in their homes w/ personal and environmental care, including Hospice cases throughout Westchester & Putnam Counties. Homecare Experience Preferred. Paid vacation, 401K. Varies shifts are available. Drivers Needed. Please contact HR 845-628-2273 or Email: hr@aochc.com LPN/RN NEEDED PT 845-628-3698 With medicaid provider number for disabled young man in his home. LUMBER YARD PERSON For employee owned company. Forklift experience a plus. Great Benefits: health and life insurance, ESOP, vacation, holidays and 401(k) plan. Preemployment physical and drug test. Apply in person at Westchester Modular Homes 30 Reagans Mill Rd, Wingdale, NY 12594. E.O.E. MASONS WANTED PT/FT 914-241-1010 Masons wanted for concrete work, also must know flat work. Clean drivers license is a plus. Bilingual - Non-Union Workers - Call 914-241-1010 Ask for Bill Smith Fax Resumes to 914-241-9080 Email - Billing@Nationwidemaintenance.com MECHANIC-SMALL ENGINE Needed for power equipment repair shop in New Fairfield, CT. Full time, 2 stroke experience needed. Fax resume to 203-746-9500 or e-mail peerlesspower@peerlesspowerequipment.com.

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

MEDICAL BILLER Multi-specialty group located near the Peekskill area seeking a Medical Biller with a minimum of two years experience. Job responsibilities include entering charges and payments, follow up on insurance claims, identify and correct billing errors and resubmit claims to insurance carriers. Review remittance advice for payment errors , denials and correct under payments. Job requirements include prior experience with outpatient billing. Experience with insurance collections, strong communication skills/oral and written. Must be honest and reliable. Competitive salary, benefits and paid vacation. Email: Danielle at dcahill@wmpny.com fax 914-737-1714. MEDICAL BILLING/COLLECTIONS FT Digitech Computer, Inc. seeks experienced medical billing & collection personnel. Experience in any of the following areas a plus: unpaid claim follow-up, insurance and Medicaid and Medicare billing. Excellent benefits including health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, short and long-term disability, 401(k), summer hours and over two weeks of paid time off in addition to 7 paid holidays. Convenient location seconds from the Taconic and Route 9 in Briarcliff Manor. E-mail resume and salary requirements to billingjobs@digitechcomputer.com MEDICATIONS TECH Assisted living facility seeking medication tech, experience preferred. Email resume to: healthalf@gmail.com MODEL SEARCH 2014 914-946-0900 Seeking new faces in the following ages ONLY: beautiful babies 7mos-15 mos, outgoing children 4yrs-12yrs. visit us at www.tannenstalent.com MOVERS/DRIVERS WITH PROFESSIONAL MOVING EXPERIENCE Millwood, NY Call 914-266-8023, email resume tmtmwc@gmail.com. NANNY FT 914-747-1415 Nanny needed to care for my two 4 year old children, M-F, full time. Must be able to drive and have prior experience as nanny or preschool educator. Should be warm, energetic and caring person. Salary commensurate with experience. Contact mcubbon@hotmail.com

PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE 914-737-7070 PT position, 2-3 week days in physical therapy office. Must be available 1:00-8:30PM. Also, be dependable, energetic & friendly. Will train. Fax:914-737-6205. PIZZA MAKER PT/FT 914-277-7575 *Experience required* Il Forno, 343 Somerstown Rd. (Route 202), Somers , NY. Ask for Rick PIZZA RESTAURANT POSITIONS 917-468-6090 Mike & Joe’s Pizza in Mahopac. PT/Pizza Man, Cook, Chef, Counter Person, Delivery People. PIZZAMAN/OVEN PERSON FT/PT 914-391-0621 Good pay, good hours for pizzeria in Mahopac. PLUMBER’S HELPER Needed for employee owned company. Great Benefits: health & life insurance; ESOP, vacation, holidays and 401(k) plan. Pre-employment physical and drug test. Apply in person at Westchester Modular Homes 30 Reagans Mill Rd, Wingdale, NY 12594. E.O.E. PLUMBING JOURNEYMAN AND APPRENTICE 914-241-7858 Journeyman must have West Co. license and experience with service and alteration work. Apprentice must have min 2 years exp. Full benefits pkg. Please call for interview. POOL SERVICE TECH FT 914-242-0378 Experienced pool tech needed for openings, closings and weekly svc. Must have clean, valid D/L and be self-motivated. Benefits available.

Nobody Doesn't Know The PENNYSAVER You Made it That way It Works Like No Other

PRODUCTION ASSOCIATE PT Part-time (i.e. March – December) positions are available for the 2014 season to assist with set up and dismantling of Historic Hudson Valley’s events/special programs and the production of various elements associated with events. Candidates must be in good physical condition; able to lift and move heavy objects; able to work outdoors in changing weather conditions; familiar with use of hand tools; reliable; work independently and part of a team. Flexible weekday schedule; must be able to accept weekend, holiday and evening assignments. $10.00/hr. Email resume and letter of interest to jobs@hudsonvalley.org. Place the word “Production” in the subject line of the email. PROGRAM ASSOCIATE PT Part time (i.e. May – December) positions are available for the 2014 season at Sunnyside, the picturesque home of renowned author Washington Irving, Philipsburg Manor, Upper Mills, a colonial milling and trading complex of national significance and Van Cortlandt Manor, the home of one of New York’s most prominent families. Program Associates will provide meaningful, accurate interpretation of the historic sites to visitors of various ages. Candidates with high energy, positive attitude, an interest in history and excellent hospitality and communication skills are encouraged to apply. Training and period clothing provided; flexible weekday hours. Must be available to accept weekend, holiday and evening assignments. $10.00/hr. Email resume and letter of interest to jobs@hudsonvalley.org. Please place the words “Program Associate” in the subject line of the email. REAL ESTATE PARALEGAL/LEGAL ASSISTANT Wanted for small Putnam County law firm. PT-FT. Must be warm, have good phone skills, be skilled in word perfect and e-mail and be comfortable with a fast paced environment. Prior real estate experience preferred. Fax resume with salary req. to (845) 622-6100 REAL ESTATE SALES 845-225-2888 WORLD HOMES REALTY in Carmel, is seeking full-time sales agents. We offer support, training, unlimited income, marketing & advertising. We service Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess & Connecticut. Call Joseph Kaplan, Ext. 100, or Peggy Kaplan, Ext. 101, for a confidential interview. REAL ESTATE SALES Are you motivated? Do you love sales? Looking for 2 licensed Sales Associates to work at successful real estate office in Somers that is known for customer loyalty & satisfaction. Call Joan @ 914-760-4193. All calls are confidential. REAL ESTATE SALES HELP WANTED Croton-on-Hudson Coldwell Banker is looking for a Dynamic Buyer Agent. A full-time position is available with Real Estate Experience to work with a high power #1 Coldwell Banker Team. Call Barrie Scaglione at 914-271-8500 for a Confidential interview or email: barrie.scaglione@cbmoves.com REAL ESTATE SALES LICENSING COURSE 914-737-1656 Real Estate is coming back. Get your Real Estate License. Accelerated Licensing on-line and sit-down Courses run by NYREI on rotating basis for Mar. thru Dec. at convenient Northern Westchester location. Free job placement. Veterans vouchers honored. Cont. Ed courses, tutoring and test prep available. Only $160 for 30 hour and $395 for 75 hr. course. Tax preparation available. Call Valley View Realty at 914-737-1656

NURSES Sky View Rehabilitation and Health Care Center has the following positions available: LPNs needed all shifts. Fax resume: Leslie Lawler, Director of HR 914-271-4455 or email Llawler@skyviewhealthcare.com

nypennysaver.com OFFICE ASSISTANT Irrigation company in Bedford Hills. Must be reliable and extremely organized. Pleasant telephone manner for heavy volume and scheduling of appointments. Part-time, Monday-Friday 7AM-12PM noon. Competitive Salary. Fax resume 914-241-0588. OFFICE ASSISTANT PT Excavation/septic company in Mahopac. Must be extremely organized and have pleasant telephone manner for heavy volume and scheduling of appointments. Must know Quickbooks, Word and Excel. Knowledge of area a plus. Fax resume: 845-628-8457. OFFICE ASSISTANT PT PLEASANTVILLE. Residential home cleaning company seeks self-motivated, organized PT Office Assistant to answer phones and complete office tasks necessary for the operation of the office. Great opportunity for advancement. 25-30 flexible hours per week, M-F. Computer skills necessary. Spanish speaking preferred. Car required for light travel. $15/hour. Email resume & cover letter: merrymaidspville@aol.com. OFFICE HELP FT 845-265-3771 FT, Experience helpful. Casual, busy office. Benefits available. Starting at $11/hr. Apply in person, Mon-Fri, 12-5pm. ESP, 3330 Rt.9, Cold Spring, NY. OFFICE HELP-CLERICAL ASSISTANT Part Time. Typing, Excel, Word, filing, phone. Some experience needed. Fax resume to 914-736-7525 or phone 914-930-7143 OFFICE MANAGER PT Small design & contracting company seeking energetic person to manage small busy office located in Croton on Hudson area. Requirements include: minimum three years office experience. A/P&A/R, Payroll, QuickBooksPro/MSWord/MSExcel. Excellent organizational & phone skills. Detailed. Self-directed w/ desire to learn. Energetic. Professional & pleasant demeanor. Part-time, Mon thru Fri, preferably mornings. Hrly w/ benefits. Small, pleasant & casual work environment. Please email cover letter & resume to pljresume@gmail.com. PCA's & HHA’s Needed for Patterson, Carmel, Mahopac, Brewster areas. PCA/HHA. IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT. Please call Debbie T. at 845-473-5900, EOE. PETITION CARRIER PT $15 /hr. Collect signatures for local candidates. Must be a registered Republican. Send resume or description of education and work experience to petitions@cloud9.net.

PORTER Perform all janitorial functions for a manufacturing company. All necessary cleaning indoors and out, replenish all janitorial and sanitary supplies throughout the facility as necessary. Assist in moving materials as necessary. Hourly rate $8.50 p/hr. Metallized Carbon Corporation, Ossining, N.Y. Walk-Ins are welcome (between hours of 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.): 19 S. Water Street, next to Ossining train station. Tel. 914-941-8566, Fax 914-941-9701, email: HR@metcar.com e/o/e.

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014 RECEPTIONIST Immediate Opening in Mahopac for Part-Time/Full time Receptionist Position-- Seeking: Very Enthusiastic individual, able to keep up with a quick pace, very organized and detail oriented. Must Possess Excellent Phone Skills. Knowledge of social media, home improvement, and real estate a bonus. Call today 845-621-4590 or FAX resume to 845-621-2595 RECEPTIONIST PT Maryknoll Sisters (Ossining) is seeking a part-time Receptionist to work alternate weeks: Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 5pm-9pm. Must be able to work holidays. Flexibility to fill in for other shifts during the week is an asset. Excellent communication skills are required. Please fax resume to 914-9415841 or e-mail hrjobs@ mksisters.org RECEPTIONIST/MEDICAL ASSISTANT Mahopac. Day and evening hours required. Excellent telephone skills and personality for dealing with people; will train. dr.donna82@gmail.com RECEPTIONIST: Busy automotive dealership is now hiring for a full time receptionist. Duties include but are not limited to cashiering, answering phones, and light administrative duties. We offer 401k, medical, dental, and paid vacations. Email resume to RobT@volzauto.com RECREATION THERAPIST FT FT position to plan & implement therapeutic recreation programs for children & adults with developmental disabilities Tuesdays thru Saturdays. B.S. in Therapeutic Recreation or a related field N.C.T.R.C. eligible. 1 year experience preferred. Must have a valid NYS driver’s license & transportation to multiple areas in Westchester County. Email:jriley@northeastspecialrec.org RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM MANAGER Seeking an exp. manager for group home serving people with developmental disabilities in Putnam County. Program Manager is responsible for overall health, safety and well-being of assigned residents, as well as the supervision and direction of house staff. The Residential Program Manager ensures the provision of high quality services to residents in accordance with the agency’s philosophy and goals, as well as with state and federal regulations. Candidate must have Bachelor’s degree, two years exp. in the DD field preferred OR AAS Degree and four year’s supervisory exp. in DD Field. Additional edu./training in psychology, social work or related field may be substituted for exp.in DD field. Consideration be given to applicants with high school diploma and six years experience in DD field. Must have clean NY or CT driver’s record. You may fax resume/application to 845-278-8282 or e-mail to hr@putnamarc.org. An application can be printed from our website: www.putnamarc.org. EOE. RESTAURANT HELP FT Servers and Busser needed for upscale Italian Restaurant. Experience in fine dining necessary. Submit resume in person, Tues-Fri. 31 Beekman Ave., Sleepy Hollow. Ask for Daniel. RESTAURANT HELP New restaurant needs Busboys and Grill man for breakfast & lunch. Please call for an interview 914-327-0794 RESUME WRITING 914-584-0138 Let me help you write a resume that will get you hired. Great success with recent graduates and experienced hires. 20 yrs exp & reasonable rates. RN, LPN, CNA’S Positions available for RN clinical management from 8AM-4PM, MDS/Care Plan Experience. LPN-PT 7AM-3PM, 3PM-11PM. CNA’s PT/FT on ALL shifts. Fax resume to: 845-878-7318 or call 845-878-3241 x220. RN-MDS NURSE FT Exp. 126 Bed LTC-Upper Westchester, 35 hrs , benefits pkg incl. medical & 401k, EOE. Fax Resume to: Salem Hills Rehabilitation 914-277-3633 RN/LPN FT Needed for busy pediatric practice in Mt Kisco. Pediatric experience a plus. Must be able to work some Saturday mornings. Please email resume to GCapicotto@westchesterhealth.com ROUTE DRIVERFor automotive parts company. •Physical activity: lifting, putting away auto parts, etc •Clean driver’s license required •Good people skills •Full-time hours , M-F •$12-13 per hour •Opportunity for advancement •Fax Resume to 914-592-8196 or Call 914-592-3006 ext. 102 for Steve SALES PROFESSIONALS COME GROW WITH US!! Established Water Treatment Company responsible for large network of home improvement centers seeks dedicated sales professionals for Rockland, Putnam & Dutchess counties. Position Requires: *Proven Sales Experience - *Excellent communication skills *Ability to build team relationships *Strong closing skills *Background check required. Position available immediately. We offer paid training and salary plus commission. For consideration, please fax your resume to The Water Source 845-297-4541 or email: jelivoti@thewatersource.com SALES REP/LAWN CARE FT Expanding company has opening in Westchester County. Primarily outside sales of lawn services. Salary/Commission/Benefits. Email resume to: hireing2014@yahoo.com

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com SALES We are a Westchester boutique sales organization based in the NYC metropolitan area. Our inside telephone sales operation specializes in coins and collectibles. We are currently recruiting qualified candidates for our inbound (no cold calling) and outbound (to existing customers) sales team. If you would like to learn more about the positions available and would like to find out how so many on our team earn $100,000+ then send resume to jobs@Stratuscom.net fax: 914-935-3321 or call Mr. Morgan at 914-935-9800. SEARS IN YORKTOWN HEIGHTS IS NOW HIRING Cashiers , Softlines Merchandising and Pricing, Consultative Sales Associate in Home Improvement and Home Appliances . To apply, please visit SearsHoldings.com/careers. We look forward to meeting you. Sears is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. We support a drug-free workplace SPEECH & LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST Out-patient clinic seeking New York State licensed Speech/Language Pathologist. Experience with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities necessary. Current need is one day a week with potential for more hours in the future. You may fax resume to 845-278-8282 or email to hr@putnamarc.org. No phone calls please. SURVEYOR PT/FT Currently seeking instrument operator to perform field surveys. Experience a plus but not necessary. Excellent opportunity. $15 per hr. Fax resume to 914-769-1419 SWIMMING POOL SERVICE TECHNICIAN 914-923-9500 FT. Min. 3 years experience in Service or Construction. Excellent Wages, Health Insurance and 401K. TAX PREPARER PT 914-617-7620 Growing Mt. Kisco CPA firm is looking for a tax preparer during busy season. Must be experienced in CCH Prosystems and QuickBooks experience a plus. Will prepare mainly individual returns but also some corporate returns. Hourly rate to be determined based on experience. Email resume to accounting@hvrpartners.com TEACHER ASSISTANT FT 914-244-1100 Kaleidoscope Childcare Center in Mt. Kisco is seeking a dynamic & loving FT Assistant Teacher for our infant program. Flexible schedule is a must! Send resumes to info@kaleidoscopemtkisco.com Love, Laugh, Learn TEACHERS NEEDED PT 914-245-8888 Seeking professional experts in SAT/ACT prep, high school math and science courses. Also seeking certified teachers for tutoring reading, writing, math and phonics. Paid training, flexible schedule, evening and weekend hours available, curriculum provided. TEACHERS/ASSISTANT TEACHERS 914-241-0445 For Infants and Toddlers. Full Time and Part Time Positions (AM and PM) Infant/Toddler Rooms. E-mail resumes to: bsantora@littlegardenkids.com TEACHERS/NYS CERTIFIED/BILINGUAL Lincoln Hall, a residential facility for adolescent boys in Northern Westchester, has several immediate openings for Bilingual (English and Spanish) Teachers. Teachers are responsible for carrying out lesson plans and helping our residents learn and develop personally and academically. Teachers must be New York State Certified in at least one academic subject area, preferably at the Middle school or High School level, and must be bilingual in English and Spanish. Please forward resumes to glawrence@lincolnhall.org, or fax to 914-248-6193. EOE, M/F/V/D. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin or any other legally protected status. TELEMARKETER- RECRUITING PT Needed to set up appointments with seasoned advisors to join major financial group. $10/hr + $15 each appointment. Contact Tina 914-366-8307

Men get hiccups more often than women. THERAPEUTIC RECREATION AIDE Sunshine Children’s Home and Rehab Center is a 54 bed post acute facility which specializes in providing quality care for medically fragile children. We are seeking a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist to join our team in providing high quality activity and play for the children. Experience working with special needs population preferred. We have PT and per diem opportunities available. Please forward resume to plisti@sunshinechildrenshome.org TOW TRUCK DRIVER FT/PT 914-762-0022 For upper Westchester shop. Experience & CDL license w/towing endorsement necessary. Must have knowledge of Westchester area. Must speak English. Fax 914-762-2511 VETERINARY ASSISTANT PT For busy veterinary hospital. Experience in animal handling and patient care very helpful. Call Denise 914-736-9500. VETERINARY ASSISTANT PT Permanent position. Weekends & holidays a must. Willing to train. Call between 1:00-3:00. 914-737-3608 OR fax resumes 914-737-9069; email: cortlandtah@yahoo.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

VETERINARY FRONT OFFICE STAFF Part-Time for very busy three Doctor Practice in Cortlandt Manor. Heavy phone work and client contact. Must possess excellent phone and people skills and have flexibility with work schedule. Call Denise 914-736-9500. VETERINARY TECHNICIAN Small animal hospital seeking experienced, licensed veterinary technician for a busy 3 doctor practice in Cortlandt Manor. Benefits include medical, 401K, paid sick and vacation time. Salary commensurate with experience. Call Denise 914-736-9500. WAITER/WAITRESS/BARTENDER PT/FT 914-739-3900 Flexible Schedule, Seeking professional individual w/positive attitude, neat appearance, and maturity a must! Restaurant/Catering. Cortlandt Colonial. WAREHOUSE MANAGER FT H. Weiss LLC, one of the Metro New York’s leading restaurants supply distributor is looking for a Hands-On Warehouse Manager for our 30,000sq. ft. distribution facility located in Armonk. This manager will be part of our management team and will interface with accounting, customer service, and purchasing. Responsibilities include maintaining organization and cleanliness of the warehouse, training and supervision of staff, merchandise receiving and shipping. Email or fax resume with salary history to 914-273-4437 or eweiss@hwiess.net. Requirements: 2 years college, distribution warehouse management, restaurant or food service background a plus. WAREHOUSE POSITION Immediate job opening for a warehouse position that can multi-task in a very fast paced environment. MUST be handy with good communication skills, warehouse experience, Forklift experience and valid driver’s license REQUIRED. Contact Kenny 845-225-4330 or Kenny@kennyscarpetone.com We are currently looking for Asian women who are looking to color or cover their gray hair. You MUST have gray hair. Get a free haircut and style with our hair color service and possibly qualify for monetary compensation. Call 914-345-0326 to set up an appointment and see if you qualify. Please call if you would like more information.

Women Wanted-914-345-0326

Please read carefully. We are currently looking for AfricanAmerican/Hispanic women who are looking to color or cover their grayhair. You MUST have gray-hair. Get a free haircut and style with our hair color service and possibly qualify for monetary compensation. Call 914345-0326 to set up an appointment and see if you qualify. Please call if you would like more information.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

No hay nadie que no conosca el PENNYSAVER Y es por Usted, el Cliente El Pennysaver funciona como ningun otro


**Autos**Empleo**Alquiler**Compra-Venta de casas** Para mas informacion llame al 914-962-3871 Ext. 606 - Cindy ***Hablamos su idioma** Se aceptan anuncios en ingles o en español

CANDLEWOOD LAKE DANBURY, CT Premium Single Boat Slip available.


FOR SALE! (1) BELL ZEPHYR STAR MOTORCYCLE HELMET! SM 6 7/8-7 BRAND NEW! NEVER USED! Originally $130 Asking $50. GREAT DEAL! DOT certified, shield and protectionperfect for longer rides. Class leading fit, finish and ventilation, aerodynamic full-face shape w/distortion-free, removable shield, washable liner and pads. Please call 866-858-4374. WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE KAWASAKI 1967-1980 Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, ZIR, KX1000MKII, A1-250, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1-250, S2-350, S3-400 SUZUKI GS400, GT380, GT750, Honda CB750 (1969,1970) CASH. FREE PICKUP. 1-800-772-1142, 1-310-721-0726 usa@classicrunners.com ATTENTION TRUCK DEALERS The deadline for placement of Truck ads is 6:00PM Thursday. Each ad placed after 6:00PM is subject to a $10 late fee. 2001 CHEVY BLAZER’S-TWO Both with Snow Plows. Immaculate, No Dents. Asking $4,200 each. Call Brian, 914-227-0004

The human head contains 22 bones.

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014 1979 INTERNATIONAL (Inter) Single Axel Tractor, DT466 Engine, Less than 30k miles on rebuilt engine. $4,500. 914-941-1876


**Autos**Empleo**Alquiler**Compra-Venta de casas** Para mas informacion llame al 914-962-3871 Ext. 606 - Cindy ***Hablamos su idioma** Se aceptan anuncios en ingles o en español WANTED TO BUY USED CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, any Age or Condition. Will pay Cash on inspection. Call Mike @ 845-724-3354 or Kyle 914-443-6069.

ABANDONED & JUNK VEHICLES Cash paid for Junk Cars , Trucks, Machinery. pick-up. DMV Certified. JK TOWING.

914-760-7705 No Titles OK, Same day

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PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

Place an Ad: (914) 962-3871 or (845) 298-8178 Visit our website: www.nypennysaver.com

PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014



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PENNYSAVER February 26, 2014



















































































































































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