One Click at a Time Enhancing Citizen and Government Communications By Monika Salvage, Executive Assistant to the County Administrator, Cayuga County and Project Manager for the Cayuga County Website Redevelopment Project
s the notion of “county government at your fingertips” idealistic or an attainable goal?
Should people be able to apply for county jobs online, submit and track community improvement ideas, receive news and meeting alerts, make online tax payments, and have access to online forms and documents whenever and wherever? Think about it from the perspective of a resident first, and then decide how your county fares in these areas. We live in a fast-paced time where people expect to access information, sign up for notifications, and carry out transactions on the go. While governments have historically not been on the cutting edge when it comes to a compelling web presence, accessibility for people with varying needs, and overall transparency, this mindset is no longer acceptable to citizens. While many municipalities are striving to connect with their constituents, it is by no means an easy task and it’s an ongoing quest in this constantly evolving environment. Local governments also must contend with the fact that people don’t want just any kind of information thrown at them, as they are already bombarded with a myriad of news, emails, and advertisements on their devices. They want specific information of interest to them, they want it in real-time when it is still relevant, and they want to be able to rely on receiving this information.
NYSAC News | Spring/Summer 2019
In Cayuga County, we kept these societal realities in mind throughout the rigorous development and redesign process for our new website ( that involved all 30 county departments. It was a mind shift for all of us to think less about our internal departmental structure and more about the services we provide and the different ways residents might be looking to access them on our website. This resulted in a global navigation that not only lists departments, but also service areas (for people who are not sure which department administers a certain program), and a search menu for task-oriented searches (How Do I… apply for, find, pay, report, sign up for, or submit something). We also sought to increase community engagement and enhance communication between residents and our county government. To facilitate this process, we once again approached things from the viewpoint of the citizens and aimed to provide opportunities to specify the topics and information they want to receive or request. The following features are catching on:
Notify Me No more checking back to see if a certain item has been posted to the website already! Citizens may subscribe to automated notifications to their email and/or cell phone. This includes emergency alerts, press releases, monthly administrator reports, meeting notices, agendas and minutes. Residents may choose as many categories as they like and break it down by department or even committee level.