Summer 2022: Confronting our Mental Health Crisis

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Mental Health First Aid Solution Delivered by National Association of Counties & National Council for Mental Wellbeing By Brandon Natsuhara, National Program Director of Technology Partnerships, NACo FSC


he National Association of Counties (NACo) and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing have established a new partnership to make Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training available to county employees across the country. MHFA is a skills-based training course that teaches participants to identify, understand and respond to mental health and substance use challenges in their peers, friends and colleagues. While one in five adults in the U.S. report living with a mental health challenge, only 10 percent of employees feel their workplace is free of stigmas about mental health. With counties employing 3.6 million workers, or 1 percent of the U.S. population, MHFA training will help county workers assist during a crisis or until professional treatment is obtained. “Most of us know how to help if we see someone having a heart attack — we’d start CPR, or at the very least, call 911. But too few know how to respond if we see someone having a panic attack or if we are concerned that a family member, friend or coworker might be showing signs of mental health and substance use challenges,” said NACo Executive Director Matthew Chase. “Mental Health First Aid training will provide tools to county employees to intervene appropriately in a mental health crisis.” An enterprise-level approach to mental health awareness and training can improve early recognition and encourage help-seeking, enhancing utilization of timely and appropriate support, and perhaps limit the impact mental health issues can have on the work environment. Many county and local governments have used MHFA at Work to build cultures of caring and resilience. This new partnership will support elected officials and county staff with their own mental health and well-being needs, as well as create a framework to destigmatize mental health and substance use challenges as they provide community residents with more equitable access to quality mental health and substance use treatment services. Learn more at www.naco. org/MHFA.


NYSAC News | Summer 2022

Mental Health First Aid (“MHFA”) at Work: General Awareness Training MHFA at Work is a high impact, skills-based training program that teaches employees how to offer help to a person who may be developing or is suffering from a mental health concern or crisis. Employees learn how to act in the same way they would when they see someone having a physical/medical problem or emergency. Similar to physical First Aid training, employees gain the skill and confidence to provide direct assistance and support to a person in need. When necessary, employees learn how to reach out for emergency services on the other’s behalf.

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