2 minute read

A Decisive Year for Environmental Action

By Jessica Ottney Mahar, The Nature Conservancy’s New York Policy and Strategy Director

In recent years, we have seen the dangers posed by global warming and habitat loss – deadly storms, extreme heat, air and water pollution, rising seas, vanishing ecosystems – all of which will only worsen if not addressed swiftly. At the same time, we are dealing with an economy still struggling to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.


There is a clear way to aid both the environment and the economy: fund environmental protection programs. Environmental investments are proven to boost state economic recovery, create good jobs, and strengthen local economies, while protecting our environment for future generations and reducing the risks of climate change. We need immediate, strong, and sustained action from our elected leaders at all levels. New York voters can help by voicing their support for these beneficial environmental programs.

Environmentalists are calling on the New York State Legislature to pass Governor Hochul’s budget proposal to increase the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) to $400 million. Established in 1993, the EPF is New York State’s dedicated source of funding for critical environmental programs that protect what we love about New York – our clean drinking water, our magnificent parks, our wildlife, and our family farms. The EPF has already supported public lands, farms, drinking water sources, and coastlines in localities throughout the state, and it now requires expanded funding to grow its reach.

The EPF is an economic driver too. It supports 350,000 jobs across New York in a broad spectrum of industries including construction, agriculture, recreation, tourism, forestry, recycling, and recreational fishing. It also nets a positive contribution to the state’s economy. For every $1 invested in land and water protection, $7 in economic benefits is returned to the state. In addition to environmental funding in the state budget, we are also calling on voters to support the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act. If passed in the November 2022 election, it will put $4 billion toward safeguarding clean drinking water, modernizing water infrastructure, improving road safety, creating parks and trails, and protecting New Yorkers from deadly heat and flooding.

Four billion dollars is a historic amount of funding that presents an opportunity to safeguard our communities from climate change and build a clean energy economy. The Bond Act will help New York State reduce air pollution, expand the renewable energy grid, preserve wildlife habitats, and advance environmental justice, all of which are essential in the fight against global warming. This investment will in turn support more than 65,000 good jobs and generate more than $6.7 billion in project spending across the state – more than covering its cost. New York voters have a once-in-alifetime opportunity this November to protect New York for future generations.

Together, these legislative and voter-driven actions will make 2022 a landmark year for environmental protection and economic recovery. Every county in New York State will feel the benefits. Projects will boost economies all across the state, and improvements will reach local parks, infrastructure, and natural areas in every region. Every person in New York needs clean air and water, and every county has local environmental projects worth investing in. These environmental funding measures will allow us to implement key projects and protect natural resources all over New York State.

To make our water and air cleaner, our economy stronger, and our future brighter, New York State must make environmental funding a top priority in this year’s state budget and election.

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