2 minute read

Emergency & Evacuation Procedures

capsicum, has a maximum net weight of .75 ounces, and is not disguised to be something other than a self-defense spray. Individuals in the NYSID community may only carry a self-defense spray in NYSID’s facilities if they have first registered with the Dean of Students and such registration has been approved by the Dean of Students. While such approval will not be unreasonably withheld, the Dean of Students reserves the right to deny registration. Individuals who carry a self-defense spray in NYSID’s facilities without an approved registration are subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, restriction from NYSID facilities. Self-defense spray registration forms can be obtained from the Dean of Students at deanofstudents@nysid.edu.

Be aware of all marked exits from your area and building and know the routes out of the building. If necessary or directed to do so, activate the building alarms. The 69 Street and 70 Street buildings should be evacuated immediately when any fire alarm or smoke/carbon monoxide alarm sounds continuously and/or upon notification by the Campus Safety Office or Emergency Responders.

At 170 East 70 Street & 161 East 69 Street: Evacuate the buildings immediately upon hearing a fire alarm in the facility unless instructed not to. Use the nearest stairwell and/or exit to leave the building.

• Meeting Location for 170 East 70th St.: 3rd Ave between 70th St. and 71st St.

• Meeting Location for 161 East 69th St.: 3rd Ave between 68th St. and 69st St.

At the Graduate Center, 401 Park Ave South: After the sound of the fire alarm, listen carefully for the instructions given over the building public announcement system. Do not evacuate unless you are instructed to do so.

• Meeting Location: Park Avenue between 28th St. and 29th St.

When evacuating the buildings, move quickly to the nearest exit. Once outside the building keep sidewalks and building entrances clear for emergency responders and do not reenter the buildings until cleared by the fire department.

Notify emergency personnel regarding any persons believed to still be in the building.

NYSID Emergency Procedure Plan: 2021EmergencyProcedurePlan.pdf

Fire Drills

Fire drills are conducted throughout the year in accordance with New York City Fire Department codes. All students, faculty, and staff are required to participate. If a fire alarm is sounded in the 69th or 70th Street buildings calmly proceed to the nearest exit in an orderly manner, using only the staircases, and leave the building or follow the directions of the floor warden. At 401 Park Avenue South, please listen carefully for instructions through the public address system for detailed instructions.

Elevators are not to be used when exiting the school while the fire alarm is sounding.

Use of Artists’ Toxic Materials

Many commonly used artists’ materials contain toxic or highly flammable substances that can be injurious if they are not used with caution. Utmost care must be taken when using these materials.

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