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A Closer look at NYSNA: technology and Membership Department
Technology and Membership Department Report
techNology Is a facilitator . It makes everyday tasks seamless and efficient . our technology and membership department worked hard to ensure routine but essential tasks take less time . this allows members and staff to focus on what really matters; solidifying their voice on the job and improving patient care . See below for information on what we’ve been able to accomplish .
In July 2021, NYSNA launched a new program at Albany Medical Center where members pay their dues directly to NYSNA instead of by payroll deduction . With direct pay, members are in the drivers’ seat, instead of the boss . During the trump administration, the National labor Relations Board allowed several employers to stop NYSNA payroll deductions when the contract expired . While we hope this rule will be overturned under the Biden administration, the new direct payer system protects NYSNA by giving us an alternate method to collect dues . We are using the rollout at Albany Medical Center to put together all needed procedures and policies to manage a direct payer system . In September, we rolled out the ability for members to pay their dues by automated bank withdrawal instead of a credit card . We may consider rolling out this platform to other facilities if it continues to be successful .
sTAnDArDizing 2.02 enForcemenT
Most of our contracts in the private sector include union security clauses that allow us to collect back dues from employees who do not sign up as NYSNA members (or objectors) in a timely manner . NYSNA’s old 2 .02 enforcement policy was extremely harsh and often made new members feel unwelcome . under the new, standardized procedure, field staff are reaching out to employees who have not signed authorization cards and try to resolve the situation in a way that builds union solidarity . We have trained all field staff on our new procedure .
neW memBershiP rePorTing lAnguAge For conTrAcTs
NYSNA’s contracts do not currently have standard language around what information employers must provide about employees in our bargaining units . We have prepared standardized language to be inserted in NYSNA contracts that specifies what information is required, and also requires employers to send this information by secure electronic transfer instead of the mail . In addition, this language removes the requirement to send Social Security Numbers, since NYSNA does not collect or store this information . this new standardized information will help us more efficiently: l Work with employer payroll departments to identify and solve dues issues . l Identify employees in each bargaining unit who need to be invited to join
online evenT regisTrATion
labor education launched a new system allowing members to register for NYSNA workshops online and receive automated reminders of their event . this initiative is part of our effort to automate routine tasks . We have also automated many tasks in the Membership Department in the past 18 months .
ensuring TexT messAge DeliverABiliTy
NYSNA staff regularly use text messaging to promote meetings, events, and other union activities . We also use our text messaging system to send staffing captains their daily reminders . Recently, cell phone carriers have started restricting text messages they believe are spam . NYSNA is working closely with our text messaging providers to make sure our messages reach out members regularly and reliably . We have seen no decline in text messaging deliverability since the carriers instituted their changes . As part of these changes, NYSNA has leased a new dedicated “short code” to send our messages — 39909 . We will be phasing out the 877-877 short code, which was shared by several organizations, later this year .
neW securiTy chAnges
NYSNA’s technology team upgraded our hardware and software to offer an additional layer of protection for confidential information and user security . this year, we rolled out a number of new technology tools and hardware to harden our infrastructure . We also hosted security trainings for staff .
Technology TrAining For All nysnA sTAFF
We launched a series of training classes for NYSNA staff on Word, oneDrive, excel, and Salesforce, our membership database . We will launch a second series of more advanced classes on newsletters and flyers, excel formulas, and Salesforce reporting in 2022 . these classes will become a standard offerings for all new NYSNA staff .