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n Ce Activity: NCleX-rN First-Time Passing Predictors

Thank you for your participation in “NCLEX-RN First-Time Passing Predictors,” a new continuing education (CE) activity offered by NYSNA. NYSNA members and nonmembers are invited to take part in this activity, and you do not need to be a resident of New York State.


In order to receive the contact hour (CH) for this educational activity, participants are to read the article presented in this issue of The Journal, complete and return the post-test and evaluation form, and earn 80% or better on the post-test.

This activity is free to NYSNA members and $10 for nonmembers. Participants can pay by check (made payable to NYSNA) or credit card. The completed answer sheet and evaluation form may be mailed or faxed back to NYSNA; see the evaluation form for more information.

The New York State Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

This program has been awarded 1.0 contact hour through the New York State Nurses Association Accredited Provider Unit.

The New York State Nurses Association is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET continuing education credits (CEUs). The New York State Nurses Association is authorized by IACET to offer 0.1 CEU for this program.

In order to receive contact hours and CEUs, participants must read the entire article, fill out the evaluation, and get 80% or higher on the post-test.

Presenters disclose no conflict of interest.

NYSNA wishes to disclose that no commercial support or sponsorship was received.

NYSNA Program Planners, Presenters, and Content Experts declare that they have no financial relationship with an ineligible company.

Declaration of Vested Interest: None.


The NCLEX-RN is a pathway to licensure and job eligibility for registered nurses (RN). Given the ongoing RN shortage and limited capacity of RN programs, it is necessary to prepare students to pass the NCLEX-RN. The NCLEX-RN first time pass rate is an essential metric in nursing education. Accreditation bodies, academic institutions, and student applicants weigh the quality and competency of a registered nursing program based on this pass rate. A large body of evidence describes various predictive factors for students’ first-time pass rates. There is abundant data reported on the predictive power of academic variables such as the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) and performance on required coursework on NCLEX-RN firsttime pass rates. However, the correlation of course grades in specific required courses and NCLEX-RN first-time pass rates remains obscure. The study may give academic planners involved in nursing education additional insight into potential modifications to the admissions process and on course and curriculum planning to improve NCLEX-RN outcomes.

Learning Outcome

Participants will be able to identify which academic variables are predictors of first-attempt outcomes pass/fail on the NCLEX-RN for newly graduated nurses.


By completion of the article, the reader will be able to: a. True b. False a. True b. False a. True b. False a. True b. False a. True b. False a. True b. False a. True b. False a. True b. False a. True b. False a. True b. False

1. Identify predictive factors for a first-time pass rate for the NCLEX-RN.

2. Identify input and throughput concepts that influence NCLEX-RN pass rates.

3. Identify changes that academic nursing departments can make to improve first-time NCLEX-RN pass rates.

Please answer either True or False to the questions below. Remember to complete the answer sheet by putting the letter of your corresponding answer next to the question number. Each question has only one correct answer.

The 1.0 CH and 0.1 CE for this program will be offered until June 1, 2026.

1) The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is an entrance exam used by many nursing programs. The TEAS Version V science component has correlated with Fundamentals of Nursing.

2) Throughput is an interpersonal system variable that can influence a student’s success on the NCLEX-RN (output), by offering faculty resources and other support to provide a collaborative learning experience for the student with their instructor(s).

3) In this article’s study, the TEAS results and students’ performance in the Pharmacology in Nursing course were the most significant predictors of first-time passing on the NCLEX-RN.

4) The TEAS exam consists of sections in English, reading, math, and science and was an input for this study along with cumulative GPA and admission interview scores.

5) Authors found there was no correlation between the admissions selection process and first-time pass rate on the NCLEX-RN exam.

6) Student mentoring does not have a positive influence on NCLEX-RN pass rates.

7) Test-taking and critical thinking skills influence outcomes, like graduation and NCLEX pass rates.

8) Nursing faculty should analyze input and throughput factors that influence students’ ability to pass NCLEX-RN the first time and make policy and curriculum changes to improve first-time NCLEX-RN pass rates.

9) An important role for nursing faculty is to identify students who are at-risk for failing in their program or failing the NCLEX-RN in order to support the student’s success.

10) High grades in all core nursing program courses is required to pass the NCLEX-RN on the first attempt.

The Journal of the New York State Nurses Association, Vol. 50,

Answer Sheet

NCleX-rN First-Time Passing Predictors

Note: 1.0 CH and 0.1 CEU for this program will be offered until June 1, 2026.

Please print legibly and verify that all information is correct.

First Name: MI: Last Name:

Street Address:

City: State: ZIP Code:

Daytime Phone Number (Include area code):


Profession: Currently Licensed in NY State? Y / N (Circle one)

NYSNA Member # (if applicable): License #: License State:

ACTIVITY FEE: Free for NYSNA members/$10 nonmembers


Check—payable to New York State Nurses Association (please include “Journal CE”on your check).

Credit Card: Mastercard Visa Discover American Express

Card Number: Expiration Date: / CVV#

Name: Signature: Date: / /

Please print your answers in the spaces provided below. There is only one answer for each question.

Please complete the answer sheet above and course evaluation form on reverse. Submit both the answer sheet and course evaluation form along with the activity fee for processing. Email to: journal@nysna.org

Or Mail to: NYSNA, attn. Nursing Education and Practice Dept. 131 West 33rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001 Or fax to: 212-785-0429

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