Washington Square News October 3, 2016

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GroupRaise Simplifies Fundraising By NINA HUANG Contributing Writer

NYU highlights how students make positive impacts throughout the New York City community, but these efforts are not often pursued to their fullest potential, with their organizations hindered by a need for funding which siphons off valuable time to planning and hosting events and soliciting donations. That’s why Sean Park created GroupRaise.com, a platform that connects university clubs, communities and nonprofit organizations to host fundraisers at nearby restaurants. After Park struggled to raise money for his organizations as a student at York University, he wanted to develop a way to make fundraising more sociable and effortless. “We tried to raise money and found it to be very difficult,” Park said. “Especially in college organizations, you have all these

traditional ways to do it. It is just time consuming and not effective at all. So why don’t we go out to eat? We thought that a meal is a great way to have people come together, while at the same time raise awareness by actually sharing conversation and talk about the things you care for.” Gallatin sophomore and President of the Gender and Power Society Lindsay Karchin understands the challenge for student clubs to host enticing events that raise money. “It is difficult to find people who are willing to come, listen to us talk and give us their money willingly,” Karchin said. “The second problem is, where do you find a cool venue that’s not too expensive so that we still make profits?” GroupRaise’s website cuts the time for planning an event to under a minute: click on the desired restaurant, select a date, estimate the number of attendees and input a description of the fundraiser’s

University Diversity Task Force Update By DIAMOND NAGA SIU News Editor

Amid tense conversations regarding the racial climate on campus during the fall semester of 2015, NYU students joined the movement to advocate towards greater inclusion for people of all backgrounds, with administrators soon adding their voices. Their involvement resulted in the creation of an ad hoc committee centered around diversity and inclusion, a group which ultimately became the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Task Force. Headed by co-chairs CAS Dean Gabi Starr and Steinhardt associate professor Charlton McIlwain, the committee focuses on various forms of diversity inclusion besides race. This includes financial and ethnic diversity as well as the diversity of other marginalized social identities. Starr said that for holistic representation of the university, the task force includes elected members from different senate councils, professors and even students. “Our goal is really to look through — do an inventory, an assessment — of where we stand on diversity and inclusion to think about what kind of assessment practices we want going forward,” Starr said. “We ultimately want to make some recommendations about how we can really have some measurable outcomes that we know have moved us further over time from when we started.” This is Starr’s first semester as the co-chair of the task force since she took the place of Silver Dean

cause. The restaurant then donates 15-50 percent of the sales profit to the organization or to a charitable cause the organization chooses. While GroupRaise is open to everyone, student clubs and organizations are the most frequent users of Park’s platform. He attributed this high demand to the millennial culture that is dominant on college campuses. “We millennials are, at the end of the day, very lazy and not used to calling businesses,” Park said. “So booking everything online just makes everything easy. We try to build this tool for [the] millennial who may not be comfortable enough to go to a restaurant to schedule these things.” Currently, over 300 NYC restaurants have partnered with GroupRaise and at least 25 of them are within 15 miles of NYU. Sel Rrose, a chic cocktail and oyster bar on Delancey Street, is one of them, and manager Jon Crompton said that GroupRaise is a mutu-


Sean Park developed GroupRaise.com as a new way of fundraising. By connecting university organizations to local restaurants, this platform encourages these groups to have an easier time hosting fundraisers. ally beneficial partnership. “Obviously, it is to support a good cause, but it’s also great for us because it expands our social media profile and allows us to market our business as much as possible,” Crompton said. Park hopes to reach 5,000 partnering restaurants by this December and he envisions expanding GroupRaise’s service to national

charities in the future. “I really hope to provide more variety of restaurants to people who want to raise money by eating,” Park said. “There are all these amazing charities out there, and I hope to provide a mechanism to simplify their work.” Email Nina Huang at news@nyunews.com.


Sept. 24 to Sept. 30


Since its inception, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Task Force has hosted many events, such as the diversity talk during the Presidential inauguration. Lynn Videka, who stepped down this past year. McIlwain, one of the original co-chairs, said that their current reassessment and surveys should propel them forwards with pragmatic progress. One step includes finding a Chief Diversity Officer, a goal which the task force announced on Friday, Sept. 23 at its diversity talk during the presidential inauguration celebration week. “We left the spring having drafted a set of recommendations about not only that we should hire this person — which we already knew we were going to do — but about what this person ‘looked like,’” McIlwain said. “That is what characteristics make for a strong candidate, who will be successful in this role at NYU, what are, or what should be, our expectations of this person in this new role.” He said that they spent part of this past summer figuring out these details and strategically searching for where the task force could find its best candidate. The task force then commenced its search the week it announced the new position during the diversity talk. The two said that whoever assumes this role must set an example, because there is no precedent for such a position at the university. And McIlwain said that because every environment is different, there is no benchmark for when diversity initiatives have succeeded — these standards are all relative.

“We all say we want a diverse faculty, we want a diverse student body, we want an equitable environment, but [we’re] really saying ‘what does that look like?’ on campus at NYU and around our global sites,” McIlwain said. “So if we’re talking about students, what is the number, for instance? Will we say we’ve been successful when 30 percent of our student body comes from historically underrepresented groups? Forty percent?” He said that a large part of their work is to ask what successful diversity looks like, what steps should be taken towards this ideal and how to measure this progress. One step is a campus climate survey that they hope to release this November. But Starr said that in addition to quantitative results, it is also vital to assess their efforts by looking at the value of their progress. “What’s really important to remember is that we’ll come out and make recommendations about what will happen, and we’ll make sure that when the climate survey comes out, there’s going to be transparency,” Starr said. “We are going to individually practice what has to happen. The only way the university is going to change is if every member of the community cares and does what they individually have to do.” Email Diamond Naga Siu at dsiu@nyunews.com.

By ABRAHAM GROSS Deputy News Editor The NYU Department of Public Safety received 11 reports of larceny, three reports of controlled substance, two reports of criminal mischief and one report of burglary between Sept. 24 and 30.

Larceny On Sept. 27 at 1:55 p.m., a student reported that on Aug. 13 she discovered her laptop was missing from the third floor study lounge of Founders Hall. Police notification was declined. On Sept. 27 at 2:46 p.m., a student reported that at 2:40 p.m. she discovered her bicycle was missing from the bike rack at Schwartz Plaza. A police report was filed. On Sept. 28 at 3:40 p.m., a student reported that at 11:30 a.m., he secured his bike to the scaffolding in front of 31 Washington Pl. and discovered it was missing at 1:45 p.m. A police report was filed. On Sept. 28 at 11:30 a.m., a staff member reported that an iPod was missing from her cubicle at Furman Hall. Police notification was declined. On Sept. 28 at 10:30 a.m., a student reported that on Sept. 27 at 5:30 p.m. she discovered her backpack and coat were missing from her locker on the eighth floor of Rogers Hall. A police report was filed. On Sept. 29 at 5:21 p.m., a staff member reported that a computer was missing from a classroom in Furman Hall.

On Sept. 29 at 5 p.m., a student reported that at 3 p.m. she discovered her phone was missing from Clinic 5S at the dental center. Police notification was declined.

Controlled Substance On Sept. 24 at 3:12 a.m., Public Safety responded to a report of an alleged controlled substance in Lafayette Street Residence Hall and recovered a small amount of marijuana from a resident. On Sept. 25 at 1:39 a.m., Public Safety responded to a report of an alleged controlled substance in Third Avenue North and recovered a small amount of marijuana from a resident. On Sept. 29 at 10:45 a.m., a student reported observing another student at Third North purchasing marijuana in the residence hall. The case was referred to the Office of Community Standards.

Criminal Mischief On Sept. 24 at 5:26 a.m., a Public Safety Officer reported intentional damage to a window in Seminar Room A on the third floor of Palladium Residence Hall.

Burglary On Sept. 27 at 4:30 p.m., a student reported that at 4:05 p.m. he discovered his Xbox and Social Security Card were missing from his bedroom in D’Agostino Residence Hall. The student’s suitemate reported that at 5:10 p.m. he discovered that his laptop and a hard drive were missing from his bedroom. A police report was filed. Email Abraham Gross at agross@nyunews.com.



NYU Shanghai Versus Chinese Universities

By COCO WANG Contributing Writer

China is taking tips from the U.S. after NYU launched its second location abroad in 2012 in Shanghai, which was jointly founded by NYU and East China Normal University in collaboration with the Pudong New District government. Though this branch is half a planet away from New York, the campus still maintains NYU’s concept of a global outlook while also absorbing the localized college traditions. This contrasts with the traditional Chinese university set up, which is controlled by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. This international presence started an inquiry about the value of globalization in higher education, even at local universities. The establishment of NYU Shanghai was partly motivated by the Shanghai government’s 2011 education reform plan. Shanghai education reforms include having two presidents each from China or the

United States and considering Gaokao scores (China’s college entry test) during the admission process. While these Westernized changes were made, NYU Shanghai still differs largely from local universities in that it has a smaller, more diverse student body. One of Shanghai’s top two universities, Fudan University, had 295 international students in this year’s freshman class of 3,719, while NYU Shanghai had about 300 freshmen, with half of them from over 30 different countries. NYU Shanghai also offers students more academic freedom, liberal arts courses and more access to resources. NYU Shanghai students can switch their majors at any time in the first two years, but a student’s major at local universities is largely based on their Gaokao scores, and it’s hard to switch majors once it has been determined. Peking University sophomore Marshall Shen studies law, and he said that it is very difficult to switch majors. “Usually, popular majors offer

University Hack Raises Security Questions By STEVE MAIKO Contributing Writer

“Online slots” found their way into online slots of NYU websites. Two weeks ago, an NYU web page was hacked after the words “online slots” appeared on what looked to be the profile of a math professor. 76 university websites were hacked to display links with words and phrases such as “play for real,” “mobileslotcash” and “online slots real money” in seemingly random sections of press releases, course descriptions, biographies, how-to guides and blog posts. Although only one NYU webpage appeared to be affected and has since been corrected, any security breach is a matter of concern to the university community. Stern sophomore Kevin Leung said the incident proves how vulnerable NYU’s information is. “It’s worrying because the university has a lot of sensitive student information, like grades and health records,” Leung said. These links were placed as part of a scheme to drive traffic to online gambling websites. While the links were never meant to be clicked, the placement would increase traffic through search engine optimization, or SEO. SEO alters the attributes of web pages so that search engines’ algorithms rank them higher in search results for certain key terms. Web traffic can be worth a lot of money, and companies are willing to pay for it. CAS senior Alex Wong said SEO can be a powerful tool if used correctly. “At one of my previous internships, the company was very concerned about SEO,” Wong said.

“I looked at ways to increase our ranking and at companies providing the service.” SEO techniques can be legitimate, or “white hat.” For example, creating relevant content that is organically linked to clear keywords in titles and articles for search engines to pick up are typical ways to improve ranking. However, “black hat” SEO uses more nefarious means, such as exploiting publishing platform vulnerabilities to inject unwanted HTML. Black hat SEO is more common in less reputable industries such as online pharmaceuticals and online gambling. Online gambling SEO in particular can be quite lucrative, with relevant keywords commanding upwards of $80 per click. But why place links on university websites? Assaf Dudai, a spokesperson for eTraffic, said that his agency originally uncovered the scheme, and he explained why universities are prime targets. “The strength of the rank depends on the credibility of the blacklining site and universities are considered trusted sources due to the restrictions on who holds a .edu domain,” Dudai said. Because blacklining, a method to track all changes of a website, is expected from official domains, organizations with a .edu domain such as NYU’s website are more vulnerable to hacks due to their good SEO. As there is an increase in our attention and dollars going towards online gambling, it is apparent that some companies will do whatever it takes to gain an edge over the competition. Email Steve Malkowicz at news@nyunews.com.

less than 10 transfer spots based on grade ranking, but why do you want to switch the major if you rank high?” Shen said. “The undergraduate law school doesn’t even accept transfers.” NYU Shanghai senior Sam Chen is currently studying abroad in New York, and he said that his liberal arts education opened his mind to new things. “The reading of Global Perspective strengthens my critical thinking skills and inspires me to form the basic concepts of sexuality, justice and moral,” Chen said. “Now I do have a distinctive position on LGBTQ right[s].” Chen said that had he attended a local university, he would probably have to take courses about the basic principles of Marxism and Maoism, which do not have much overlap with the curriculum at NYU Shanghai. He also appreciates his small class sizes at the university, since the local universities normally have class sizes of over 100 people. “The most impressive course I’ve

ever had is the United States Constitution,” Chen said. “Although the professor graduated from Yale Law School [and] has a great academic reputation, only 15 students took this class. Everybody had a chance to interact with the professor, and he took great care of every student as well.” NYU Shanghai students also have the same resources as the students studying at the New York campus: an academic resource center, a career development center and an opportunity to study in any of NYU’s 14 global locations. However, since NYU Shanghai has not yet graduated a class, whether this is a successful model of education reform remains a question. NYU Shanghai freshman Sihao Chen believes that this conclusion could take some time. “No one — including the presidents — know until the first graduating class steps into the society,” Sihao said. “But if you take a look at other jointly founded universities in China such as Duke Kunshan Uni-

versity and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, their students actually get good jobs after graduation.” He said these other universities already have their brands, and NYU Shanghai is still forming its own. Email CoCo Wang at news@nyunews.com.


NYU Shanghai introduced a new higher education model within China, but its success is yet to be determined.

Changing the Climate of Climate Change By LUDOVICA GRIECO Staff Writer

Award-winning author Naomi Klein discussed her book “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate” at NYU’s Law School on Friday, Sept. 30. Klein spoke as part of the NYU Office of Sustainability’s first Educating for Sustainability lecture series, which will be held throughout the year in cooperation with the Earth Matters club. CAS senior Natalie Petrulla, the president of Earth Matters, said this series follows the theme of women with prominent roles in the climate change debate. “Naomi is one of the most famous female environmentalists, so naturally we reached out to her first,” Petrulla said. “I am very happy with the content that she covered because it really explained where we are at in the climate movement and where we go from here.” The event discussed the relationship between capitalism and climate change, and Klein engaged with the audience by unveiling the disastrous effects of changes in climate as a result of our profit-driven economy. Klein said that the response to this dramatic situation must be radical, and the world’s leaders must make extensive changes in policies to fight climate change. “The Paris Accords do represent a serious diplomatic breakthrough and attempt at cooperation, but if it’s all we do, it is an ecological disaster,” Klein said. At the Paris Climate Agree-

ment, world leaders committed to limiting the world’s increase in temperature to 2 degrees Celcius or below. Klein described how humans are dangerously close to exceeding the budget for fossil fuel production. The limit is 1.5 degrees C, which equals 393 gigatons of pro-carbon fuels, but there are over 500 gigatons of fossil fuels in our reserves. This violation is just one of many contributions to the disastrous effects of climate change on the planet, such as through wildfires, severe floods and immense temperature increases. Klein also cited the forest fires in Canada this past summer, the death of a large part of the Great Barrier Reef and the melting of concrete streets in New Delhi where temperatures reached 124 degrees Farenheit during the hottest August on record. Klein said that governments worldwide have yet to make climate change a priority, since the Paris Accord is not legally binding. “Had we acted in the 1980s when the threat of climate change had been declared, this could have been a gradual process,” Klein said. “Having waited so long, we now have to act rapidly and cut our emissions by 8 to 10 percent for countries like the United States.” But Klein said that it is not all bad news. She discussed how activism is happening all over the globe in the hopes of reaching into the political process, and she emphasized the key role of women, especially those in indigenous communities who suffer most directly from climate


Naomi Klein, an activist for environmental sustainability, spoke at NYU in hopes to spread the conversation regarding climate change activism. change. Petrulla said that she hopes to bring and incorporate this conversation at NYU. “My goal is to incorporate the role of women and other marginalized groups into the discussion about climate change on campus,” Petrulla said. “It is important to show that climate change is about more than just animals going extinct and the world getting a little warmer, but that it is a complex issue that also affects social justice.” Klein also mentioned how divest movements have appeared nationally on university campuses and recognized the effort of the NYU Divest group, which has been on the frontlines of the fight with the NYU administration for divesting from fossil fuels. “It’s not about saying that climate change is so important and so urgent and we’re on such a tight deadline that first we’ll solve climate change and then we’ll solve poverty and racism,” Klein said. “We live in a time of multiple, overlapping crises, so the task for us now is to design more integrated solutions.” Email Ludovica Grieco at news@nyunews.com.





‘Burgers’ Fans Have Dreams Come True

By KATHERINE ARMSTRONG Contributing Writer

“Bob’s Burgers” fans hungry for both art and burgers gathered together on Rivington Street this weekend. In celebration of the release of the show’s seventh season, Spoke Art Gallery opened its art show tribute Saturday night, Sept. 24. Fans gathered in an hour-long line, anxiously awaiting their chance to see one-of-a-kind artwork by over 85 fans from all over the world. The Spoke Art company was originally a San Francisco-based gallery. In collaboration with Bento Box Entertainment and Fox, “Bob’s Burgers” is the first art show to take place at the company’s brand new NYC location, a hugely successful start for the space. “We’ve probably gotten about four or five hundred people through the doors so far and I expect at least another four or five hundred more tonight,” said the owner of Spoke Art Gallery, Ken Harman. The exhibit is unconventional because its collection consists entirely of fanart, usually a genre looked upon with disdain. Each piece was created and curated by people who love the show, for people who also love

the show. “I used to love fanart when I was a child, but it was never seen as a valid form of art,” said NYU alumna and “Bob’s Burgers” fan Cassidy Dawn Graves. “This is actually an entire show of fanart. It’s amazing.” The gallery showcases art of all mediums — paintings, prints, clay sculptures, 3D cut-outs and even animatronics. Emily Connell created the felt and animatronic sculpture, “Toot From Your Boot,” inspired by the instant classic “Fart School for the Gifted” jingle from the TV series. “I just love the song, ‘Fart, fart, fart, fart, fart, fart, fart / every fart is a work of art,’” said Connell. “It’s an art show and every fart is a work of art, so that sort of made sense to me. It’s just funny because [the sculptures are] dressed in different old-school attire. I thought it would be a fun thing to make animatronic.” Aside from the art, there was plenty for fans to enjoy at the gallery’s debut. The back wall features a replica of protagonist Bob Belcher’s restaurant counter and window, created by toddland for fans to use as a backdrop for their photos. There was merchandise available for purchase, including Funko POP! figures, prints and all of the pieces in the art show itself. Bareburger, the

event’s food sponsor, provided attendees with delicious sliders for free. “As a company, we’re very much into the fun, into the weird and into the quirky,” said Bareburger’s public relations representative Jesseca Naldo. “For us this was an opportunity to get creative and do something outside of the restaurant and just do something fun. A lot of the people on our staff are big fans of ‘Bob’s Burgers,’ so for us, it was just a no-doubt sort of thing for us to jump into.” The show’s opening night was a great experience. The excitement in the room was almost tangible as fans got to see inside jokes from the show come to life in front of them in a whole new medium. “I really liked the atmosphere of people seeing something and being like ‘Oh! I remember that episode!’ or ‘Ha ha, I love seeing Louise interpreted in this way’ or ‘This captures the essence of Tina in a painting,’” said NYU freshman Rachel He. The Bob’s Burgers art show tribute will be open to all ages free of charge at Spoke Art Gallery at 210 Rivington St. until Oct. 16. Email Katherine Armstrong at entertainment@nyunews.com.


The Bob’s Burgers art show tribute will be showing at Spoke Art NYC in the Lower East Side through Oct. 16.

Tisch Senior Debuts Film at NYFF By ETHAN SAPIENZA Film Editor

Lewie Kloster, a Tisch senior, is already making waves within the film industry. His short film, “Legal Smuggling with Christine Choy,” was selected for showing at this year’s New York Film Festival. Kloster worked alongside his brother Noah, a freshman at Pratt, to put together the idiosyncratic, animated short which chronicles NYU professor Christine Choy’s attempt to get cheap cigarettes and the resulting accidental airport smuggling. Kloster sat down to talk with WSN about the making of the film, debuting at NYFF and plans for the future. WSN: How do you feel your time at Tisch prepared you to make this movie? Lewis Kloster: The freshman year course Digital Frame and Sequence was the first formal influence on my work. All films for the course had to be told only through still images, which informed my current style. I would create these hyper films that leapt off the screen, holding my images for split seconds. It’s a form of animation loosely called pixelation that bleed into the pace of “Legal Smuggling.” Janet

Grillo’s Storytelling Strategies course taught me to use a three-act structure. And finally, Christine’s course, Sight & Sound Documentary, aligned these concepts in my head to bring my techniques together to create the short film. She has been a great mentor in my life as well. WSN: Can you tell me about the process in creating the film? LK: My brother, Noah, and I wrote all the visuals for the film. We took a summer to complete the visual components. Noah drew every drawing that appears on screen. Because Choy is an Asian immigrant, we wanted the film to have an ancient Chinese artwork feel. Also, Choy has an incredibly animated, almost cartoonish personality, yet we depicted her in the film as a stark black and white portrait made of hard pencil. The law-and-order oriented world she lives in was then represented as a colorful, animated and childish reality made of construction paper and crayons. In short, we flipped the roles of the two opposing forces moving the short film forward to highlight their ethical differences. WSN: What does it mean to be accepted into NYFF?

LK: When Noah and I received the news this summer, we knew it was an invitation into the fast lane, and to display my work at Lincoln Center at such a young age is an honor I will be trying to repay for the rest of my life. WSN: Do you have celebratory plans for its premiere? LK: Christine and I have had on and off plans to solicit Benson & Hedges (the cigarette brand in the film) to sponsor an after party for the screening. We never quite pulled the trigger. Besides that, my family is flying out from Minnesota for the screening and we’ll probably just be grabbing a drink with Christine across the street afterwards. WSN: Do you plan to pursue filmmaking professionally? LK: The pursuit is already 100 percent on. Noah and I plan on pushing forward with our small production company — Tall Glass with Ice Productions, specializing in animations similar to “Legal Smuggling.” Other than commercial work, we have another short in the pipes and by 2018, we plan to have a feature film completed. “Legal Smuggling” premiered at Lincoln Center on Oct. 1-2. Email Ethan Sapienza at film@nyunews.com.


Lewie Kloster, Tisch senior, sits down with WSN to discuss his new short film, “Legal Smuggling with Christine Choy” that will be premiering at NYFF.





Influenced Become Influencers By CARTER SHELTER Staff Writer

It doesn’t take long for JEFF the Brotherhood to get a crowd worked up. Stopping through Brooklyn’s Market Hotel on Sept. 27, the sibling duo wasted no time powering into their particular brand of sludgy, weed-soaked garage rock. The audience, warmed up by energetic opening sets from Stuyedeyed and Music Band, were immediately on board, banging their heads, moshing and throwing beer into the air. While the Brotherhood’s extensive discography has rarely warranted deep study, their show was a gripping example of the kind of power and aggression that has driven rock and roll since its inception. Much of JEFF the Brotherhood’s music takes the Pixies’ loud/quiet/loud philosophy and applies it to sounds pulled more from early Black Sabbath than Iggy Pop. Each time the pair let the volume subside in songs like “Diamond Way” or “Stay Up Late,” both off of 2011’s “We Are the Champions,” anticipation began building for the moment they’d burst back in with a flood of distorted power chords and crashing cymbals. Still, they’ve long been remiss to keep their music locked into any sort of formula. A setlist that spanned their discography

was the perfect evidence. Chugging heavy metal riffs, Hendrixmeets-Van-Halen guitar theatrics and the occasional pop-punk hook all had their moments throughout the show as the band showed off their versatility without throwing off the show’s propulsive drive. The most thrilling moments, though, were when they allowed the songs to fall by the wayside and descended into fits of experimental noise turn to heavy, drone-filled jams as they did in “Zone” and “Punishment” — the latter featuring a guitar solo that in its repetitiveness and precision resembled modern electronic music much more than any of their usual classic rock influences. Singer and guitarist Jake Orrall made a point throughout the show to humorously and shamelessly remind the audience that the duo are really playing to push their most recent album, “Zone,” with dead-panned lines like “Everybody’s been in the zone, right?” Yet the album’s best endorsement came in the form of its material. Songs from the record were easily some of the strongest of the night, including the aforementioned title track, the bouncy “Idiot” and the battering one-two of “You” and “Portugal.” The high point of the night was reserved for the wild closing performance of “Whatever I Want,” a 2011 single that

later appeared on last year’s “Global Chakra Rhythms,” which gradually went from sludgy psychedelia to complete chaos in the best way possible. As drummer Jamin Orrall hopped off the stage, Jake knelt by his effects pedals, casting waves of warped feedback over the crowd until their screams and applause overwhelmed him. More than 15 years after beginning their musical journey, JEFF the Brotherhood have no trouble proving that they’re nowhere close to done. Email Carter Shelter at music@nyunews.com.

This past week, the Broadway icon Betty Buckley delivered a diverse and unexpected set at Joe’s Pub in her new cabaret show “Story Songs.” Content ran the gamut from jazz standards to new and old Broadway show tunes to ’90s alternative rock. Buckley presented each song with enough character to keep things interesting, and enough honesty for the audience to believe her sincerity. The “Cats” alum delivered a very well thought-out cabaret that showed off her singing chops, acting skills and storytelling prowess. Buckley began with a sweet rendition of the familiar “The Way You Look Tonight.” She followed up with an anecdote about her friendship with composer Jason Robert Brown, who suggested several songs for her cabaret show, and then sung his song “All Things In Time.” Buckley then threw a complete curveball by performing a very unique version of Radiohead’s “High and Dry,” sung in a quasi-operatic style that was both unconventional and successful.

She followed up with classic show tunes such as “Chanson” from Stephen Schwartz’s “The Baker’s Wife” and “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught” from Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “South Pacific.” Each song told a story and even narrated an opinion that Buckley holds about current society, like when she used “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught” as a parallel narrative of current race relations in the United States. A particularly poignant moment during her performance was her rendition of Joe Iconis’ “Old Flame,” a character piece about a woman who becomes obsessed with an old flame and sets out to murder him to get him off her mind, but ends up accidentally shooting another man. Before the song began, Buckley turned around and gathered herself before facing the audience. It was immediately clear that Buckley was no longer on that stage, but rather wholly assumed her character. Each note was so passionate and each mannerism so animated that it was very easy to connect with her. This song was an entire acting performance. Buckley reminisced about her time playing Nora Desmond in

Husband and wife duo Ben Sinclair and Katja Blichfeld, creators of the new HBO show “High Maintenance” visited NYU on Sept. 28 for a screening of the second and third episodes, as well as a Q&A with the audience.

‘High Maintenance’ Raises the Bar By ANUBHUTI KUMAR Staff Writer


JEFF the Brotherhood performed this past Tuesday, Sept. 27 at Brooklyn’s Market Hotel, playing a variety of songs from their previous albums.

Buckley Reflects in Newest Cabaret By JOSEPH MYERS Staff Writer


“Sunset Boulevard” in the ’90s and also about her time playing Big Edie in “Grey Gardens” this past theater season. She concluded the cabaret with a bittersweet yet hopeful message from Peter Gabriel’s “Don’t Give Up.” Each song that Buckley performed, she performed with such a sense of sincerity and passion. It is clear that she not only understands the essence of each song, but has absorbed it and made it a part of herself. The honesty and vulnerability that she presented in her performance was refreshing — she shared her outlooks on life as well as personal emotions. While it would have been nice to have heard Buckley classics such as “Memory” from “Cats,” the wide array of hand-picked songs created a much more intimate and thoughtful performance. “Story Songs” provided the perfect melange of the art of storytelling and the personal narrative. “Betty Buckley: Story Songs” played at Joe’s Pub at the Public Theater at 425 Lafayette St. Sept. 23-25. Email Joseph Myers at jmyers@nyunews.com.

A man leans his bike against the wall and starts up the stairs of a New York City walk-up, sporting a fluffy beard with a black backpack slung over his shoulders. He is not just a guy, he is The Guy. The Guy who delivers marijuana to New Yorkers who cannot seem to get enough of it. So goes the premise of HBO’s recently launched series, “High Maintenance.” The show started out as a web series on Vimeo, created by husband-wife duo Ben Sinclair, an editor and actor who has been in “Sisters,” “Law & Order: SVU” and “30 Rock” and Katja Blichfeld, a casting professional who has worked for several NBC pilots and “30 Rock,” both continue to write, direct, edit and produce the show. Sinclair and Blichfeld visited NYU on Sept. 28 to screen the second and third episodes of the first season for HBO, which has already announced a second season of the show. After the screening, the duo arrived for a Q&A with the audience. Commenting on their unique personal/professional relationship, Blichfeld said, “It’s actually really cool to work together. There’s a lot of shortcuts to our communication. We don’t have to explain ourselves much to each other, we already know what reference point we’re each coming from … it’s really cool that we get to be sharing the success together.” Sinclair also features in the show as The Guy, who ties into his deliveries the stories of all the New Yorkers — mostly in Brooklyn and a bit of Manhattan — acquiring his product. Their tales make up the essence of “High Maintenance.”

“In the very beginning … a lot of the actors playing the characters were our actual friends, so a lot of them were literally playing versions of themselves,” Blichfeld said, replying to an inquiry about their early characters in the web series version of the show. She continued, “Then I think we started being like ‘we can write characters, we can dig deeper,’ and I think we got more confidence as we went along. That being said, we are always getting inspiration on the subway or eavesdropping on someone at a restaurant. We are still taking inspiration from life. You hear all kinds of things when you’re quiet and listening.” Filmmakers sometimes get inspiration from other media, and the duo finds theirs in art that makes an effort to be thought-provoking — such as “Transparent” — as well as documentaries and the realities they depict. NYU’s aspiring student filmmakers were eager to know more about how this couple managed to make it in such a cutthroat industry. After discussing how they started at the bottom of the ladder, bringing coffee and getting paid next to nothing, Sinclair noted, “A lot of times you just do your job and then when you go away, your job isn’t being done anymore and someone’s like ‘hey, why isn’t that job happening?’ and it’s because so-and-so left and it’s like ‘wow, that person did that and didn’t say anything? Where did they go, I want to hire that person.’” Staying humble seems to be a key in achieving success, and this team seems to have found it with their quirky look at the unique and diverse people who smoke The Guy’s pot. Email Anubhuti Kumar at entertainment@nyunews.com.





Mischiefs of Rats Live in New York City

One of many New York City rats in action.

If a squirrel is an NYU student’s friendly neighbor, then a rat is the NYU student: intelligent, independent, inventive and desperate — if a bit messy. Although rats are most common in New York City during the summertime, chances are most NYU students have seen a few of the critters this school year. Just like you, they’re still out in full swing at end-of-summer barbecues and picnics in the park, and they love taking the train to explore other boroughs. And while you may not be getting any this semester, they are: peak mating season for these guys starts in late September. Rats can have a litter of a dozen kittens roughly every two months, and their average lifespan is about a year. Manhattan, with the highest concentrations of garbage and people, also has the highest concentration of rats. Living (and being hunted) in New York since the earliest European settlers arrived here, resilient is a rat’s middle name: they can survive

on as little as an ounce of food a day and can last longer than camels without water. Even though you may have heard that there are four rats to every person in New York City, this is an urban legend; there are probably only two million rats in a city of 8.5 million people. Rats are prevalent in parks and underground areas, especially at nighttime, but they rarely travel beyond the first floor or basement of a building. If you do see one in your apartment or dorm room, however, do not attempt to corner it — rats become very aggressive under stress. With the ability to tread water for three days and leap over four feet, they are also impressive athletes. You may never have to duel with a rat, but they are dangerous in more subtle ways as well. They have the ability to transmit diseases through bites and scratches, the pathogens in their urine and feces and fleas they carry. Among these diseases are the bubonic plague, Salmonella,



Below is a guide to help NYU students get creative when it comes to simple and boring dining hall food.

Get Creative With Dining Hall Food By LILY LI Contributing Writer

Going to the dining hall every day is mundane. To liven it up a bit, have you considered making some creative combinations with ingredients you can find in the cafeteria to brighten your dining hall experience? For those who decide to eat on campus this semester, we have some recipes that you can try.

fancy restaurant. You need: A piece of toast Some cream cheese A packet of sugar (this is the secret ingredient) Some blueberries Put the bread in the toaster and wait until it is toasted. Spread cream cheese evenly on the toast. Carefully sprinkle the packet of sugar on the cream cheese. Place the blueberries on top.

Bagel Ice Cream Pineapple Sandwich

Nutella Banana Minidonut Tart

Although we know the summer just passed, it’s never too late for an ice cream sandwich! You need: A bagel from the bread station Ice cream of your choice (vanilla is recommended for this recipe) Some pineapple A knife (to spread ice cream) Separate the bagel, grab one of the halves, set the other half aside. Spread the ice cream on the bagel evenly with a knife. Place the pineapple pieces on the ice cream. Put the other half of the bagel on the pineapples. Show it off to your friend and enjoy!

Nutella is good with everything. You need: Three minidonuts (from dessert station) Nutella (usually near the bread station) A banana Cut the banana into small pieces (about a half inch wide). Lay the first minidonut on the plate. Carefully spread some Nutella on the minidonut and place the banana atop the nutella. Lay another minidonut on top of the banana and repeat. Place the last minidonut vertically on top as decoration.

Cereal Mix Ice Cream Sundae

Tetra-Cucumber Tuna Salad Pie

Here is another ice cream recipe, but nobody’s stopping you from trying both recipes in one day. You need: All kinds of cereals (Cheerios, Tootie Fruits, Chocolate Crunch, you name it) Ice cream of your choice Blueberry jelly or honey Mix the cereals, and separate them in two piles. Lay the first pile in a bowl. Put the ice cream on top of the cereal pile. Place the other pile of mixed-cereal on top. Decorate it with blueberry jelly or honey on top.

Toast with Cream Cheese and Blueberries If you make this dish properly, it may look like a dessert from a

Sounds super healthy! You need: Four pieces of cut cucumber (at the salad bar) Tuna salad (also at the salad bar) Some olives One cherry tomato Place the first piece of cucumber on a plate. Spread some tuna salad on it evenly and top with an olive. Place another piece of cucumber on the tuna salad. Repeat steps two and three and end with a cucumber on top. Cut the cherry tomato in half. Put the half cherry tomato on top as decoration. Email Lily Li at dining@nyunews.com.


E. coli, cat scratch fever and rotaviruses. This list may sound scary, but the Health Department assures New Yorkers that an outbreak requires extreme circumstances which do not exist here now. Still, getting cozy with city rats is probably not a good idea. Yes, rats are gross, but they are also a defining characteristic of New York City, whether we like it or not. They are the city’s wildlife, an entire underground community that refuses to be taken out, no matter how hard the city tries. Rats are very social animals and don’t want to be pariahs — after all, it isn’t their fault they carry terrible diseases. Rats really aren’t that different from the jaded NYU student: they are street smart, nap through 75 percent of daylight hours, wouldn’t be caught dead wearing anything other than black and all they want is their dollar slice. Email Camille Larkins at features@nyunews.com.

Vogue Spain Missed the Pointe By ALI WEBB Staff Writer

Few realize that young dancers go through around ten years of training and acquire a tremendous amount of strength and techniqe before stepping into pointe shoes. Vogue Spain tarnished this idea when they featured Kendall Jenner, who pretended to be a dancer wearing ballerina attire and posed in a studio. The training that ballerinas go through is why a real ballerina’s pointed foot looks so different from a model’s and why attempts to showcase the art form in fashion have often been unsuccessful, insulting and, in the case of the pointe shoes, dangerous. Jenner’s awkward position portrays her lack of ballet training. An accompanying video shows the model in action with her voiceover musing about being a kid, letting loose, being adventurous and living a good life. While Spanish Vogue was clearly attempting to use ballet as an aesthetic and a symbol of youth and artistry, they ended up disrespecting a difficult art form — and the arts at large — by featuring a model with no classical ballet training. This is certainly not the first

time fashion has represented ballet using a non-dancer. When Free People was promoting their dancewear collection in 2014, they released a video eerily similar to the one featuring Jenner, from the voiceover talking about life to the cringeworthy technique. Dancers were frustrated by this video as well, as it was apparent that those involved in the making of the video could not even tie the pointe shoes correctly, let alone hire someone who could properly execute the skills. Taking style cues from ballet — such as certain styles of flats, tulle skirts or wearing hair in a topknot — is acceptable. Having models pose as dancers when they cannot execute proper form is disrespectful. Dance, and art in general, has been dealing with the difficulty of accurate perception in society for a long time. Schools are regularly cutting funding for the arts, and the general public thinks of little girls daintily twirling in tutus when it imagines ballet. Spanish Vogue could have made a much better ballet-themed feature by making some changes. Possibly, they could have used a real dancer for the shoot. Misty Copeland would be a great candidate for this, as her position as

the first black principal dancer for the American Ballet Theater would attract attention. Her training as well as on-camera experience with her Under Armour “I Will What I Want” commercial would make the shoot both aesthetically pleasing and powerful. Maddie Ziegler, known for the reality show Dance Moms and appearance in Sia’s music videos, also has ballet training and could provide the youthful aspect the magazine emphasized with Jenner. Or, if they wanted a top model, Karlie Kloss has several years of experience with ballet. If Vogue Spain felt Jenner was the only way to attract publicity, they could have ditched the idea of pointe shoes entirely and had her take a few ballet classes so she could develop some basic technique to execute some poses with grace. The frustrations with the Jenner shoot will hopefully teach fashion publications everywhere to respect ballet. Dance is a beautiful art form and sport with a lot to offer to fashion, and when showcased properly, dancers and the general public alike can enjoy its incorporation. Email Ali Webb at bstyle@nyunews.com.





Living in a Shoebox: A Guide to Off Campus Housing By FAITH GATES Contributing Writer

He used to have no place to walk; his room was simply a bed. It takes her less than eight steps to get from one wall to the next. It takes him two steps before he runs into his roommate. This is what it is like to rent in New York City. With only about 12,000 undergraduate students getting on campus housing with NYU, the others are left to find somewhere to live in the concrete jungle. An average apartment in New York City is 550 square feet for $2,300, according to Naked Apartments, which is about the size of a garage. Given that not every NYU student can afford a beautiful, spacious apartment in Manhattan, how are they managing? Tisch junior Kyle Schmidt faced the problem many transfer students face: having to find an apartment while still living at home.

Not able to trust the internet as a source, Schmidt settled for staying with a friend of a friend. With all the New York creativity at work, Schmidt’s friend transformed his simple common area into a “room” for Schmidt — a mattress and a curtain — which Schmidt called home all summer. After the summer semester, Schmidt was ready for his own place. While his new room is just as small as his old space, with room only for a twin bed and a desk, Schmidt has learned to be content with his bed, four walls and a door. NYU students moving here are quickly learning to adapt to the New York standards. CAS sophomore Lourania Oliver came to New York early before the semester started in order to find a place that would fit all her needs. After exploring her options in the city and meeting some interesting roommates, she decided to live on her own. Since the option to live

alone near campus doesn’t come cheap, Oliver settled for a 200 square feet studio, where she has to sleep on a couch. It takes less than five seconds to walk from one end of Oliver’s apartment to another tiny area with a small kitchen, a bathroom to the right and just enough room for a couch against the left wall. Despite the high rent for the low expectations, Oliver has learned to adjust her outlook. “I don’t need much space,” Oliver said. “I like it because it takes two steps to get to my kitchen and another step to my bathroom.” Rich Hurley, the Associate Director of Student Resources, has counseled many students through off-campus housing issues, and understands the struggles that many of them have to face. “No matter where you’re coming from, your expectations of what you’re going to find and the price you’re going to pay is just so monumentally different,” Hurley said.

“The other thing that is always a bit surprising is the size and the look of the apartment. Everyone wants to find a deal, but in this process it’s really about being able to sort through your wants and your needs, and noticing the difference between those two.” While most people might not consider Tisch sophomore Beau Hart’s room anything special, he considers his place a steal by New York standards. Because he shares his room with a roommate, the only space Hart calls his own is his loft bed. Since it is all he has, it serves three purposes: sleeping on top, studying on the desk below and hanging his clothes underneath “It’s small compared to Utah, but everything here is minuscule compared to where I’m from,” Hart said. “Plus people back home eat up the photos on social media. I’ve always wanted to live in New York growing up so that’s been the dominant factor in my attitude and happiness.” Although NYU students may have

to navigate the scary maze of housing that comes with weird tenants, expensive brokers and possible rat infestations, most students would live with that tradeoff if it means they get to live in the greatest city in the world. Email Faith Gates at features@nyunews.com.


Despite the limitations of her space, sophomore Agne Numaviciute managed to create a sense of home in her small, one-room apartment.

Fast Food Can Make You Sick(er) More Brands Using ‘See Now, Buy Now’ Model By KAITLYN WANG Contributing Writer

You might want to think twice before you choose Dunkin’ Donuts over Downstein for breakfast. Dunkin’ Donuts, among several other popular chain restaurants near campus including Starbucks, Dairy Queen and IHOP, were issued failing grades last week for their use of antibiotics in the meat that they serve. Five advocacy groups, including Friends of the Earth and the Center for Food Safety, partnered to release the second annual Chain Reaction report, which evaluates 25 of the top restaurant chains in the country. The outlook was bleak in 2015: only five of the 25 companies showed they were trying to eliminate meat raised with antibiotics. This year, the report has found that twice that number have passed. However, many popular restaurants around NYU, including Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, and IHOP, still received “F” grades. The report highlights problems with the increased use of antibiotics in the meat industry, noting two important points: first, the report asserts that the use of antibiotics only exists in order to be able to raise more animals faster in unsanitary conditions; second, the increased use of antibiotics is not only harmful to the animals, but is also becoming a public health issue. This misuse of antibiotics only serves to make antibiotic resistance stronger. Antibiotic resistance will let bacteria withstand antibiotics longer, making illnesses caused by bacteria such

as E. Coli harder to cure. CAS freshman Charlie Xiao is concerned by the idea of antibiotic resistance, but he is also hopeful. “The possibility of antibiotic resistance is an alarming prospect, and it really is a big issue. That being said, there are new scientific breakthroughs that have developed ways to kill bacteria without antibiotics,” Xiao said. Increasing antibiotic resistance could be especially devastating to NYU students who live in dormitories where diseases tend to spread quickly. The report finds that in 2016, nine of the 25 companies made public policy commitments of some kind to “phase out routine antibiotics in some or all of their meat and poultry supply.” Companies that have implemented some policies were given at

least a “D” grade, with chains like Panera Bread and Chipotle bringing in “A” grades for their transparency and strong policies. Although better than that of 2015, this is still a staggeringly low number. Companies receive “F” grades mainly for two reasons: the first is that they had no publicly available policies for the limitation of antibiotic use in their meat supply, or that their policies allowed for the continued use of antibiotics. Chains in the first category include Dunkin’ Donuts, Starbucks and KFC. The second reason is unresponsiveness to the survey disseminated by the researchers; the companies in this category include IHOP and Domino’s. Email Kaitlyn Wang at features@nyunews.com.


Dunkin’ Donuts is among the restaurants raising concern for heavy antibiotic use in their meat.

By SHIRLEY CAHYADI Contributing Writer

If there’s one word to describe today’s fashion industry, it’s immediacy. It’s a trait that is becoming increasingly apparent, especially with the popularization of the “see now, buy now” business model. The idea of “see now, buy now” is for customers to be able to buy timeless and seasonless pieces right off the catwalk. Customers can go online and watch the livestream of the show while simultaneously shopping for the pieces as they are shown on the runway. The S/S 2017 shows saw several major brands, such as Burberry, Tom Ford, Topshop and Ralph Lauren, adopting this business model — a foreshadow for what other brands may do in the seasons to come. Before we can delve deeper into how the model works, we need to understand how the fashion industry got to this point. The industry has long been helmed as one of exclusivity, with fashion shows being spectacles only attended by the elite. However, that structure has evolved ever since Alexander McQueen’s “Plato’s Atlantis,” the first major fashion show livestreamed online, broke the floodgates for a system which prioritized the consumer over industry insiders. The fashion industry is no longer about pleasing the insiders. They have reached the realization that the true power lies with the consumers. There’s no better way to look at the force of the consumers than through social media. Twitter and Instagram have been instrumental in the meteoric rise of social media models such as Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner.

This is important to note especially since Tommy Hilfiger’s SS2017 collection featured a collaboration with Hadid herself, which as of now has limited availibility on Tommy.com after being mostly sold out. Not only was it set at full-blown carnival, it was heavily advertised on Hadid’s and Hilfiger’s social media platforms and was effectively admired by Hadid’s fans who no doubt tuned in to watch her designer debut. While this business model is an ideal technique for persuading the consumer, it’s causing a major change in the way brands work. This model calls for a complete change in the production process, not only in the supply chain and how factories produce the pieces, but also in deciding when buyers view the actual pieces. The idea of the fashion show is no longer about showing the products so that editors can review them and buyers can decide which ones they’d like to order — it has been transformed to act as a form of advertising in itself, likely overpowering actual advertisements given that people post on Instagram, Snapchat and live-tweet shows as they happen. There are a lot of things to consider when breaking down “see now, buy now” — how it affects production and creativity and how it will revolutionize what fashion shows or advertisements mean for the business of fashion. Will this model be beneficial to the fashion industry in the long run? There is no doubt that “see now, buy now” is only just starting to take form and will greatly affect the industry, however hard it is to see now. Email Shirley Cahyadi at bstyle@nyunews.com.


BROOK QUEENS By Ankita Bhanot Deputy Features Editor



anhattan is, without a doubt, the heart of New York City. In addition to being the largest borough in size and population, it boasts the city’s most well-known historic landmarks from the Empire State Building to the Rockefeller Center. With more than 1.5 million people crowding the streets every day, the pace of life is always quick and only gets quicker with the thousands of tourists constantly streaming in and out of the city. The population of Manhattan is also extremely diverse ethnically, religiously and socioeconomically. It seems impossible to run out of things to do in Manhattan — with a new restaurant to try on every corner and hundreds of neighborhoods to explore in uptown, midtown and downtown. Many call Manhattan the cultural and financial center of the world, complete with 50- and100-story buildings that can be found on almost every block of the city. Everyone is always moving in Manhattan, and the sounds of honking taxis and police sirens seem to constantly add to the noise. But all of this chaos and excitement only fuels the ever-busy Manhattanites, who are constantly searching for the next big thing.

Top Three Food Places: The Halal Guys Artichoke Pizza Chelsea Market

Top Three Weekend Activities:

Walk Across the High Line Brunch in SoHo Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Must-See Place: Central Park

Email Ankita Bhanot at abhanot@nyunews.com.


By Rachel Ruecker Sports Editor



he biggest and second most populated of the five boroughs, Queens is quite literally the landing and taking off point for many as they leave or return to the city, but it’s far more than airports and commuters, with plenty to offer all on its own. Thriving with community and diversity, Queens is a little more of a melting pot than carefully curated Manhattan. In true New York fashion, Queens is home to just about anything and everything you could ever hope to see, do or eat. From taking in a Mets game to checking out cinematic history at the Museum of the Moving Image, Queens has something for everyone. Tisch freshman and Queens native Douglas McHugh thinks Queens especially won’t be running out of food anytime soon. “Like, Queens is as excessive with delis as Manhattan is with pharmacies,” McHugh said. And as it grows home to more mainstream spots such as Shake Shack and Chipotle, CAS junior Tiffany Minto summed Queens up succinctly: “It’s all so strange to me because for a while the beauty of Queens was just in the nature and the people.”

top three food places: HinoMaru Ramen Cheeburger Cheeburger Don Alex

By Gabriella Bower Beauty and Style Editor



rooklyn was not always th HBO’s “Girls.” Originally settlers, Brooklyn has been hom people over the centuries, co While gentrification, beginning to push out Brooklyn natives du ture remains steadfast and ever cool reputation will remain. “Manhattan gets a lot of sp has New York’s soul and pas Brandon Richards. NYU students born and rai borough’s tight-knit commun From the storybook scenes of age tales of 2 a.m. hangouts, B fond memories of their childho ough in which they grew up is t “To me, Brooklyn represent tion. ‘Going home’ from colleg ing when an entire borough is man Kiara Colome.

top three food places:

Habana To Go/Habana Out HoM Cafe Zona Sur

top three weekend activites: Flushing Meadows Park Arthur Ashe Stadium (home of the U.S. Open) Citi Field (home of the New York Mets)

top three weekend activ

Must-see place: Flushing Meadows Park

Must-see place:

Email Rachel Ruecker at rruecker@nyunews.com.

Thrifting at L Train Vintage Prospect Park Zoo Free concerts at Brooklyn Aca

Brooklyn Bridge Park/DUMB Email Gabriella Bower at gbower@nyunews.com.




he land of Smorgasburg and founded in the 1600s by Dutch me to a wide array of diverse ontributing to its rich culture. g in the early 2000s, has started due to rising real estate, the culryone will agree that Brooklyn’s

potlight, but I think Brooklyn ssion,” said Tisch sophomore

ised in Brooklyn reflect on the nity feel with great nostalgia. summer to classic coming-ofBrooklynites have nothing but ood, and their pride for the bortangible. ts family, strength and inspirage takes on a whole new meanyour home,” said Stern fresh-


By Bobby Wagner Managing Editor


f you’re like most NYU students, chances are you haven’t jumped on one of the express buses out of Manhattan and ventured into neighborly Staten Island. And if you do, you might be surprised at what you find — an alternate reality where there are actual houses. And actual neighborhoods. And actual families that live there, all the time. And actual wildlife that isn’t a rat stealing your textbook or a pigeon dive-bombing you in Washington Square Park. Staten Island does not fit the mold of the romantic New York City lifestyle. It’s rarely written about in books or displayed on TV. But it is a vital part of the New York state of mind, and it is home to some of the families and values that have populated this great city since the beginning. “It’s a very family oriented place, so growing up I learned the importance and values of having a close family,” CAS junior Andrew Cilento, a Staten Island resident before his move to Manhattan for school, said. “The friends I made at a very young age are still my best friends today.” You won’t find a ton of tourism in Staten Island — which, for the unassuming NYU student too stressed to be around all the intense people in downtown Manhattan, might be just perfect. But if you’re looking for a cross-section of the community, look no further than two things: food and nature.


top three food places: Pier 76 Enoteca Maria Bayou



ademy of Music

BO Promenade


By Alex Bazeley Editor-in-Chief


ith its rich culture and history, the Bronx is the most diverse borough in New York City. The borough is widely considered to be the birthplace of hip-hop, and walls throughout the Bronx are plastered with beautifully crafted street art. While Manhattan seems high-strung at all hours, walking through the Bronx, its neighbor to the north, feels like a breath of fresh air. “The Bronx is not fast-paced at all,” Clarimar Capellan, a junior in the Silver School of Social work, said. “The news might come faster if you go ask your neighbor.” Terzel Ron, a CAS junior who grew up in the Bronx, said he believes the Bronx may be home to the most talent in the country, boasting a plethora of both visual and performing artists. However, the Bronx certainly hasn’t escaped the wave of gentrification that has hit New York City, with areas like the South Bronx being targeted for commercial shopping outlets and expensive housing. Ron said he didn’t even see white people growing up, apart from his teachers. Now, he notes, the demographics are undergoing a dramatic shift. “It’s interesting to see, but my fear lies in the erasure of culture and people due to socioeconomic factors that are inevitable,” Ron said. “I know it’s going to happen, and once they build a Starbucks on Fordham [Road] it’s a wrap.” There’s a fight for the true culture in what the U.S. Census has deemed the most diverse area in the country. But right now, whether it’s the surplus of culturally-rooted restaurants or the wide range of bodegas and stores, the Bronx seemingly has something for everyone.

top three food places:

Taqueria Tlaxcalli Best Italian Pizza A sandwich from a Bodega

top three weekend activites: Garibaldi-Meucci Museum Snug Harbor Staten Island Ferry

top three weekend activites:

Bronx Zoo New York Botanical Garden Van Cortland Park

Must-see place: High Rock Park

Must-see place:


Bronx Museum of the Arts

Email Bobby Wagner at bwagner@nyunews.com.

Email Alex Bazeley at abazeley@nyunews.com.






PDA Is a Straight Privilege By CONNOR BORDEN Staff Writer New York could be considered a city for lovers. It is a place that garners attention from travelers and residents alike as a romanticized locale — at least for straight people. The film, television and music video industries depict and promote heteronormative love in and around the city. Each and every night — especially around tourist spots like the Brooklyn Bridge or the Highline — one will inevitably notice a man and a woman in an intimate moment. And, although New York has a thriv-

ing LGBTQ community, it is unfortunately still uncommon to see queer and non-conforming folks displaying their love for one another in public throughout the city. Public displays of affection are a privilege. Although the mentality and attitudes toward the queer community are rapidly changing in some parts of the world, including the United States, it is still unsafe for gay people to hold hands. Some may believe New York would be an exception to the rule, but I have friends who have been harassed and verbally abused for sitting side by side with their same-sex significant other. This is simply not a con-

cern for straight folks, though many choose not to engage in public displays of affection due to the threat of light shaming. In queer relationships, however, it’s the threat of violence. Admittedly, it is not exceedingly difficult as a white, gay man to take part in this. However, for a transgender woman of color, for example, the threat is far greater. Of

course, this is not meant to downplay the experience of white gay men, but there is a spectrum of danger for folks who identify as LGBTQ. Behind every glance, touch and smile directed at a partner lies a looming fear of public retribution, and this toxic stress from simply loving someone can be overwhelming. This experience is not ubiquitous, nor does it ruin the lives of every same-gender couple. However, we do not have the privilege of worry-free interaction, and it can be taxing. Straight people have every right to play tonsil hockey on the sidewalk, and no one should feel guilty for doing so. The only way to rem-

edy the current situation is by waiting until public same-sex affection is normalized. I’m not asking that every straight person in New York stop doing their thing. But the straight NYU students who choose to sit on each other’s laps in dining halls and give hickeys to each other in study lounges could consider their impact and recognize their privilege. As a community trying to create a positive and uplifting environment for all students, becoming conscious of the effect of one’s actions is a step in the right direction. Email Connor Borden at opinion@nyunews.com.


Banning the Box to Counter an Unfair Justice System By EMILY FONG Opinion Editor A little bit over a week ago, news broke that a male student accused of rape while attending at a different university is taking classes at NYU. After being suspended from Cornell University, Wolfgang Ballinger has been embroiled in several back-and-forth allegations of sexual assault. While Ballinger may only be taking online courses this semester, the news of his presence at NYU has still caused major anxiety on campus. NYU students remarked that the enrollment of men with histories of sexual abuse is worrying for a campus that is demographically dominated by women. Subsequently, questions

regarding the recent Ban the Box victory have emerged, with some voicing concern that banning the box could possibly create vulnerabilities for the student body by allowing the enrollment of violent individuals. However, this one incident shouldn’t discount the hard work done by the Incarceration to Education Coalition to rid the application process of an unfair disqualifier based on faulty logic. It’s vital to remember that there is a significant difference in power distribution between individuals in this country, meaning that privileges of class, race, gender and sexuality produce incredibly different sentences. For example, a person with few financial and legal resources

could receive jail time for shoplifting vegetables to feed their family. An act like this would be considered equal to a violent crime in the eyes of any university application that hasn’t adopted more nuanced measures, like those embraced by NYU in the past. Surely many members of the student body — at NYU, or any other university — are guilty of underage drinking or possession of a controlled substance,

both crimes that could carry with them the threat of possible jail time. These instances of petty crime disproportionately affect people of color and members of underprivileged communities and are not even in the same realm as a genuine violent crime — especially one committed by a privileged student. Wealthier students — someone in the vein of Ballinger or the infamous Stanford rapist Brock Turner — generally have ample opportunities to fight off charges of violent sexual assault by paying for a better legal defense team or having public relations managed by professionals so their character stays intact. They have the support of their parents and family

wealth to fall back on and eager defenders from their communities who often publically swear that these students were “good kids” and deserve the leniency of the law. Poor prospective students, especially ones with minor criminal backgrounds, are less likely to have this safety net. NYU students should not feel that we need to reevaluate the Ban the Box movement. At its heart, the movement’s intentions were, and still are, in the right. Those wrongfully victimized and excessively punished by the justice system deserve access to higher education and the opportunity to individual reform. Email Emily Fong at opinion@nyunews.com.


Hypocrisy in Congress Reaches New High By AKSHAY PRABHUSHANKAR Deputy Opinion Editor Earlier this week, Congress overrode President Obama’s veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, the first override in his term. The bill — which was passed with 9/11 victims in mind — allows American citizens to sue any foreign nation for damages they believe were caused by terrorist attacks. Despite the many concerns regarding the ramifications of this bill that were expressed by the White House, national security agencies and companies and diplomats across the globe, it was signed into law with overwhelming majorities. Leaders from

both houses, just days after the veto override, are now indicating that there are indeed serious issues with the law and that they would explore ways of tweaking it. These comments reveal Congress’s crippling ineptitude and only fuel the public’s immense dissatisfaction with their legislators. While discussing the bill with reporters following the override, Republican leaders went so far as to suggest that President Obama was partly at fault because he failed to timely communicate the problems with the legislation. But it is not his job to stand in the middle of the Capitol and lecture politicians on the nuances of foreign policy —

ultimately, only Congress is accountable for bills they draft and the effects they have. Furthermore, members chose to ignore reports which predicted adverse impacts of JASTA from a number of parties, including vocal concerns from Democratic representatives. These Democrats, however, are not to be excused. In irresponsibly voting in favor of the override, they dismissed

Obama’s authority as party leader and, more importantly, Diplomat-in-Chief. No matter what new details emerge regarding this ordeal, one fact will be clear: Congress did not fully consider the effects of the legislation they drafted before passing it or even before overriding it. This notion alone should infuriate the public, sending them to the polls to replace each and every one of the 97 Senators and 348 Representatives that voted in favor. Complaining about a lack of communication is not how the United States Congress — the model legislature for democracies around the world — should conduct business. While no politicians want to

appear as if they are against 9/11 victims in an election year, the JASTA is not in the best interests of the country, and passing it is a betrayal of their constituencies. Democrat Harry Reid — who is not running for reelection this year — was the only Senator who voted against the override. By imprudently submitting to the public and then retroactively acknowledging problems with their bill rather than educating their constituents on its drawbacks in the first place, Congress builds on its reputation as an incompetent and unprincipled legislature. Email Akshay Prabhushankar at opinion@nyunews.com.




Lack of Diversity Task Force Accountability Disconcerting

President Hamilton spent much of his first semester at NYU forming and setting specific goals for an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Task Force with the help of the University Senate. This team was charged with soliciting input and advice from the NYU community on the campus environment, and assessing their findings to develop strategies to foster a more inclusive climate. However, the task force’s first major deadline — April 2016 — has come and gone, with little to show for their supposed efforts. Since then, there has been little correspondence regarding the task force’s official activities. Whether this reflects an indifferent administration or simple bureaucratic delay, it suggests that NYU’s true commitment to its task force’s goals is weak and is more talk than action. President Hamilton’s inauguration ceremonies even included an event dedicated to exploring “NYU’s legacy of equity, diversity, and inclusion.” Yet this event blatantly ignored the wealth of questions left unanswered regarding the progress of last year’s diversity initiatives. For example, the task force had explicitly stated that it would provide the community with a “preliminary progress report” concerning the state of diversity at NYU by April 2016. This report was referenced multiple times, by name, in communications from the task force to the NYU community and Hamilton himself. In these letters it is stated time

and time again that this preliminary progress report would be presented during the final University Senate meeting of the spring semester — which occurred on April 28 — yet no such report is currently publicly accessible anywhere. This is particularly unusual, as the details of what occur during University Senate proceedings are normally recorded in the Minutes and Records section of the organization’s webpage. However, this information will not be available to the public until the senate’s next meeting sometime in October, per University Senate procedure. The only information available to the NYU community from this April 28 meeting can be found in an incredibly vague PowerPoint published by the task force. This slideshow is impossible to interpret in any meaningful way without the accompanying presentation. It lacks any of the specific details that would constitute an official “preliminary progress report,” and instead is merely a hodgepodge of copied recommendations from a letter sent earlier in the year by Hamilton, and the task force’s own initial charges. This makes it incredibly difficult to discern what actually happened to the task force’s preliminary progress report. The task force’s web page — which is supposed to be kept up to date with records of the information exchanged at all of its meetings — was only made available after two of our writers met with the administration personally to ask about

the missing information. As of last week, the information had yet to be updated with the summaries of any of their meetings since March. The only information available regarding the actions of the task force since then can be found in a letter to the NYU community on May 17, which explicitly mentions that “written preliminary report” will be made available in the summer. It includes no mention of the fact that they failed to meet their April 2016 goal. The fact that it requires this much explanation to even begin to answer the question of whether or not the task force accomplished the first of their three explicitly listed goals within their allotted time frame is embarrassing. In an attempt to answer these questions we raised these concerns with task force co-chairs Gabi Starr and Charlton McIlwain, yet their answers were unhelpful. They insisted time and time again that they had never made any claims to actually publish a written preliminary report, and that the phrase “preliminary progress report” was merely a figure of speech that was never meant to translate into anything written that the community would get to see. Yet, this seems to be almost an obvious falsity, since they stated in the aforementioned letter that the community should “stay tuned for [their] written preliminary report.” The lack of information available about the task force presents a seri-

ous problem for anyone invested in the ongoing dialogue about diversity at NYU. Whatever work the task force has done between these two semesters seems to be buried somewhere deep in NYU’s bureaucratic crypts. It’s difficult to piece together an actual picture of what the task force has been up to, even if one painstakingly tracks each tiny bit of public information. This is a major transparency failure on the university’s end, and this discovery comes at an unfortunate time for the newly inaugurated Hamilton, who touted the task force as “absolutely critical to our community.” But this claim is disputed by the fact that there seems to be little in the way of documentation available to average students of what’s been going on with the task force behind closed doors. If NYU’s community cannot even depend on the president’s initiatives to deliver a relatively simple report, then it begs the question of what we actually can depend on them to do in terms of real action. Hamilton should not forget that his predecessor, John Sexton, saw his favorability crumble because of his failure to address the concerns of the NYU community. With his appointment, Hamilton — whose “professional life has been defined by [his] role as a faculty member,” per his introductory email — was poised to be different. From the kindly English chemistry professor, we expected a president who understood the

STAFF EDITORIAL frustration of administrative stonewalling, who would be sensitive to the urgency of the issues facing the student body and who would make a commitment to fair and open dealings with the community he was set to govern. The issue of campus diversity was an opportunity for the Hamilton administration to prove that it could make good on its word. Instead, we got broken promises, forgotten deadlines and needlessly puerile rebuffs from official spokespeople. This is unacceptable from any administration, never mind one that has purposely staked its legitimacy on its open communication. The most frustrating thing is that these ambiguities could have been easily rectified if those responsible for the task force simply released a report as planned, or even just acknowledged that they were in the wrong and pledged to do better. The goal here is not to pit the university’s administration against the students and community, but to ensure that the administration can own up to its mistakes. Ultimately, we are all rooting for NYU to better itself as an institution and as a community. To end up feeling that trust in our university was unwarranted is disheartening. Email the WSN Editorial Board at opinion@nyunews.com. EDITORIAL BOARD: Chair - Emily Fong; Co-chair Paris Martineau, Akshay Prabhushankar

TIMELINE OF TASK FORCE ACTIONS Dec. 17th, 2015 Task force founded and goals established Established by the University Senate to “study and make recommendations for concrete steps to be taken regarding issues of racial diversity, equity, and inclusion at NYU.”

Sept. 26th, 2016 Washington Square News meets with task force members Met with Gabi Starr and Charlton McIlwain to discuss concerns over the many accountability issues. Immediately after this meeting the task force’s website was updated to include the missing documents we had mentioned.



Feb. 5th, 2016 First task force meeting

Feb. 5th, 2016 Task force due dates given

One of only two meetings where the event summaries were posted online. “The group agreed to speak to the NYU community as one unified voice through the task force website, and also to engage with students, faculty, administrators, and staff through listening sessions, the website and other mechanisms.”

This is further discussed in committee breakdown document — April 1, 2016: Draft Committee Reports Due April 8, 2016: Full Task Force Review/Discussion of Committee Reports April 15, 2016: Committee Reports Final Draft April 28, 2016: Final Report Submitted/Presented at Senate Meeting

Sept. 23th, 2016 NYU Together: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Event No minutes of this meeting posted, so we cannot confirm what was talked about here, but the task force had stated that a presentation was given that used the PowerPoint.

May 17th, 2016 Task force sends update letter to NYU community No minutes of this meeting posted, unlike every other University Senate meeting, so we cannot confirm what was talked about here. PowerPoint Presentation that was given at this meeting literally says nothing new.

April 28th, 2016 University Senate No minutes of this meeting posted, so we cannot confirm what was talked about here, but the task force had stated that a presentation was given that used the PowerPoint.

March 4th, 2016 Last task force meeting summary ever posted (until we met with them to discuss this on 09/26 and they updated it after we pointed it out) Discussed progress of committees in vague terms.

April 20th, 2016 Task force community engagement sessions begin There were seven of these events in total and they occurred from April 20th to June 2nd, much too late to affect the nature of the presentation on April 28th.

March 30th, 2016 Hamilton sends a letter to the task force Outlines his recommendations for their proposal next month to the University Senate. States that he thinks “every student, faculty member and employee” should know about the Task Force’s accomplishments.

April 8th, 2016 Task force replies to Hamilton’s letter Restates that they will have an official preliminary report on April 28th and mentions that they will include some of Hamilton’s ideas in this report.

April 8th, 2016 No meeting summary posted until after 09/26 when WSN met with them to discuss this The meeting summary now posted over 5 months later is vague and gives no real details of events.

Send mail to: 75 Third Ave. #SB07, New York, N.Y. 10003 or email: opinion@nyunews.com WSN welcomes letters to the editor, opinion pieces and articles relevant to the NYU community, or in response to articles. Letters should be less than 450 words. All submissions must be typed or emailed and must include the author’s name, address and phone number. Members of the NYU community must include a year and school or job title.

WSN does not print unsigned letters or editorials. WSN reserves the right to reject any submission and edit accepted submissions in any and all ways. With the exception of the staff editorial, opinions expressed on the editorial pages are not necessarily those of WSN, and our publication of opinions is not an endorsement of them.





Soccer Kicks Off UAA Play By BEN GOODKIN Contributing Writer


Freshman soccer player Maddie Howard describes the difficulty associated with playing on a college sports team while also trying to manage and navigate the other more traditional struggles of adjusting to school.

Adapting Is Key to Survival for Athletes By MADDIE HOWARD Contributing Writer

Adjusting to life as a college student is hard enough for most freshmen, but doing so while also navigating New York City and trying to make friends can prove to be incredibly difficult. These stresses of normal college life are enough, but imagine dedicating another several hours of your day to playing a collegiate sport. I am a freshman soccer player at NYU this year and the transition has been a challenging adjustment, but I would not change it for the world. In my brief time here, I have met some of the greatest people, and together, we have created amazing experiences both on and off the field. Despite the fact that my time here so far has been enjoyable, there have been some trying moments as well. In a very short period, I have learned that time is precious and to make my spare moments as productive as I can. Whether that means doing homework on the bus to games or waking up early before my 9:30 a.m. class to go see a professor, I have to manage my time efficiently in order to keep up with my academics. Many of my fellow freshman teammates have found themselves in a similar situation. Our days are fast-paced and we are constantly on the move. Most of us wake up and go to an early morning class. Then we will speed-walk to Palladium in order to load the vans with our gear and drive to Chelsea Piers for practice.

Practices take a lot of energy out of me. Mentally, we have to make sure we’re focusing at all times in order to absorb as much information as we can about the game and what our coach is trying to teach us. We are also physically battling each moment, trying to prove to the group that we deserve to be on the field during the games. After playing, I am usually exhausted. However, I have to force myself to forget my drowsiness and go to my next class of the day. Coffee has become the staple that holds my life together. When classes are done and I make it back home to Founders, I finally get to peel off my sweaty practice clothes and shower. At this point it’s usually around six at night and I am struggling to keep my eyes open. The sleep deprivation as a result of school and soccer catch up to me and I usually want nothing more than to crawl in my bed and fall asleep. However, I know that if I let myself doze off in this moment I will regret it. So I run to Think Coffee, grab an iced red eye and get to work. At the end of the day I am tired, but I get a sense of accomplishment knowing I got through everything despite the difficulty. Yes, the time commitment of being a student-athlete can be daunting. But being with my team and playing the sport we love together makes the stress worth it and in them, I know I have friends for life. Email Maddie Howard at sports@nyunews.com.

It was a busy Saturday for the NYU soccer teams who traveled to Cleveland, Ohio to take on Case Western Reserve University in the first University Athletic Association games of the season. The morning began with the NYU women battling the Spartans to a 0-0 draw. Although the game ended without a goal, both teams had plenty of chances throughout the game, starting with some openings for Case Western coming early. Senior goalkeeper Cassie Steinberg made both her saves in the first half and was able to hold off an at-times dominant Spartans team. The second half of the game was completely different as NYU dominated play and recorded a large majority of the scoring chances. However, the Violets were unable to finish off their chances, failing to net a goal in regulation. In the overtime period both teams had their chances, but the goalkeepers were too strong. The 0-0 final score saw Steinberg record her 34th career clean sheet, a school record. Other leaders for the Violets included freshman forward Isabelle Turner and junior Charlotte Herbertz, who combined for five shots including two close chances at the end of the overtime period. NYU outshot Case Western 13-7 and also earned 10 more corner kicks than the Spartans.


Both NYU men and women’s soccer played games this past weekend in the UAA Opener against Case Western. The men’s team ended victorious with a score of 2-1, while the women’s team tied 0-0. The draw in their first UAA match of the season moves the Violets to 6-1-2 for the season. Later on Saturday afternoon, the NYU men — hoping to start league play better than they left off in their early season tries — battled with Case Western for 90 minutes eventually overcoming a slow start and taking the game in a 2-1 victory. The Violets struggled to possess the ball and attack in the first half, as they were outshot 9-0. Senior goalkeeper Lucas Doucette made some big saves at the end of the half and a diving fingertip save to begin the second half that kept the game scoreless. Doucette was pleased with the improvement the team showed as the game went on. “We started off slow in the first half but really settled into the game and had some good chances in the second half,” Doucette said. “It was clutch having two freshmen score for us. Also, probably the first late game winning goal in the UAA since I’ve been here, which is awesome.” Then, in the 63rd minute, sophomore Ricardo Mitrano sent in a beautiful corner kick, which was put away by a header

from freshman Drew Enyedi. The Spartans equalized shortly after an NYU defensive mistake. The teams battled for another 20 minutes without finding the decisive goal until freshman forward Owen Smith finished off a loose ball in the box to give the Violets a 2-1 lead. NYU held on for the final three minutes of play and won their first game of the UAA season despite being outshot 17-7. The win was the Violets’ fourth, moving them to 4-3-2 on the season. Junior forward Nicolas Notaro was happy to leave Cleveland with a win. “It’s a great feeling seeing our hard work pay off and having some of our younger lads get their names on the scoresheet,” Notaro said. “It’s an important win but there’s still room for improvement.” The NYU women are back in action on Tuesday, Oct. 4 playing hosts to Brooklyn College at 7:30 p.m. Both teams will resume UAA play on Saturday, Oct. 8 at Gaelic Park vs. Carnegie Mellon University with the women playing at 11 a.m. and the men to follow at 1:30 p.m. Email Ben Goodkin at sports@nyunews.com.







Mercurial Violets Thrive in Golf, Struggle in Volleyball By RACHEL RUECKER Sports Editor

While the ranked women’s soccer team was held to a tie and the men came out on top to improve their season record, NYU’s other sporting contingents were spread all throughout the eastern seaboard. Here’s a look at how they all did.

Golf Both NYU golf teams were back in action this weekend, as the men headed upstate to Victor, New York and the women traveled to Williams College in Massachusetts. Both teams came off promising performances last weekend and were looking to build upon them. The men, who finished second last weekend in the Liberty League Championship, impressed with a solid first place finish in this weekend’s Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference Championship, hosted by Ravenswood Country Club. The Violets broke records for both single-day and two-day team performances, shooting a school-low 584 for the weekend event. Garnering First Team All-Tournament honors were freshman Jensen Ji and senior Eric Tarakjian. Both shot very

respectably, at 141 and 143. Those two led the way for NYU as they took second of 15 teams in the event. The men look ahead to next weekend’s Manhattanville Invitational, held in nearby Westchester. All the way up in Williamstown, the women took home third place. They once again came very close to that second place crown, finishing only one stroke behind Amherst College. Host Williams College finished a comfortable 14 strokes ahead of the Violets to win their own event. Junior Alyssa Poentis was back in action this weekend, finishing a single stroke away from individual victory with a 149 overall. Sophomore Jenni Bluetling, too, was back from inaction this weekend, taking home a tie for seventh place with junior Kristin Lee. The women have next weekend off before their final tournament of the fall, the NYU Invitational at their home Forest Hill Field Club.

Tennis The women’s team had the week off heading into this weekend’s Intercollegiate Tennis Association Nationals, leaving the men to compete at the ITA Northeast Region-

als with four Violets — senior Matt DeMichiel, senior Umberto Setter, sophomore Benedict Teoh and freshman Vishal Walia — emerging victorious in the singles and moving onto the second round. DeMichiel and Setter came away victorious after round two. Setter is the lone Violet who will play today in the semis. Meanwhile, in doubles action, Setter was equally successful with freshman partner Zeb Zhang as both they and another doubles duo, Teoh and DeMichiel, competed right through until round three, where they were both ousted.

as the Emory Eagles led across the board, notably out-blocking the Violets 8-3. Their last game on the weekend came against the University of Rochester where they again came away with a first set win, 2521, but lost the next three 25-19, 25-18 and a disconcerting 25-8. The women play next at home this Friday against Hunter College. The game starts at 6 p.m. at the Brooklyn Athletic Facility.

Cross Country In this weekend’s Paul Short

Run at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the men’s team came fifth of 45, with top showings from senior runner Jorge Maldonado, who came in third in the 8K with a time of 24:45, and junior Max Mudd, who came in 26th with a time of 25:16. On the women’s end, junior Megan Davis was the top NYU finisher in the 6K, coming in 157th in 23:15. Email Rachel Ruecker at rruecker@nyunews.com.

Volleyball The good times came to a screeching halt for the women’s volleyball team as they dropped three straight this weekend in University Athletic Association play in Pittsburgh. In their first game, they won the initial set against Case Western Reserve University 25-20, but would drop the next three 25-23, 25-15 and 25-21. They were no luckier against Emory University where they fell in three straight, going 25-15, 25-22 and 25-11. The Violets’ characteristic strength was nowhere to be found


NYU students competed in a variety of sports this weekend including volleyball, cross country and tennis.

Sound Bites Taught Me Softball By GRACE HALIO Deputy Managing Editor

I grew up with YES Network on mute and the radio crackling in the background. I can still hear John Sterling proclaiming “... and the 3-2 swung on and missed …” Yes, the radio cracked, but his voice had a certain kind of roughness and enthusiasm to it. It didn’t matter where my dad and I went. If we were in the house on game day, there was a transistor radio tuned to 66AM. If we were driving upstate in the summer, he would put the antenna up in his ‘69 Buick, fiddle with the push button radio and Sterling’s familiar voice would push through the speakers. I grew up watching the game but learning it from my dad, and from Sterling. In a household where we wouldn’t miss a game — even if we didn’t watch it — I knew I would find myself on a ballfield soon enough. And so then in 2002, it seemed sort of inevitable that there I was, a first grader on the field, staring at a tee that was nearly at my eye level. The ball was squishy, there was a “coach” at every single base, my helmet was pink and it had a space in the back for my ponytail. It was textbook teeball. As elementary school went on, I kept playing softball and my dad co-coached each year, likely in an effort to relive his

little league days. Girls would do cartwheels in the outfield during slow innings, and, in the same way I remember Sterling booming over the radio waves, my dad would holler, “Look alive out there!” And like the little league sound bites from my dad, I can clearly hear this, too: “And that ball is high, it is far, it iiiiiiis gonnnnnnnne!” Sterling may have never called one of my little league games, or any game I will ever play in, but his voice, which guided the game I grew up with, is one I can forever replay in my mind. Fast forward past my little league days, past the middle school games where we had the privilege of playing on turf and to my junior year of college where I joined an intramural softball team. It may not be tee ball anymore, but getting up to bat with a regulation 2-2 count feels as if there’s something set up. And grass? Turf ? Forget it. It’s skinned knees on the horizon at William F. Passannante Ballfield — the same concrete “field” where my dad played little league games. Since then, the uniforms have changed. He would play wearing a pair of “dungarees and white converse,” and I’ve made the elegant transition from the little league uniform of knee high socks and cropped baseball pants to leggings and

a team t-shirt. Seven innings of gameplay each weekend feels quiet without my third-base-coach dad hollering from the bag, but it’s easy for me to hear his voice — and Sterling’s — resonating with every ground ball and at-bat. Email Grace Halio at ghalio@nyunews.com.

Washington Square News



Grace Halio on her little league softball team, the Muckdogs, at age 6.




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