7 minute read
"Let Us Vote!".........................10 #BlackInSchool .....................57
A Land With a People..........46 A Left Green New Deal........51 Adopting for God .................32 Albo, Greg..............................48 al-Ḥarīrī .................................37 al-Muqaffaʿ, Ibn....................36 al-Yūsī, al-Ḥasan...................36 Ammerman, Nancy Tatom..35 An Oasis City.........................38 Ancient Taxation...................38 Aravecchia, Nicola................38 Are the Arts Essential?............2 Arthurs, Alberta......................2 Avidly Reads Opera................5
Bagnall, Roger S....................38 Becker, Lia..............................51 Beltrán, Mary.........................14 Besel, Donna..........................56 Beyond Leviathan.................48 Bi...............................................7 Black Age ...............................15 Bodies in Evidence................23 Bones and Bodies..................63 Brannon Donoghue,
Courtney.............................14 Bread & Water.......................58
Carry the Kettle First
Nation..................................61 Changing Land .....................18 Christian Anarchist..............33 Chung, Soojin .......................32 Civil Religion Today.............33 Coleman, Simon ...................32 Cooperson, Michael.............37 Cossman, Brenda..................11 Cribiore, Raffaella.................38 Cultivating Creativity...........54 Curtis IV, Edward E................8 Curtis, Jesse ...........................34
Dahme, Katharina ................51 Daniels, Gilda R....................41 Davoli, Paola.........................38, 39 Dhingra, Pawan ....................43 Diallo, Habiba Cooper.........57 Digital Black Feminism........12 Digital Media Distribution..14 DiNiscia, Michael ...................2 Disabilities of the Color
Line......................................15 Douglas, Lawrence ...............21 Draper, Nora A. ....................42 Dubin, Jon C..........................22
Ecoart in Action....................55 Edwards, Korie Little............30 Elmore, Maggie.....................34 Embser-Herbert, Máel ...........6 Empire's Nursery...................18
Faith and Power ....................34 Farber, David.........................20 Farmer, Esther.......................46 Fennell, Dana ........................29 Fernández, Jesica Siham ......26 Fiddler, Michael....................25 Fishbein, Michael..................36 Floyd-Thomas, Stacey M. ....31 Forester, John F. ....................52 Foster, John Bellamy.......48, 50 Fram, Bree................................6 Fremantle, Chris ...................55 Frost, Jennifer........................10
Gareau, Paul L. ......................58 Gault, Erika D. ......................30 Geffen, Amara.......................55 Gehl v Canada.......................60 Gehl, Lynn .............................60 Ghost Criminology...............25 Godfrey, Elise Marcella........59 Goff, Phillip ...........................33 González, Sergio M. .............34 Growing Up Latinx...............26
Haberski Jr, Raymond..........33 Halfway House......................24 Hardesty, Jared Ross...............9 Havens, Timothy...................14 Healing from Genocide in
Rwanda ...............................52 Hinojosa, Felipe ....................34 Hlavka, Heather R. ...............23 Hobsbawn-Smith, dee..........58 Honouring the
Declaration..........................58 How Spaces Become
Places...................................52 Hyper Education...................43
Ibrahim, Habiba....................15 Impostures.............................37 Inequality, Class, and
Economics...........................49 Infanti, Anthony C................22
Jagose, Annamarie................44 Jazz Age Cocktails...................4 Johnson, Hannah Brenner...40 Joshi, Khyati Y.......................42 Just Health ...............................1
Kaindl, Christina...................51 Kalīlah and Dimnah.............36 Kaper, Olaf E. ........................38 Keeping It Unreal..................13 Keywords Feminist Editorial
Collective, The....................17 Keywords for Gender and
Sexuality Studies ................17 Kindynis, Theo......................25 Kinney, Alison.........................5 Kitcher, Philip........................21 Knake Jefferson, Renee ........40 Krell, Maggy.............................3
Latinas in the Criminal Justice System..................................24 Latino TV...............................14 Law's Infamy..........................21 Lemke, Thomas.....................23 Leys, Colin.............................48 Liberty Road..........................27 Linnemann, Travis................25 Lopez, Vera............................24 Mabee, Carleton....................45 Marling, William...................33 Marnell, John.........................62 Martin, Liam..........................24 Matthew, Dayna Bowen.........1 McDonald, Paul ....................14 McFadden, Susanna .............38 Mészáros, István....................48 Mills, Melinda A. ..................27 Montgomery, James E. .........36 Moore, Brenda L...................45 More, Ellen S. ........................19 Morris, Alan G......................63 Mulla, Sameena.....................23 Muslims of the Heartland......8 Mutiny on the Rising Sun......9
Networking the Black
Church.................................30 New Polarizations and Old
Contradictions: The Crisis of
Centrism .............................48 Nuovo, Marina M. S.............39
Owóknage..............................61 Oyakawa, Michelle ...............30
Pasko, Lisa .............................24 Petchesky, Rosalind ..............46 Pitchblende............................59 Portraits of Racial Justice.....53 Powers of Pilgrimage............32
Queer Theory.........................44
Rahmani, Aviva.....................55 Religion, Race, and
COVID-19..........................31 Riexinger, Becker..................51 Robertson, Iain......................54 Rosenthal, Ann......................55 Rothbard, Murray N. ...........44 Rouleau, Brian.......................18 Ruehs-Navarro, Emily..........26 Russell, James W. ..................47 Russell-Brown, Katheryn.....28
Sarat, Austin ..........................21 Savin-Williams, Ritch C. .......7 Schutz, Eric............................49 Schwartzberg, Melissa..........21 Schweitzer, Don ....................58 Scott, Darieck........................13 Seeking Sanctuary.................62 Shetterly, Robert ...................53 Shortlisted..............................40 Sills, Sarah..............................46 Smart Suits, Tattered Boots..30 Smithsimon, Gregory............27 Social Security Disability
Law and the American
Labor Market......................22 Sojourner Truth....................45 Soto Marín, Irene..................38 Steele, Catherine Knight......12 Studying Lived Religion.......35 Sturken, Marita .....................16 Taking Down Backpage .........3 Tax and Time.........................22 Terrorism in American
Memory...............................16 The Color of Crime, Third
Edition.................................28 The Colors of Love................27 The Complexities of Race....25 The Discourses......................36 The Ethics of Liberty ............44 The Government of Things..23 The House of Serenos,
Part II...................................39 The House of Serenos,
Part III.................................39 The Identity Trade ................42 The Labor Guide to
Retirement Plans................47 The Myth of Colorblind
Christians............................34 The New Sex Wars................11 The Return of Nature ...........50 The Transformation of
American Sex Education ..19 The Unravelling.....................56 The War on Drugs ................20 The World of Obsessive-
Compulsive Disorder.........29 Tichi, Cecelia...........................4 To Serve My Country, to
Serve My Race....................45 Truth and Evidence ..............21 Tyler, Dennis .........................15
Umphrey, Martha M. ...........21 Unaccompanied....................26 Uncounted.............................41
Valk, Jonathan Viguers, Susan .......................38 .......................52
Whelehan, Niall ....................18 White Christian Privilege....42 Wijeyesinghe, Charmaine
L. ..........................................25 Williams, Rhys H..................33 With Honor and Integrity......6
Yeh, Lily..................................52
Monthly Review Press The Return of Nature John Bellamy Foster | 50 AUGUST
University of Regina Press Owóknage Jim Tanner, Tracey Tanner, David R. Miller, Peggy Martin McGuire | 61 SEPTEMBER
Bi Ritch C. Savin-Williams | 7 Digital Media Distribution Paul McDonald, Courtney Brannon Donoghue, Timothy Havens | 14 Black Age Habiba Ibrahim | 15 Empire's Nursery Brian Rouleau | 18 Social Security Disability Law and the American Labor Market Jon C. Dubin | 22 The Government of Things Thomas Lemke | 23 Latinas in the Criminal Justice System Vera Lopez, Lisa Pasko | 24 New in Paperback Impostures al-Hariri | 37 New in Paperback White Christian Privilege Khyati Y. Joshi | 42 New in Paperback Hyper Education Pawan Dhingra | 43 NYU Press Classic Queer Theory Annamarie Jagose | 44 NYU Press Classic The Ethics of Liberty Murray N. Rothbard | 44 NYU Press Classic Sojourner Truth Carleton Mabee | 45 NYU Press Classic To Serve My Country, to Serve My Race Brenda L. Moore | 45 New Village Press Portraits of Racial Justice Robert Shetterly | 53 University of Regina Press #BlackInSchool Habiba Cooper Diallo | 57 University of Regina Press Bread & Water dee Hobsbawn-Smith | 58
New Village Press How Spaces Become Places John F. Forester | 52 University of Regina Press Honouring the Declaration Don Schweitzer, Paul L. Gareau | 58 NOVEMBER
Jazz Age Cocktails Cecelia Tichi | 4 With Honor and Integrity Máel Embser-Herbert, Bree Fram | 6 Keywords for Gender and Sexuality Studies The Keywords Feminist Editorial Collective | 17 The War on Drugs David Farber | 20 Truth and Evidence Melissa Schwartzberg, Philip Kitcher | 21 Bodies in Evidence Heather R. Hlavka, Sameena Mulla | 23 Growing Up Latinx Jesica Siham Fernández | 26 The Color of Crime, Third Edition Katheryn Russell-Brown | 28 The Myth of Colorblind Christians Jesse Curtis | 34 Kalīlah and Dimnah Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ| 36 The Identity Trade Nora A. Draper | 42 Monthly Review Press The Labor Guide to Retirement Plans James W. Russell | 47 New Village Press Healing from Genocide in Rwanda Susan Viguers, Lily Yeh | 52 University of Regina Press The Unravelling Donna Besel | 56 DECEMBER
"Let Us Vote!" Jennifer Frost | 10 Changing Land Niall Whelehan | 18 Law's Infamy Austin Sarat,Lawrence Douglas, Martha M. Umphrey | 21 The Complexities of Race Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe | 25 The Colors of Love Melinda Mills | 27 Powers of Pilgrimage Simon Coleman | 32 Adopting for God Soojin Chung | 32 Studying Lived Religion Nancy Tatom Ammerman | 35 Monthly Review Press New Polarizations and Old Contradictions: The Crisis of Centrism Greg Albo, Colin Leys | 48
University of Regina Press Pitchblende Elise Marcella Godfrey | 59 University of Regina Press Gehl v Canada Lynn Gehl | 60 Wits University Press Seeking Sanctuary John Marnell | 62 OCTOBER
Avidly Reads Opera Alison Kinney | 5 Mutiny on the Rising Sun Jared Ross Hardesty | 9 The New Sex Wars Brenda Cossman | 11 Digital Black Feminism Catherine Knight Steele | 12 Halfway House Liam Martin | 24 Civil Religion Today Rhys H. Williams, Raymond Haberski Jr., Phillip Goff | 33 The Discourses al-Hasan al-Yusi | 36 New in Paperback Uncounted Gilda R. Daniels | 41 Monthly Review Press A Land With a People Esther Farmer, Rosalind Petchesky, Sarah Sills | 46
Taking Down Backpage Maggy Krell | 3 Keeping It Unreal Darieck Scott | 13 Latino TV Mary Beltrán | 14 Terrorism in American Memory Marita Sturken | 16 The Transformation of American Sex Education Ellen S. More | 19 Tax and Time Anthony C. Infanti | 22 Ghost Criminology Michael Fiddler, Travis Linnemann, Theo Kindynis | 25 The World of ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder Dana Fennell | 29 Networking the Black Church Erika D. Gault | 30 Christian Anarchist William Marling | 33 Monthly Review Press Inequality, Class, and Economics Eric Schutz | 49 Monthly Review Press A Left Green New Deal Becker Riexinger, Lia Becker, Katharina Dahme, Christina Kaindl | 51 New Village Press Cultivating Creativity Iain Robertson | 54 Wits University Press Bones and Bodies Alan G. Morris | 63 FEBRUARY
Just Health Dayna Bowen Matthew | 1 Are the Arts Essential? Michael DiNiscia, Alberta Arthurs | 2 Muslims of the Heartland Edward E. Curtis IV | 8 Disabilities of the Color Line Dennis Tyler | 15 Unaccompanied Emily Ruehs-Navarro | 26 Liberty Road Gregory Smithsimon | 27 Smart Suits, Tattered Boots Korie Little Edwards, Michelle Oyakawa | 30 Religion, Race, and COVID-19 Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas | 31 Faith and Power Felipe Hinojosa, Maggie Elmore, Sergio M. González | 34 New in Paperback Shortlisted Renee Knake Jefferson and Hannah Brenner Johnson | 40 Monthly Review Press Beyond Leviathan István Mészáros | 48 New Village Press Ecoart in Action Amara Geffen, Ann Rosenthal, Chris Fremantle, Aviva Rahmani | 55