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Photo Essay

Photo Essay Featuring: Mike Lynds

Taken on one of those rare days when perfect stellars were falling straight from the sky. Probably unsurprisingly, this wasn’t taken in NZ - it was during a season in the French Alps.


Heath Richmond, scoping lines somewhere near Ben Nevis in the Hector Mountains. We had a fun scramble along the ridge through this little tunnel in the rocks, which made for some cool framing.

Ewan Mackie takes a moment to take in the view after a rather dicey descent off Cascade Saddle. Four hot days with no freeze and a totally rotten snowpack made for terrible skiing and perfect glide slab conditions.

Rain runnels always make for interesting photos! This was from an attempt on Mt Barff in the Matukituki; we got turned around by a questionable snowpack where the rain crust started to turn to fresh snow. It was a good test of the ski edges skiing back down these runnels.

So hard to stay angry at these guys even when they tear everything you own to shreds. A young Kea checking to see if my skis are edible on Cascade Saddle.

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